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Earth Singing.

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( a bit of a rewrite)


Earth Singing


Sing an earth tune to the universe, and the universe shall

sing in your earth. Sing the world of your being. Nothing is

without your mindfulness, nothing within it, that is not a

part of this sentient song. This earth tune that sings you into

being. This melody of the multi-forming in emptiness.

Listen. Let mind be the timpani that plays this earth song.

Know that all things sing in the body of God.


Rock fire and water are drumming in the sky of Gods heart.

Can you hear the movement of every substance as it echoes

in the soul of intelligence? It is not far to find yourself.

Music is arriving and transforming your arrival to this

moment, even as you arrive. Even as you have arrived and

will always arrive perfectly pitched on this note of you. The

angel of infinite light dances in the rock, fire, and ocean of

spirit. The world can open in your heart, like a flowering of

sound. Are you not this flower of Gods sounding- Sentience

of everything? Listen.


Man is a star dusting of wakefulness. The body of his

substance he holds within him to speak of a love bound

together in the act of music making. His soul, the voice of a

union of all, transpiring into infinite mind-space. An

aspiring dance of mineral, animal and botanical science.

Rock, fire and water are the word made flesh, but it is all

One intelligence. One awakening of you.


Something has happened together, and mind has become

human. You have become earth-man to sing of the world

transpiring from its soul in you. Yet do not mistake this

cognizance as yours alone. To say we are the culmination of

this sentience is only a half-truth, the other half of this truth

is that man is a becoming of earth, wind and fire. A galaxy

fusing into greater being. This is how suns are born.


This life is the shortest journey you can make to God.

Nothing can find this intelligence without inclusion of all

that it is. Evolution is not the survival of the fittest. That is

just a superficial phenomena. A solar flare, a rekindling of

mentality. It is a melting together of all intelligence and the

knowing that nothing evolves separately. Man is his cosmos.

He is the creature of heavenly union. His water and flesh

made perfect by an alchemy of universal attraction.


A Sun begins to sing of itself when it radiates its substance.

The earth of your god-being sings also in its illumination.

Spiritual beings must have a world experience, how else

could creation manifest? How else could Gods intelligence

return to know itself, if not through substance, if not

through time. Time is your gift to eternity. Sing it. This

singing of your earth, is Gods ignition in the heart of

substance. Make it your song of the world, not a concept of

spirit, but the spirit of all things that sing of existence.


Listen. You are the song of the earth, and the earth of Gods

becoming. All creation comes through the nexus of this

awareness. She must have you be Her in every form of Her.

No flower ever bloomed without the soil being taken up to

the blossom. The soul of the world transcends in you, when

you sing from the root of Her experience. When you begin

to drum with this awareness, She can open you up to a song

of the universe. A heaven of You, that could not leave you,

and is always arriving to wait for your participation. In

your hurrying, do not forget to bring the world to creations

caroling. Do not sing of a kingdom you cannot see, but make

a song of this earth flowering, that it can sing into being its

kingdom. The universe of all things sing in you.


The world has no ending, for it has its being in you. There is

always a world of you. An occurrence of new realities to

sing into the heart of being. Can you hear the song of love

speaking your name into this new awakening? Love has

gathered you together from a sea of music to be this next

wave of Her sentience. If you are a drum now, think how it

will be to be an orchestra. No one gets to heaven by being a

non existance. First he must be the spirit of all things.

Listen. Make everything possible. In the truth of Gods Idea.

You are known in the Heart of Creation, you are its being

and perpetual fulfillment.


I have been walking

in the meadows of your heart,

Were you teach us all to dance like children.

Today, the Beloved

has stolen the moon and the sun,

and made them into golden and silver boats,

to cross this enchanted lake of love.

I am your shore line, and you my harbor,

between us is the cosmos

that has become a single wave of awareness.

A current of longing

in which the stars flash like fishes,

in sparkling shoals of creation.

The net of desire has wrapped us both

within its scintillating garments.

>From now until we inherit the universe,

we will lift every veil of devotion,

to reveal this beauty.


The One that you have been promised, will find you. When

the shell of the heart cracks open in the pain of this longing.

The One that promised you into existence, will keep faith

with every loving thought that you have for yourself. For

this emotional ground is where Her love for you also arises.


Be gentle with the heart of the One that is wed to you. For

when you learn to be gentle with yourself, it will be a pain

in you, to be ungentle with any other heart. This is the way

of Her love, that it be pledged to vulnerability. Loves

covenant with you, is that you be the love of others, as much

as that love in Her.


First there must be this opening between you. You must

come out of the room of self, disarmed by surrender.

Knowing your nakedness is still a dress. Willing only to be

visible by Her light. There can be no hiding of yourself in

the shadow of self. You must be well met, by a moonlight

that invites a full moon of Her presence inwards. Into the

recess of that sundered soul where you gift without

question. Knowing you give nothing, to receive all.


This falling into love is Her mystery in you. When you

cannot breathe at all, but feel your breath is Hers alone,

then you will live Her life in you. She will become Her

promise and you shall be Hers.


The heart you bear shall be as a flight of wild geese. Ever

seeking the dawn of love in others. Before you opened this

gift, you had no gift to offer, now you are the gift of love

itself. You must pledge yourself again, for the voice of love

has bid you this: Be you gentle with their hearts, for they

are My own.


This gentle way of love, is all there is to living in loves

abandon. This true romance, is a dance choreographed by a

Self you have vowed to behold in tryst, that you will be

forever the outward gyre of Her inward spiralling. Just as

the helix of the universe enfolds within itself, so must the

lover dance in the light of this unbearable attraction, to be

born of the love that only She can sustain.


The One that has been promised to you, knows of your

every prevarication. How you would seek to unravel the

mystery of life with anything but loves awareness. How you

have, in your loneliness, refused the gift to be Her alone.

Piling concept upon concept, until the structure of your

vision has become a prison for Her imagination in you.

Yet every heart but knows itself in Her. Without fulfilling

loves promise, nothing can be found by your intelligence,

unless it be the intelligence of this.


Promise yourself to love, and that love shall find you. There

will be nothing more to uncover within you, for Her

covering will be all that Is. You will be the discoverer of

myriad realms of enlightening beauty, and shall be the

foremost horizon of Her light. There will be nothing to

behold that is not you, and you shall be the love of Her who

promised nothing else but Herself.


We all carry the same teachings

transformed into love stories.

The book of the heart

is the souls own library

where seven candles illumine

every understanding.

Do not let anyone go from you

without reading them

and be read in return by this love.










Copyright 2002. Eric Ashford.

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