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re; Peter

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Dear Dan:


I must apologize for my absence. I had to go to New Orleans this

week unexpectedly and only had access to a computer for a few

moments. The thread worked itself out without me so I won't try to

rehash too much except to say if my silence sent an unintentional

message it truly was unintentional.


My apologies also to Wim and the others for not responding.

Communication is prized above all social actions to me. Meanings and

subtext are more important than the concepts conveyed (what is the

actual meaning one is trying to communicate). Sometimes this takes a

back and forth between people to get one's meaning. Personal

economic considerations muddy this mix. If anyone stands a chance to

make money by promoting a particular subject, communication suffers

and this bothers me. Confusion of the mind is propagated by lies

both intentional and not.

Devotion to the Truth will unerringly lead one to clarity.


To clarify what I mean below I will try to respond a little.

> Peter wrote;II Peter, Chapter 2


> 1. But there were false prophets also among the people, even as

> there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in

> damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and


> upon themselves swift destruction.


> 2. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom

> the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.


> Peter is talking to his flock telling them of people in their own

> midst who lie to them and distort the word for their own purposes.


> very reasonable exhortation.


> some people cannot keep from promoting themselves at the expense of

> the truth. The message is worthy.




There are some who believe the discord among the disciples was

fostered by Paul who seems to have a different emphasis than the

others, a certain 'take' on being 'saved'. The fruit of the tree

Paul nutured is still alive and well but bland, while a lot of the

Truth of Christ goes unseen. I have to believe in this context

Peter's words were not strong enough or to the point enough. There

of course is the idea that Peter and the others had much to say about

this and that those texts are not now available because the later

flock keepers agreed with the much easier to understand path that

Paul described, than the more Advaitistic views of the Christ.




Hi Bobby --


Reasonable to whom?


Reasonable to someone who wants to

be part of a flock?


Reasonable to someone who wants to

be in charge of a flock?


Mabye so.


But reasonable to everyone?


I don't think so.


That seems to be Wim's point --

not reasonable to everyone.


And what of someone who isn't of

the flock, questions the authority

of the one who wants to maintain

a flock.


Who is the false teacher -- how will

this be known?


One says, be part of the flock, and damn

someone who questions the flock.


The other says, being part of the flock

conditions perceptions and distorts



How to know?


Only from and of yourself can truth be known.


No flock-keeper can provide the truth by

telling me to beware the bad flock-keepers

who aren't like him. The first-hand

truth can't be handed over by a flock-keeper.


So the question about whether one flock-keeper

is true, and the other is damnable and false,

is moot.


The eagle's truth is not the truth of the sheep.







As always your unique way of stating deep principles is appreciated.


I think the truth is a solution to a problem, an accurate

discription, and the ultimate resting point for the soul. When I was

young I always wondered why some things had the ring of truth and

others did not. As long as I was in my loving heart I could solve

math problems, look clearly, and feel oneness. When distracted

these qualities were hit or miss.


I came to believe that there is a thread through every event

connected to that ultimate resting place. All I had to do was follow

those things that had the 'ring of truth'. Devotion to the Truth can

be criticised as 'whose truth?' if one is talking about individual

events but not if one is talking about of Thread of Truth in each

event leading one to liberation. This is the way I interpret the

practise of devotion to Ishvara (God) in Ashtanga Yoga.


I came to believe in something inside me that gave accurate answers

when questioned with humility and the desire to know for the sake of

knowing. I thought of it for a long time as the force or impetus of

evolution toward sophistication. I found it impossible to

communicate with others about this because 'truth' seems ultimately



Then I read a description of Ishvara as a soul that had never

incarnated, was thus untainted by personal error, and supplied

answers to supplicants. To me this was a reasonble concept to allay

my conceptualization about something that is heartbreakingly




Bobby G.

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Hi Bobby --

> I must apologize for my absence. I had to go to New Orleans this

> week unexpectedly and only had access to a computer for a few

> moments.


No problem.


I hope New Orleans was fun.

> The thread worked itself out without me so I won't try to

> rehash too much except to say if my silence sent an unintentional

> message it truly was unintentional.


O.K. Again, no problem --

And I am open to the message of

silence, and not thinking that it is

your silence, nor someone else's silence...

> My apologies also to Wim and the others for not responding.

> Communication is prized above all social actions to me. Meanings


> subtext are more important than the concepts conveyed (what is the

> actual meaning one is trying to communicate). Sometimes this takes


> back and forth between people to get one's meaning. Personal

> economic considerations muddy this mix. If anyone stands a chance


> make money by promoting a particular subject, communication suffers

> and this bothers me. Confusion of the mind is propagated by lies

> both intentional and not.


I would see it this way:

there is communication to serve the "me"

and there is communication that isn't about "me" ...


If money is involved, that may simply be practical

realities that pertain to things like eating, sleeping,

clothing. It's when money is being used to promote "me,"

to serve "me" -- then the communication is likely to be

skewed. And, if no money is involved, that in and of

itself isn't a guarantee that the "me-center" isn't

active in the communication.

> Devotion to the Truth will unerringly lead one to clarity.


> To clarify what I mean below I will try to respond a little.



> There are some who believe the discord among the disciples was

> fostered by Paul who seems to have a different emphasis than the

> others, a certain 'take' on being 'saved'. The fruit of the tree

> Paul nutured is still alive and well but bland, while a lot of the

> Truth of Christ goes unseen. I have to believe in this context

> Peter's words were not strong enough or to the point enough. There

> of course is the idea that Peter and the others had much to say


> this and that those texts are not now available because the later

> flock keepers agreed with the much easier to understand path that

> Paul described, than the more Advaitistic views of the Christ.


My point of view is simple:

Jesus didn't write texts to present his teaching.

There is a reason for this, the same reason he

spoke in parables, and wrote in the dirt and wiped

it away.


Making the teaching of Jesus into a structure, an

organization, founded on principles and statements

to be preserved as items of belief -- very likely

he forsaw this was inevitable, understood that

people want something concrete and fixed --

"on this rock shall be built my church" --

yet it's clear the revelation is not fixed, concrete,

nor a structure -- the son of Adam has no place to

lay his head, I come as a thief in the night, etc.

> As always your unique way of stating deep principles is



Thank you -- as I appreciate what you are sharing.


> I think the truth is a solution to a problem, an accurate

> discription, and the ultimate resting point for the soul.


I view truth as the end of the attempt to solve anything,

as descriptionless, as the resolution of all striving

by a soul or to have or know a soul.


When I was

> young I always wondered why some things had the ring of truth and

> others did not. As long as I was in my loving heart I could solve

> math problems, look clearly, and feel oneness. When distracted

> these qualities were hit or miss.



Sounds like intuitive math ability,

probably pretty helpful with geometry


I hear what you're saying that when relaxed

and open, one's abilities flow more readily.


> I came to believe that there is a thread through every event

> connected to that ultimate resting place. All I had to do was


> those things that had the 'ring of truth'. Devotion to the Truth


> be criticised as 'whose truth?' if one is talking about individual

> events but not if one is talking about of Thread of Truth in each

> event leading one to liberation. This is the way I interpret the

> practise of devotion to Ishvara (God) in Ashtanga Yoga.




For me, the truth is that there aren't

separable individual events, except

in terms of concept.

Liberation is then knowing that there is

no one to liberate -- no one and no thing

having an independent existence as a separable


> I came to believe in something inside me that gave accurate answers

> when questioned with humility and the desire to know for the sake


> knowing. I thought of it for a long time as the force or impetus


> evolution toward sophistication. I found it impossible to

> communicate with others about this because 'truth' seems ultimately

> relative.




Any communication assumes a separable

meaning which can be conveyed to

a separable entity who hears.


The truth of no separable meaning

is the voice of silence, a silence

that is never disturbed by sound or speech,

because there is nothing separable from it.

> Then I read a description of Ishvara as a soul that had never

> incarnated, was thus untainted by personal error, and supplied

> answers to supplicants. To me this was a reasonble concept to


> my conceptualization about something that is heartbreakingly

> beautiful.




And, does this not apply to you?


Are you not the one who has never incarnated?


Indeed, there can't be someone who incarnates

if there is no separably existing self or things.


There is only the one event, unbroken,

the nonconceptual truth

of being -- and there is that which is beyond

being described as an event.


And the event, and that which is beyond

being observed or known as an event,

are not-two, as you are.




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> > Then I read a description of Ishvara as a soul that had never

> > incarnated, was thus untainted by personal error, and supplied

> > answers to supplicants. To me this was a reasonble concept to

> allay

> > my conceptualization about something that is heartbreakingly

> > beautiful.


> Okay.


> And, does this not apply to you?


> Are you not the one who has never incarnated?


> Indeed, there can't be someone who incarnates

> if there is no separably existing self or things.


> There is only the one event, unbroken,

> the nonconceptual truth

> of being -- and there is that which is beyond

> being described as an event.


> And the event, and that which is beyond

> being observed or known as an event,

> are not-two, as you are.


> Love,

> Dan



Dear Dan:


I don't take the image described as Ishvara literally. I was glad

that someone had created an image which described something I had

difficulty communicating, that there is a guide.


I like to see the way you describe Truth. It is like a mental dance

of nature.



Bobby G.

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Hi Bobby --


Nature dances through us all!


Love and namaste --




> Dear Dan:


> I don't take the image described as Ishvara literally. I was glad

> that someone had created an image which described something I had

> difficulty communicating, that there is a guide.


> I like to see the way you describe Truth. It is like a mental dance

> of nature.


> Love

> Bobby G.

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