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Tasting God In the Water

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Slipping into the depths of inquiry,

i plunge my head under the idea that i,

that i know anything at all about Love.


This head, just bobbing along in the throng

with what floats freely in the current

of the question at hand, and,

as i am handed this answer,

the only answer the Self can ever hear,

why everything i ask becomes so very clear.


It's just the Heart, Bouyant, Bubbling,

Mirthful, and Mysteriously Delerious,

and always free from weight of i or whys.

The Heart answers ItSelf by revealing ItSelf.


Why would Love give everything to ItSelf

and then whisper away into the river of Life?

What could be the reason

for this hide-and-seek swimming?


The Swimmer of the Swimming

and the Swim ItSelf, the Sea-Pool,

and all the Water we weave along in the Ocean,

Sees so clearly how we merely, just nearly,

got hit by a Ship of Fools!


i comandeer That Ship!

i am the entire crew of That Ship!

i wander across the bow and the stern of mySelf,

i try to steer clear of the shelf

of the little self-help self,

the one who wants to plunder and rob,

to go under and sob

at the water all around us.


Perhaps like karma or dharma,

or cosmic critters all ajitter

as we titter like children telling secrets,

and as we try to teeter-totter

across truth like Love-Mad lemmings,

always making a show of going further over,

much farther than doubt can ever shout,

we clambor for the cliff of This,

and leap freely, spinning cleanly

into the Cloud of Unknowing.


Knowing that i know nothing is such a breeze!

i breeze along as the Song of the Beloved One!

i am Breathed along as and into the same Song

that everyone is singing as they're Being Sung,

that everyone is bringing to this Satsangh.


Beloved brought us here to give in,

and then give up, every shred of fear.

Why fear anything when the One we Love

is so near, so near, so very, very near?


Isn't it so abundantly clear that Love,

that God, the Self, the Heart, the All

is nearer than the heartbeat,

nearer than the very breath we breathe,

nearer than the one who sits so still,

still so bewildered at the Will-o-the Wisp

of the One, the Only One, the Wonderful One?


And so, stunned, we still sit in utter disbelief!

We sit paralyzed like perch on the end

of a divine spear gun that's done got us,

shot us straight through the breaking Heart of Love.

And get this -


It's only just begun, this Oceanic Fun of One!


i say that the thing of the inquiry asked

is that Love wants to drown me.

Plunged again and again into the Heart-Sea,

so Laughingly, the Lover of Light

and White-water rafting along

the spiny urchin of time,

just keeps pulling my head under.


Don't you sometimes wonder

where He's going with all this?

Where would the Joy come,

where could It come

from holding another's head under water?


Ahhh, that's the thing i think,

Love wants this -


To take the silly, empty head

and burst it without breath

by all That unbelievably

Bright Red, Happy-Heart Pressure.


The bends of the brain is the sweet refrain,

the little twist on all of this for Love.


The Heart is the decompression chamber.


And to rise to the top of the Sea once again,

and remain alive and still kicking,

still licking the chops for God,

this Heart-Chamber must be entered into

in order to reach That Sky of Immensity

and that Vastness of Only That -


That. Thou Art That.

That said, i must wander still into This -


That Love wants to Swim in us,

That Love wants to Shimmer

like silver fragrant fish in us.


That Love wants to crack the shell of i,

split it open and pull out every sand-grain,

finger out every bit of wit and cleverness

of what is not the Pearl of Perfect Humor.


Pearlescence is the Laughing One,

the Crafty One Who Knows we Are the Sea.

Seeing that i've said all i can about the Sea,

i send this spin i'm in along in a bottle of Bliss.


Break the Bliss-Bottle and really,

let's just become the emptiness we find there.


God! God how Wet with the Kiss of Love we become

when giving in to this Watered Mystery with No Name!


This, This Deep-Sea Kiss That's Nowhere to be found!

Find It when you finally allow the One Who Drowns us,

to plunge you fully under - clothes and concepts, all,

as the head and hands beat a froth of the Cloth of This -


"i trust You to Kill me."






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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:



>Slipping into the depths of inquiry,

i plunge my head under the idea that i,

that i know anything at all about Love.






You Are the Whole Thing


- by Scott Morrison




We don't have awareness, we are awareness. And awareness is love.

When it is wide open, when it is not fixated on some narrow and

contrived identity, some narrow craving, argument, irritation, or

fear, the nature of awareness is unconditionally affectionate,

tender, sensitive, and compassionate.

Advaita Vedanta, Christian meditation, the Buddhadharma, Kabbalah,

Vipassana, Tibetan Dzogchen, Zen practice, Sufi practice, and all

true forms of mysticism, at their very best, are simply doors to this


The radical, unconditional mercy of Jesus, the uncorrupted compassion

and understanding of the Buddha - these are just metaphors for your

own pure heart, the core of your own being. Yours, mine, everyone's.

Your life is Love's life. If you try to take it away, if you try to

limit it in an attempt to satisfy some mental or emotional obsession

with security or pleasure, you will, in short order, find yourself

habitually wandering through any number of hell realms of envy, fear,

worry, possessiveness, jealousy, sorrow, stress, frustration, rage,

craving, addiction, greediness, competitiveness, pettiness,

loneliness, depression, or whatever. If you doubt that in even the

slightest way, watch self-centered thinking very closely, and see

where it all leads, over and over and over again.


How to bring hell to its end? Stop taking mental images and stories

about yourself and other people seriously; stop indulging in them as

if they are important, as if they might be reliable or useful, as if

they actually mean something. Self-centered thinking, all self-

centered thinking, is a kind of insanity. It is neither honest nor

accurate, and is a constant, hurtful distraction from all that is.

Even though there may be secure and familiar sensations of endocrine

and nervous system habit, it is a pathological luxury you cannot

afford. (If you want to be awake and free, that is.) The

irony is that when you let go, when you give it up completely, the

peace and security you sought in so many limited and transient forms,

is everywhere.


The word "enlightened" simply refers to life without a past or a

future, life without self-centered fantasy (all of which is made up

of nothing but memory). Sex fantasies, romantic fantasies, money

fantasies, power fantasies, political fantasies, prestige fantasies,

security fantasies, control fantasies - there is no reality, no love,

and no freedom in any of them. Stop indulging in that kind of

escapist daydreaming, and you will suddenly realize that you are the

world, all of it unfolding, moment-by-moment. You are the whole

thing, and every sight, every sound, every smell, taste, feeling,

thought, experience and circumstance, everything that takes birth,

lives out its life, and dies, is you. The idea of separate identity,

whether neurotic or grandiose, with all of its competitive and

conflicting desires, using people, judging or blaming yourself or

other people, none of it makes sense anymore. In fact, the memory of

all such activity breaks your heart.


What is it like? It's not like anything you could ever imagine or

think about. The world is absolutely complete and serene, and you are

struck dumb with infinite love and wonder. Words like good, bad,

right, wrong, me, mine, you, yours, us, them, beauty, ugliness,

loneliness, division, or isolation no longer mean anything at all







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What is it like? It's not like anything you could ever imagine or

think about. The world is absolutely complete and serene, and you are

struck dumb with infinite love and wonder. Words like good, bad,

right, wrong, me, mine, you, yours, us, them, beauty, ugliness,

loneliness, division, or isolation no longer mean anything at all


Been there done that. Then I had to boil tea, feed the chickens and

help an injured neighbor.

Sorry, the philosophy alone does not make a world go away, get better

or in fact, do anything except self-medicate the soul.




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