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Fw: A new recognition

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It has been several months now since the cleansing of the akasha

mirror, of the cellular (soul) memories began to reveal a secret, a

"slumbering" recognition in the mirror. During deep sleep, I

understood it. When awake, the recognition disappeared faster than

dew in the Sun.


It had something to do with the "number 2". Somehow, sometime, I had

"forgot" the "number 2". In the beginning there were 2, from 2 came

3, and then One...


I walk around so non-attached that it is that I have lost myself.

Nothing in the personal life is "interesting". My physical body and

personality feels like a dead robot, an empty shell that has lost its



The bad karma beeing transmuted, seems to be connected with the

collective subconscious, and causes immediate reactions in the

collective soil when beeing transmuted. One day, my soul was cleansed

from "religious power persons" and "sexual abuse". Next day, sexual

abuse of children by catholic priests in England was revealed, etc.


In the weekend, I visited a Fjord up here, the birthplace of my

mother. Then came a realization ! The number 2 has to do with my

Light Body ! The steps in the process of cleansing can thus be said

to be 3:


1) Karma in the astral, the lifeforce and my physical cells LOOSENS.

That is, the astral realms splinters into thousands of pieces. And

these *pieces on the loose* are dangerous.


2) The energy in these pieces are transformed, *eliminated*. Actually,

a fusion takes place between the astral planes and my physical body,

whereafter a second fusion takes place with my LIGHT Body, my

eternal, *ressurected* body.


These are the meanings behind the numbers 2 and 3. And the detachment,

similar to but not identical with a *depression*, is that the *center*

in my very beeing has left these world. The center in my *feelings of

identity* has left these world and my body. I walk around in an empty

- a DEAD shell in transmutation. From the subconscious depths of my

soul, memories of the PAST - events beeing repeated over and over and

over again in incarnation after incarnation - explodes into the

conscious PRESENT.


The past fuse with the present. And the *product* fuse with the light

body in order to regain the ETERNAL. This was my realization. Not as

a theory. But by LIVING it.


So these body of mine NOW, and these cellular memories from the PAST

(akasha), is, in a unique sense of the word, DYING. Each time an

astral, an emotional ghost of the past LOOSENS from the subconscious,

I kill the dying. I remove it from the world of phenomenas into the

eternal. The center of my I AM seems to kill my own dying body in

order to reborn it in the eternal, ressurected body.


These process can only be done while living in a physical body. I

guess it is what is termed the initiation of *crucifixion and

ressurection*. And it affects millions of *fanasy-illions* of people,

since all the karma of these billions of lifetimes loosening and

beeing transmuted, can not possibly be only *mine* (I can not have

been incarnated all the time). This process affects the collective as

a living experience, not a theory.


The power of each individual I AM can change the collective route of

events. And it MUST. Because no one can be released from the bondage

of our limited personality and fuse with its I AM, without raising

the lives of *the least of these* at the same time. Otherwise it

would be a paradox. I know it's a paraphrase, but I repeatand repeat

and repeat some simple words, spoken about 2500 years ago:


"All living creatures of whatever class, born from eggs, from wombs,

from moisture, or by transformation whether with form or without

form, whether in a state of thinking or exempt from

thought-necessity, or wholly beyond all thought realms - all these

are caused by Me to attain Unbounded Liberation Nirvana. Yet when

vast, uncountable, immeasurable numbers of beings have thus been

liberated, verily NO being has been liberated. Why is this, Subhûti?

It is because no Bodhisattva who is a Bodhisattva cherishes the idea

of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated



- Gautama Buddha (Diamond Sutra, 3)


And further:


"If I fully detailed the merit gained by good men and good women

coming to receive, retain, study and recite this Discourse in the

last 500 years, my hearers would be filled with doubt and might

become disordered in mind, suspicious and unbelieving. You should

know, Subhûti, that the significance of this Discourse is beyond

conception; likewise the fruit of its rewards is beyond conception."


- Gautama Buddha (Diamond Sutra, 16)


The karma from millions and billions of lifetimes transmuted during my

sessions of akashic cleansings - although I give precise numbers and

dates, Buddha gave hints of it in that lifetime - is the natural

result of the *crucifixion and ressurection*. It's fruits are beyond

any comprehensions of our mortal, foggy personality, and the socalled

*feelings of identity* which IS the 4th astral plane.


These unification between the physical and the light body, the

temporary and the eternal, is what I experience. And these fusion

with immortality is the highest Unity, the highest fusion, the most

ultimate Yoga.


Nothing is predicted absolutely. But my next session will follow after the 28th of June.


San Divas

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