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What Is A Real Person?

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What is a real person?

How many times has the kismet of happenstance

led you to be touched briefly,

or for a little while, by a person

who has flowered in the world

and has cultivated an invisible garden?

Such encounters are rare.

They are four leaf clovers

as green as the spirit of nature.

They appear from nowhere in particular

as clear crystals in which you may see

a glimpse of a magical realm

you thought only true in fairy tales

or the mystery books of the wise.

Of course they may be invisible to you also.

Only appearing in your hearts awakening

years later as a retrospection,

that reveals their personal,

and God relationship to you.

Their gift is not always appreciated in the present,

but is time locked to be opened when your lock is open.

A real person is always called to you

by the being of your essential self.

That person has a personal gift for you,

and gives it often in a way

that may seem mundane, and quite unexceptional.

Their concurrence with you soul

may be like the collision of exploding stars also.

A real person is aware of their personal reality

as an emissary of light,

yet they would be the last person in the world

to think such a thought.

They have accepted certain tasks in the world

to be gift bearers of possibility and vision,

yet they never question themselves

regarding the effects of their gift,

but give it in one hand

without telling the other any secrets.

Many people sail through the sea of existence

unaware that they have been touched magically

by a real person.

Many people have not remembered yet.

They have yet to remember their own magic,

and the mystery of their meetings with real people.

A real person may appear in any station of life.

They may be a relative, or a friend, but more often,

they appear as a stranger.

Life is a dance between strangers,

yet a real person is the strangest of all,

for he or she is the gift of life itself.

Your convergence with a real person may be like this.

A seemingly chance encounter between strangers

that will be a sea change in your life so vast

that you may not see the change at all,

but walk on, bearing the embryo of the gift,

like a small empty seed in the pocket of your soul

that will one day, from its emptiness,

grow into a giant redwood tree of understanding.

They are teachers. Yet rarely wear the hat of any teacher,

and so they can teach without formal instruction,

in the invisible language of transmission.

A presence of simplicity that unravels

the ball of twine of your life

so that you can see the thread of its purpose.

A real person is like a real Sufi,

or a real magician

they have a magical way of arriving in your life,

so that the magic of your self may be disclosed

and passed on to that essential you

who knows when to discard your box of tricks,

for real magic.

Have you ever felt a secret blessing

within a coincidental meeting

that seemed to be the origin

of so many future life patterns?

Have you ever discerned a kinship with a stranger

too deep to be fathomed in the moment,

yet who’s intersection with your life,

seems to have laid the very path you now walk upon?

Have you ever remembered a person

you had long forgotten, but who now shines out

as a beacon who’s light you had steered by

unconsciously until now?

Then you have been touched by a real person.

You have been kissed by the cosmic Sufi

who was sent to you by love itself.

Such a one makes no claims to any order

or spirituality.

A real person may be whatever he or she is,

and needs no grand titles.

They may be the tramp or the bum

around the next corner you walk.

They may be the grandmother you hardly knew.

They may be a stranger you meet in a public place,

but who’s one smile and few words

awakens you to the potential of you also,

to be a real person again.

This life, is a meeting place

where God can greet you in the form of an other.

He has sent out among the heavenly spirit, and the angels,

certain extraordinary ordinary people also.

Who’s mission is to guide you

by being sign posts of a way

you could not see on your own.

They are people, who have become real

to a greater reality than you may now see.

They assist the gardener of your soul

in the planting of your own personal reality

and move on knowing the blessing will grow one day

as a real flowering in the world.

So that you to can be a real person.




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Eric, you are on a roll! Meetings with Remarkable Men...(Gurdjieff) and now this.

A good Sufi always dances, because it prevents one from become rooted [fill in this blank].




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Zenbob & Friends,


Yes, Bob, but a good Zen man sits, and watches the world dance.


What would we be without paradox?


yours in the bonds,



> A good Sufi always dances, because it prevents one from become

rooted [fill

> in this blank].


> Blessings,

> Love,


> Zenbob

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