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Teacups and Paliko

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.... whatever can be destroyed is not real.

This is a clunker. Hearts and lives can be destroyed...

Are they not real?

A limb can be blown off a body...

Was this not real to the victim/

Isn't this all a bit too glib?

Words have real meaning. For those who live, lives have real meaning.

To lose a life, or all that is dear in life, this is real tragedy.

To make little of it, to merely "word it away" is both cruel and

perhaps arrogant.

What think the members of the Satsangh?

I am open to your thoughts...




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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:


>Just a friendly note reminding all of the silent philosphers that I

suggested some sort of effort on behalf of Afghan victims...and thus

far not a word of reply on this matter.



....well, since they have not boasted of their efforts in that regard

in this forum, i suppose it is safe to assume that they have done


>Also, it is revealed that the story attributed to AP by Mazie in her

original post is a fabrication, and that the quotations were the work

of "-b" and not the remarkable brilliance of a shell-shocked native

Afghan girl named Paliko.



..... Gee Whiz! You don't say?

>I don't believe that such fabricated posts do any good to real

victims, to real doctrines or practices, but only destroy the

credibility of some, and the faith and good nature of others.



.... whatever can be destroyed is not real. consequently, what

destroys that which is believed to be real can be seen to have

rendered true service.


>My humble suggestion is that "hoax or hoax-like" postings be avoided

at all costs unless they somewhere clearly note that they are either

in jest, a creative exercise or just outright hokem.



...... it's all in jest, Dear Fellow, as "a man hears what he wants to

hear and disregards the rest."


>And, should anyone doubt my sincerity, (as a teacup washer or

fixer!), I still am ready to assist in contributing to any effort to

help the Afghan victims of US/Allied bombings that went awry.



..... perhaps it would be interesting to include (in your willingness

to assist) the consideration that absolutely nothing "went awry."






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Dear Zenbob,


I e-mailed you about the Paliko question, so you know I am in

agreement about lives having meaning and the meaningfulness of

helping, etc.


By the way, do you prefer to be addressed as "Robert" or "Zenbob"?




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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:


Hearts and lives can be destroyed...

Are they not real?

A limb can be blown off a body...

Was this not real to the victim/

Isn't this all a bit too glib?

Words have real meaning. For those who live, lives have real

meaning. To lose a life, or all that is dear in life, this is real

tragedy. To make little of it, to merely "word it away" is both

cruel and perhaps arrogant.



....."The present difficulty is that man thinks that he is the doer.

But it is a mistake. It is Self which does everything and man is only

a tool. If he accepts that position he is free from troubles;

otherwise he courts them.

Surrender to Him and abide by His Will. You must only trust God. He

knows what is best and when and how to do it. Leave everything

entirely to Him. His is the burden, you have no longer any cares. All

your cares are his. Such is surrender.

Surrender and all will be well. Throw all the responsibility on God.

Do not bear the burden. What can destiny do?

God is none other than the Self. To see the self is to see God; all

else is but a vision of the mind.

There is no moment when the Self is not. The Self is ever-present. Be

the Self and that is bliss. You are always that.

Abiding in this state of Self, which is devoid of bondage and

liberation, creation and destruction, is abiding in the service of

God, or abiding as enjoined by God.

Bondage and liberation, creation and destruction, are mere thoughts

and hence can only exist in the state of ignorance and not in the

state of Self-abidance.

Abidance in God is the only true asana.

Who is there apart from the Self, if one only abides ever as the

Self, without swerving from that primal state and never

differentiating oneself from others? What does it matter if others

say anything about oneself? What indeed does it matter if one praised

or abused oneself alone?

Since God is in truth nothing but the real Self, which is the state

of being, abiding in that state without ever leaving it is itself the

supreme devotion to God."


Ramana Maharshi

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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 7/3/02 12:33:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> hrtbeat7 writes:



> > ... whatever can be destroyed is not real.


> This is a clunker. Hearts and lives can be destroyed...


> Are they not real?


> A limb can be blown off a body...

> Was this not real to the victim/


> Isn't this all a bit too glib?


> Words have real meaning. For those who live, lives have real

meaning. To

> lose a life, or all that is dear in life, this is real tragedy. To


> little of it, to merely "word it away" is both cruel and perhaps



> What think the members of the Satsangh?


> I am open to your thoughts...


Dearest Zenbob,


You have completely misunderstood the spirit and nature of Robert's

post. It was and is because of his great Heart of Love that this was

even written. You read it into something it is not and miss what it

is supposed to be. The beauty of that particular piece of writing

broke my heart with such Love i could only weep, and not just at the

tragic circumstances that brought the story about, but at the Beauty

of my Beloved Robert's Heart which was also broken open in compassion

and Love at this occurrence. i say, i say, Robert knows what he's

doing and perhaps you might allow him that credit of being

conscientious, always, of others' feelings, moreso than most others i

have come across, ever.






> Love,

> Blessings,


> Zenbob

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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:


> Also, it is revealed that the story attributed to AP by Mazie in

her original post is a fabrication, and that the quotations were the

work of "-b" and not the remarkable brilliance of a shell-shocked

native Afghan girl named Paliko.



......Of course it is! But it was supposed to be a story as all life

is a story, some more heartbreaking than others. Noot a fobrication,

or (lie) as you imply, but an artist's take on the entire scenario.

Have not you even noticed that "b" and i always use each others' mail

addresses? Give me a break, please...


> I don't believe that such fabricated posts do any good to real

victims, to real doctrines or practices, but only destroy the

credibility of some, and the faith and good nature of others.



...."I don't believe..." and there lies the thing, eh? What you think

and see is not for others, as we all approach it in varied and

equally poignant ways. It was so obviously a work-up and not a hoax

as you imply and say outright is a lie. Geez!



> My humble suggestion is that "hoax or hoax-like" postings be

avoided at all costs unless they somewhere clearly note that they are

either in jest, a creative exercise or just outright hokem.



....Obviousness, eh? It was so readily obvious that this was a "story"

from a brilliant writer. Look about you, the day is breaking!







> Thanks for taking a moment to read this.


> Blessings,

> Love,


> Zenbob

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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:

>It was so obviously a work-up and not a hoax...




....if there is going to be any investigation into hoaxes

around these parts,

it might be interesting to start with the primal hoax --

the belief in independent doership.

it seems that everybody agrees conceptually that there is

no such critter, and may even have the experience of the

concept, but experience of the concept is really not the

same as the living realization that there is only

one person who packed their lunch, and one person

eating it.


Great sandwich, btw!



Love and Novel Dramamtic Twists,



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Surrender and all will be well. Throw all the responsibility on God.

Do not bear the burden. What can destiny do?

This is of course, wisdom meant to soothe the angry or tormented mind,

not advise on how to handle each day's events.

Else, why eat? All is self. All is as it should be. All is Divine

bliss. What need have we of food? Of clothing? Of buying cars? Of

owning homes? Of washing? Of bathing? Let us just be in our natural

skins, gaining fragrence and collecting the natural layers of the

earth. Let us be ever so thin, wasting away with the purity of

Divine Effulgence. Together we shall all, nakedly progress,

natually, in in Divine harmony toward oblivion--which exists--or does

not exist--as each might prefer to believe.

I believe it was Voltaire in Candide that demolished this form of

outward philosophy in a world filled with functional pain, real

starvation, real hurt and an imperative for good people to stand

against bad things and bad deeds. No harm comes to those in vacuums.

Maybe some of us need to get out into the real world a bit more. Take

a moment to smell the roses and get a hornet sting on the nose, then

lecture us on the nature of reality and how sweet and ineffable it

all is--since we are all just one unified blissful supercosmic dance.

Yeah. We are. But in the meantime, some of us are hungry and some of

us have had full meals. Some of us have all of our limbs, some of us

do not...and some of us have loving families, and some of us have

lost them all.

No heart can claim to love that loves only the abstract, but fails to

be moved by the cries of children or innocents hurt or abused by


As an intellectual, I am offended by intellectuals who chide others to

"let go of the brain and to embrace the heart" but do not seem to

actually have real hearts (for others) at all.

Maybe I am mistaken. Maybe a big-hearted person is hiding there and will reveal himself...

I wait.



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You have completely misunderstood the spirit and nature of Robert's

post. It was and is because of his great Heart of Love that this was

even written.

Actually, no I did not misread it. A great heart does not play with

the hearts, emotions and minds of his readers with such cavalier

delight. One also must back up one's words with real deeds, else

they are but the rustling of pine trees in the night.

Your own good nature and love allow you to see all as a rosy goodness.

That is wonderful, but it also allows you to overlook the truth. The

truth is that a message was posted that was not sincere, or authentic

in its construction, in order to make an abstract philosophic point.

I was fully aware of that as a possible intent. I was also aware,

(since I read the news) of the village that was bombed and the

orphaned children.

I am less concerned with the beauty of a bit of abstract philosphy and

writing than I am with the suffering of a real person or persons.

This does not make me an intolerant, cold-hearted-critical teacup

smasher or washer.

It makes me a genuine, concerned person, absolutely dedicated to

knowing reality (and that should be all of our goals--not the simple

sophistry of mixing metaphors, twisting dialectic, playing with

conundrums and paradoxes).

Anything less than reality is just adding mortar to the Maya...and

does not lead anyone out of Samsara.

I love you and Bob very much, make a point to read your many

entertaining and often beautiful words, but just as I can make errors

and say things I should not say (and in the past I have certainly been

held to task for going too far!!!) so too, can you and Bob, if real

lives and real people can be confused, misguided or hurt.

Thus far, all I have heard from either of you generous and kind folk

are remonstrations against my comments, but conspicuously not a word

suggesting that anyone might be willing to actually contribute to a

relief effort.

Well, deeds...not words...

If Harsha is willing to allow a sponsored sort of relief fund or

collection for the bombing victims, a "Paliko fund" or whatever he

deems the best title, then I will set up a local organization in San

Luis Obispo county, and set up whatever collection centers and signs

that might need be done, as well as registering with county

government (which is an odious task!!!).

Thanks for your kindly words...

Since we're all one, no need to get offended--

I don't.





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....Obviousness, eh? It was so readily obvious that this was a "story"

from a brilliant writer. Look about you, the day is breaking!

Well, nothing seemed brilliant about it. It was self serving and

arrogant. Fabrication, yes. Does a fabrication seem synonomous with


I think so. One could certainly make the case.

As for awakening...

We all must awake unto our own new level of knowing. If we have

blinders on, we must remove them. I don't believe that it was I who

wandered about with the Zorro mask on.

Love should liberate and reveal the truth, not obscure it. I have

reminded others in the past to always attempt to give attribution to

their "workquotes" and stories...as this is both the right thing

to do, as well as the fact that if a reader enjoys that message, they

may wish to look up more from the same source. It also prevents the

impression that one might be brazenly plagiarizing some poor bloke

who actually deserves the credit.

So, even if you believe in your heart of hearts that only goodness and

light were the intent, and I am not hung up about intents, but more

concerned with results--

Then you might allow for the possibility that others could have been

confused, mislead, disturbed and thus, not well served, despite the

noble intent. And if so, that is perecisely why it was not "great

writing" but very bad writing.

It could have been great, if it had not posed as a genuine news

story...but had simply had a disclaimer at the end or beginning.

You cannot fully realize the hurt of this act unless you imagine a

situation where someone posts a long, detailed lesson on the beauty

of the Jain Religion, alters some of the known beliefs to fit a

recent news story...and then attributes the post to YOU...and you

know that you did not write this, and that the content, however

lovely, is not accurate. The artistic beauty would not be there for


So, how about a word on the victims and what great things you and Bob plan to actually do for them?




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same as the living realization that there is only one person who packed their lunch, and one person

eating it.

That is so true! And all of my comments, critiques and pointed words

are really, of course, just your own critiques, pointed words and


And so you knew ahead of time that I would write them...

So, why do you question my comments?

When they are really just your own?

And if the great big single "I" is just a crazy schizophrenic Cosmic

noodle, then should we (I) not seek medication and try to cure the

condition that seems to allow such a viscious paradox?

If I hit my toe with a hammer, do you scream?



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I think it is because I am always online with this dumb dial-up

connection...since broadband is not available in our area.

Call me Ismael, instead...



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....you seem to be doing enough of that for all of us!


Good, then maybe the deaf ones will eventually hear that Aum note that

keeps coming out between the words.



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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:


"Surrender and all will be well. Throw all the responsibility on God.

Do not bear the burden. What can destiny do?"



>This is of course, wisdom meant to soothe the angry or tormented

mind, not advise on how to handle each day's events.




......Ah, but the "day's events" seem to indicate no small bit of

mind's anger & torment in your words here, Dear Brother!


"Don't analyze this enthusiasm!


The wheel that lifts some up

and drags others down,

we're not riding it anymore.


We've jumped off that




~ Rumi






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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

>It makes me a genuine, concerned person, absolutely dedicated to

knowing reality (and that should be all of our goals--not the simple

sophistry of mixing metaphors, twisting dialectic, playing with

conundrums and paradoxes).

Anything less than reality is just adding mortar to the Maya...and

does not lead anyone out of Samsara.



...... less than reality?





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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

>So, how about a word on the victims and what great things you and

Bob plan to actually do for them?



..... well, we start out not seeing them as victims, or

imagining that we are doing any of this, or

standing in the middle of the marketplace,

boasting about our charitable efforts.


True Mercy is done in secret,

the Doer disappeared in







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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

>If I hit my toe with a hammer, do you scream?



....you seem to be doing enough of that for all of us!





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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

In a message dated 7/3/02 1:51:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

sraddha54@h... writes:


>You have completely misunderstood the spirit and nature of Robert's

post. It was and is because of his great Heart of Love that this was

even written.

> Actually, no I did not misread it. A great heart does not play

with the hearts, emotions and minds of his readers with such

cavalier delight. One also must back up one's words with real deeds,

else they are but the rustling of pine trees in the night.



Dearest Zenbob, Love's Delighted Laughter, Laughing even now,


Once more, i reiterate, this Heart of Love that Robert Is, the

Cavalierness you claim to be presented too cavalierly, is nothing

more nor less than the Delight of the Beloved One saying "There is

only Love, there is no reality but Love." Backing up one's words with

REAL deeds? What is this my friend? What can you presume to say in

saying such a thing when you are not aware, cannot be aware as we do

not make a loud show of it, of what we do to help others, either

through concrete and tangeable methods, (such as you keep insisting

one must do to show any true caring or compassion) or the gift of

Love in Songs being sung for Love Alone? The pine trees keep

insisting they hear something, somewhere, from some One who never

insists on giving lists the lists of all his good deeds done and

being done as he even now will not desist from being so remiss as to

take another to task for things he doesn't even know a thing about!

Try to be serious, as some might want to say to all of this insisting

on lists of the Kissing we do for God.


> Your own good nature and love allow you to see all as a rosy

goodness. That is wonderful, but it also allows you to overlook the

truth. The truth is that a message was posted that was not sincere,

or authentic in its construction, in order to make an abstract

philosophic point. I was fully aware of that as a possible intent.

I was also aware, (since I read the news) of the village that was

bombed and the orphaned children.




.....Ha! Oh DearHeart, you do make me laugh sometimes at what you say,

and say so obviously with sincerity. But to say that i am the one

overlooking the truth - what's with that but your own projection of

seeing something not being said, and missing the thing that really

wanted to be said and seen and was sung by my Beloved. How can you

even still keep insisting there was no sincerity in Robert's post?

How can you even presume to say a thing that you cannot possibly know

unless you are in his Heart? Your intentions are cloudy yet becoming

more clear with each succesive post you send regarding this issue, as

if it ever were an issue with anyone but you. If you really could see

into his Heart, you would be weeping like a child who finally found

its Mother whom it had been separated from for so long, so very long.



> I am less concerned with the beauty of a bit of abstract philosphy

and writing than I am with the suffering of a real person or

persons. This does not make me an intolerant, cold-hearted-critical

teacup smasher or washer.


It makes me a genuine, concerned person, absolutely dedicated to

knowing reality (and that should be all of our goals--not the simple

sophistry of mixing metaphors, twisting dialectic, playing with

conundrums and paradoxes).Anything less than reality is just adding

mortar to the Maya...and does not lead anyone out of Samsara.



....You presume an awful lot about Robert, and about me in these posts

which have no foundation other than your own strange slant on what we

are and what we say and well, just about all you say on this matter

is completely incorrect. What a watered down version of reality you

seem to think we present, when actually, it is your own misty-eyed

visionary self-promotion as a "doer and a carer above the rest who

only write, (and write badly i might add, per your own statements)

who is weakening the Wine of Love that always wants to flow through

and in and from these two hearts of he and i, just the OneHeart

weeping for everyone, and yet laughing like a couple of lunatics with

the Wonder and Joy and Love of it all, at all times and all

circumstances. Spare me the song and dance about the Samsara soiree

we missed promoting well enough for your taste. Really, Zenbob!


> I love you and Bob very much, make a point to read your many

entertaining and often beautiful words, but just as I can make errors

and say things I should not say (and in the past I have certainly

been held to task for going too far!!!) so too, can you and Bob, if

real lives and real people can be confused, misguided or hurt.



i see only you taking offense at the post Zenbob, none others, and

even if the entire list were saying it were so, still, we know what

is in our Heart and we know what the intent was and is. If it is

being misread and misinterpreted into this great big ball of "Arrgggh-

umntative posturing" about who gives the right way and who does not,

well, Sweetheart, Zenbob, i cannot even begin to say how totally

funny that is, for what help is it to anyone when this waste of time

quibbling is going on and keeping the crowd less than proud to be the

kind of giver you think we should be. Whoa, Zenbob, can't you even

say that you might be mistaken perhaps in belittling and judging the

posts we post, based on your concept of what one should do or say or

think in these kinds of circumstances? It really is a

misunderstanding on your part. It's kind of like my guruji said once

to someone: "I know about your kind of craziness, but you don't know

about my kind of craziness." And so it is.


> Thus far, all I have heard from either of you generous and kind

folk are remonstrations against my comments, but conspicuously not a

word suggesting that anyone might be willing to actually contribute

to a relief effort.



....Why is it necessary to tell others to give when that is not my

place nor my inclination? And why should you take it on yourself to

try and paint Robert and i as less than sincere in what we say or

offer in Love here? Give it so moves you! Tell others to give if it

so moves you! But please, Dearest, stop trying to make yourself out

as some "holier than thou" for doing so, and making us out as "not

holier than thou" for doing our Love-talk and Love-walk differently,

or at least not so self-promotedly put in the window for viewing, as

to be looked at as someone who "gives" and gives in the right way.

Is this reaslly necessary to do such a thing Zenbob? Gee Whiz,

Darling. See how it looks to the H

eart who cares not about parading what it gives in secret to make a

show of prayer or worship of anything offered in Love?

> Well, deeds...not words...



Actionless actions....Deedless deeds doing themselves....seek ye not

the fruits of thy actions....and i could go on, but hey, why do this?

i do not carfe what others do or do not give to this or any other

thing. It all gets done and we are only the Lovers of the Beloved

One. What i give and what Robert gives is between us and the Beloved.


> If Harsha is willing to allow a sponsored sort of relief fund or

collection for the bombing victims, a "Paliko fund" or whatever he

deems the best title, then I will set up a local organization in San

Luis Obispo county, and set up whatever collection centers and signs

that might need be done, as well asregistering with county government

(which is an odious task!!!).



....Go for it Sweetheart! Now that you've made it apparent

how "odious" the task might be, it appears as if you are really doing

something for another, or yourself, or...uh, ummm, right!?


> Thanks for your kindly words...

Since we're all one, no need to get offended--

I don't.



Love Loves to Love in whatever way we might allow it to do so. It

does it anyway, with no help from i or you or anyone, for what is

this Love anyway? We get Done, we do not do anything even while doing

everything, or so it would appear, and whatever time the shoe seems

to fit, well, let's just wear it. i like all kinds of shoes.


> Hugs,




> Zenbob





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My my, such grasping onto ideas and ideals....this is what religous fanaticism is all about.

This what wars are from! How dare that flower grow when all those

weeds are choking out those over there...just more ideas. Ideas worth

fighting for!

I love these do-gooders who condem others for not doing what they "think" they should!

The epitome of Christian hypocracy!

Minding you step in shit....SEE what you stand in, only then can you help.



on 7/4/02 6:47 AM, zen2wrk (AT) aol (DOT) com at zen2wrk (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

In a message dated 7/3/02 1:51:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, sraddha54 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com writes:

You have completely misunderstood the spirit and nature of Robert's

post. It was and is because of his great Heart of Love that this was

even written.

Actually, no I did not misread it. A great heart does not play with

the hearts, emotions and minds of his readers with such cavalier

delight. One also must back up one's words with real deeds, else

they are but the rustling of pine trees in the night.

Your own good nature and love allow you to see all as a rosy goodness.

That is wonderful, but it also allows you to overlook the truth. The

truth is that a message was posted that was not sincere, or authentic

in its construction, in order to make an abstract philosophic point.

I was fully aware of that as a possible intent. I was also aware,

(since I read the news) of the village that was bombed and the

orphaned children.

I am less concerned with the beauty of a bit of abstract philosphy and

writing than I am with the suffering of a real person or persons.

This does not make me an intolerant, cold-hearted-critical teacup

smasher or washer.

It makes me a genuine, concerned person, absolutely dedicated to

knowing reality (and that should be all of our goals--not the simple

sophistry of mixing metaphors, twisting dialectic, playing with

conundrums and paradoxes).

Anything less than reality is just adding mortar to the Maya...and

does not lead anyone out of Samsara.

I love you and Bob very much, make a point to read your many

entertaining and often beautiful words, but just as I can make errors

and say things I should not say (and in the past I have certainly been

held to task for going too far!!!) so too, can you and Bob, if real

lives and real people can be confused, misguided or hurt.

Thus far, all I have heard from either of you generous and kind folk

are remonstrations against my comments, but conspicuously not a word

suggesting that anyone might be willing to actually contribute to a

relief effort.

Well, deeds...not words...

If Harsha is willing to allow a sponsored sort of relief fund or

collection for the bombing victims, a "Paliko fund" or whatever he

deems the best title, then I will set up a local organization in San

Luis Obispo county, and set up whatever collection centers and signs

that might need be done, as well as registering with county

government (which is an odious task!!!).

Thanks for your kindly words...

Since we're all one, no need to get offended--

I don't.










All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.

Terms of Service

<> .

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i see only you taking offense at the post Zenbob, none others

Actually many others have taken offense, Mazie, and have posted to me

privately with their concerns. I have simply expressed only my own

impressions in order to keep this all in the best form and best

intents. When doubts are raised, I believe it best to offer many an

opening to prove the sincerity or come to acknowledge that an error

might have been made, even for the best of reasons.

I see no sense of that responsibility being taken, only a breezy sense

of "who me? who us? We only babble of love, so we cannot have erred,

and that is both hubris and arrogance, blindness and sillyness. It

serves no one well.

Some souls truly love, some feign love, and others simply toss the

words about as if they know the meaning. Your words do not reveal

the nobility of real love for others...just self-love and love of one

another...that's just a sort of elite sophisticated form of

narcissism. Turn that cheek, and leave commenting on me out of the

dialogue, since the subject was never about me. To turn my words

against me, that is the cowardly act of a child bent on trying to

hurt or injure someone because they have been caught or found out

while doing some misdeed.

Methinks you protest too much, the injured innocents...after the cup

was broken...and recall, twas not I who broke it to begin with.

Please, take your best shots at me. They will all be just the empty

rattle of a hollow gourd. Maybe you should check the posts again.



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Hugs to you and Bob



Dearest Zenbob, DearHeart,

For all the misunderstandings and the unkind things ever said by me

to you, i do sincerely apologize.

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