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Mind Waves Waving Wildly, Hello, Yoo Hoo!

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Dear Mazie,


I feel so sorry that you have had to go through so much suffering. Our

Guruji often quoted from the poem, "The Hound of Heaven", where suffering is

called "the shadow of God's hand outstretched caressingly," and I hope it

has been so with you. Your indomitable loving and positive spirit and the

"galactic whirl" - your words! - that you give us in your poems, are much

admired and loved by all.


If I understood you correctly, you seem to be referring to, among other

problems, a condition of blood poisoning. Apart from a diet of raw organic

food which I believe would always be helpful, and of course avoidance of

sugars, here is an additional idea. A lady friend of ours had been stricken

with a chronic staphylococcic infection, with open skin sores continuously

breaking out all over her body, defying the efforts of doctors for years.

She was finally healed through Ginseng and Aloe Vera.


Ginseng root is very bitter, but a great blood cleanser. It is not cheap,

ranging from about $20 to $800 per pound depending on quality. This lady had

found a Chinese wholesaler who sold Ginseng to her at a reasonable price.

She put the Ginseng roots into a steamer, added water, and let it boil for

three hours in the steamer. She drank that juice nearly every day, and ate

the roots, too.


In addition, she also applied Aloe Vera gel to the skin. Well, within a few

months' time, that lady's skin condition had completely cleared, and the

infection was gone.


Kindest regards and all the best wishes,




> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----

> Von: Mazie Lane [sraddha54]

> Gesendet: Thursday, April 18, 2002 20:17

> An:

> Betreff: Mind Waves Waving Wildly, Hello, Yoo Hoo!



> Dear friends,


> First off, allow me to give some possibly needed adivce concerning this

> story. it is a mite long and rambling, so feel free to dance along the

> delete key if needed!


> Living in california for nearly my entire life, i have come to

> know many of

> the towns and cities quite intimately. It is such a beautiful state, the

> Golden state they call it. Blanketed with the California poppy, the state

> flower, it sometimes seems that with the Great Central Valley,

> including the

> cool and roasting Imperial and San Juaquin Valleys, the Fresno,

> Bakersfield

> and Lodi, Lodi? triangle, that food basket for the entire world,

> California

> is like some elegant Mother Divine who feeds Her children

> wonderful fruits,

> beautiful grains, rice, so many organic and natural products it defies

> anyone to find such an

> abundance in any other conglomerate of folks gathered up as the Hands of

> Benevolence, feeding the world and the poor and the pockets of course, of

> some very wealthy ones, that is the way the game works. And the

> Napa valley

> for the Joy of imbibing sweet master vintner's nectared offerings, a wine

> world that has shaken the French to a frenzy of new techniques

> and denials

> of second best. Besides, Morrie from "Tuesdays with Morrie," asked the

> question, "so what's wrong with being number two?" So what is wrong with

> being number two? nada, zeroing in on it being the actual thing to sit so

> glad in, a comfort of just being anything for God!


> So along further into this tale of California and mazie's wildly flapping

> tattered flag of gladness, it unfurls more fully in the breeze of this

> story. In 1991 i spent some many months in the hospital for a massive

> infection in a joint, a hip joint. That pesky old streptococcus was bad

> enough to deal with as a friend, but try having Staphylococcus in

> for tea,

> he never wants to leave, in fact, he thinks he'll be having YOU

> for the tea,

> the crumpets and the sweet little sugar cube of pain plopped into

> the Heart

> of existing. Ahhh! The sweet keel-hauling all over God's

> barnacled body of

> Agony! it don't get no finer than that little mischief making One! So,

> having this thing of having to battle for my life with these critters, so

> grumpy and going for the gusto they were, and glad to be munching on my

> sweet flesh it seemed, the cheek of those little bastards, i had

> to do some

> serious re-evaluating of what the next move might be, or i might

> be the last

> move across the chessboard, and then well, you know what's the next move,

> that old proverbial God-hollar with glee and boasting, "Check-mate me

> matey!"


> So hooked up to endless tubes and pumps pumping things in and

> sucking things

> sucking things out, it was just one wild in and out and getting so down

> inside this territory being challenged by Mr. Death's Head, a fine old

> feathered, yes, that old Owl's Death announcement as the old wise indians

> would say, of seemingly soon going to be swooping my sweet ass off the

> Glory. By God that's what they all had in store for me! Can't

> pull one off

> on this cat! No sirree Bob, no way no how, i saw that wily rascal, that

> ACME-brand of Coyote clomping across my head and calling, "let's get her

> dead!" coming closer and i had another thing or two up my sleeve, yes, i

> sure 'nuf did folks! So i just threw down the gauntlet. i stood

> up, well, i

> sort of pulled myself up on one weak elbow, and i looked into the

> sky of my

> Heart, and i said, "You mother-(well, you know the word!) SOB, i am not

> going to take the fall for YOUR ignorant forgetfulness that i

> have come back

> to find my Beautiful BELOVED ONE! And do You think, Mr. Snafu and

> prankster

> supreme that i am just going to roll over and play dead? Even for

> real now

> that we have all our cards on the table? if You think for one stinking

> moment that i am giving it all up now, after all i have been

> through to find

> this elusive and slinky misty-fying One who always seems to just

> go out the

> back door as i come in the front one, well, Howdy brother knower

> of Nothing!

> i ain't going nowhere yet!"


> So i grabbed the reins and took the helm, gathered up the rope

> and shifted

> the chains, hauled around the coffin like a butterfly display,

> and i was not

> the Death's head Moth yet! And so, after some three weeks of kicking the

> addictions to narcotics they had brought about in me, and i mean they are

> not kidding when they say "KICKING," for you are one enormous

> muscular cramp

> and you can't sleep and can't eat and every moment is death a

> thousand times

> over and you cry and actually scream and go into delerium and the raging

> inferno is so burning, a pool of sweat never-ending, vomiting and nausea

> like a new breed of dues being met, and that you almost give up

> and die and

> gladly so, except, except, that Beloved One still needs to be

> united with,

> still must be met and held and kissed and adored and lived inside and all

> the trouble we went through to be born in this time and space,

> well, well,

> would you toss in the towel even though it might mean a freedom from the

> world of pain and suffering you had ever known, or ever knew could even

> possibly exist in this extreme?


> Blood veins collapse and can't get blood needed every few hours,

> so they do

> cute little numbers like a "femoral artery stick' and it won't

> work and they

> CURSE AT YOU for God's sake as if you want to keep the blood to

> yourself! So

> they stick tubes into the gaint artery in the neck with a cute little

> spiogot! i feel like Frankenstein now more than ever. if

> lightening were to

> strike than surely i would and could and should be reanaimated

> into health

> and i could get up from those traction ropes and leave this bed

> of agony and

> walk home to Oroville, for this hellish landscape is in a town called

> "REDDING." i have despised that town ever since that day, and i avoid it

> like it should be salted and burned and crushed off the face of

> the earth,

> so painful and horrible were those memories. And believe me, what i have

> told you about this is simply a tiny bitty ice cube chipped off

> an enormous

> underwater iceberg of experience into Death, Infection, Surgery,

> all manner

> of bodily gonna taste some new kind of happening, i did that

> Dance and lived

> to talk about it! The thing is this, the thing is this: i no longer have

> that old feeling of bull-dozing Redding under the ground and then pouring

> concrete all over the place it used to be. Now, so wonderfully

> now, i think

> i might go back to Redding some day and sit by the river and see

> the utter

> Beauty that it actually holds for me.


> i recall it was the fourth of July when they hauled me into

> another surgery

> to save this carcass, and that was the beginning of this last chance at

> finding the Beautiful Beloved One, for i was fully aware that the

> doors were

> not exactly throwing themselves open and saying."Hey Mazie, LOOK, here's

> that Beloved One you have been flipping over cemetary plots and

> wedding beds

> searching for!" it was during that night of the possible foray

> into Death's

> Laughing Mouth that i was given a most exquisite gift from God. Beloved

> showed me while under anesthesia, He showed me a face that i have come to

> know now. And all the weeks in Redding, all that immense spirit of

> Stubborness that has brought me here Now, i bow down to That little

> fresh-mouthed never-giver-upper! For the Love of the Beloved,

> this one held

> on and had it out with God and Death, and by Jove, she won that round! So

> round and round we go and where She stops only the Beloved can Know. So,

> yes, YES, i Love Redding, for Redding revealed the Face of my

> Beloved One, i

> just didn't know when God was ever going to cough up the Goods! Ha! Yah!


> Love,

> Mazie




> _______________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at










All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




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Guest guest

Dear Mazie,


>I feel so sorry that you have had to go through so much suffering. Our

>Guruji often quoted from the poem, "The Hound of Heaven", where suffering


>called "the shadow of God's hand outstretched caressingly," and I hope it

>has been so with you.


Dearest Michael,


Oh dear heart, please and thankyou but no need at all to feel one shred of

sorry for that! Those times were the finest sip of Life and Love and

Everything we can ever hope to taste of it all, especially in hindsight!.

Although that was indeed a real hum-dinger of a go-around, i tell you it was

not to be ever missed for the sheer amount of lessons involved in one fell



i was already long into SRF by this time and regardless of the utter

comicalness of being a "junkie," albeit created by the hospital giving me

injections directly into a heart catheter of 100 mg of Demerol every two

hours, along with tabs of morphine sulphate and inter-mixed with dilaudid, i

was certainly the last one i would have thought to be so hooked to a drug!

And those clowns who did the thing in the first place, they gossiped all

over the hospital that i was a JUNKIE when i got there and that was so to

save their own skins against a possible lawsuit, (of which i sure had no

intentions of doing!) But really, now i am so completely healed, i had this

really great spontaneous healing from any pain and any pain from the RA ever

since my Heart did a floral display of itself and left me a crazy Lover of

Love, about three months now, or something along that line. i eat a pretty

much simple diet of steamed and raw veggies, fruits of all kinds, and no

carbs extra like pasta and wheat and rice. No meat of course, and no, or

very little of eggs. i fast a great deal of the time now too, sometimes for

days on just water, and it is the greatest energy builder and bone fluidity

giver flowing in walking. Amazingly since all this Heart opening, i really

sleep so very little. Sometimes i do not sleep for three days and then when

i do again, maybe a few hours and then on another jag of Love spoutings.

Incredible, all of it! Simply the finest ride i ever was strapped into! Or

am i just flying and sailing through the air with no wires, no belts and no

buckling ins? Aren't we all just doing these marvelous Wallenda-flying

trapeze acts into Beloved's Heart? Thanks for the concern and the great tips

Michael. i so appreciate all you say and do on my kind behalf.





Your indomitable loving and positive spirit and the

>"galactic whirl" - your words! - that you give us in your poems, are much

>admired and loved by all.


>If I understood you correctly, you seem to be referring to, among other

>problems, a condition of blood poisoning. Apart from a diet of raw organic

>food which I believe would always be helpful, and of course avoidance of

>sugars, here is an additional idea. A lady friend of ours had been stricken

>with a chronic staphylococcic infection, with open skin sores continuously

>breaking out all over her body, defying the efforts of doctors for years.

>She was finally healed through Ginseng and Aloe Vera.


>Ginseng root is very bitter, but a great blood cleanser. It is not cheap,

>ranging from about $20 to $800 per pound depending on quality. This lady


>found a Chinese wholesaler who sold Ginseng to her at a reasonable price.

>She put the Ginseng roots into a steamer, added water, and let it boil for

>three hours in the steamer. She drank that juice nearly every day, and ate

>the roots, too.


>In addition, she also applied Aloe Vera gel to the skin. Well, within a few

>months' time, that lady's skin condition had completely cleared, and the

>infection was gone.


>Kindest regards and all the best wishes,





> > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----

> > Von: Mazie Lane [sraddha54]

> > Gesendet: Thursday, April 18, 2002 20:17

> > An:

> > Betreff: Mind Waves Waving Wildly, Hello, Yoo Hoo!

> >

> >

> > Dear friends,

> >

> > First off, allow me to give some possibly needed adivce concerning this

> > story. it is a mite long and rambling, so feel free to dance along the

> > delete key if needed!

> >

> > Living in california for nearly my entire life, i have come to

> > know many of

> > the towns and cities quite intimately. It is such a beautiful state, the

> > Golden state they call it. Blanketed with the California poppy, the


> > flower, it sometimes seems that with the Great Central Valley,

> > including the

> > cool and roasting Imperial and San Juaquin Valleys, the Fresno,

> > Bakersfield

> > and Lodi, Lodi? triangle, that food basket for the entire world,

> > California

> > is like some elegant Mother Divine who feeds Her children

> > wonderful fruits,

> > beautiful grains, rice, so many organic and natural products it defies

> > anyone to find such an

> > abundance in any other conglomerate of folks gathered up as the Hands of

> > Benevolence, feeding the world and the poor and the pockets of course,


> > some very wealthy ones, that is the way the game works. And the

> > Napa valley

> > for the Joy of imbibing sweet master vintner's nectared offerings, a


> > world that has shaken the French to a frenzy of new techniques

> > and denials

> > of second best. Besides, Morrie from "Tuesdays with Morrie," asked the

> > question, "so what's wrong with being number two?" So what is wrong with

> > being number two? nada, zeroing in on it being the actual thing to sit


> > glad in, a comfort of just being anything for God!

> >

> > So along further into this tale of California and mazie's wildly


> > tattered flag of gladness, it unfurls more fully in the breeze of this

> > story. In 1991 i spent some many months in the hospital for a massive

> > infection in a joint, a hip joint. That pesky old streptococcus was bad

> > enough to deal with as a friend, but try having Staphylococcus in

> > for tea,

> > he never wants to leave, in fact, he thinks he'll be having YOU

> > for the tea,

> > the crumpets and the sweet little sugar cube of pain plopped into

> > the Heart

> > of existing. Ahhh! The sweet keel-hauling all over God's

> > barnacled body of

> > Agony! it don't get no finer than that little mischief making One! So,

> > having this thing of having to battle for my life with these critters,


> > grumpy and going for the gusto they were, and glad to be munching on my

> > sweet flesh it seemed, the cheek of those little bastards, i had

> > to do some

> > serious re-evaluating of what the next move might be, or i might

> > be the last

> > move across the chessboard, and then well, you know what's the next


> > that old proverbial God-hollar with glee and boasting, "Check-mate me

> > matey!"

> >

> > So hooked up to endless tubes and pumps pumping things in and

> > sucking things

> > sucking things out, it was just one wild in and out and getting so down

> > inside this territory being challenged by Mr. Death's Head, a fine old

> > feathered, yes, that old Owl's Death announcement as the old wise


> > would say, of seemingly soon going to be swooping my sweet ass off the

> > Glory. By God that's what they all had in store for me! Can't

> > pull one off

> > on this cat! No sirree Bob, no way no how, i saw that wily rascal, that

> > ACME-brand of Coyote clomping across my head and calling, "let's get her

> > dead!" coming closer and i had another thing or two up my sleeve, yes, i

> > sure 'nuf did folks! So i just threw down the gauntlet. i stood

> > up, well, i

> > sort of pulled myself up on one weak elbow, and i looked into the

> > sky of my

> > Heart, and i said, "You mother-(well, you know the word!) SOB, i am not

> > going to take the fall for YOUR ignorant forgetfulness that i

> > have come back

> > to find my Beautiful BELOVED ONE! And do You think, Mr. Snafu and

> > prankster

> > supreme that i am just going to roll over and play dead? Even for

> > real now

> > that we have all our cards on the table? if You think for one stinking

> > moment that i am giving it all up now, after all i have been

> > through to find

> > this elusive and slinky misty-fying One who always seems to just

> > go out the

> > back door as i come in the front one, well, Howdy brother knower

> > of Nothing!

> > i ain't going nowhere yet!"

> >

> > So i grabbed the reins and took the helm, gathered up the rope

> > and shifted

> > the chains, hauled around the coffin like a butterfly display,

> > and i was not

> > the Death's head Moth yet! And so, after some three weeks of kicking the

> > addictions to narcotics they had brought about in me, and i mean they


> > not kidding when they say "KICKING," for you are one enormous

> > muscular cramp

> > and you can't sleep and can't eat and every moment is death a

> > thousand times

> > over and you cry and actually scream and go into delerium and the raging

> > inferno is so burning, a pool of sweat never-ending, vomiting and nausea

> > like a new breed of dues being met, and that you almost give up

> > and die and

> > gladly so, except, except, that Beloved One still needs to be

> > united with,

> > still must be met and held and kissed and adored and lived inside and


> > the trouble we went through to be born in this time and space,

> > well, well,

> > would you toss in the towel even though it might mean a freedom from the

> > world of pain and suffering you had ever known, or ever knew could even

> > possibly exist in this extreme?

> >

> > Blood veins collapse and can't get blood needed every few hours,

> > so they do

> > cute little numbers like a "femoral artery stick' and it won't

> > work and they

> > CURSE AT YOU for God's sake as if you want to keep the blood to

> > yourself! So

> > they stick tubes into the gaint artery in the neck with a cute little

> > spiogot! i feel like Frankenstein now more than ever. if

> > lightening were to

> > strike than surely i would and could and should be reanaimated

> > into health

> > and i could get up from those traction ropes and leave this bed

> > of agony and

> > walk home to Oroville, for this hellish landscape is in a town called

> > "REDDING." i have despised that town ever since that day, and i avoid it

> > like it should be salted and burned and crushed off the face of

> > the earth,

> > so painful and horrible were those memories. And believe me, what i have

> > told you about this is simply a tiny bitty ice cube chipped off

> > an enormous

> > underwater iceberg of experience into Death, Infection, Surgery,

> > all manner

> > of bodily gonna taste some new kind of happening, i did that

> > Dance and lived

> > to talk about it! The thing is this, the thing is this: i no longer have

> > that old feeling of bull-dozing Redding under the ground and then


> > concrete all over the place it used to be. Now, so wonderfully

> > now, i think

> > i might go back to Redding some day and sit by the river and see

> > the utter

> > Beauty that it actually holds for me.

> >

> > i recall it was the fourth of July when they hauled me into

> > another surgery

> > to save this carcass, and that was the beginning of this last chance at

> > finding the Beautiful Beloved One, for i was fully aware that the

> > doors were

> > not exactly throwing themselves open and saying."Hey Mazie, LOOK, here's

> > that Beloved One you have been flipping over cemetary plots and

> > wedding beds

> > searching for!" it was during that night of the possible foray

> > into Death's

> > Laughing Mouth that i was given a most exquisite gift from God. Beloved

> > showed me while under anesthesia, He showed me a face that i have come


> > know now. And all the weeks in Redding, all that immense spirit of

> > Stubborness that has brought me here Now, i bow down to That little

> > fresh-mouthed never-giver-upper! For the Love of the Beloved,

> > this one held

> > on and had it out with God and Death, and by Jove, she won that round!


> > round and round we go and where She stops only the Beloved can Know. So,

> > yes, YES, i Love Redding, for Redding revealed the Face of my

> > Beloved One, i

> > just didn't know when God was ever going to cough up the Goods! Ha! Yah!

> >

> > Love,

> > Mazie

> >

> >

> >

> > _______________

> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at











>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

>perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

>back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

>the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of


>Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

>where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

>Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge,


>arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




>Your use of is subject to






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