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"Am I the body?"/healing

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This story reminds me of the time I had to have root canal work on a

molar, and the dentist couldn't kill the pain. I looked out his back

window and saw a glorious big tree, and it was full of little deva

life. I didn't see them with my eyes, but I felt them, somehow saw

them there. They said, "Come out to us!" And I was out in the tree

with all the little devas. I was vaguely aware of the body back in

the chair, and pain, the tears running down the cheeks, but I wasn't

there. I felt badly to let others take the pain for me, but they

said, "We can handle it better." So I stayed until it was over. I

had to go back three more times, and the same thing happened every


Dharma this is beautiful Thanks for sharing it with us all

It in turn brought to mind some auditory experiences that i had a few

years ago whilst staying in an ashram

I heard no words, just sounds. The closest thing i can think

resembleing them, is the cymbles on a tamborine

I'm not clairvoyant/clairaudiant at all. I heard these sounds the

first night of my stay, and they continued the whole time that i was

there (i hoped that i was going to continue hearing them, but alas,

it wasn't to be :-(

At first i thought that they came from astral entities - i was sharing

a room with a psychic who heard them too, he heard them chanting


I really enjoyed hearing them, it gave me a nice feeling. They

responded to my thoughts - if i said a little prayer, i would hear

them, when i went to the bookshop to buy some books the first time,

they made their sounds, when i participated in a light sending

meditation, they sounded for the whole hour; they would also increase

the tempo of the sounds - as if to imply an even greater approval.

They would acknowledge my correct thoughts eg when someone was

telling me that the Guru would gets jealous if you thought of another

guru; which in my head i thought was nonsence.

The reason i relate this, is your mentioning of devas. As i said, I

was under the impression that these were human entities comunicating

with me; but there was one curious thing - when i was outside, and

there were trees around, that's where the sounds came from..and they

were always louder too, as if they were geting energy from them. They

would at times it seemed be quite playful - zipping to and fro from

one tree to another really quickly.

There is, a short way from the ashram a tree, which has a special

history. When i visited this tree, 'they' went with me also -

'hopping' from tree to tree all the way!

The last time that i heard them was whilst waiting to catch my flight

out of Bombay Airport; and the sound was so low- so quite, i could

barely hear them

So now i ponder, were these in fact Devas, who needed the energy from

the trees?.. was it all the play of the Guru?

or were they indeed astral entities? I'd love to know. Anyone

experienced similar?

Hope i didn't indulge myself too much there! In fact the main reason

that i wanted to write in was regarding health matters. I've just

been reading some of the mails in my box (i'm a bit behind) I'm sorry

to hear of yours Dharma and others on this lists health problems.

I felt an urge to write in and present an option for consideration;

that is, if you're not presently aware of this already

Many thousands of people worldwide have been helped - many

'miracuously' by some healing wells/springs of water.

There are a number, 4 at this time discovered; of sources of water

that have been charged/magnetized, with the energies of Aquarious, by

the World teacher - Maitreya

The next one to be discovered, will i believe be in San Antonio. For

now the known sources are in germany, india, Kenya, and Mexico


Of course science can't as yet detect these energies; but a curious

thing that testing revealed, was that the water is lighter than

normal water. This, according to b Cremes Master, is a result of a

portion of the atoms being rendered sub-atomic.

I'm not sure if there is an outlet available in the US, but in Germany

and in England, homeopathic sources of these waters are available. I

shall go and find a link!

http://www.shareintl.org/background/miracles/MI_water.htm This link gives a little info

I know that Ainsworths pharmacy are online; i should think they are

international. But if not, and anybody would like to order any

'pills' It would be no problem for me to forward them onto you. In

fact i shall be ordering some soon for myself



All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

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