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insignificant things, do them

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Dear Friends,


Whenever i feel like i'm losing that connection to my Heart (Yeah right, as

if!) when i feel out of my center, i go outside and get back into the night

and Nature and all the silent Beauty that is such the Guru of all gurus

sometimes. Stepping out that door, suddenly i am Nowhere! All the things

that seemed so large and looming and important are just gone in that

flashing of Nothing and Nowhere that is Everywhere and Everything. What a

humbling and head-bowing experience, for to bow or lower the head is nearly

instinctual as a sign of utter smallness and humility in the Face of That,

That Immensity of Beloved wrapping around me.


Gandhi once said that most of what we would do would be insignificant, or

appear so, but that it was and is important that we do those things anyway.

It is important that we do those things anyway, the small things, the hand

held out in kindness and not anger, the eyes looking at another, filled with

divine tears, so supremely moved by the Beauty that those eyes hold, the

soul knows to lower its Eyes, like as if to dance slowly and serenely around

that Moment of Wonder and Awe at realizing just how Exquisitely Loved and

Cherished we are by God, no matter how we behave, and to know that same Love

offered by the human representative of our Beloved One. The small act of

peeling a tangelo for a loved one, to hand it to them and say, "Darling, for

you, this fruit from Beloved, i offer it to You my Love, my Sweet Baby."

Such simple things, so easy to be loving and kind, and so much energy wasted

and oh so completely spilled out to naught when we react in anger or cruelty

or unkindness. For it is always the intentions that belie our state of mind,

not the acts themselves, for this can be deceiving as to what and why

something is being done, for most often, we are making a judgement based on

past experiences, the social mores, the local buzzing, the way the family

and friends expect us to act, the total indoctrination into narrow and

stifling judgements, and not an open-hearted acceptance of those who we know

are always Love and Love alone. We so quickly throw every kind word and act

out the window with one simple thing zeroed in on, isolated and held up to

utterly ignorant scrutiny based on limited ability to Understand what is the

real happening, what God is doign with each of Our Hearts, and that is

something we do not understand usually, and will not accept as it is Now and

as it presents Itself to us, and thus we fail to receive what Beloved wants

to offer us, through whomever and whenever and however and whatever way is

put before us. It certainly isn't as we think It Is!


i have long been one to look at life with a clear eye as to what is going on

around me. As a child who had to learn to navigate on my own in a world of

hospitals and doctors and weird places with weird people, i began early on

in the practice of dispassionately viewing whatever was occurring to me and

within my small orbit, which was in fact, the entire world, the macro and

the micro all in One fell swoop, every universe upon universe and into the

infinite realm of foreverness. What a view for such a young person! It

certainly helped to see things with a cool eye and dispassionate eye when

one had to sit in a whirlpool bath at age eleven, flecks and bits of burn

victim's skin all swirling around me as i sat there, all bunched up in a shy

corner trying to stay in the Elsewhere, anywhere but in that vat of

humanity's crisped and burnt friends leavings swimming all about me. See, i

was very poor, and the city hospital was offered as a token gesture to

alleviate the financial burden from my dear father and mother, who worked so

hard to provide for five kids and so many pets, and then add the

astronomical costs to them for a child with a catastrophic illness, well,

you see how it was.


But those times when i had to trudge up that hill, knowing full well that i

was going to be tortured and made to cry and all manner of bodily

atrocities, it took the greatest amount of will-power to keep going week

after week, month after month, even year after year, for the young one with

JRA must be kept limber to prevent crippling, and thank God for my folks

insisting that i do this, for it did prevent any of the deformity from

occurring. But seriously, look at this, and see it through the eyes and

heart of a child lioness, who knew that there was no escape, knew that it

must be endured with no help from anyone but my own inner Heart and Soul,

and this is the gift given from the Beloved One, to remain brave as i

plunged my tiny little hands into vats of paraffin wax that was too

over-heated, causing first degree burns and blisters on my hands, so inept

were these county workers. They tried but they were so over burdened with

workloads and paid so very little. i won't even go into the actual physical

therapy itself, for i might as well have been in some demented world of

witch trials and everything was a torturous rack, a knifing and slicing and

tearing and just going through utter physical hell every day to remain as

healthy as possible in the future. What a fun time for the bravery-bound

One! What a fine challenge to take it, to take anything at any time from

anyone and know it would be, could be endured, and gladly sometimes.


So we must do the little seemingly insignificant things, for they are

important to do. We are not about giant happenings, although these are

certainly also apparent and always happening to some degree or another, but

the small stuff, that's where we grow in Heart and Love and strength and

compassion and fortitude and the ability to give it all up for God, for

Beloved, for Love! We are the warriors of Love and we are not going to

buckle or become the whining weakened ones who cannot take a punch,

spiritually speaking. Sometimes, no, many, and most of the time, it has been

in the most extreme times of poverty and suffering that i have been lifted

into Rapturous Ecstacy Unutterable.

Of course this can all be found and given amidst the greatest wealth and

comfort too, for it is in our minds and Hearts where we are made rich and

given these gifts, it is not in what we have or do not have it is in how we

are attached to these things that matters.


What a wonderful world we live in where we can actually grow equally and in

the same measure as another, so much so that every thought, every action and

just everything is experienced by the two as One, Everything. And this comes

from total Grace and Hearts so surrendered to Love it defies imagination in

any form. It is real and it is Now and it can be experienced by All, by all

now and not in some ancient forest and temple long ago with moldy books and

crusty saints, and not that there's anything wrong with that! But It Is Now

and It Is for All of Us at any given moment when we will find ourselves

truly given to Love and all that Love wants for us and to show us, to

express through us. Give it a whirl my darlings, or rahter allow It to whirl

YOU, and See what i mean, see this thing that Loves to Love with Our Hearts,

Minds, Bodies, Souls, and all our Strength, that old Shakti Rama Lama ding

dong gong. Give it up for God! give into God! Go to God, come to God, come

with God, just come and Get Happy with God, that's all it is, that's all you

need do, just give it up. Give up trying to do anything and let Love do you.

Stop trying to force the Hand of Love and allow Love to force you into

submission to whatever Mission It has for You!


We all just want to Love the Beautiful One, and we all just want to Kiss Our

Beloved One, and we all just want to lie down with Our Beautiful Beloved

One, and we can! We only have to die to everything and everyone to do this

and to then live more fully than we ever knew possible. Yes, Yes Darling. Of

course, of course and certainly Darling, for we ARE That Love manifesting in

all these Wonderous and Magical ways every single day and nearly every hour,

perhaps continually, yes that's it, it never ends, it never ever stops

unfolding and blossoming into more Love Loving Itself as us and through Us

and with Our Hearts. Gosh, isn't it, ain't Life just Grand?!






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