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Soto Street Besots Me

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Walking along the Boulevard

breaking into Song and simpering along

like a Geisha getting paid to perform,

i suddenly saw the Sky begin to Shimmer.

Silvery fish never shimmied so sweetly,

sliding inside the Water of their Being.

Soto Street was just there,

as it "appeared" right before me.

And like some close confidante,

someone from the inner circle,

i said out loud:

"Hi God! What's shakin'?"

"Got a Hearty Hand-shake

or a milk and land of honey Hug

for Your old friend?"

He and everything else around me

began to shift into high gear.

We all moved in real near to One another.

They and It and God

began to Shift the conversation around.

God began to Inquire of me if i was Happy!

"What can i say," Beloved Mashuq, i said to God.

"i got the Heart of Love inside me Now,

so Wow! How could i NOT be Happy?"

And Dear Old God replied from every Lighted eye,

and especially from that Avadhut on the corner,

He said to moi, "Tra-La-La'illaha il'Allahu!"

"Now why would You go and say THAT?" i asked of Him.

Why would the One Who IS the Only Reality

have to tell me what is so evident,

what is so obviously the Obvious,

Standing right before me on the corner,

on the corner of Mecca and Varanasi and Konya,

on the corner of Soto Street and Alhambra?"

That's what i said. That's what i inquired of God!

i asked God to Inquire, like i was Adyashanti,

and like this was my umpteenth satsang!

"So what gives with You God,

YOU Who Know everything about, well,

EVERYTHING, why ask me if i was Happy?"

Surely this All-Knowing and All-Seeing One,

This One Who has All the Answers

and all the Questions too,

surely these Smart-Guy, This Wise-Guy must be,

He must just be yanking my chain!

For of course He Sees that Robert and i,

that Crazy, Ecstatic, Mystic Madman,

that natural and organic foods guy,

and his equally Whacked-Out Bhakti-babe

are Dancing like some Baryshnikov and Giselle

breaking the Door down of OneHeart

as we pirouette - as we Are Pirouetted

across the balcony of Love to our demise.

Why a demise you might inquire?

Because in all this Delightful,

this Simply and Utterly Drunken Dancing,

we have begun to fall into the Falling

into the Heart of God! Like Rumi said -

"Everywhere is falling Everywhere."

"And i am Nowhere again inside the Majesty!"

But He asked the question again.

"Are you Happy you wild Elephant rider?"

So i began to formulate an answer to this.

Forming no opinion about why God was asking me,

why God kept pulling an Adyashanti on me,

i just said it like It Is, i said,

"Beloved One, You Who Are the Most Beautiful of All,

if Happiness meant that i could awaken,

be Awakened each morning in Love's Embrace,

turn over and Look You, Look at You Alone,

stare square and straight in the Face of Your Grace,

then i would have to positively make this statement:

"i Know a Happiness that is beyond any conception,

beyond time and space and anything we see or know.

For i Am That Heart of Happiness ItSelf,

breaking into some form of Divine Bliss Unfathomable

each and every morning when i look into the eyes,

LOOK into the pools of Light flowing from my Mashuq,

Glowing like Sapphire Embers, Living Love-Jewels

Glittering from some Vast Immensity

Loving me from and As some Vast Being

and Pulling me inward to the Elsewhere."

And then, not waiting for His reply, i say,

tilting my head slightly at an angle to better See,

to See the Beautiful Beloved God, the Only One,

the Godhead of Love and Unspeakable Awe,

to See more closely than this Looking, for i,

i wanted to BE Inside Him, not Looking AT Him!

So i said, i sort of stuttered out this thing:

"Giving me the Love of this Sacred Love-Warrior,

the Love of this man of Breathtaking Beauty,

well, God, it has made me want to Sing."

"So SING!" He said, He said, and then He Sang to me.

He Sang about the time He and Robert,

He and that Charmed Darling were at "Convict Flats."

He Sang about the time when You, yes You,

for i think You might be reading this,

but He Sang about the time You fell into a Swoon,

a loss of ordinary consciousness so Sweetly lost

as You crossed the road after summer camp

and made Your way to Your folks side.

He Sang about alot of things

that said a lot of things

about You, Beloved Darling.

So, i started to sing with God, i did!

i knew the songs He was Singing of You,

i knew the very tune He carried was just a Heartbeat,

a Heartbeat beating seven Rhythms out at once!

When we finished the Duet of One, He split.

Just gone and yet, still Here, always Here.

Of course, of course He promised long ago to Be,

to Be with me Always. He said so. He said,

"I Am. I Am With You Always." And that was That.

That Was THAT! So off i sauntered,

back along the Boulevard to Home.

Adyashanti sure hit it right on for sure!

Go Inquire of God when He Inquires of You!

Ask Him what He wants to Know a thing for?

Ask Him about the Light in the Beloved's Eyes.

Ask Him anything about Anything, and really,

REALLY, He always gives a very good answer!

God! i sure do Love talkin' Turkey with That One!

Beloved, O Baby, Beautiful encourager of inquiry,

i just want to hear the words, these words -

"Hi Honey! I'm Home!"






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