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Five Times Too Much

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Bursting at the seemingly Seamless Heart of Love,

i often fill up the poem with too much of That.

And what IS That but the Joy of singing to Love, as Love?

Perhaps it's time to slash and burn across this field;

Salt it and pronounce it uninhabitable for humans,

that's what must be done to this poetry so overboard with Love.

A brevity is calling to speak what cannot be spoken.

So Beloved, i do this for You, for the Beauty of Love.

Crashing across my own world of Delight, i cause confusion.

Compounding the effort to reveal this Mystery, THIS That,

so often i spill out too much Honeyed-Light at one sitting.

For who can endure an overabundance of such Suchness?

No wordings, no spillage of what Love wants to give,

can ever relate the Unreapable benefits of Lightening striking!

How can the rod not break apart at this snapping and crackling?

i crumble like a clay pot being smashed by the Hand of its Maker,

and more than that, the earth begs for this mineraled one again,

for the elemental essence of groundless ground being broken.

Slipping into a silence of the Voice, the Voice

of the Lilt of Love that is Sounding so Soundless,

what remains is just an echo calling back into ItSelf.

Reveal me as Nothing and then It beSpeaks me as Everything.

Slamming into the wall of Words saying so much, too much,

so much Laughter filled with Mirth that no one can Hear,

i draw into the Well of what thinks it Is Water chuckling.

Beloved, my Beautiful Beloved Heart of the Song and the Dance,

i am whirling into a place that is Placeless, a Face,

a Face that is Faceless and showing Nothing, Nothing,

nothing of what This Love shouts so loudly, so insanely,

and yet, when this One wants to Say what It Will,

It WILL say only what cannot be said ever, not ever by me.

Artfullly darting about like a pinging point of Light,

these poems were uncatchable, untraceable, and unbeknownst to i,

i said too much of what was the Joy of the Moment overflowing,

five times over and overdone the wanderer wandered off the mark.

i wonder why this was the Waterfall falling all over Itself?

When the land is emptied out of the excess of what Is,

It will lie barren and a breeding ground of Delightful brevity,

but not in this one, not yet, but soon is the Dawning of less.

Less i make the same mistake again in this conundrum of poetry,

i walk out of the garden, and Now i sit by the River of Bliss.

Silently musing that i amuse You with my little large mouth,

my poetic mutterings that are hollaring as It calls out in Love,

the swing of the Singing is about to be stilled in the Breeze.

Still, i will try to say still what cannot be said in This LoveAlarm,

and still, still, Still...so Still Now, so Still, He steals up on me.






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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:


i am whirling into a place that is Placeless.....

Still, i will try to say still what cannot be said in This LoveAlarm,

and still, still, Still...so Still Now, so Still, He steals up on me.




there are days like this

when I can sing of nothing

but God

that all things appear in this Silence

no matter that they seem

and in these days i am opened

i cannot know what it is to say

i Love Only You

and yet

i Love Only YOU

as i look at everyone


it is as if i am

in a constant state of

erotic innocence

newly born sensations

this passion can only be marveled at

beating in the heart of Silence


the whole Being breathes

chest rises and falls like

the play of moon and tides

everything is



pulsating, radiant

and there is nothing to do


Your Smile!



i see Your Eyes

Loving me, pooling into me

lifting me out of myself on

the wave that lifts me into You

Your words come to me in Song

some other language

so familiar

like a harmony of Souls




my time does not exist here --

i am falling, ever falling into

This that i have always been:


This, falling


i place my softest kiss upon

Your Lips


we smile


we disappear




there are days like this

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, "hrtbeat7" <hrtbeat7> wrote:

, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:


i am whirling into a place that is Placeless.....



> Your Smile!


> we smile


> we disappear


> Yes


> there are days like this



Smiling across seven beats

of That Heart, crashing like waves

upon the shore of Nowhere,

the Sea of Light breaks open --

Laughter resounds everywhere!



Love Laughs Like Wheatfields moving as Joy,



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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:


Smiling across seven beats

of That Heart, crashing like waves

upon the shore of Nowhere,

the Sea of Light breaks open --

Laughter resounds everywhere!



Love Laughs Like Wheatfields moving as Joy




Piercing Clarity –

my singing bowl

struck at dawn


Triple world

swallowed in the





Acceptance emerges

in the transparency of



Moment is a river

hand can't hold –

Hagakure's Way

mere bubbles on the stream.


The space between the

seven breaths yields

seven births as well as

seven deaths.


Inhaling –

receiving Gopal.


Exhaling –

receiving Govinda.



can you see into this

Heart here?


I am a baby in these Arms,

each tear swollen with the milk that

mothers poems and ashes.


One dream

merges with the next.


All the pieces are

starting to come together.

What I have to share with you

is this:


We were seated in the serene white room.

Was it a room, or some kind of temple?

The walls were a kind of

white stucco, and there were four

portals, through which shone a

blessed light, like the horizontal slant of

late afternoon swooning light.


We sat, facing each other on a

soft round rug in the

sacred circle, submitted to a

sweet dear silence and bliss. You

were darker, swarthier –



I knew it was you.


I always recognize You, Beloved.


Leaning towards each other

our foreheads touched, but did not

stop at skin and bone.

No – heads merged in the light of a billion

suns, and Vision Revelation followed:


A band of us emerged in a spasm of

inexpressible Love and Delight from

the core of Uncreated Light.

Over and over we meet

again in this and other places, always

in different costume bodies and apparent

personalities, reminding each other of

our True Origin and Purpose.

This Purpose is

so ecstatically simple:








And here, reaching

out to me now,

overnight it seems

the most delirious blood-

red blossoms have erupted

along the naked branches of my

snow white trees, and from behind

Beloved slides

Her velvet arms around me,

Her electric lips

pressed into the soft spot

pulsing beneath my ear,

Her whisper:


"Yes, my Love, Yes.

Always, Only



I'll say no more this morning --

standing, staggered in

these Wheatfields!





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