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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 7/4/02 12:37:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> sraddha54@h... writes:



Dearest Zenbob, DearHeart,


For all the misunderstandings and the unkind things ever said by me

to you, i do sincerely apologize. My Love for you far outweighs any

of these disagreements and tossings about of sentiments that are much

more complex and difficult to express than we are able. The Love i

have and am and the the Love of my Beloved, it never, we never wanted

to say the things that would ever belittle another in the attempt to

clarify what our true actions and thoughts are. This small bump in

the road to our perfection of Friendship must be forgotten and seen

for what it is, - all of us singing the same song and having no

disagreement at all, for what you want and what you do express of

Love, it is the same for Robert and myself. That i fell to the level

of pointing out less than attractive things about you, (and of course

this is just my own projection based on these misunderstandings) or

about anyone is surely not my way nor is it something i sit well

with. Really my friend, all of this is based and brought to the

forefront of these postings through a vast misunderstanding and

nothing more. That we Love one another and that we have always wanted

to express only that has been somehow lost in our thinking we ever

were saying anything different from one another, for it is all only

Love. Love is all there is and whenever i find myself stepping

outside of that in any measure, my thoughts, my Heart, will always

come back to the only thing i know about you - and that is that you

and i are just about Love together and forever only That Love.

Whatever we do or do not do, or say or do not say, still and most

importantly, It Is Love Alone that promps us in truth, Dear One.

Whatever has gone between us these past days is surely only water

flowing by which can carry many things along in it but it is not

those things it shoulders along its Beauty Inherent in being just

Water Flowing from the Heart of the Ocean. Be well and let us all

take the hands of one another again and look deeply into the eyes of

Love, and that is what i have wanted to say all along, just this -

Let Love rule all we say and do and think and might we all realize

that we are the same and we want the same things and that is to Love

and to be an expression of Love. Once more, Dear Brother, Dear Heart,

i apologize for ever causing any unkindness on my part to move me to

less than That Love We Are. i see only Love everywhere and i have

spoken of that Love in less than perfect ways. Might i once more

become Love Alone and Love with no need to defend or project or say

anything else but what i Am. The Heart. OneHeart. My Beloved and i

have always wanted just That Love We Are to Shine forth. This really

has all come about from a misunderstanding of what we say, of what

you say and of what all is saying that says we are ever less than

That Love, That Heart. Blessings to each of us from and as and for

the Most Beautiful Beloved One - God alone - Love Alone, and THAT is

what i always want to express only. i do Love You mu Brother, my

Friend, my Self, my Heart.








> > i see only you taking offense at the post Zenbob, none others


> Actually many others have taken offense, Mazie, and have posted to


> privately with their concerns. I have simply expressed only my own

> impressions in order to keep this all in the best form and best


> When doubts are raised, I believe it best to offer many an opening

to prove

> the sincerity or come to acknowledge that an error might have been

made, even

> for the best of reasons.


> I see no sense of that responsibility being taken, only a breezy

sense of

> "who me? who us? We only babble of love, so we cannot have erred,

and that is

> both hubris and arrogance, blindness and sillyness. It serves no

one well.


> Some souls truly love, some feign love, and others simply toss the


> about as if they know the meaning. Your words do not reveal the

nobility of

> real love for others...just self-love and love of one

another...that's just a

> sort of elite sophisticated form of narcissism. Turn that cheek,

and leave

> commenting on me out of the dialogue, since the subject was never

about me.

> To turn my words against me, that is the cowardly act of a child

bent on

> trying to hurt or injure someone because they have been caught or

found out

> while doing some misdeed.


> Methinks you protest too much, the injured innocents...after the

cup was

> broken...and recall, twas not I who broke it to begin with.


> Please, take your best shots at me. They will all be just the

empty rattle

> of a hollow gourd. Maybe you should check the posts again.


> Hugs,

> Zenbob

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, shawn <shawn@w...> wrote:

>My my, such grasping onto ideas and ideals....this is what religous

fanaticism is all about.

This what wars are from! How dare that flower grow when all those

weeds are choking out those over there...just more ideas. Ideas worth

fighting for!

I love these do-gooders who condem others for not doing what

they "think" they should!

The epitome of Christian hypocracy!

Minding you step in shit....SEE what you stand in, only then can you




Dear Brother,


For those so inclined (and perhaps this space here at Harsha's Corner

Bar attracts such), everything that arises in consciousness can serve

as an invitation to inquire. Fixed positions can be recognized, and

in such recognition liberated from their anchor.

As Mazie says: One either realizes that there is only God, or not. If

not, then there is the invitation to inquire into that which appears

to be separate, to determine if it is true. In this way, our deepest

yearning for Truth is satisfied.

The game that our Brother Zenbob archetypally espouses is, of course,

the game that can never be won. However, it is one thing to say it

and another to actually realize it. It is the ancient game in which

the egomind splits itself in two, believing itself to be a helping

somebody, helping another somebody in need of its help. Thus, the

separative illusion is reinforced: "Here I am, there you are, and I

am going to help you (as "odious" as it might be for me."). Such

charity is often worn on the sleeve, like a badge of honor for all to

see. The next step might even be to try and enlist other apparent

sombodies for the crusade, further establishing its fixed identity as

the "helper". An interesting example of this, played out in the

geopolitical arena, was the US fiasco in Ethiopia.

Zenbob is not being singled out here, by the way. We all tend towards

this division-based orientation in various ways (based upon the

western dualistic missionary conditioning we have bought into), but

when we understand it, we can see the mechanics of separation, and

thus resume our prior freedom. Then, when we act (whether to mount a

charitable effort or simply listen to the dawn breaking), we are no

longer operating from the position of an independent somebody. We are

Peace Itself, Love Itself, being lived by a Mystery far beyond our

humorous efforts to manipulate & control outcomes (and certainly not

given to taking others to task for failing to meet arbitrary

expectations of an imaginary problem/solution scenario). The funny

thing about true charity is that, when it is authentic, there is

nobody there to claim it, much less attempt to impose it on others.


"Ego is the movement of the mind toward objects of perception, in the

form of grasping; and, away from objects, in the form of aversion.

This fundamentally is all the ego is. This movement of grasping and

aversion gives rise to a sense of a separate "me," and in turn the

sense of "me" strengthens itself this way. It is this continuous loop

of causation that tricks consciousness into a trance of

identification.Identification with what? Identification with the

continuous loop of suffering. After all, who is suffering? The "me"

is suffering. And "who" is this me? It is nothing more than a sense

of self caused by identification with grasping and aversion. You see,

it's all a creation of the mind, an endless movie, a terrible dream.

Don't try to change the dream, because trying to change it is just

another movement in the dream. Look at the dream. Be aware of the

dream. That awareness is It. Become more interested in the awareness

of the dream than in the dream itself. What is that awareness? Who is

that awareness? Don't go spouting out an answer, just be the answer.

Be It.

In my experience, everyone will say they want to discover the Truth,

right up until they realize that the Truth will rob them of their

deepest held ideas, beliefs, hopes, and dreams. The freedom of

enlightenment means discovering a Truth that will turn your view of

self and life upside-down. For one who is truly ready, this will be

unimaginably liberating. But for one who is still clinging in any

way, this will be extremely challenging indeed. This is where it all

becomes very "real" and the student discovers whether he or she

truly wants to be free, or merely wants to remain as a false,

separate,and self-justifying ego. This crossroad inevitably comes and

is always challenging. It separates the true seeker from the false

one. The true seeker will be willing to bare the Grace of humility,

whereas the false seeker will run from it. Thus begins the true path

to enlightenment, granted only to those willing to be nobody.

Discovering your "nobodyness" opens the door to awakening as

beingness, and beyond that to the Source of all beingness."


~ Adyashanti






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the Most Beautiful Beloved One - God alone - Love Alone, and THAT is

what i always want to express only. i do Love You mu Brother, my

Friend, my Self, my Heart.

Love is indeed the one true thing that endures all...let's all hug and wink at everyone, shall we?

Your words are most welcome...and so to the banquet, shall we go in peace...




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The true seeker will be willing to bare the Grace of humility, whereas

the false seeker will run from it. Thus begins the true path to

enlightenment, granted only to those willing to be nobody.

Discovering your "nobodyness" opens the door to awakening as

beingness, and beyond that to the Source of all beingness."

~ Adyashanti

This is very good, Bob. I highly agree. When I suggest helping

others, I did intend it to be a group activity, and one that would

not allow for anyone to take "credit" or boast about. That is

loathsome, and its own trap. In on way did I mean to imply any

"missionary zeal" but I did sincerely suggest the idea because it

might bring comfort to others. At most it would be a "Paliko fund or

collection" and certainly not a "Zenbob fund or collection." However,

if someone does, in the future, manage to bomb me and my village of

Arroyo Grande (and yes, that is actually what Arroyo Grande is

officially called), then I would appreciate any comfort that you and

others might render to me. I am not that proud. :-)




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