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The Siddhis- a Brief introduction from www.askjeeves.com entered siddhis

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The Siddhis - A Brief Introduction

A siddhi defined as "a magickal or spiritual power for the control of

self, others and the forces of nature" by a Tantrik Glossary. The

siddhis described by occultists and yogis are in actuality

supernormal perceptual states available to all human beings. These

are absolutely natural abilities that can be explained in highly

rational terms. There is nothing mysterious or magical about the

siddhis. Just like any other natural human ability, different people

display differing abilities towards learning and/or spontaneously

displaying siddhis. Some people are born with siddhis that they

exercise without being aware that their particular psychic gift is

unusual. In such cases, it may come as a traumatic event to the

individual when they learn that their ability is not common and that

they are considered a "misfit" by other people not possessing the

psychic ability. In other cases, one can practice yoga and actively

develop siddhis. According to occult theory, this is the rational and

desirable way to go about achieving siddhis. Another means to trigger

off siddhis in an unexpected and uncontrolled manner is by the use of

certain drugs. Hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD, mescaline, peyote and

others stimulate siddhis in an uncontrolled fashion. This is a very

dangerous way to evoke siddhis and can lead to great psychological

trauma. As well, a variety of other stimuli may cause siddhis

spontaneously, such as a fall or a blow to the head. However the

siddhis are produced, the fact is that they exist. The existence of

the siddhis is doubted by most people because they have no experience

with them. However, the act of dreaming is considered a siddhi. Thus,

any one who has dreamed has utilized a siddhi. Our so-called normal

psychological attributes bleed imperceptibly into the perceptual

realms (the Planes of Nature) opened up by the awakening of the

siddhis, thus it is not clear cut at all as to where "normal"

psychological behaviors end, and siddhis begin. And to further

complicate the situation, though academic psychologists see many

cases of people experiencing siddhis, the academic psychology

community, on the whole, is completely unaware of the nature and

existence of the siddhis. Often this leads to the psychologist or

psychiatrist treating individuals who are experiencing siddhis in an

inappropriate and damaging fashion. Often, cases of so-called

insanity or psychosis are cases of people experiencing siddhis who

are scared and confused, in which case the individual may be given

completely inappropriate treatment that only worsens the individual's

condition. Of course there are valid forms of psychosis in which

confinement or institutionalization are required. Again, however, the

borderline between such cases and cases of people experiencing siddhis

is ambiguous and ill defined presently. In the future, Western

academic science will be forced to accept the realities of the

siddhis as their nature becomes better understood. In conclusion, it

must be strongly and thoroughly stressed that the siddhis are

absolutely natural abilities latent in all humans. If one takes the

time to learn and practice the correct yoga exercises, then it is

inevitable that one will directly experience the awakening of their

own siddhis. Again, there is nothing magical or mysterious going on

here, and all claims put forth regarding the siddhis stand open to

any type of test of their validity that anyone wishes to pose.

However, those skeptical of the siddhis and who wish to challenge the

claim to the existence of the siddhis must be prepared to recognize

that the nature of the siddhis will not fit easily into biased

misconceptions. One who experiences siddhis operates in a greater,

more expanded psychological reality than one who does not and

therefore the skeptic must be prepared to expand his or her

understanding in an attempt to either prove or disprove the existence

of the siddhis.






Heart to heart we meet with words, Apart we walk

our ways Forever immortal Our

stories told Enchantment From all

our days.


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, "Lynette" <Lynette@k...> wrote:

> The Siddhis - A Brief Introduction




Personally, I wouldn't consider anything culled from "Ask Jeeves"

to be a reliable treatment on anything, let alone something as

undocumented and subjective as the subject of siddhis.


This was obviously written by someone who either believes they

have siddhis, or believes in siddhis or wants to believe in them.

> However, those skeptical of the siddhis and who wish to challenge

> the claim to the existence of the siddhis must be prepared to

> recognize that the nature of the siddhis will not fit easily into

> biased misconceptions. One who experiences siddhis operates in a

> greater, more expanded psychological reality than one who does not

> and therefore the skeptic must be prepared to expand his or her

> understanding in an attempt to either prove or disprove the

> existence of the siddhis.


That is the standard boilerplate one encounters when dealing with

those who make extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence.


But this discussion isn't about the existence of siddhis. This

discussion is about claiming to have siddhis in the context of

a discussion of jnana yoga. The sages have been exceedingly clear

on this point. Siddhis have nothing to do with jnana yoga.

Siddhis are phenomena that exist in the context of Maya, and just

like everything else that is encountered in Maya, they are to

be dismissed as being essentially unreal from the regard of

the Self.


I would add that those who claim to have siddhis without being

able to prove them are attempting to present themselves as

something more than they are, especially when they go to great

lengths to convince us in the continued absence of evidence,

and especially when they resort to condenscendingly turning

the tables using psychobabble.


If you have siddhis, keep them to yourself in the context of

a discussion of jnana yoga. If you want to talk about them,

go to another list where such things are discussed.

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On Sat, 05 Jan 2002 22:45:34 -0000 "jodyrrr" <jodyrrr writes:

> , "Lynette" <Lynette@k...> wrote:

> > The Siddhis - A Brief Introduction


> [snip]


[more snippage]


> That is the standard boilerplate one encounters when dealing with

> those who make extraordinary claims without extraordinary evidence.


> But this discussion isn't about the existence of siddhis. This

> discussion is about claiming to have siddhis in the context of

> a discussion of jnana yoga. The sages have been exceedingly clear

> on this point. Siddhis have nothing to do with jnana yoga.

> Siddhis are phenomena that exist in the context of Maya, and just

> like everything else that is encountered in Maya, they are to

> be dismissed as being essentially unreal from the regard of

> the Self.


> I would add that those who claim to have siddhis without being

> able to prove them are attempting to present themselves as

> something more than they are, especially when they go to great

> lengths to convince us in the continued absence of evidence,

> and especially when they resort to condenscendingly turning

> the tables using psychobabble.


> If you have siddhis, keep them to yourself in the context of

> a discussion of jnana yoga. If you want to talk about them,

> go to another list where such things are discussed.


Alternatively, Wim could easily

found his own list. The

moderators would have no

problem with an announcement

and invitation being posted










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