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Open Your Mouth.

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Open Your Mouth

Let a sweet drop from the grapevine

fall into your mouth from a long night of thirst.

If you are weary of travel

lay back and open something

so that it can be like a cup in the desert

its mouth open for the first sign of rain.

The wine you drink now is your own.

It is still salty from the dead sea,

but this thirst for more

will call down a lovers sustenance

full of the taste of Her body.

A taste that your heart needs to recognize

as the water of your life.

Love has said: I have covered you with a

drowsiness to give you calm from Myself...

And She has also said: We have opened you...

These truths are not Her contradiction but yours.

They are the known sea

and the rain from an ocean that pulls you into bliss.

One tastes the other to be sweet.

In a street full of unwashed beggars

it is easy to see a beautiful woman.

In a harem you may miss the Beautiful One.

Start undressing your soul

as if you only had this instant with Her

before the King finds you asleep in bed,

and before the cock crows thrice for your clothes.

If you can stay awake for one hour in this world

you will have truly lived.

If you can light your candle for one night

without dreaming,

The heavens will crack open your husk

and you will pour out the whole Koran

into your empty cup.

Be content to be Her pleasuring.

For everything there is a certain sign.

The sign of love is the surrendering of your tongue.

Love has planted a tree in paradise

where two lovers are entwined

Each branch is the love of the other

and they are so closely bound

that the sap runs through the tree as one kiss.

Stay deep within the Sheba of love

that has opened Her body for you.

You have been allotted

a certain amount of kindling to be your fire.

Gather the tinder in the rose garden and make a bonfire.

Watch without flinching

as your vanities dance the seven smoking veils.

The bride of Christ is the soul of every courtesan.

Jesus is your fervor to languish in the flames.

This place is a campfire

that cannot be taken to the ocean.

Burn what you have.

The phoenix buries its egg

deep within the hot ash to incubate it.

Inquire deeply who is the one

who watches over it until it hatches.

Squeeze your soul like a lemon

between two powerful hands.

One hand is fire the other water

The essence of yourself

will fall as a droplet that is

neither one nor the other, but both.

It will be a drink for lovers.

She has opened you

but sleep walkers often miss the door.

If you are not weary of doing this play on your own,

even if you have a cast of thousands at hand.

Even if you still only love to direct the small parts,

you will miss the door, for there is no door but you.

Stay open mouthed and thirsty for directions.

For the wine that contains

the full scripture as every drop

must find you open wide to be an oceans thirst.

Hold out your heart like a cup in the desert

and be willing to drown for love.




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Sure you can Bob,

and thank you.




This was a beautiful bit of magic...

May I send or share with others?






All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.


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, ErcAshfrd@a... wrote:

>Be content to be Her pleasuring.

For everything there is a certain sign.

The sign of love is the surrendering of your tongue.

Love has planted a tree in paradise

where two lovers are entwined

Each branch is the love of the other

and they are so closely bound

that the sap runs through the tree as one kiss.

Stay deep within the Sheba of love

that has opened Her body for you.




"The body is never left behind. It is transcended and included by the

mind, which is transcended and included by Spirit. The body is the

foundation and the roots and the starting point. But if you merely

stay there, you will totally sabotage mind and Spirit. You will get

the Nirmanakaya (form body), but not the Sambhogakaya (subtle realm)

and not the Dharmakaya (causal Emptiness) and not the Svabhavikakaya

(nondual Suchness). But once you plug the body into these higher

stages and realms, they tend to reach down and literally transfigure

the physical body itself. Why, who knows, you might even begin to

glow in the dark. The body will take on a strange and haunting

beauty, and in any event the body will be the transparent vehicle of

the primordial Spirit that you eternally are."


Ken Wilbur







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Eric, these lines took my breath away:

> Squeeze your soul like a lemon

> between two powerful hands.

> One hand is fire the other water

> The essence of yourself

> will fall as a droplet that is

> neither one nor the other, but both.

> It will be a drink for lovers.


Thank you and love,


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