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In a message dated 23/01/02 01:56:19 GMT Standard Time, cklow (AT) hq (DOT) psa.com.sg writes:

Subj:[Allspirit] On Romanticism.

Date:23/01/02 01:56:19 GMT Standard Time

cklow (AT) hq (DOT) psa.com.sg


To:allspirit, seekersaftertruth

Sent from the Internet

Dear C. K.

Thank you so much for forwarding this post. Yes, you were right in

thinking that we who honour the poetry in us, and around us would

find it true. Can I find more information at

Seekersafterthruth@ about this person who styles himself

Supreme Master Ching Hai? I am not impressed with people of whatever

accomplishments or state of realisation that take upon themselves

pompous titles, but I am prepared to know my brothers and sisters by

their words, and acts, and he has spoken most well upon this matter.

I am a romantic. I am in love with life. For me romance is the

sweetness of life. I have this relationship with God also. As I am

able to see through the false ideas of love that this dreaming

collective consciousness offers, so am I able to see, and more

importantly feel, the beauty and wonder of romance. I have thrown my

hat down, and have fallen in love with the art of being human, being

God, being love. Being truly myself. I do not debate willingly with

those who would conceptualise this, but I will live in the heart of

anyone who admits to feeling this in themselves. If a person says to

me- You are not the I Am, I will agree. If he says - You are the I

Am, I shall also agree. We are Love. The great mystical poets saw

this, and have called to us through time, and still call to us in

this moment, to recreate ourselves in the image of Love. Love is

romantic in the highest sense of this word. The Beloved who is Alone,

has expressed each one of us into existence for the purpose of knowing

Herself as us, and for us to know that Self in Her. This is the

greatest of all love stories, and we tell it in our lives with

certain people we choose to bond with, and with all of humanity and

all created things. We are less than nothing until we fall hopelessly

in love with life. Life is poetry itself. It is the essence of all

spiritual thought and longing. Life is what we create of it. It has

been truly said that "What we love we will become". Each day is an

opportunity to create the poetry of life in ourselves and in the

world. So I would be a poet of love, and live life as a poem of

awakening to Love. I have nothing to do with those who talk of God

realisation without this fundamental of all realisations. It is one

think to intellectualise non-dualty and to philosophise upon ultimate

realities. However, I believe the question God asks us is - Be My Poem

Of Love. Until we, as spiritual beings within this spiritual body can

reply Yes to this question we can know nothing of love and

realisation. True romance is accepting the beauty in all created

forms, and loving beauty in spirit and truth. In reaching upwards to

our highest ideals, and loving the romance of never quite reaching

them. Romance is saying goodbye and knowing there is no such truth as

goodbye. Romance is greeting our brothers and sisters as ourselves and

knowing that our souls have played these acts of romance so many times

before as lovers and foes, siblings and betrayers, apostles and

teachers, sweethearts and abusers. Knowing in your heart that life

once more has presented you with the opportunity to understand that

life is a love poem, that you must write it in truth this time. Yes,

I am a romantic. I live in your romance and I would romance the whole

world. Those that have not felt yet this sweet love, would call such

poets, dreamers and impractical

seekers after illusion. Poets of life only smile and see through their

claims of practicality for what they are, and know- they know not what

they say. They have yet to find their poem, and until they do, we who

live our poem write it for them.

May your inner poems become your outer reality.

yours in love


Share an article on Romanticism by Supreme Master Ching Hai ... : ) : ) : )

I think Mark Philips, Eric ,

Being a poet themselves,

would specially enjoy it : ) : )


South Korea retreat, May 1998.

This occasion is very sacred and also very romantic. I like a romantic

atmosphere. Romantic doesn't mean only the loving atmosphere between two

people, like a man and woman. Romantic is something that is very sacred,

very noble, very poetic in the air, which we ourselves generate from within

our heart when we feel very loving, very peaceful, very kind very gentle,

and we feel so good about everything, about everyone around us. We walk

slowly, we talk gently, we think very, very nobly and poetically. That's

what I call a romantic atmosphere. Today we have it.

I think in the modern times, we have a lot of advantages, as I told you

yesterday. We have airplanes, we have super electronic equipment, so that we

can contact each other. We have television, and we have all kinds of

conveniences afforded to us so that we can be here in a very short time and

stay together and enjoy all this comfort. Even if we're not together, later

we can enjoy the memories of this occasion at home through video tapes,

television, audio tapes, and songs, as well as our own recording system in

our brain.

But nevertheless, in the modern times, due to this high technical

development, it has somehow destroyed a little, if not a lot, of the

romantic atmosphere of the old times, such as the clothes we wear, the way

we walk, the way we talk together, the way we think, and the way we write

and express our thoughts inside. It's not as poetic and leisurely, romantic

like the ancient times. That's what we miss sometimes. That's what I miss a

lot of times. And on such occasions, we bring it back.

I don't know whether we've forsaken our poetic nature, our romanticism,

inherent inner beauty, or whatever we've done to ourselves, that nowadays

most of the time we think more of finances. We think more of material

comfort than the care taking of our inside beauty or even our own

representation outside of the inner beauty, such as nice clothes, walking

with dignity and manners, talking with gentleness and sweetness. It's very

difficult for all of us nowadays to talk even in a sweet tone, even if we

want to, because everyone else talks in a harsh tone quickly and loudly.

Sometimes I myself feel very lost in this world, I don't know how you feel.

Not sometimes, often times, especially when I'm in a very poetic and

romantic mood and I have to deal with the people who are less romantic or

not romantic at all. Then I do feel lost, or that I've lost something that I

don't know, lost sadness. I feel kind of out of this world, born in a wrong


I guess you feel like that sometimes, don't you? Yes! So, why don't we all

try to get that back. Not only during our meditation, but after, before, and

all the time that we deal with people. I know its difficult even for me. You

know I write poetry. Even though in the old times when I was younger, maybe

my poetry was not all that polished and perfect the way I would have liked

it to be, the way I would like it to be now. I did not understand as much as

I understand now. But still in my heart I'm a poet, and I like to be like

poetry, like a dream, like romance.

But many times I have to face situations where my poet inside runs away from

me, because I can't bear the crudeness of the reality outside. Then I have

to talk the way other people talk, I have to act the way other people act,

and so on. After that I just sit down, feel quiet and sad, feel as if I've

lost some part of myself, feel as if I shouldn't have done what I have done,

shouldn't have said what I said, because it wasn't me. It wasn't the way I

like myself to be. But it's easier for you, perhaps as an individual, a not

too famous individual, to try to get back your romantic, soft, gentle and

sweet nature, and try to preserve it.

It's better that we preserve our real self, so that we like ourselves

better. It doesn't matter if anyone else likes us or not. We have to like

ourselves and that is very, very important. Otherwise, you go through life

miserably and you're always on the defensive. Anything hurts you. Even

though people mean well, you misunderstand. You hurt yourself and you feel

low about yourself. That's not very good. So, let's try maybe from today to

represent ourselves the way we want whenever possible. Don't let the habits

of this world drag us into a different, rude, coarse kind of atmosphere in

which we feel uncomfortable, in which we find ourselves very confined, very

suffocated, very lost, and most often times, very sad. It is of course more

convenient for us a lot of times to run around fast and to talk in a very

irresponsible manner. (Master chuckles) But whenever we can, we should try

to go back to the soft side, to the romantic side, like the way we have

today. It's very nice to have a romantic atmosphere. Don't you think so? It

feels good.

That's why people fall in love. When we are in love we talk softly, we feel

elated. But we can create that ourselves, too, every day; create this kind

of romantic atmosphere and carry it in our pockets. Carry it around with us.

So when people see you, it's like they see a flower, like they see the sun,

like they see the moon. And they also get infected by the romantic

atmosphere. It's difficult nowadays to tune in to the poetic atmosphere of

the old times. But maybe sometimes we can try, just for a change, just to be

away from it all, to be away from the hassle feeling every day, to be away

from the rough atmosphere of the world. And feel ourselves again. It

wouldn't be bad, would it? So, next time if you go on retreat, or if you

come to see me sometimes, you can put on your beautiful dress, or bring one,

at least. It won't hurt to bring one. It doesn't have to be expensive, or

colorful, it can be white, can be any color that you like. Just when you put

it on you feel soft, you feel gentle, you feel romantic, you feel very, very

poetic, feel like a fairy, an angel, feel like you're in the celestial

world. That's very good.


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