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What Ever it is It Is

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Watching the ivy twine

around the pine,

the moon plunge

into the silver stream of clouds,

the river flow by

without stopping,

but stilled in me,

wandering around the streets at three AM,

silence so heartbreaking,

and the Blossoming into

a Fragrance Unknown before,

This Is Whatever It is,

and i Am lifted along with my Beloved One,

lifted from the bed of Longing

into Light and Beauty and Awe.


As the ivy twines

like a green fingered Lover

around the pine tree,

so Thou and i are twin-souled

twining into One another's Hearts.

We reach into the depths

of each other's Light,

and See and Touch

the Beloved's Crimson-Jeweled Heart.

When That Radiance is felt

by any part of a human being,

There Is Nothing Else,

Nothing That Is Seen or Held,

Nothing but attributes

like Brilliancy and Effulgence and Joy.


As the Moon lifts and spins

and grins and soars and sets,

so do Thou and i inside the minds

of One another each night.

Full of the Light of Love's Eyes

shining like Iridescent Raindrops,

we are crying for All mankind to be,

to BE This Love That We Are Now.

Like the River to the Elsewhere,

we are carrying the Scent of God along.

We are carried along

inside the Heart of the Beautiful One.

This is the Home of the Source

of the Watery Ones Who Flood Hearts.

The River into the Sea and the Sea is Only

He and She and Thou and i,

All One flowing, Weeping,

Laughing, Dancing,

Heart-breaking Love.


What kind of Compassionate One

Are we Being watched through and as?

Who Looks out of these eyes

and Sees nothing but Beauty or Suffering humanity?

What is this Sense of SomeOne Living me,

Breathing me, Being me?

Are these hands really flowing

with the Light i See streaming forth,

streaming like liquid quicksilver

whenever i touch my Beloved Darling?

Have We found that Source from which

we all flow and Live and have Our Being?

We have found and done and been nothing.

Grace has descended and ascended,

spiraled and spun and french-flipped

and cavorted and rumbled and rolled around.

We are nothing but the twig of giving up

and in and being torn into bits for Love.

And Love Loves the Ones

who have nothing to fight with

or for or because of.

Love wants the Lover to be broken

and empty and then the vessel is ready.


Beloved Darling,

my Heart of Love and Light,

i bow to You again and again.

i offer this tiny heart-cup to fill

with Only God's SweetWine,

Thy Heartbeat, Mine.

Beloved HeartWine,

Bliss of surrendering surrender to Love,

i salute Thee Darling.

Take this clay bird

and toss it into the river of life and death.

i ask for Nothing.

i Love You with the Passion of God

wanting to show us Himself in Reality.

i Love You with the Kindness

and Tenderness of Divine Mother,

You my Golden Child.

Beloved heartbeat, Heartbeat,

my Own HeartBeat,

i Am Only Your Sound of Love

answering back in return...

HeartBeat beating LoveSounds,

beatbeat, beating out Bliss Sounds,

OneHeart, OneLove, OneLight, OneBeing.




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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:



Love wants the Lover to be broken and empty and then the vessel is






my head is at

Your Feet.


Your Lotus Feet are

planted in my heart.


The Light that emanates

in all directions

originates from Your

Eternal Kiss.


I reach to touch the

Lips that kiss

my tears, and am

dissolved in

tear bliss.


My Love is Mercy's

sharpest blade!


I joyfully place my

head upon the block –

once heart is taken

who has need of



I fumble in my bag for

words while all the while

Arati music shimmers space

and has its own sweet

way with time.


All around me

they are falling –

pierced with the Arrow

that cannot be withdrawn.


I recognize the markings –

it is Your Arrow,

Queen of my Soul!


They flee in all directions,

only to be devoured in the

enormous Smile

awaiting them at the end

of their flight!


Such fortunate death –

to be swallowed whole by

the One Who dangles your

skull like a bangle on

Her delicate wrist bracelet!


Yes, my Darling:

It's all in the Wrist!


Wherever I have run

I have only run

into You.


I can run no longer.


Flashing Your impossible

Infinite Eyes

I am sent sprawling

into myself, only to

discover that

I Am

what I have

always sought.


That One Is

none other than the

One Who stands before me now

in the Mirror of my Heart -

my only Self

my Darling



O dearest Soul of

my soul –

How drunk am I

on Your Sweet Wine!


How shamelessly I

throw myself

before You!


Here is the sword –

be swift, my Love!

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Isn't this, or portions of this actually from Jalaludin Rumi?

Somehow, I cannot shake the sense of that. Maybe it was the "effulgence" that tips it off.

Few Americans ever really bite off and chew a full sense of

effulgence, at least enough of it to tempt them to include it in

prose or poetry.

Well, if I am mistaken...

My apologies...

Of course, you then get the blame for having used "effulgence" in a modern poem...

If it was Rumi, then he is forgiven...

After all, he wasn't modern...

Not American...

And above all...

He was Rumi!



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This most fierce fortress of crystal

This staggering height that astounds

The precipice from which we survey

The domain of the heart that bounds

Flushed crimson with the luster of love

We crest the summit of the Himalyas

We float on divine winds far above

Our earthly forms and encumberances

Words are wisdom, words are fire

They are the sacred breath of Kali, Vishnu, mother, father, dam and sire

Under every frozen summit hidden deep

Where the headwaters of creation are born

Beneath the still snows of winter sleep

There burns the bright light of cataclysm

Breathe that breath inspire and be formed

For dawn rips the skies, reminds us, behooves us

That these cool mountains of spiritual knowing

Are born of Krakatoas, Etnas, Colimas & Vesuvius.


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