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From Mazie & Robert, with Love

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Serpentine ocean stones are singing from Deep Green,


As Sea foam rising in our Mind's Memory of Rana Nedia,


Turning inside as emerald spears carried by wild-eyed Angels


sitting astride Sacred Sleipner's Unbridled Passion, Breathing


All our lives with the Inbreath and the Outgoing Frost –


Creating Endless Crystal Worlds from His pounding Hoofbeats


Racing towards the Snowfields where we wait for One another.


He has pierced the heart of Moull with Ganger,


And All the world stands Singing Light from our Sacred Love wounds.


What can be told of These Holy Wounds?


How, even now, and perpetually yes they softly


Open to reveal the fine razor cut of Beloved's Kissing Sword,


The Sword that, wielded by a Hand of incomprehensible Mercy,


Slashed so cleanly and unerringly this dormant body of frozen desire,


Making of it a pulsing fiery blooming spurt of Lips pressed hard to


Heart of Elohim, the Delirious One, the Great Inebriate Lip Lover!


Pressing into the Face of Night, we open into Bright Darkness.


Explosions of That Kiss are now rippling across the Sky as Tanabata.


We are the Star Festival feeding Lover's every Summer's Bliss.


Against the Whiteness of WhiteLight Altaire is nearly Unseen.


But Vega Sees every subtle nuance and shift and movement of That One.


They are the Distance crossed each year to be together in the flesh.


The Milky Way is strode across with filmy, nebulous forms of


Dust, angling along through every Akashic notation ever made of Them,


The Love Festival of Tanabata was born at their first Glance at Love.


Let everyone bow down under peonies and chrysanthemums and be So




Be so earthly pressed in Grace to Know of Such Love that we Are


Now, that every pore and hair becomes a blossom and a starfield




Yes, and in such bliss the stars colluded, devising


an ingenious scheme whereby they'd flow and merge together to


outshine their own great light.


And so they spun and danced and glowed until they


turned from inside out, magnifying all creation, manifesting


with delight a field of vast and verdant lushness, a field of


brilliant emerald grass, and somehow in that glistening pasture,


bright and shining, they became a single bush of yellow roses where


a Love Bird flying over found a place to pause and nest.


Within the heart of this glad bird they planted seeds of You and I --


as we grew and bloomed and blossomed that bird's song of Joyous




illuminated Heaven's Sky!


Breaking forth again in complete songs of Rapturous Melody, shattered


Mirrored surface water reflects the Blue Canopy of Love, a million


dazzled droplets of the Nightsky burst into Daylight, and every


splendored Moment is drifting along as Colored RainsSounds drifting,


drifting across the Moving Face of Darkness into Brightness.


What calliope has spilled this Effervescent-Brilliance of Two Souls


out, a Sacred mixture of Love combining every Moment we have been




Hearts held like a trembling small deer next to the Spring of Shams,


Hearts clasped into One Beautiful Orbed Radiance about to burst free.


Against all odds the Very Sky we just burst through now becomes a




Some Variagated Blue-Silver, Moving, Breathing, Being Who Breathes




Could the Sound of Laughter bring about Enlightenment, could it, then


every heart who heard our Crazy Merriment at being re-united would


Be, would surely Be now, just One Single Awareness of Love, Love!


If such Laughter had the power to transform


It surely would, and yet this Laughter is Itself the


Transformation, the Awareness of but Love.


This Laughter is the Presence of One Person


Being Two, while from these Two all Oneness flows --


Limitless and True.


This River is a lava flood of Love's devouring


Flames, rising from Heart's molten Reservoir as


Heart's Eternal Grace.


Perhaps some might imagine then that


They can know Love's Face, but Love


Has no such countenance, identity, or place.


Love is simply What remains


When every trace of vanity's dim recoil


Is torched to teary Laughter by


The Heart's consuming Blaze!


Who can say the Name of That Nameless Bird


of the Sky of Perpetual Thunder and Infinite Flight?


Within the Heart of Hari there Glows the Answer.


Some Celestial Song of Rama and Krishna met inside Us.


Blending the Ruby-Red Blood of Valor that Is Bharat,


with the Blue-Black Blood of Love's Pooling as Govinda,


We become the Wine of Life flowing Inside Us as every Heart.


Lifting up into the Endless Embrace of One with the Other,


We break into Riotous, Light-filled flashings and crashings


of Big Bangs and Sunbursts and Comets Streaking,


Planets exploding, Galaxies evaporating, Black Holes Billowing.


Bracing against the Day when we will Brighten into Mist,


Brilliant and Boldly dissipating, undulating into Seafoam,


We hold each other so close we Are OneSoul Breathing OneBreath.


The Ocean of Our Heart is overflowing with Effulgence.


Ancient rishis, poets all, were every one shocked out of


any kind of contemplation by the searing of that Whisper,


Heart's relentless spirit Call, re-wakened to their Yearning


for the Feeling of this Fall, this Nameless Bird so wildly


plummeting through aeons upon aeons now, this Bird with


plumage all afire, wings aflame with Heart's Desire, falling


into This Forever, This unspeakable Divine! This sublime


ferocious Longing with no place on which to land, burns


away all fleeting knowing, immolating every strand.


Darling Dear, my LifeBeat, Bliss –


what a Wonder: This, Just This!


Yes we have become that Falling,


Yes we have become that Kiss!


Soaring now through this glad Grandeur,


Miracle of sheer Delight,


nothing can delay our Falling,


trailing streams of Radiant Light!


The Prophet, Isaiah, and Swami Kebalananda proclaimed the Same,


spoke the Name that there would be this Holy, Fragrant Fall-out!


They spoke of divine Lions and wild-eyed creatures who seek SOMEthing,


Saw to Seek so deeply in their Hunger for Union and Intimacy Unknown,


with their true reflection rippling out and over everything, over All.


They Stalk a Love like it were the last feeding for all the World,


and They are on the lead-point into Unknown country, for God, for GOD!


Soaring and sending elixers of Bliss-filled Moments so Original,


Each and every soul sent to the Heartbeat is set Free if Surrendered!


Sundari-Sunset and The Beloved Ones of Ramana, Adyashanti, Govindaji,


Ramakrishna, Jesus, Francesco my Child, and Mirabai, All Crying,




Mitzvah and Parinda lift off like two Synchronized Swans in


Soft flight,


We Become the Whiteness of the rippled Water


Laughing along this Tale.


Somnambulism is not for the sleepless! Sleeping is not for the




Arise my Children, my Darling little light-points breaking Our




Litanies are being sung amongst the Stars tonight for Us, and for




This Cup Of Love, This Land of Love that Knows


Only Laughter, Singing!


Recognizing & witnessing within consciousness that which I tend to


construct or presume as a barrier to Freedom, all is revealed to be


inherently and priorly without limitation.


Recognizing and witnessing within consciousness that from which I


tend to recoil in conditioned reactivity, all is revealed to be


nothing but the communication of Love to Itself.


Recognizing and witnessing within consciousness the appearance of all


arising worlds, beings, and birds, all are revealed to be nothing but


my own indivisible form.


Recognizing and witnessing within consciousness the vanishing of each


temporary form, the I-concept itself is revealed to be nothing but


the transitory play of vast Emptiness.


Recognizing and witnessing the futility of belief in or


identification with any form or concept, my own True Nature --


Awareness Itself -- begins to


Awaken to Itself.


Awakening to Itself, all limitations


(including the presumption of a separate self-sense) are


Enjoyed as nothing but modifications of Happiness Itself,


without any effort or motive to have them be anything other than


What they Are.


Alive within each Other's Breath, we become the Breath


at once of Hu and Hum and Aum, One Breathing, One Heart Beating


gold and crimson, breaking into One Breath blown into Starry White




like some Divination of Dandelions, scattered Brightness bounding,


petaling open, unfolding of finity unto Infinity, as We Are That




of every dear heart into the Vastness of its own near dear Destiny.


Hand in Hand at the Thresh-hold of Beloved's Abode of Primordial




Eternity beckons in One another's Eyes, and


only Eternity responds.


We take that step, take that Lifting into Bliss


and Blessedness, Yin/Yang entwined, inter-penetrated


by the unerring precision of Presence, permeated


by the irresistible Perfume of each other's desire,


the Heart's Desire


for the Falling out of Nothing into


the Welcome of Itself.


Mushrooming within this only moment of Now,


We are become the very blossoming Joy-Explosion of


ever-billowing flames of Wonder – i, Nagasaki in Your Arms, You


Hiroshima in mine -- Oppenheimer's desert Shiva-sight a


mere sulphured match tip struck against the heat of our enormous




Streaking slivers of Shaivite ashes quicken like liquid silver,


flooding WhiteLight from our Sacred Heart Wound,


a Radiance of LavaLight swirling in OneHeart, flowing


in canyons carved out by This Love.


Flame-whirled, danced deeper into Mystery's Pyre, drawn down into


Depthlessness, Deathless in the bright Blaze of


Mutual Immolation,


Consummation Sublime we climb into the disappearance


Black, then Primal Blue.


Of Itself, this Moment turns inside Itself,


inviting You and i


within the Courtyard of the SunFace/MoonFace of Shams,


rising in our eyes like the root of Spring-rain, and here –


enraptured in each other upon the cool marble, a beguiling


Tasting of OnlyLove's Nectar now lifting into


This, THIS –


blanketed by the Dust of Dying into Life, we become


the last thought laced along Beloved's HeartBeat.


In such Dying, even death is


timed to the rhythm of


its own annihilation, for


as it tastes its victory


so too it tastes its own defeat.


Manjusri's Sword cuts the cutter.


The destroyer is destroyed. Shiva


stands at the end of every story, but


in the vanishing of Shiva


what remains?


Whatever can be said is


not it –


when we open our mouths


only lies pour forth.


These lies like seeds fall upon


a hungry soil and blossom into


the forests of forgetting, the


conceit of knowability.


Be silent, even in song.


Let the Silence


be seen by your ears, heard


by your eyes.


Thunder can't compare.


Fall with thunder into


This, this


Dying into Life!

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