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the psycho and the Self

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Hi Valerie.

I am not going to deal with the evil or hurt that you mention in your

posts. I will leave that to others... no actually... I'll leave that

to YOU, as only you can deliver you from the 'other'. As soon as you

know who the 'other' is, by letting him or her step forward will you

address and conquer the pain boldly and conclusively.

It can be done and it will be done when it has to be done as so many

did at some conclusive point in their lives.

So my post here, on first reading, may look rather superficial,

useless even, it may even look like I am denying the reality of pain

in this world..., your pain?

Such is not the case, so I hope that you do not interpret what I write that way.

You wrote:

>>> well they say we create our own reality <<<

They say a lot, whoever 'they' are...


That statement, that we create our own reality, can lead to just about

the worst implications we can imagine. One particular interpretation

of that statement inadvertently leads us to the greatest fallacy

ever, that negativity somehow constitutes reality... or that it is at

least a constituent part of reality.

It is not,

as it cannot be,

as it is negative...


And such is no mere word play...

Or if it is word play, it may help us discover the power of words once

we play with them freely, unhiding the charges.

Words do carry quite a bit of remote control from the past. When we

play with words and their meanings, it can help us discharge that

remote control.

So what about 'reality' ?!

When science discovered magnetic monopoles the whole concept of

opposites and polarity had to be reworked. The scientists aren't

there yet... but it is happening...

I could spend hours getting into that, and I usually do that...

talking and drawing. But posting messages just doesn't do the job

very well. But let me try. Some people on this list, who know me a

little closer, have seen me do that... We always end up with reams of

paper... all doodled up... but great clarity has overcome us, 'the

previously befuddled'.

The befuddled get unfuddled while the paper gets beduddled.

The end of it is, that one has no choice but to see and concede that

only the positive exists and that even the possibility of considering

that 'negativity has a place', is out of place.

Us humans have to give up on the concept of polarity, duality... It

simply does NOT exist in nature... There is no proof for the actual

presence of opposites... Polarity only appears in some illusive niche

of the human mind.

Ask dogs or cats about polarity and they'll look at you... totally befuddled.

Have any cats or dogs or goldfish in a bowl?

Just try it... ask!

Animals, or for that matter all of nature just doesn't get it...

Ask any flowers about polarity...

It will just stare at you!

An innocent radiance of naiveté and innate happiness.

It is us humans who have to clean up our way of thinking...

Actually, we may have to give up thinking altogether.

Just look at nature... See any thinking going on?

Of course not.., nature ain't stupid...

Human nature is... or ... uhhh... it thinks it can be!

It is us, humans, we have to come to our senses...

I mean 'senses'!

Ever noticed how we usually interpret what 'coming to our senses'

means? Don't we usually mean something like becoming rational, using

our mind...? That is exactly NOT what it means! It means using our

senses: seeing, feeling, touching, tasting, hearing... There is no

mind in that list, is there? The mind will never make sense on its

own... The mind NEEDS the senses to make sense, so to say. The mind

is dependant on to the senses... see that? The mind plays second

fiddle to the senses. As soon as the mind assumes that it can play

'first chair', cacophony results.


The solution lies eventually in the discovery that polarity is a

concept, opposites are only conceptual ideations.

Using the senses fully will re-enable us to do that... It is all about

Einstein's discovery of relativity... Most people think that he used

clever thought experiments to figure it out... of course not, he used

common sense while using his common senses... Einstein was not a great

thinker... and because he was not, he never lost his genius.

So what was that again about negativity?


Why do you think negativity is called negative?

Ask a scientist if he can prove the reality of negativity.

The answer will be, "Negative!"

The minus sign only appears conceptually on a number line on the other side of zero!

Well if zero is nothing, and if nothing does not even exist, how could

minus something be something?!

Such a concept maybe a useful tool to find out about reality, but to

see the tool as reality is non-sensical.

Only in the human mind can we concoct something so silly...

Then to top it off, we base a whole world view on that premise...

A worldview that we consider to be 'realistic'.

And where and when did the 'problematique' start and who were involved?

The historical moment, when we were forced to believe that good and

bad belong together, that the positive needs the negative to prove

its existence, that moment needs to be remembered and discharged.

So indeed, we do create our own reality... but... only as far as

working with the sensory world is concerned.

Regarding negativity? The negative is only concocted illusively in the

the mind of a beholder...

Many beholders, that is others,

Many others,

"Them people",


What did you say again Valerie?

>>> well *they* say we create our own reality <<<

"They" don't even exist.

"The other" is also a concept.

A rather insidious one.

I'll have to leave it at this.


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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:



> Don't let it bother you. We won't.


> Love,

> Blessings,


> Zenbob


Thanks a ton Zenbob. I appreciate the

touchstone your comments offer here.



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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

> Hi Shawn:


> Enjoyed your comments on this topic.


> Of course the lion who kills Bambi is Evil. Damn him! Damn him!

When will

> the madness end?


> Blessings,


> Zenbob


When Godzilla comes to town and sets it all straight!




Bambi Reincarnated

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When Godzilla comes to town and sets it all straight!


Bambi Reincarnated

And we've all been waiting so long for this blessed event, too!

Where is Mothra when you really need her/him/it?



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