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Artichoke Blossom and Bumblebee

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Electric mauve blossoming of Love's Desire,

black and gold buzzing of Love's Delight,

both are the One Being making Love to Itself.

The humble-bumblebee wants only to get to that nectar,

and the friendly flower wants only to be taken,

to be embraced and plundered by Love as this bee.

Crawling with hurried, yet nonplussed movements,

the bee seeks the Heart of the Honey inside the flower.

Fingering apart each purple body of each single petal,

the Lover-bee seeks to find the Sweetest Joy there.

Offering every mauve Kiss to the Moment, the flower sings!

Born, both for this very Nowness of Union with one another,

the Embrace of the One is the ultimate fulfillment.

The flower will do anything to make itself attractive,

to bring in the Lover who will pollinate it with Joy.

Blissful bee will do anything to be inside this floraled One.

Both surrender to what Is, As It Is, and there is Only Now,

and this Moment alone exists between these Lovers of Love.

>From this commingled Gladness to Be what they Are,

children are born, Light is born, Life is born anew.

Future purple seedlings of this artichoke blossom,

they will be birthed from this singular submission to Love.

Future generations of fuzzy-fingered beelings will rise also.

>From this One Act of Love, which has not even a name for them,

the world is regenerated again and again and again...

Who can ever say what Infinite Love and Wisdom has caused this?

They only know that they must surrender to one another.

Caressed by the breeze of Tenderness and Sweet Joy,

the bee and the blossom are Beloved's children anew, renewing,

creating and being created by the Immortality we Are.

You and i, we are that Bee and that Blossoming Beauty.

Entering into the Heart of what we cannot deny, we surrender,

we Surrender to a Love so Perfectly correographed by God,

by Life and Love and the All of the All, we can only Dance.

And Dance we do, and the Dance we Are, and the Dance Dances Us,

It Dances through every Heart, every act of Love and Beauty.

Beloved Bee and Beloved Flower and Beloved You and Beloved me:

All One Harmonious Lovemaking in the Sweet Moment of Surrender.

Joy Tastes Itself, Life Makes Itself, Bliss Flows Eternally.

And this Joy and Life and Bliss are the Ever-New Wonder of Love!






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Bee: "Such Bliss! God, I must have This!

This Nectar, This Sweetness Sublime!

It is why I am here, as bee-ness, being the

Buzzing, humming in rapturous insect-song,

Reveling in this Rhapsody of Flower-ness, this

Irresistibility of my Heart's Desire, my Yearning for

Only This, Bliss of Being, Bee-ing, and Oh – This

Flower of my Love Embraces me, Yes, and I am

A passion of intoxicated Joy, an undeniable wanting of

This Union, to Drown in This, to even Disappear in only

This, so Sweet, so Rich, and I have to possess This, for This

Is what Possesses me, draws me out of myself and into what is

Most Attractive, most Consuming, and all I see is This, and

All I taste is This, and I am become This – Yes – in the

Consummation I have become This Flower, It's

Essence flowing into me, my Essence One with Flowering

Love that lights Its Way through every nerve, every fiber of my

Buzzing Ecstasy, and Yes I shall simply die out into This, for

This at last is nothing but what I am, when I am given unto This! "


Flower: "Come to me, My Love! My Dearest BeeHeart, my Lover I

Have grown myself for, blossomed myself into This Beauty for,

Embracing Only You, my Delight, Only You, my bold Insistence

Spreading me open to receive Your Hungry Desire, the Desire

I have awakened in You, that ancient Impulse Alive now as this

Wanting – yes, Taste me, Take me, let my Petals wrap You in the

Bliss of Myself, Ourself wound into this Wanting, this Wonder of our

Trembling Giving, Birth of Joy, Birth of billions of Beings, Bees,

Butterflies, Blue Buds Birthing Artichokes of Purple Mirth and in

This fraction of our Mating, in the Dance of our Desire Lived are

We, Loved are We, never less than, never more than, never other than

Life Itself, Love Itself, Beloved, and Yes I am Yours, my Darling,






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