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some things we see, too

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Hey guys, do you see us too, me and Mazie in Lover's Lane...

I drove about 13.000 miles from Jan 12 to May 16...

>From Victoria BC to Halifax NS to Savannah GA...

And a whole lot of 'I Love USA' spots in between...

Pretty well every place I visited had its... 'Lover's Lane'!

And every one of them was connected to every other one...

I know it because I drove it, driven as I was to connect all the dots...

Gloria wrote:

>>> You do not leave one place for another. You are always

*stationary*. The scenes go past you. Even from the ordinary point of

view you sit in your cabin and the ship sails but you do not move. It

is the picture that moves on and away.<<<

There was nothing too "stationary" about me though, Gloria, moved to move as I was.

Or is it just coincidence that we use e-motion when driven by love?

Nothing static, nothing stationary, all relating, all relative.

Ah, that Einstein guy, he could tell relativity when he saw it.

Life is dynamic, its energy is that flow of love, mutuality...

Call it shakti, call it rasa, call it sap, call it ambrosia...

Amrita Nadi joins us all...

I love us,



Of course Gloria, I know where you are going with what you wrote, but

isn't there a bit too much solipsism in this advaita region of ours?

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You wrote:

>>> Btw, sorry about that huge sound file, it won't be done again. I got a

lot carried away with the artistic creation there. <<<


Ah no Gloria, do get carried away, even if it is through huge sound files.

It is us that will have to adjust...

The recipients have to broaden their bandwidth...

You are inciting us generously, we need to respond generously.

That is the whole idea: stoking the fires of 'generous mutuality'..., not to

extinguish ourselves towards a 'lower common demeanour'. (-: ah wim's word

play :-)


I'm all for a dynamic mutual escalation in this flamin' play of love. Do not

get tempted to turn your fire into a pilot flame... and if you need to, do

not be afraid to have your pilot flame light a whirling fire under a already

burning bush of love.

>>> Is this a test, Wim? Or just you teasing me again? <<<

My dear Gloria, can you see it like this? I often use what people write to

carry me on from there... I cannot help it that people tend to think that

there is criticism in my response... If I happen to step on a toe, it is

only because I am a poor dancer and that I am not afraid to touch and get


>>> I don't know much about solipsism in advaita, but I do think sometimes

people can "hear" an overemphasis on transcending the world at the expense

of ignoring living. Not much danger of you doing that tho, is there? <<<


So wonderfully said, Gloria.

My mother used to say that the mysteries of metaphysics are build on the

solid foundations of physics...

I wonder (remember she so happily passed on last year) how she would have a

saying on 'scendance', 'ascendance and 'transcendence' ?

I bet you, she would have a whirly dance in there somewhere.


Love you, Wim


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, "Mazie Lane" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:



There is so much more to Love,

so incredibly much more,

that i cannot even say It!




Association with Love leads only to Love. Such association therefore

is cherished – in fact it Is the Loving of Love for and by Itself.

Along with the little-known practice of actually Loving, and Inquiry

into the True Nature of the Lover, such association is more potent

than any other so-called spiritual discipline, until all such

disciplines are recognized as only the Play of Love. The Blessing

Glance that Love bestows makes one who is ready immediately open and

empty to receive, devoid of any resistance. Love's Real Nature is the

OneHeart Itself. Only.

The ordinary person dreams in the brain, unaware of their True Home

in the Heart. The Lover lives in the Heart. The Lover is Lived by the

Heart, Awakening to constant Whisper of the Heart to Itself. For the

Lover, the True Devotee of Love, there is nothing but the Joyful

movement of the Formless Heart into all forms and relationships. The

Lover has no will. No Choice. All such fantasies have been consumed

by the lovely Fire of Love. In the realm some call "this world", the

Lover knows that what they see is not separate from the OneHeart in

Which all arises and dissolves, Which they realize in the Heart as

their own Self, the Real -- Love.

Love sees nothing as greater or lesser, higher or lower, better or

worse, more or less desirable. All is only Love in their sight. In

the state of Love the Lover sees nothing separate from the Beloved –

Radiance Divine shining in every direction for the sheer

Magnification of Itself in Mysterious Wonder.

For the Lover, Love alone IS, and nothing else.

By remaining in Communion with Love, the Lover sheds all recoil from

Love until such veils drop away completely, revealing That Which Is.

In such Humility, Love, Which Is Truth, becomes the Sacrifice Which

returns as the Smile, illuminating all that does not Recognize Itself

as Love. The Eternal, Immortal Beloved presses so urgently down into

mortality as the Love Offering to that which lingers in the

forgetfulness of its own True Nature, and how Happy is the Lover to

fall into this slipstream of Loving's Bright Song, that all may enjoy

the Delight of Love's Homecoming to Itself, the Self of All, the

Treasure of the Living Light of Heart-broken Surrender to the deepest

Yearning of Being Itself! Jai to the Inextinguishable, this Ever-

living Flame!

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Welcome back! 13,000 miles is indeed a lot of motion. You must get

around to sharing some stories of your travels with us.


The dervish reaching the stillness while whirling expresses the

simultaneity of form is emptiness. As does the unmoved mover Ramana

describes. These apparent contradictions are not limiting conditions,

are they? Is this a test, Wim? Or just you teasing me again?


Anyway, I drove over to my Mom's just to say hi to you. In order to

have our carpets cleaned, the computer had to be disconnected and

packed up. Aaargh, it's been almost as much trouble as moving. In a

few hours, when its dry, everything can go back. Somehow its turned

into spring cleaning practically the whole house. Well, I won't bore

everyone with more details. Its entirely too beautiful outside to be

spending much time inside, either cleaning or typing messages.


I don't know much about solipsism in advaita, but I do think

sometimes people can "hear" an overemphasis on transcending the world

at the expense of ignoring living. Not much danger of you doing that

tho, is there?


We can say more tonight when I get back online. Btw, sorry about that

huge sound file, it won't be done again. I got a lot carried away

with the artistic creation there.


Love you too,




, Wim Borsboom <wim@a...> wrote:

> Hey guys, do you see us too, me and Mazie in Lover's Lane...



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, "Mazie Lane" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:

>i knew you could say it so much more Beautifully than

i ever could..



....LOL, my Beloved,


i only sing about Love, while You are Love Singing!


my moon is but the reflected light of Your Sun --

such is the intense Enjoyment of the Devotee of Love:

to float in the ever-present Radiance of Beloved's Bright Light,

reflecting it to all who stand in wonder with their fingers pointing

skyward, dazzled by the Mirror of their own Dear Hearts, the Star

That they Are, from Which they have emerged, and in Which all Life

revolves in a Perfection beyond comprehension!

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