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Maharshi-You are already perfect

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Dear all,


it's good to know that on some level we are already perfect, but IMHO

we need to be extremely careful with such a statement because it can

be very misleading.


Words of saints and masters are sometimes spoken from a special

viewpoint, and can easily be misconstrued. Like when Jesus said, "I

say unto you that more joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that

repenteth, than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no

repentance." Should we all hurry to become greater sinners now?


Likewise, it may be true from a very high standpoint that we are

already perfect and that there is nothing to realize, and this

statement may inspire us and spur us on in our search. But if we are

sincere with ourselves, we won't conclude from that that we are

self-realized beings like Jesus or Sri Ramana just yet.


Just a little warning, probably not necessary here, but I wrote it anyway. :-)


In loving imperfection,





-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----Von: Gloria Lee [glee (AT) citlink (DOT) net]

- viorica weissman

MillionPaths ; NamoRamana ; RamanaMaharshi ; SriArunachala

Sunday, June 09, 2002 6:18 AM

[RamanaMaharshi] Maharshi-You are already perfect

D: Are my present qualities of faith, humility andsurrender

sufficiently intense, or are they still veryimperfect and require

further development? If so, howcan I quickly develop them to

perfection so as todeserve Grace and early success in the realization

ofAtman, or in the annihilation of the ego? M: Do not entertain such

thoughts of imperfection,lack of qualities, etc. You are already

perfect. Getrid of the ideas of imperfection and need fordevelopment.

There is nothing to realize orannihilate. You are the Self. The ego

does not exist.Pursue the enquiry and see if there is anything to

berealized or annihilated. See if there is any mind tobe controlled.

Even the effort is being made by themind which does not exist.

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on 6/9/02 12:28 PM, MikeSuesserott (AT) t-online (DOT) de at MikeSuesserott (AT) t-online (DOT) de wrote:

Dear all,

it's good to know that on some level we are already perfect, but IMHO

we need to be extremely careful with such a statement because it can

be very misleading.

Words of saints and masters are sometimes spoken from a special

viewpoint, and can easily be misconstrued


Thank you, mike.....it seems these advaitists trick themselves into

non-attainment attainment! It's quite baffling, as if you could

merely agree and be done with it!

Uh-oh, did my concept lock me out of somewhere? *lol*




Like when Jesus said, "I say unto you that more joy shall be in heaven

over one sinner that repenteth, than over ninety and nine just

persons, which need no repentance." Should we all hurry to become

greater sinners now?

Likewise, it may be true from a very high standpoint that we are

already perfect and that there is nothing to realize, and this

statement may inspire us and spur us on in our search. But if we are

sincere with ourselves, we won't conclude from that that we are

self-realized beings like Jesus or Sri Ramana just yet.

Just a little warning, probably not necessary here, but I wrote it anyway. :-)

In loving imperfection,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Gloria Lee [glee (AT) citlink (DOT) net]


viorica weissman <viorica (AT) zahav (DOT) net.il>

MillionPaths <millionpaths> ; NamoRamana

<NamoRamana> ; RamanaMaharshi

<ramanamaharshi> ; SriArunachala


Sunday, June 09, 2002 6:18 AM

[RamanaMaharshi] Maharshi-You are already perfect

D: Are my present qualities of faith, humility and

surrender sufficiently intense, or are they still very

imperfect and require further development? If so, how

can I quickly develop them to perfection so as to

deserve Grace and early success in the realization of

Atman, or in the annihilation of the ego?

M: Do not entertain such thoughts of imperfection,

lack of qualities, etc. You are already perfect. Get

rid of the ideas of imperfection and need for

development. There is nothing to realize or

annihilate. You are the Self. The ego does not exist.

Pursue the enquiry and see if there is anything to be

realized or annihilated. See if there is any mind to

be controlled. Even the effort is being made by the

mind which does not exist.



All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.

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, MikeSuesserott@t... wrote:

> Dear all,


> it's good to know that on some level we are already

> perfect, but IMHO we need to be extremely careful

> with such a statement because it can be very

> misleading.


And thus Ramana's words are eviscerated by practiced humility.

> Words of saints and masters are sometimes spoken

> from a special viewpoint, and can easily be misconstrued.

> Like when Jesus said, "I say unto you that more joy shall

> be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, than over ninety

> and nine just persons, which need no repentance." Should we

> all hurry to become greater sinners now?


We might go a little deeper into the meaning of the statement.

> Likewise, it may be true from a very high standpoint that

> we are already perfect and that there is nothing to realize,

> and this statement may inspire us and spur us on in our search.

> But if we are sincere with ourselves, we won't conclude from

> that that we are self-realized beings like Jesus or Sri

> Ramana just yet.


But we might conclude it's not very far away, that it may be

just around the corner, no matter what kind of "sinners" we


> Just a little warning, probably not necessary here, but I

> wrote it anyway.

> :-)


> In loving imperfection,


> Michael


Michael, please don't see this as an attack on you, but

I think you can take Ramana's words at face value each

and every time you encounter them. For example:


M: Do not entertain such thoughts of imperfection,

lack of qualities, etc. You are already perfect. Get

rid of the ideas of imperfection and need for

development. There is nothing to realize or

annihilate. You are the Self. The ego does not exist.

Pursue the enquiry and see if there is anything to be

realized or annihilated. See if there is any mind to

be controlled. Even the effort is being made by the

mind which does not exist.


Each and every person here can take each and every word

above as the clear and honest truth about us all. They

really need no interpretation at all. That's what's so

beautiful about Sri Ramana's words. They are right on

the money right from the source everytime. There is

no myth there, only fact of being, always.



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on 6/9/02 5:16 PM, jodyrrr at jodyrrr wrote:

Each and every person here can take each and every word

above as the clear and honest truth about us all. They

really need no interpretation at all. That's what's so

beautiful about Sri Ramana's words. They are right on

the money right from the source everytime. There is

no myth there, only fact of being, always.



,.........is that your opinion Jody or are you stating "fact"????

Would you make such a claim about a living man? I just wonder........

Love and concepts,


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, shawn <shawn@w...> wrote:

> on 6/9/02 5:16 PM, jodyrrr at jodyrrr wrote:



> Each and every person here can take each and every word

> above as the clear and honest truth about us all. They

> really need no interpretation at all. That's what's so

> beautiful about Sri Ramana's words. They are right on

> the money right from the source everytime. There is

> no myth there, only fact of being, always.


> love--jody.



> ===============


> ,.........is that your opinion Jody or are you stating

> "fact"???? Would you make such a claim about a living

> man? I just wonder........


All we have here are our opinions Shawn, but I'm bold enough

to call it a fact. However, that's just my opinion.

> Love and concepts,


> Shawn


just love--jody.

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, shawn <shawn@w...> wrote:


Love and concepts,





.....Dear Brother,


you have been really cracking me up --

God how beautiful you are!


It always amazes me how in love so many are with their beliefs, even

to the point that they can manufacture experiences within themselves

to confirm their beliefs. we can see this, for example, in the so-

called advaitists who are so committed to their concepts about no

concepts that they even believe they are actually experiencing no


of course, this is quite a bit different than really experiencing the

freedom inherent in our own True Nature, but don't try telling them






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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:



> this is quite a bit different than really experiencing the

> freedom inherent in our own True Nature, but don't try telling them

> that!


> LoveAlways,


> b


Why, we could never presume to think that they might actually

know what they are talking about! All our cherished notions

about enlightenment and our own spirituality would be as good

as so much garbage otherwise. We couldn't let that happen now,

could we?


No, I'm afraid you couldn't.


with compassion--jody.

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on 6/9/02 6:13 PM, jodyrrr at jodyrrr wrote:

> ,.........is that your opinion Jody or are you stating

> "fact"???? Would you make such a claim about a living

> man? I just wonder........

All we have here are our opinions Shawn, but I'm bold enough

to call it a fact. However, that's just my opinion.

> Love and concepts,


> Shawn

just love--jody.


Dear jody,

May it soon be obviously so. May the force of the universe conspire to

help in pulling the rug outfrom under us so that we fall through the

trap door of our heart, and blasting through the other side unable to

wipe that silly grin off our face.

So be it,


PS> May our "perfection" be none at all.

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Hi Michael,

You wrote:

>>> it's good to *know* that on some level we are already perfect, but

IMHO we need to be extremely careful with such a statement


Don Juan at some point admonishes Carlos Castaneda, "to claim knowledge as power."

In cultures other than our current Western, knowledge is more than

just the result of some abstract mental endeavour. Knowledge is

power, energy, reality in a very exacting and tangible sense.

Plato at one point admonishes his students to practice the motto

"Gnoti Seauton", "Know Thyself"... not to just mentally know who you

are, but to follow Socrates' understanding of this saying as 'find

out for yourself who you are, what you are, that you are.'

In those days the word 'knowledge' had a more physical and concrete

connotation that we currently 'acknowledge'.

"To know someone" could also mean to have intercourse, to pro-create,

to pro-generate, to have progeny. "Know Thyself" could also mean,

"Have intercourse with yourself, f... thyself" (:-), re-generate

yourself, regenerate the genie within, one's genius, one's ori-gen-al


(There is a lot more to this... Plato believed that each one of us was

just half a human being, half a four-legged animal so to say, looking

for our other lost two-legged half. When we would find our other lost

half, we would be coupled up again, we would copulate with our other

half, be whole again, become again a kind of androgynous

hermaphrodite being.)

I'm not really sure how serious Plato was though... :-)

Wasn't he also the first one who wrote about Atlantis and the crop circles in Albino ?

Anyway, we could say that we need to re-claim, re-cognize our original

being..., picking up the thread again from to the moment of our

*physical conception*..., not that moment of *mental conception* in

the minds of our parents, siblings and society at large, not their

conception about who we were to be in the eyes of them - our


Really, we only have to de-cognize external, second hand knowledge, we

just have to un-believe what we were ever forced to believe...or as

Jody quotes so relevantly from Ramana:

>>> snip... Get rid of the ideas of imperfection and need for development... <<<


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, shawn <shawn@w...> wrote:

> on 6/9/02 6:13 PM, jodyrrr at jodyrrr wrote:



> > ,.........is that your opinion Jody or are you stating

> > "fact"???? Would you make such a claim about a living

> > man? I just wonder........


> All we have here are our opinions Shawn, but I'm bold enough

> to call it a fact. However, that's just my opinion.


> > Love and concepts,

> >

> > Shawn


> just love--jody.

> ==========================


> Dear jody,


> May it soon be obviously so. May the force of the universe conspire

to help

> in pulling the rug outfrom under us so that we fall through the trap

door of

> our heart, and blasting through the other side unable to wipe that silly

> grin off our face.


Hear, hear!

> So be it,


> Shawn


> PS> May our "perfection" be none at all.


May we see ourselves as we've always been.



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, "hrtbeat7" <hrtbeat7> wrote:

> , "jodyrrr" <jodyrrr> wrote:



> >We couldn't let that happen now,

> could we?



> ....Dear Jody,

> do you believe that you have some choice in the matter?




> LoveAlways,


> b


We are capable of questioning our cherished notions, yes.

As to letting go of them, that would depend on how good

one's karma was.



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