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The Pillar of Celestial Fire

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Dear Friends


I hope you are having a great holiday. I would like to share the



Many blessings




The Pillar of Celestial Fire


Excerpt from The Pillar of Celestial Fire: The Lost Science of The

Ancient Seers Rediscovered - Robert Cox



In order to initiate the new Golden Age, the life force of the Creator

must descend into our midst and be infused into the depths of our souls

and the very fabric of the Earth. The "life force of the Creator" is not

a euphemism. It describes an actual physical-spiritual force that

periodically descends upon our planet in accordance with an ancient

cosmic rhythm. It descends as a wave of luminous subtle matter or

celestial fire.


The wave of celestial fire emanates from the heavenly regions at the

center of the Universe. It is carried to the Earth from those regions by

an invisible pillar of celestial fire that lies in the direction of the

Pleiades constellation. We believe that the proper understanding of this

phenomena is critical for the well-being of the human race. In fact,

that understanding constitutes the essential message of this book.


The pillar of celestial fire may be understood as a vast stream of

cosmic life force filled with the Divine Presence of God. It's unique

function is to uphold the intimate relationship between Heaven and

Earth. It connects our planet with the blazing glory of Heaven at the

center of the Universe.


However, the pillar of celestial fire cannot be seen through a

telescope. This is because it is not composed of ordinary matter. It is

composed of luminous subtle matter. This type of matter is too subtle to

be seen with our ordinary eyes. It can be seen only through the

spiritual eye - the eye of pure consciousness. Nevertheless, it is very

real, and has been described in various ways by Seers throughout the



Metaphorically speaking, the pillar of celestial fire may be compared to

a cosmic umbilical cord. Through this golden cord of subtle

matter-energy the life-breath of the Creator flows to our embryonic

world at the beginning of each new cycle of Ages, infusing Light and

Life into every atom and cell on Earth.


The life-breath of the Creator flows along the cosmic umbilical cord as

a wave of celestial fire. This wave already has been unleashed and now

is on its way to our world. When the wave of celestial fire washes over

our world, everything that we know will be changed irrevocably. The

Earth will become infused with the Divine Presence. It will be set on

fire with the ineffable glory of Heaven.


Although this transformation is inevitable, the character of the

transformation - whether it is gradual and gentle, or sudden and violent

- is within our own hands. The wave of celestial fire is coming. It is

our job to prepare ourselves and the entire Earth to receive it.


To do this, over the next ten to twenty years we must dramatically

increase the density of the subtle life force within ourselves and

within the Earth. We must acclimate ourselves to the increasing

spiritual Light that will dawn at the time of Illumination. We must

raise the spiritual vibration of our planet, so that we can resonate

with the powerful wave of cosmic life force that is about to descend

upon us.


Generally speaking, the knowledge presented here represents a blend of

the inner spiritual and the outer scientific approaches to gaining

knowledge. In this regard, I consider myself to be a true alchemist. For

years I have been engaged in both deep spiritual practice as well as

alchemical research in the laboratory to uncover deeper and deeper

layers of knowledge concerning the ultimate relationship between

consciousness and matter.


In my view, this combination of inner and outer approaches to gaining

knowledge is essential. The results derived from these approaches must

be complementary and mutually supportive if knowledge is to be both

spiritually meaningful and practical in this world. And in this

scientific age , we want knowledge that is practical.


It is on the basis of this practical approach to knowledge that I have

written this book. This book has not been written as a dry academic

exercise. It has been written with passion and fervor by one who himself

is on a journey of perpetual self-discovery. Furthermore, it is

presented with a practical aim in mind. Its purpose is to uncover the

spiritual, philosophical, historical, and scientific background of an

extremely important body of knowledge.


This knowledge pertains to a sacred alchemical science that once was

shared by ancient Seers around our planet. I hold that the essence of

this Sacred Science was lost several thousand years ago, and now is

being rediscovered and reconstructed by researchers around the world.


There is no doubt that this Sacred Science is destined to play a crucial

role in the profound spiritual, scientific, and social transformation

that is almost upon us. In my opinion, this transformation, which

sometimes is referred to as the "Second coming," the "Judgment Day," the

"Descent of Heaven on Earth," the "Rapture," etc., is not due to

anything that we as human beings have done in the past, or that we will

do in the future. It is an inevitable consequence of certain celestial

mechanics that are beyond the reach of human influence. I believe that

these mechanics are about to deliver an immense flood of celestial fire

or cosmic life force to our planet. When this wave of cosmic life force

washes over our planet, everything will be transformed and changed in

ways that are almost unimaginable.


Although we cannot alter the inevitability of this transformation, we

can change the way in which this transformation will influence us. To

survive the wave of celestial fire and flourish in the new Golden Age

that will dawn in its wake, we must begin to prepare ourselves to

receive it.


To prepare ourselves, a new scientific understanding of the Universe,

which is based upon both spiritual and physical principles, must dawn in

human awareness. In addition, certain sacred technologies associated

with this science must be made available to the world's population. This

book was written to lay the foundation for the dissemination of this

Sacred Science and its associated technologies. Several additional books

are planned, which will delve more deeply into the various subjects

touched upon here, and present new knowledge as it unfolds.


Fortunately, the knowledge presented here is now being received by

various individuals all around our planet. In truth, I am just one of

many voices crying out in the wilderness. It will take a chorus of many

voices crying out together to awaken the sleeping giant of humanity. I

have done nothing other than add one more small voice to the rising



Spiritual Alchemy SpiritualAlchemy

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