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I have a strong feeling that the greatest disservice that can ever be done

for those who came before us and tried to pave the way toward freedom, is to

take their words and place them in cement. Those were lives who had released

the past and knew that the only reason for not having freedom was from living

within the past. I imagine that if they were here now, they would say to

burn every book ever written and take with us, instead, only the essence of

what they wrote...They knew that all of what they found and were trying to

say can never be placed in words.



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Dear Norma,


You wrote:

>>>I have a strong feeling that the greatest disservice that can ever be

done for those who came before us and tried to pave the way toward freedom,

is to take their words and place them in cement.<<<


You are so right...


As you know I am a visionary... a pretty good one... really pretty good....

I have done a lot of work to make my clairvoyancy as clear as possible...(so

many pitfalls)

I even recovered quite a bit of clear-sentience, as now very often, most of

my senses are involved in the 'epiphanies'.

I am in direct contact with many from "those who came before us" and

sometimes I per-ceive very strong directives, some asking me to help put

some of their written pronouncements in a new light. The most important

thing is, that I get their messages pre-verbally, without cultural or

language barriers in between, no translation is needed....


The most frequent directions I get are to repeat their sayings in current

terms and to help undo translation deformations:

Most important ppl who contact me on this are:


Yah (weh)





Gautama Shakyamuni

Jesus (of course)


Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara


Edgar Cayce

Hildegard of Bingen

>>> Those were lives who had released the past and knew that the only

reason for not having freedom was from living within the past.<<<


Absolutely and all their message are about that...


Let me just lift out Edgar Cayce's (which will surely raise some eyebrows)

"We do not choose our own parents."

"We have no personal past lives, it does not work that way."

"We are not here to work out "some difficulty" from a, so to say, previous


"We do not create our own reality in the sense that it includes negativity

and suffering."

"Parallel universes, yes... Parallel lives, yes... "

>>> I imagine that if they were here now, they would say to burn every book

ever written and take with us, instead, only the essence of what they



You say, "...if they were here now..." All these beings find that time and

space do not work the way we so "consensically hold on to"

>>>They knew that all of what they found and were trying to say can never be

placed in words.<<<


You are right, they even knew that when they were talking, but you see, we

try anyway.... and it is allowed... it is fun, especially when there is play

in it, when we sing most of what we say...


Love you, Norma, Wim













All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




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Hi Norma --


Yes. Neither Jesus nor Gautama wrote

their words to leave to posterity.


Reality is "radical unicity" beyond trust,

beyond the trust based on separation, where there

is someone trusting someone else, or something else.


This unicity doesn't require words or concepts to

be "carried forward" in order to "maximize use" ...


Words are spoken in situational contexts, which pass,

and each moment is sufficient unto itself.


-- Dan



> I have a strong feeling that the greatest disservice that can ever

be done

> for those who came before us and tried to pave the way toward

freedom, is to

> take their words and place them in cement. Those were lives who had


> the past and knew that the only reason for not having freedom was

from living

> within the past. I imagine that if they were here now, they would

say to

> burn every book ever written and take with us, instead, only the

essence of

> what they wrote...They knew that all of what they found and were

trying to

> say can never be placed in words.


> Norma

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, "Wim Borsboom" <wim@a...> wrote:



> As you know I am a visionary...


You are not a visionary. You are pure being absolute. You sit

silent in eternity, everpresent and all pervading. There is

nothing you are attached to as you are only associated with

yourself. All the phenomena that are appear to be experiencing

have absolutely nothing to do with you.



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Hi Dan and Norma,


Dan answered Norma:

>>>Yes. Neither Jesus nor Gautama wrote their words to leave to



As most sages did... (Moses too), Jesus did scribble in the sand though...


Or... was that one of those territory games? (:-) Remember he loved to play

with children( :-) Territory games that you can play with a jack knife in

hard packed sandy soil...We called in Dutch 'landverovertje"...


I just discovered a few days ago, that a certain hopscotch game was a sacred

game, a 'temple' game played on the "Kermis" ground in front of the church

in the days of yore. (A German name for hopscotch is 'Temple hupfen') ...

They (?) drew the squares up to seven and at the top was written (scratched)

home or heaven. (There are some variations.)




5 6


2 4



People from the old countries may remember some variations...(all with

specific meaning).


Remember, the chakras have a similar configuration.

(I have written about that before..., before I discovered the connection

with hopscotch... It is so neat to be clairvoyant, I see these thing

happening with the sages involved..., the one about Akademos is the

neatest... but I won't give that away yet)


crown is one (pineal gland)

brow is two (two lobes of the pituitary gland, with a 90 degree twist)

throat is one (thyroid)

heart is two (two lungs, two sides to the heart, liver and pancreas as a


solar plexus is one (vestige of umbilical chord....there is a big story in


sacral is two (two gonads, testicles or ovaries)

root is one (anal gland in the rectum opening, the one that is still active

with dogs and cats)


I also found the system behind the number of lobes or petals of the


(this so uncanny and so neat)


All that was scribbled...in the sand at one point. (I usually use poster

board or a white board in my talks.)


I also found the system behind the western Alphabet. (They(?) botched it up

as they remembered the Aryan format wrongly, I remember the fumbling of

those guys.)

Also found the link with Sanskrit Devanagari script as it was written on

dried palm fronds.

Also found out why in the west we usually write from left to right and in

the east they write from top to bottom and from right to left...

It is all so simple.


I went at some point in my life through a period of amnesia, had to do quite

a bit of work to get some semblance of memory back...It is mostly back

except for some language lacunas... I guess, I'm now making up for some

memory loss by remembering the past (any past) very graphically... I cannot

totally control yet what I want to remember from the past... but I am

getting better...


Also found out exactly what ABACADABRA means

Also also also.


Love, from the bottomless source, Wim



This is so neat guys, these old masters used to actually draw in the sand...

I sometimes still do that when I take clients for a walk... Don Juan had

quite an elaborate scheme in the sand (to do with the tonal and nagual)



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To say what one is not seems fair. To say what one is, is

impossible... words are utterly ineffectual.


The great sages would say only "you are not what you think. Find out

what you are."


In other words, Wim is not what you think he is either ;-).




Tim / Omkara


, "jodyrrr" <jodyrrr@h...> wrote:

> , "Wim Borsboom" <wim@a...> wrote:


> [snip]


> > As you know I am a visionary...


> You are not a visionary. You are pure being absolute. You sit

> silent in eternity, everpresent and all pervading. There is

> nothing you are attached to as you are only associated with

> yourself. All the phenomena that are appear to be experiencing

> have absolutely nothing to do with you.


> [snip]

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Dear Jodi,


Jodi, you reacted to my

> As you know I am a visionary...


I have no thoughts about myself.

The simplest thing I can tell you is that I am


Wim, here and now...

(hic et nunc et per omnia saecula saeculorum)


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, "fewtch" <coresite@h...> wrote:


> To say what one is not seems fair. To say what one is, is

> impossible... words are utterly ineffectual.


> The great sages would say only "you are not what you think. Find out

> what you are."


> In other words, Wim is not what you think he is either ;-).


> Namaste,


> Tim / Omkara


Wim is as exactly as I said he is, as are you, I, and everyone

else, notwithstanding the ineffectualness of language.


There is no harm in pointing to the ineffable as long as we

understand that it is just a pointing. That's all we have on

these lists anyway.


Thinking only enters into it when the decision to express

arises. The fact is that we are all the Self. Jnana yoga

is about the coming to this understanding, wholly and completely.

Any and all musings about levels, planes, supposed psychic

abilities or visions have about as much to do with jnana as

the circus.

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, "Wim Borsboom" <wim@a...> wrote:

> Dear Jodi,


> Jodi, you reacted to my

> > As you know I am a visionary...


> I have no thoughts about myself.

> The simplest thing I can tell you is that I am


> Wim, here and now...

> (hic et nunc et per omnia saecula saeculorum)


Here's a few of your thoughts about you:

> I am a visionary

> I have done a lot of work

> I even recovered

> my senses are involved

> I am in direct contact

> I per-ceive

> I get their messages


Not to say any of these are not true per se, just

that none of these is who you really are. All of

these expressions lie completely within the realm

of maya.


But to be honest, your expressions of being in contact

with the "otherworld" have left me with some doubts

about your mental clarity. Take this as you will as

it comes from someone with absolutely no visionary or

psychic ability outside of the usual "I was thinking

about you too" sort of thing.

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Yeah yeah... i still get those Vedanta Society catalogs too. Gimme a

Gita & a Veda with a large slice of pizza, please :-).






, "jodyrrr" <jodyrrr@h...> wrote:

> Wim is as exactly as I said he is, as are you, I, and everyone

> else, notwithstanding the ineffectualness of language.


> There is no harm in pointing to the ineffable as long as we

> understand that it is just a pointing. That's all we have on

> these lists anyway.


> Thinking only enters into it when the decision to express

> arises. The fact is that we are all the Self. Jnana yoga

> is about the coming to this understanding, wholly and completely.

> Any and all musings about levels, planes, supposed psychic

> abilities or visions have about as much to do with jnana as

> the circus.

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, "fewtch" <coresite@h...> wrote:


> Yeah yeah... i still get those Vedanta Society catalogs too. Gimme a

> Gita & a Veda with a large slice of pizza, please :-).


> Cheers,


> Tim


When in doubt, dismiss.



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Wim wrote:

>>>> I have no thoughts about myself.<<<


David answered:

>>>Can there be such a thing as slander for one with no thoughts about



You are right, David, there cannot be such a thing..., that is why I did not

accept it!

The slander was only hurled towards me, and as I saw it coming, I could

return it.

Slander hurts the slanderer only...

It comes from very old hurt that remains unresolved as long as the hurt

person attempts to pass the hurt on to others by... you guessed it...


Love you, David

I am and remain




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, "david bozzi" <david.bozzi@n...> wrote:

> , "Wim Borsboom" <wim@a...> wrote:


> > I have no thoughts about myself.


> Can there be such a thing as slander

> for one with no thoughts about oneself?


Methinks you have a point David.

>From Message 24030:


As you may or may not recall, on Nov 15 2001, Mark

Valentine alias White Wolfe, posted an email, in the

postscript of which he made some grave derogatory

remarks about my integrity as a human being.


There's nothing wrong with self concern, but self denial

is another matter.

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Dear Jodi,


How well do you know yourself, that you can know anything about anybody else

with some certainty?


You wrote:

>>>But to be honest, your expressions of being in contact with the

"otherworld" have left me with some doubts about your mental clarity. Take

this as you will as it comes from someone with absolutely no visionary or

psychic ability outside of the usual "I was thinking about you too" sort of



See this in light of something you yourself wrote to someone else a while


>>>And when one doesn't have an experiential clue as to what they are

talking about, speculative babble like this is the result.<<<

>>>... in contact with "otherworld"...<<<


I would never use the term "other world." as I cannot, as 'I am here now'.

These are YOUR words, your expression of an inability (as yet) to know 'all

this here' ; your showing off an (as yet) inability to know the extent of

'this here and now' in all its glorious manifestations. (Manifestations...

originally, the first sage who used the word "maya" never meant it to have

the pejorative meaning that it took on later for people who have difficulty

accepting whatever arises in and from this here now.)

I would never use the term "other world." as I cannot, as 'I am here now'.

I never was not here and now.

Whatever I talk about arises here presently...

That you have in your own words "no experiential clue" is your prerogative,

Jodi, but you could just as well have an experiential clue...


Another thing you wrote to someone else:

>>>Your statement belies a very common assumption made by those who have yet

to experience realization, which is, that once realization has occurred, we

will have no association with anything resembling a personality. This is a

false assumption, and carrying it poses a danger to the sadhaka (as does

*every* assumption about realization.) The fact is that the jnani retains a

***personality***, and is still very much the same person s/he was before

realization, except for the fact that there exists the clear, experiential

knowledge that s/he is Brahman and not the personality. <<<


Jivanmuktis or Jnanis always refers to themselves as "beings"... not

personalities... not persons.

We are 'playing beings', our playing = our being, immediate and un-mediated

direct experiential being.

"I know that this I am" Brahman!

In Hindu lore the "Child Brahman" represents that.

Krishna at play. Divine Lila. The Dance. The Lalita Pose.

An 'unadulterated' child in direct contact with reality.

Not needing "self reflective, self-conscious recoil" about it...


Personalities are pseudo entities *AT* play, but a mere theatre play,

therefore the word 'persona' or 'mask'...

A playing child has no mask... neither do I.


Another quote from your posts to someone else:

>>>The jnani continues to exist within Maya. A jnani lives in full

recognition of the fact that if s/he jumps off the bridge, the body will get

hit by a car and perish, even while the jnani knows with certainty that s/he

will continue ***after the body dies***.<<<


You are so right about Maya, but why coming up with a catastrophic example

about Maya? Maya is fun, this is Sat (existence) Chit (direct un-mediated

knowing) Ananda (an 'oblivious' bliss). See that you understand it... do not

argue this... this is key...

And by the way, whoever "dies" does not experience death the way an onlooker

observes whatever seems to happen in his / her eyes to the being who

"dies"... one stays here and now...

How do I know... Well I am still here, am I not? But in the eyes of seven

people I have "died" as many times.


One last quote from yourself:

>>> You are not a visionary. You are pure being absolute. You sit silent in

eternity, everpresent and all pervading. There is nothing you are attached

to as you are only associated with yourself. All the phenomena that are

appear to be experiencing have absolutely nothing to do with you.<<<


Now see this in the light of what you also wrote:

>>> A jnani knows that s/he exists as an individual, at least from the

regard of other individuals, and s/he understands their existence in the

context of name and form...<<<

>>> When Ramakrishna came to realization, he was still Ramakrishna and knew

himself as Ramakrishna as well as understanding himself as Brahman. <<<


Yes, I AM and YOU ARE (as we praise) pure being absolute... in eternity,

everpresent and all pervading.

And we arise in that and from and as that

being Wim,

being Jodi.


Now I just happen to see that clearly, hear that clearly, feel that clearly,

smell that clearly and taste that clearly... ah the ambrosia, amrita, soma

(you know the meaning of these words)... and I know it full well...

All in all indeed, also being a "visionary."

And so are you, a fully sentient being who's unconditional and free

prerogative it is (or not) to recover as much or more clarity as I enjoy...


Why then do you suffer your own begrudging and berating, while I claim the

franchise of moksha, jivanmukta...and wish it you as well...


You want to play with me, Jodi?

Love you, Jodi, Wim.



Keep reading Jodi, as there is an end to this


Jodi, you reacted to my

> As you know I am a visionary...

> I have no thoughts about myself.

> The simplest thing I can tell you is that I am

> Wim, here and now...

> (hic et nunc et per omnia saecula saeculorum)



>>> Here's a few of your thoughts about you:


I am a visionary

I have done a lot of work

I even recovered

my senses are involved

I am in direct contact

I per-ceive

I get their messages <<<


And you added:

>>> Not to say any of these are not true per se, just that none of these is

who you really are. All of these expressions lie completely within the realm

of maya.<<<


Yes, Jodi and that is just that wonderful miracle... see if you can mean it

that way... work at it Jodi... recover again.




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, "david bozzi" <david.bozzi@n...> wrote:

> Can there be such a thing as slander

> for one with no thoughts about oneself?


Interesting question.


This would be like trying to slander

"empty space" ...


Would "empty space" take offense at

words uttered in empty space?


Another metaphor has been used: sand.

Can sand be slandered?

"I am like the sands

of the Ganges, I accept all who walk

upon me, rich or poor, old or young,

wise or ignorant."

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, "Wim Borsboom" <wim@a...> wrote:

> Dear Jodi,


> How well do you know yourself, that you can know anything about anybody else

> with some certainty?


There's one thing I know about my self for certain. I'm speculating

about you based on my assessment of what you are writing. The readers

are free to take it or leave it.



> I would never use the term "other world." as I cannot, as 'I am here now'.

> These are YOUR words, your expression of an inability (as yet) to know 'all

> this here' ; your showing off an (as yet) inability to know the extent of

> 'this here and now' in all its glorious manifestations. (Manifestations...

> originally, the first sage who used the word "maya" never meant it to have

> the pejorative meaning that it took on later for people who have difficulty

> accepting whatever arises in and from this here now.)

> I would never use the term "other world." as I cannot, as 'I am here now'.

> I never was not here and now.

> Whatever I talk about arises here presently...


And I'm speculating that it is all mental garbage.

> That you have in your own words "no experiential clue" is your prerogative,

> Jodi, but you could just as well have an experiential clue...


Not being in your life experience makes this impossible. All

I have is an assessment of what you are writing.



> And you added:


> >>> Not to say any of these are not true per se, just that none of these is

> who you really are. All of these expressions lie completely within the realm

> of maya.<<<


> Yes, Jodi and that is just that wonderful miracle... see if you can mean it

> that way... work at it Jodi... recover again.


You've put up a bunch of self referential babble extolling your

siddhis and the information that arises from them. I'm of the opinion

that most if not all of that is mental static that has little use

outside of confirming the existence of siddhis to yourself, and

perhaps to us.


I for one do not believe it. Everything you've written could be

internally generated, fueled by some sort of manic episode. I could

be completely wrong about you. I've been wrong here plenty of times

before. However, until you start telling me my social security number

and my mother's maiden name, I'm not convinced.


Why do I care? I'm not sure. It's a reaction that I allow to occur.

But based on my understanding of jnana (which has some experiential

foundation), and my opinion about these things; psychic abilities,

talking to dead people, astral flying, and all the rest of it is a

complete waste of time as it has nothing to do with who we really are.

That is, all that stuff merely extends identification with ourselves

as individuals. While that identification can remain for the jnani,

the practice of jnana yoga encourages only one thing, and that is

complete identification with the Self, completely outside of anyone

talking to dead people and bragging about it, or someone trying to

protect their reputation from others' opinions about them.

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> That is, all that stuff merely extends identification with ourselves

> as individuals. While that identification can remain for the jnani,

> the practice of jnana yoga encourages only one thing, and that is

> complete identification with the Self, completely outside of anyone

> talking to dead people and bragging about it, or someone trying to

> protect their reputation from others' opinions about them.


Wanted to say a few words,


For those who celebrate Christmas or are caugth in it, I wish you a

wonderfull Christmas.


For the others may your wish of the moment come true.


For the others I already spoke to much,




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Well well, my dear Jody,


You wrote:

>>>There's one thing I know about my self for certain. I'm speculating about

you based on my assessment of what you are writing. <<<


Speculation is your prerogative, if it does you any good, keep at it...

But speculation gives you only speculative clarity...It will not lead to

direct non-mediated knowing or Chit.

>>> And I'm speculating that it is all mental garbage.<<<


If your speculation gives you this clarity, go right ahead.


But then, what am I to you that you spend time on me, even if it is only for

the sake of speculation? If I am something to you, may I suggest that you

take advantage (positively meant) of me. I tell you, there is no risk

involved, it does not cost you a penny, I do not try to sell you snake oil.

Through what I write, I talk about everyone's unalienable birthright to

freedom or the guaranteed prospect of regaining their franchise. The way I

write about it, is through recounting personal history of remarkable stuff.

I'm the witness of it, and if you are willing to read it, you may through

recognition and corroboration, witness the same in yourself.

If it is garbage to you, why are you staring at it, just put me on the curb.

Is it so strange to write about oneself, is that so new? Even Theresa of

Avila wrote her own biography.

>>> Not being in your life experience makes this impossible. All I have is

an assessment of what you are writing.<<<


It is more an assessment of yourself, Jody, on how well you can trust

someone else, yours is really not an assessment of my writing...


Your way of responding to many list members is pretty predictable, it does

not matter who you respond to, it is very much of the same, most of it in

the same vein. Just go over your posts and consider them someone else's,

what kind of picture of Jody is it showing?

It does not matter to me, but I would love you to be clear about YOURSELF.

But so far you have hardly ever said anything about yourself. Oh yes, you

talk about the grander persona in a wonderful paragraph or two, but who is

Jody, Jody? I am sure you pick your nose, I'd like to know about that...

It does not matter to me?... Actually you do matter to me, you help me write

my better stuff...


Anyway, as far as my writing goes, I stand myself, I stand by myself, I

stand up for myself.

As far as my writing goes, I have no need for anybody to verify it...

Truth is unconditional, it does not depend on whether someone believes or



I have never allowed myself to be assessed, also, it was never needed...

That became clear to me very early in life. (Remember, the German overseer

of that hospital in which I was assessed and deemed to die, well that

assessment was wrong...

>>> You've put up a bunch of self referential babble extolling your siddhis

and the information that arises from them. <<<


Unless you TALK ABOUT someone else, (whom you really cannot know as well as

yourself) you can really only express your self. And even when you talk

about someone else, your assessments often only seeks to assert and verify

your own judgements.


Jody, tell me, what is the use then, really? Except maybe for the

satisfaction of a possible compulsion to 'assess' ad infinitum and never

come to 'communication' or 'communion'...


Unless you talk ABOUT someone else, whom, as you yourself assert, you cannot

know, "Not being in your life experience makes this impossible" one can only

really say something about oneself. At least there IS 'life experience' and

whether that experience is doubted by others or not, does not really matter.


NOT THAT IT IS NEEDED to talk about myself, but hey Jody, people have been

doing it from the moment the word "I" was voiced.


Whether I speak or not... I have been silent for many years... I am equally

glorious, it makes no difference...


It is the feedback that tells me to keep writing the way I do...

You, Jody, can do with it what you want...

In fact, you are doing nothing with it... except for assessing it...

Assessing food, does not make you get the fruition and nutrition from it.


The only thing required with communication is not having any doubt, or at

least overcoming doubt, that is self doubt and doubt in the other... Is that

per chance your issue?

>>>I'm of the opinion that most if not all of that is mental static that has

little use outside of confirming the existence of siddhis to yourself, and

perhaps to us.<<<


Remember in your posts to Tony you wondered so often, whether what he was

writing about was based on personal experience, now you are confronted with

someone with personal experience and lo and behold you display a similar



So what you think you say about me is about you, Jody...

>>> I for one do not believe it.<<<


So put me on the curb, do not even attempt to sniff the, what you call,



<<< everything you've written could be internally generated, fueled by some

sort of manic episode. I could be completely wrong about you. I've been

wrong here plenty of times before.<<<


And why should I try to convince you of your right or wrongness, there is

one thing that I am really sure of and that is that I am .. and for the

rest, I have learned to trust others, YOU TOO, who also say or will at some

point say, that they are without a doubt, who they are..


Or... could it be that the doubt you have about me is a mere reflection of

your own self doubt, which is really no more than a reflective replay of

someone else's doubt in your right to exist in unconditional freedom.

>>> However, until you start telling me my social security number and my

mother's maiden name, I'm not convinced.<<<


Why should I tell you those things, you could easily find that out for

yourself. Are you talking a dog and pony show?

What is the use of telling you things you already know... You would just say

that I bore you, which you are actually saying right now anyway.


>>> psychic abilities, talking to dead people, astral flying, and all the

rest of it<<<

I never use those words, and about dead people... they do not exist, one

cannot talk to them... and about astral flying I have never done that...

Bi-location though...yes!

>>> is a complete waste of time as it has nothing to do with who we really


So true...

Do you have a problem with "who we really are"


Love you, Jody, Wim.



By the way, do you recall that you invited me over to visit you, when I

happen to come your way... you did actually...

>>>Hey Wim.


I live in Southern California in Laguna Beach. We have a

nice Kali Temple down the road and hold daily and new

moon pujas that are well attended. If your travel brings

you this way please try to stop by and visit.<<<





You wrote:

>>>There's one thing I know about my self for certain. I'm speculating about

you based on my assessment of what you are writing. <<<

Why should I play that important a role in what you know about yourself for


That is a very strange statement Jody...



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, "Wim Borsboom" <wim@a...> wrote:

> Well well, my dear Jody,


> You wrote:

> >>>There's one thing I know about my self for certain. I'm speculating about

> you based on my assessment of what you are writing. <<<


> Speculation is your prerogative, if it does you any good, keep at it...

> But speculation gives you only speculative clarity...It will not lead to

> direct non-mediated knowing or Chit.


It's true that jnana is not the result of speculation. That's not

why I'm speculating. I'm speculating as to why you would babble on

about your "abilities." The conclusion I come to is that you've

come to be identified with the one who has those powers. Nothing

wrong with that per se, but it does indicate that perhaps you

haven't quite understood who you really are, imo. Even if you

do know who you really are, I as an individual am against the

idea that siddhis have anything to do with jnana, or that one

can expect siddhis as the result of jnana.

> >>> And I'm speculating that it is all mental garbage.<<<


> If your speculation gives you this clarity, go right ahead.


No, it just provides a model as to why you've gone on about

your supposed powers. The problem I have with this is that

powers have nothing to do with jnana, but everything to do

with the occlusion of it.

> But then, what am I to you that you spend time on me, even if it is only for

> the sake of speculation? If I am something to you, may I suggest that you

> take advantage (positively meant) of me. I tell you, there is no risk

> involved, it does not cost you a penny, I do not try to sell you snake oil.

> Through what I write, I talk about everyone's unalienable birthright to

> freedom or the guaranteed prospect of regaining their franchise. The way I

> write about it, is through recounting personal history of remarkable stuff.

> I'm the witness of it, and if you are willing to read it, you may through

> recognition and corroboration, witness the same in yourself.

> If it is garbage to you, why are you staring at it, just put me on the curb.

> Is it so strange to write about oneself, is that so new? Even Theresa of

> Avila wrote her own biography.


My problem is the association of jnana with siddhis. People come

to expect "remarkable stuff" with their realization as the result

the myths that are projected into spiritual culture. My problem

with you is that you are presently doing this projection on the

list. While realization is a remarkable blessing, one of the most

remarkable things about it is the utter lack of remarkability

it brings to a life. That is, we come to see that we are nothing,

and as remarkable as that is, it is purely unremarkable itself.


But you are free to say whatever you like. Blather on till the cows

come home about what the Buddha is telling you. I think you're

fooling yourself with it, and it has nothing to do with jnana.

> >>> Not being in your life experience makes this impossible. All I have is

> an assessment of what you are writing.<<<


> It is more an assessment of yourself, Jody, on how well you can trust

> someone else, yours is really not an assessment of my writing...


> Your way of responding to many list members is pretty predictable, it does

> not matter who you respond to, it is very much of the same, most of it in

> the same vein. Just go over your posts and consider them someone else's,

> what kind of picture of Jody is it showing?


I'm well aware of the picture of Jody that results. If I was trying

to present a picture of myself I might be worried about it, but the

fact is that I'm just trying to provide clarity as I've come to know

it. The reason I'm in the same vein most of the time is because I

encounter the same ignorance most of the time.

> It does not matter to me, but I would love you to be clear about YOURSELF.

> But so far you have hardly ever said anything about yourself. Oh yes, you

> talk about the grander persona in a wonderful paragraph or two, but who is

> Jody, Jody? I am sure you pick your nose, I'd like to know about that...

> It does not matter to me?... Actually you do matter to me, you help me write

> my better stuff...


I'm just another opinion in pixels. There's no reason to present

anything other than that. This mind encounters what it deems

ignorance, and then it reacts to such. That's about all there is

to me online.



> Jody, tell me, what is the use then, really? Except maybe for the

> satisfaction of a possible compulsion to 'assess' ad infinitum and never

> come to 'communication' or 'communion'...


The use is to present the idea that siddhis have nothing to do with

jnana, and in fact get in the way of jnana. I'll go on about this

ad nauseam.



> NOT THAT IT IS NEEDED to talk about myself, but hey Jody, people have been

> doing it from the moment the word "I" was voiced.


I'd speculate that there is a need, and you use this list to fulfill

it. It provides the hook for your identity as a siddha.

> Whether I speak or not... I have been silent for many years... I am equally

> glorious, it makes no difference...


You go Wim!

> It is the feedback that tells me to keep writing the way I do...

> You, Jody, can do with it what you want...

> In fact, you are doing nothing with it... except for assessing it...

> Assessing food, does not make you get the fruition and nutrition from it.


You've not put up anything I'd consider palatable. Despite the

overwhelming quantity, I've yet to encounter any quality.

> The only thing required with communication is not having any doubt, or at

> least overcoming doubt, that is self doubt and doubt in the other... Is that

> per chance your issue?


What I doubt is the authenticity of your supposed siddhis.

> >>>I'm of the opinion that most if not all of that is mental static that has

> little use outside of confirming the existence of siddhis to yourself, and

> perhaps to us.<<<


> Remember in your posts to Tony you wondered so often, whether what he was

> writing about was based on personal experience, now you are confronted with

> someone with personal experience and lo and behold you display a similar

> doubt...


Tony had his interpretations of what he read, and you have your

glorious powers. Neither indicates jnana.

> So what you think you say about me is about you, Jody...


Psychobabbling noted. Even if this were true, it doesn't preclude

my assessment of you from being true as well.

> >>> I for one do not believe it.<<<


> So put me on the curb, do not even attempt to sniff the, what you call,

> garbage...


Well, as long as I see the connection made between jnana and siddhis,

I'll probably be compelled to respond.

> <<< everything you've written could be internally generated, fueled by some

> sort of manic episode. I could be completely wrong about you. I've been

> wrong here plenty of times before.<<<


> And why should I try to convince you of your right or wrongness, there is

> one thing that I am really sure of and that is that I am .. and for the

> rest, I have learned to trust others, YOU TOO, who also say or will at some

> point say, that they are without a doubt, who they are..


You don't have to convince me of anything. In fact, if you really

didn't have any thoughts of yourself, I'd expect you to ignore me.

That would have suited me just fine.

> Or... could it be that the doubt you have about me is a mere reflection of

> your own self doubt, which is really no more than a reflective replay of

> someone else's doubt in your right to exist in unconditional freedom.


Psychobabble noted.

> >>> However, until you start telling me my social security number and my

> mother's maiden name, I'm not convinced.<<<


> Why should I tell you those things, you could easily find that out for

> yourself. Are you talking a dog and pony show?

> What is the use of telling you things you already know... You would just say

> that I bore you, which you are actually saying right now anyway.

> :-)))


What I'm saying is that I suspect you've fooled yourself into

believing that you have these powers when it's really just mental

static. Unless you can provide a demonstration, that's the most

likely explanation.


The reason I say this is because none of the jnanis I know have

powers like the ones you are describing.

> >>> psychic abilities, talking to dead people, astral flying, and all the

> rest of it<<<

> I never use those words, and about dead people... they do not exist, one

> cannot talk to them... and about astral flying I have never done that...

> Bi-location though...yes!



> >>> is a complete waste of time as it has nothing to do with who we really

> are.<<<

> So true...

> Do you have a problem with "who we really are"


Nope. My problem is with powers being extolled as the result

of jnana or being associated with jnana. The origin of this

is the hyperbole employed by devotees to describe their gurus.

I think it's a load to garbage, and it does nothing to further

anyone's spiritual aspirations, but it does go quite a ways in

blocking them by fostering unrealistic expectations about


> Love you, Jody, Wim.


> PS.

> By the way, do you recall that you invited me over to visit you, when I

> happen to come your way... you did actually...


> >>>Hey Wim.


> I live in Southern California in Laguna Beach. We have a

> nice Kali Temple down the road and hold daily and new

> moon pujas that are well attended. If your travel brings

> you this way please try to stop by and visit.<<<


> --jody.


That was before you started writing about your glorious powers.

To tell you the truth, I'm not so interested in meeting you

now. I hope you're aren't disappointed, but our views don't

seem to have much resonance anymore.


However, you are welcome to visit Kali Mandir anytime you'd


> PS.

> You wrote:

> >>>There's one thing I know about my self for certain. I'm speculating about

> you based on my assessment of what you are writing. <<<

> Why should I play that important a role in what you know about yourself for

> certain?

> That is a very strange statement Jody...


That was awkward writing. What I meant to say was that I have no doubt

about myself, but some doubt about you, based on my assessment of what

you have written.


This isn't to say that I'm never wrong, or to say that I couldn't be

wrong about you. I may very well be wrong about you. However, based

on what I've come to understand about jnana, your writing about your

siddhis leads me to conclude that you've come to be identified with



Believe it or not Wim, I love you too. However, I cannot respect your

understanding as a result of your recent statements about your 'powers'

and the experiences they supposedly bring to your life. But even if

they were real, they would still have nothing to do with jnana.


But, if you have no thoughts of yourself, this shouldn't matter at

all to you. Hopefully it doesn't.

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, "jodyrrr" <jodyrrr@h...> wrote:


<the whole thing snipped>


Funny, I never read anywhere Wim saying "Siddhis are an important

part of Jnana Yoga." Unless that was "inferred."


In fact, there are multiple yogas in the Vedantic tradition... Jnana,

Bhakti, Karma, etc. Outside of strict Advaita Vedanta, there's

Siddha Yoga and Tantra as well (not to mention a multitude of

Buddhist, Jainist and other practices lumped under the umbrella

of "Hinduism").


Seen here, these so-called yogas are not something practiced by

anybody... they 'happen', like everything else happens. Nobody

chooses a path, the path (if any) happens to occur in the course of

everyday living, a particular path seen as "attractive" for some



Also seen here... Jnana doesn't need you to come to its defense,

Jody. Does this bickering & "vain argumentation" really serve any

purpose? Do you really believe you're going to convince Wim of

anything, or is Wim going to convince you of anything?





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Hi Tim --


When I read Jody, I enjoy his clarity in expressing

his point of view, not taking it as a true statement

about who someone else is, nor his

coming to the defense of jnana yoga.

He addresses the jnana and the Wim constructed in Jody's mind,

as Wim addresses the Jody constructed in Wim's mind.

So of course, as you say, neither is likely to convince the other

to adopt the other's point of view. Which in itself

might be construed as demonstration of "how things work

in the realm of debate and influence via verbal expression."


As for the reality which doesn't depend on, nor have,

any separable "mind of Jody" or "mind of Wim" --

That is always ever-present, between-the-lines, and

never dependent on one, rather than another, interpretation

of word meanings.


Enjoying the play as it appears to be,

and the non-play as what is.








, "fewtch" <coresite@h...> wrote:

> , "jodyrrr" <jodyrrr@h...> wrote:


> <the whole thing snipped>


> Funny, I never read anywhere Wim saying "Siddhis are an important

> part of Jnana Yoga." Unless that was "inferred."


> In fact, there are multiple yogas in the Vedantic tradition...


> Bhakti, Karma, etc. Outside of strict Advaita Vedanta, there's

> Siddha Yoga and Tantra as well (not to mention a multitude of

> Buddhist, Jainist and other practices lumped under the umbrella

> of "Hinduism").


> Seen here, these so-called yogas are not something practiced by

> anybody... they 'happen', like everything else happens. Nobody

> chooses a path, the path (if any) happens to occur in the course of

> everyday living, a particular path seen as "attractive" for some

> reason.


> Also seen here... Jnana doesn't need you to come to its defense,

> Jody. Does this bickering & "vain argumentation" really serve any

> purpose? Do you really believe you're going to convince Wim of

> anything, or is Wim going to convince you of anything?


> Cheers,


> Tim

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, "fewtch" <coresite@h...> wrote:



> Also seen here... Jnana doesn't need you to come to its defense,

> Jody. Does this bickering & "vain argumentation" really serve any

> purpose? Do you really believe you're going to convince Wim of

> anything, or is Wim going to convince you of anything?


> Cheers,


> Tim


Nobody needs to be convinced of anything Tim. I felt compelled

to respond to Wim's sharing of his belief in his powers. I have

a belief as well, that powers have nothing to do with jnana.

This is based on my understanding that realization is not always

accompanied by powers, but is very often occluded by the belief

that powers are the result of realization.


As usual, I'm tilting at my own windmills. My understanding of

realization is very different than the set of expectations I had

about realization. Therefore, when I encounter the expectations

I used to hold, out comes the sword in an attempt to cut them

down. I battling the 'me' of former times in the hopes that I

can prevent others from falling into the same circumstances of

occlusion that hindered my understanding.


Maybe these hopes go unrealized. Oh well. I'll still respond

as I'm compelled to, until I get bored or kicked off the list.

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On Fri, 21 Dec 2001 09:08:24 -0000 "fewtch" <coresite writes:

> , "jodyrrr" <jodyrrr@h...> wrote:


> <the whole thing snipped>


> Funny, I never read anywhere Wim saying "Siddhis are an important

> part of Jnana Yoga." Unless that was "inferred."


> In fact, there are multiple yogas in the Vedantic tradition...

> Jnana,

> Bhakti, Karma, etc. Outside of strict Advaita Vedanta, there's

> Siddha Yoga and Tantra as well (not to mention a multitude of

> Buddhist, Jainist and other practices lumped under the umbrella

> of "Hinduism").


> Seen here, these so-called yogas are not something practiced by

> anybody... they 'happen', like everything else happens. Nobody

> chooses a path, the path (if any) happens to occur in the course of

> everyday living, a particular path seen as "attractive" for some

> reason.


> Also seen here... Jnana doesn't need you to come to its defense,

> Jody. Does this bickering & "vain argumentation" really serve any

> purpose? Do you really believe you're going to convince Wim of

> anything, or is Wim going to convince you of anything?


Jody's just doing as Jody

does. Frankly, I admire

him for actually wading

through Wim's verbosity

in order to reply to it!


I don't see Jody as

defending jnana as a

formal practice so much

as pointing out the utter

irrelevance of what Wim

posts at such great

length. It's so easy to

get caught up in what

amount to "shiney

objects," trivial

amusements lent faux

gravitas by implied

association with serious

endeavor, "spiritual" or










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Dear Jody,

>>> It's true that jnana is not the result of speculation. That's not why

I'm speculating. I'm speculating as to why you would babble on about your

"abilities." <<<


You don't have to speculate, just see if there is something in it for you,

and if not... put it by the curb. But make up your mind...


Speculators have a hard time making up their mind, that is why they are

called 'speculators' :)))

They are afraid that, if they make up their mind, that they may lose a

chance... That is why speculators hardly take a chance either...They only

speculate if they should or should not take a chance. They are so cautious

that they will, as long as they keep speculating, not be regain their

freedom. When a speculator finally takes a chance...the speculation is

over...and a new 'dynamic' sets in...

>> The conclusion I come to is that you've come to be identified with the

one who has those powers. Nothing wrong with that per se, but it does

indicate that perhaps you

haven't quite understood who you really are, imo.<<<


You try to fit me into a Jnani or Siddha box, while I need no box at all.

YOU haven't understood who I am, that is why it is YOUR opinion. Having an

opinion will never lead to insight and clarity.

There is no way that you will have insight into me as long as you don't want

clear insight. For clear insight, you would have to take a stance, would



So, put me by the wayside, or take me in, one for all, or all for nothing...

I assure you that you don't run a risk either way. Now you are just in a

state of protraction.

Whatever I say, you will doubt and you will take yourself into a new cycle

of speculation. Doubt is your compulsion, better get sick of it... till you

stop doing it...till you don't want to afford it anymore...

I hope that I can help you getting sick of your doubt, lack of trust,

feeling that you could be duped. "Je houdt altijd een draai om de arm" or

"een slag om de hand" which are Dutch sayings expressing habitual states of


Commit yourself Jody, and if that means that you have to discard me or take

me in, that does not matter to me...


Just get final clarity into "NOT what you want" as you don't know that...

but get clarity into:

what you are,

what you have and

what you take


that you are

that you have and

that you take


be, have and take fully,

with both hands, embracing fully...


Whether it includes me or not, it does not make a difference, either choice

gets you into a new dynamic of freedom.

So love me or leave me. (Oh, but do not replace me with someone else,

another Tony or another Wim, that will just prolong the protraction.)


So Jody, stop beating around the bush hoping that there is something

worthwhile to catch, while you, at the same time, wonder that, what you

might catch, might or might not dupe you.

>>> Even if you do know who you really are, I as an individual am against

the idea that siddhis have anything to do with jnana, or that one can expect

siddhis as the result of jnana.<<<


What do you know eh? Why don't you just ask me... Then make up your mind,

once and for all, and you doubt will be over...

>>> The problem I have with this is that powers have nothing to do with

jnana, but everything to do with the occlusion of it.<<<


Just ask me, Jody, apparently you cannot use yourself as a guide as you

admit that you have a problem, I don't, I know the answer.

>>>My problem is the association of jnana with siddhis.<<<


Yep, that is your problem !!! Why keeping it.

>>> People come to expect "remarkable stuff" with their realization as the

result the myths that are projected into spiritual culture. <<<


I expected nothing, that is exactly why it is so remarkable... And I tell

you, I may be remarkable... but I am not mythical.

>>> My problem with you is that you are presently doing this projection on

the list. <<<


Yes, you have a problem with me... I don't have a problem with me, I don't

have a problem with you...

Your staying or you going, it does not matter to me... I love you

unconditionally...It is for you to restore the unconditionality.


So you are saying that being a jnani is conditional upon being no siddha...

or a siddha cannot be a jnani... or something like that...

Ah Jody, conditionality, conditionality...

>>> While realization is a remarkable blessing, one of the most remarkable

things about it is the utter lack of remarkability it brings to a life. <<<


Yes, that is why I play...

>>> But you are free to say whatever you like. Blather on till the cows

come home about what the Buddha is telling you. I think you're fooling

yourself with it, and it has nothing to do with jnana.<<<


I am not professing to be a jnani nor a siddha, I just am Wim who loves

whatever this is...

>>> The reason I'm in the same vein most of the time is because I encounter

the same ignorance most of the time.<<<


Some psychobabble: When you have just bought a new VW beetle, you see a lot

more VW beetles on the road, when you buy into ignorance you will see a lot

of it as well.

>>> I'm just another opinion in pixels. There's no reason to present

anything other than that. This mind encounters what it deems ignorance, and

then it reacts to such. That's about all there is to me online.<<<


Like I said, you are seeing a lot of BMW's.

>>> This mind encounters what it deems ignorance, and then it reacts to such



When and where did you pick up the idea that the ***mind*** deals with


The whole human being deals with information, which comes from conglomerates

of energy patterns, that are collected as 'knowledge points' or data. Data

that are supplied to the brain by means of parallel (identical but not the

same) energy patterns through the senses via an intricate web of nerve

structures and other support structures..

Although we are whole integral beings, 'dualism' has erroneously made us

conceive a sharp distinction between mind and body. But there is the whole

you, JODY, with integrated infra and supra structures to supports that....

That is you Jody, you who sits HERE, physically reading this and hopefully

poking your nose or scratching your ears...


The kind of mind you are talking about is symptomatic of a pathology, let me

just simply call it the mind / body split, a sign of dualism .

>>> This mind encounters what it deems ignorance, and then it reacts to

such. That's about all there is to me online.<<<


Ah, finally, you are now getting bored, that is good, you will start hating

this ignorance so much that won't even look at it anymore...

You know what, that is the beginning of Chit, a good sign...


I wrote:

>>> Jody, tell me, what is the use then, really?... <<<


You wrote:

>>>The use is to present the idea that siddhis have nothing to do with

jnana, and in fact get in the way of jnana. I'll go on about this ad

nauseam. <<<


Are you by chance PRESCRIBING what anything is... Why not just looking and

finding out, instead of fitting things into a mindless or mindful (take your

pick) mould...?


I have only described myself because I am everyday happily surprised... When

I gave up my (as forced upon me by someone else) prescriptions and

expectations on how to be, when I surrendered my inhibitions, the integral

being unfolded...

Why don't you do the same, then we can finally play...


I wrote:

>>> NOT THAT IT IS NEEDED to talk about myself, but hey Jody, people have

been doing it from the moment the word "I" was voiced. <<<


You wrote:

>>> I'd speculate that there is a need, and you use this list to fulfill it.

It provides the hook for your identity as a siddha.<<<


I am Wim, that is all...


I wrote:

>>> You, Jody, can do with it what you want...In fact, you are doing nothing

with it... except for assessing it... Assessing food, does not make you get

the fruition and nutrition from it.<<<


You wrote:

>>> You've not put up anything I'd consider palatable. Despite the

overwhelming quantity, I've yet to encounter any quality.<<<


Put it by the curb then...


I wrote:

>>> The only thing required with communication is not having any doubt, or

at least overcoming doubt, that is self doubt and doubt in the other... Is

that per chance your issue?<<<


You wrote:

>>> What I doubt is the authenticity of your supposed siddhis.<<<


You are calling me a liar..., you may as well use those words...


Why don't you come over and take a look... but there is a price to pay...

you will have to suspend your disbelief...

>>> Tony had his interpretations of what he read, and you have your glorious

powers. Neither indicates jnana.<<<


I never said I have glorious powers, my life is glorious...in all its

aspects... the whole shebang...


I wrote:

>>>> So what you think you say about me is about you, Jody...<<<


You wrote:

>>> Psychobabbling noted. Even if this were true, it doesn't preclude my

assessment of you from being true as well. <<<


It does indeed not preclude it, but I tell you that it is not true.


You wrote:

>>> I for one do not believe it.<<<


I answered:

>>> So put me on the curb, do not even attempt to sniff the, what you call,



You wrote:

>>> Well, as long as I see the connection made between jnana and siddhis,

I'll probably be compelled to respond.<<<


Compelled yes, a compulsion from dualism, nothing more than that...

I only account for what happens with me, I've never set out to state or to

profess that I am a Siddha or a Jnani, a this or a that.


I only am Wim, and I love living in all its glorious aspect, with that comes

amrita (and you know what that means).

>>> In fact, if you really didn't have any thoughts of yourself, I'd expect

you to ignore me. That would have suited me just fine.<<<


Why would I ignore you, I love you...Jody...and there's no thoughts in



I wrote:

>>> Or... could it be that the doubt you have about me is a mere reflection

of your own self doubt, which is really no more than a reflective replay of

someone else's doubt in your right to exist in unconditional freedom.<<<


You wrote:

>>> Psychobabble noted <<<


But not taken seriously...

>> The reason I say this is because none of the jnanis I know have powers

like the ones you are describing. <<<


I am Wim, not part of any lineage, I do not have to respond to a 'board of

professionals', I do not have or need a 'certificate of authenticity', I do

not need an OK..

In fact I need nothing as I am not wanting...


I wrote:

>>>> Bi-location though...yes!<<<


You wrote:



No, no, no Jodi, make up your mind... put me by the curb or take me


>>> My problem is with powers being extolled as the result of jnana or being

associated with jnana. <<<


I have never said such, and I will not say such, as I do not have to...

Your association of me with "Jnana OR Siddha" is totally yours...


An integral being has no predilections...


I wrote:

>>> By the way, do you recall that you invited me over to visit you, when I

happen to come your way... you did actually...<<<


You wrote:

>>>That was before you started writing about your glorious powers. To tell

you the truth, I'm not so interested in meeting you now. I hope you're

aren't disappointed, but our views don't seem to have much resonance



I had my "glorious powers" (your words) described on my website all along...

>>> However, you are welcome to visit Kali Mandir anytime you'd like. <<<


Of course..., I love temples... I feel at home in every one of them...

>>> I may very well be wrong about you. <<<


Make up your mind... it does not matter to me...

>>> However, based on what I've come to understand about jnana, your writing

about your siddhis leads me to conclude that you've come to be identified

with them. <<<


I never knew that there was something of a strife going on between Siddhas

and Jnanis.

Do I have to take sides? Oh Jody...

>>> Believe it or not Wim, I love you too. <<<


Of course I know that...

>>> However, I cannot respect your understanding as a result of your recent

statements about your 'powers' and the experiences they supposedly bring to

your life. But even if they were real, they would still have nothing to do

with jnana.<<<


So what, what do I care! I just am...and I love that...

>>> But, if you have no thoughts of yourself, this shouldn't matter at all

to you. Hopefully it doesn't.<<<


It does not, you can be sure of that...


Love you, Jody, Wim.


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