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Facing Death

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nde, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:


>Tonight I received word from my father that

he was diagnosed with terminal cancers of lungs and



…Ananda Ananda

Om Guru Om

Now i submerge in Thy Sea.

Terminal Bliss –



This Death Kiss.

Tonight I heard word

>From my father.

>From my Father.










Than he's ever fallen

In falling into me.


>I love my father very deeply, more than

I can ever fathom.


…This Love for Your father will deepen,

More deeply then the Love

Hanuman had

For Rama.

You will tear openYour chest.

Your Father will be there,

Your Father Is there, sitting inside.




Poised for the plunge

Into Nothingness.

The Emptying

Into Emptiness



>He is going to die.


…He is Dead.

A Death's Head Grinning

At the Living.


He Is God.

Her Is Christ.

He Is Guru.

He Is You.

I Am You.


I Am Death Loving You.

>He is afraid.


…HE is not afraid.

We are not afraid.

Fierce Lion, Beautiful Father,

Holding Death Holding him

In Its paws.

The trembling deer

Acquiesces gratefully

Into Grace


>I will be with him, and we will not be afraid.

He has always been curious. His curiosity has

always impressed me. We will be curious

together about this thing.



…The curious thing about this Death

and dying is that You will not be afraid.

The deeper he is pressed into the Heart


Of Death,


Death's Heart,

The more curious You will become.


>It is, after all,

a mysterious light, is it not? As it reveals itself,

it turns out to be much more than belief

might have us think, especially at

the moment of the death of belief.



…The Light is the Mystery of Death..

Mystery Lights every moment

as It approaches

with Wonder,

with Bewilderment,

with Awe.


With Awe.


When my father died

In my arms,


Breath left both of us

At the Moment of Surrender.

The Grand Immensity

Lit up the Universe in the room

Where we embraced Death


One Lifting –


One Plunging

past the One racing

into the Arms of the Infinite.


>Once done, any further death is not

taken quite as seriously –

even death's.



…I can only say, "Yes, Beloved. Yes."

Saying anything more than that

Diminishes the "Yes, Beloved, Yes."


>This is the way of death,

this the way death dies:


There is a sound,

Heard in the Heart.


…The Sound splits the ground Luminosity

of the Heartbreaking Beauty

that will take You,


take You,

take our father

into the Moment

of a Silence not Silent.

So Still the Real Presents






…Peace Incomprehensible.

Beyond That.

>Glory to Him!


…Death –


Gloriously Beautiful,

The Beautiful Beloved One!











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Dear Friends,


I thought it had been relayed to you, but

in reviewing the posts here,

I see that it hasn't.


On Thursday night, I visited my parents to check in on my father.

As mentioned, he was just diagnosed with terminal cancer.

After supper, my mother Rosemary collapsed in the pantry.

I found her there when I went to check on her.

She was facedown on the floor.

I rolled her over.

I looked into her face.

I was facing death.

Her eyes were fixed.

She had stopped breathing.

I attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

It was unsuccessful.

I called an ambulance.

The paramedics arrived, but could do nothing.

I saw her rise to the ceiling.

"Hi Mom!"

The ambulance took her to the hospital.

I went with them.

She was in a coma.

The Chaplain approached, thinking to comfort me.

I told him the truth.

He wept, then he went to tell his friends.

The neurologist arrived Friday afternoon.

He told us what we already knew.

We removed the life support.

I watched her finally leave.

I followed her into the Light.

She knows now.


If you don't, soon you will.



In the past few days, much has been revealed.

The transformation is inexpressible, except to say that

there was something within me before which is no longer.


I will not be speaking here again for some time.

I wish you all well.

Tomorrow, I will deliver a eulogy at her catholic funeral.

I share it with you all here, as a parting word.



Usually, whatever we say about another person is based upon our

interpretations of them -- an image we form about who they are.

Who and what that person truly is, however, is ultimately an infinite

Mystery, about which nothing can really, finally be said.


The only thing we are ever trying to protect, or resolve, or defend,

or preserve, is an image we have of ourselves, or an image we have of

one another.

Based largely upon our particular conditioning (which is merely the

stories we have been told by others, trying to describe a Reality

that resists description), we come to develop beliefs.

We develop beliefs about the world and how it works, beliefs about

life and death, beliefs about God, and often, beliefs about all that

ridiculous nonsense we have bought into regarding sin, and guilt, and

judgement, and our own unworthiness, and humanity's separation from


These beliefs begin to constitute an identity, or sense of self, and

seem to imply a destiny of independence and separation in a world of

other, apparently separate and independent beings.


In fact, as Rosemary realizes now, we have never been separate or

independent – we are totally inter-woven with everyone and everything.

Everything we do or even think affects the whole fabric of life, and

Rosemary is a beautiful example of how one person's loving heart can

touch thousands.

All of us here today can attest to that touch.


We have mistakenly come to believe that "we" are living this life,

and consequently that we must manipulate circumstances in order to

survive and be happy.

If we pause for a moment in true honesty, however, we can see that it

is Life that is living us, and the measure of our resistance to life

is also the measure of our suffering.

Happiness has always been our birthright. However, we tend to

superimpose our beliefs on life -- our image of the way we think it

should go -- and so we struggle.


Sometimes, at the moment of death for example, we can stop, and just

wonder in awe at the very appearance of anyone and anything – at the

beauty, the poignancy, the mystery, and, at last, the complete unknow-

ability of any of this thing we call life, and this thing we call


The mind wants to wrap itself around this Mystery -- to somehow grasp

it -- but it can't, because the mind itself is appearing within this



My beloved Family and Friends:

I can assure you – without the slightest hesitation -- that Rosemary

is resting in the most unimaginably Loving Light, the same Loving

Light that is the Destiny of all of us.

In fact, This Loving Light is our present and intimate Condition, if

only we were to let go and surrender all that we believe is

separating us from that Light of Love.

The truth is always shining radiantly – we only need to let go of

what is not true.


This Love, This Light, is appearing perpetually as everything,

everywhere, and yet It is, in essence, only the most beautiful Light

of Love, and Rosemary is completely joyous and at peace in this Light.


We can all rest in this same Light, this Mystery.


There is only Love, and what is still waiting to recognize itself as


There is only Love, and what is still waiting to recognize itself as



Now, Rosemary recognizes who and what she is, and so shall we all.

And so shall we all.

In truth, we can let this same recognition in right now, we can

welcome it, or

we can postpone it by clinging to the point of view of limitation and


In any case, it's all OK.

It's all perfectly …. OK.

The Truth does not depend on our acceptance.

Even though things may seem to argue against this acceptance, it's

all still … perfectly …OK.

Even though there may appear to be separation, unhappiness, fear,

despair, confusion, bitterness, frustration and anxiety –

It's All OK.


Every river pours into this same ocean – the luminous ocean of the

Love that we Are.

Sometimes the river, which flows as one, spills over a waterfall and

bursts into millions of individual drops of watery life. These

glistening drops fall through the air for a brief moment, only to

inevitably splash down and resume their unity with the river's flow.

The river itself flows on to the sea, from which it is never



It can also be said that we are like the sky -- the endless

immaculate sky.

Clouds come, clouds go. The sky does not change.

We are not the clouds – we are the sky.

The sky is our home. We came from the sky, and to the sky we return --


this sky of pure Consciousness! this indescribable Light of Love!


Every thought that arises, every emotion, every belief or notion

about how things are -- even our very sense of self -- arises like

clouds in the clear blue sky. But

we are not the clouds. We are the sky.

At night, when we go outside and look up, we can see what we really


There are billions upon billions of stars – pinpoints of reflected

light – enormous galaxies that appear in time, and in time disappear.

The vastness -- the limitless space in which they all appear -- is

not changed by their appearing and vanishing. It is timeless.

In Truth: That Eternal Vastness, That Grand Immensity, is who and

what we Are!

It is what remains, when all that we appear to be gives way at last

to what we actually are: Infinite Peace! Infinite Silence! Pregnant

with every possibility, but never confined to any possibility.


For a brief moment, this Vastness seems to appear as Rosemary, as

Emmet, as me, as you.

For a moment, it appears and expresses itself in each and every form,

both visible and invisible.

Some call it God, some call it Spirit, some call it the Self of all,

some call it Love. It is un-nameable, but closer than your own

heartbeat. It is That which Is, and It is That which is living

everything, everywhere.

Every form vanishes eventually.

What remains is this Mystery, this Vastness.

It is the incomprehensible Bliss of Being Itself.

We each and every one of us know, in our hearts, that this Bliss is

Only Love.

It is the very Light in which Dear Rosemary now swims, utterly Free

and Serene.


In our heart of hearts, we know who we are.

In our hearts, we know where we come from.

And in our hearts, we know where we go.


Don't fear death –


Welcome it.


God Bless you all!











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Thank you Robert, I will greatly miss your posts. You are always a laser to me, uncanny!

You always unfailingly say exactly what I need to hear!

love, Shawn


on 7/16/02 7:33 AM, hrtbeat7 at hrtbeat7 wrote:

Dear Friends,

I thought it had been relayed to you, but

in reviewing the posts here,

I see that it hasn't.

On Thursday night, I visited my parents to check in on my father.

As mentioned, he he was just diagnosed with terminal cancer.

After supper, my mother Rosemary collapsed in the pantry.

I found her there when I went to check on her.

She was facedown on the floor.

I rolled her over.

I looked into her face.

I was facing death.

Her eyes were fixed.

She had stopped breathing.

I attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

It was unsuccessful.

I called an ambulance.

The paramedics arrived, but could do nothing.

I saw her rise to the ceiling.

"Hi Mom!"

The ambulance took her to the hospital.

I went with them.

She was in a coma.

The Chaplain approached, thinking to comfort me.

I told him the truth.

He wept, then he went to tell his friends.

The neurologist arrived Friday afternoon.

He told us what we already knew.

We removed the life support.

I watched her finally leave.

I followed her into the Light.

She knows now.

If you don't, soon you will.

In the past few days, much has been revealed.

The transformation is inexpressible, except to say that

there was something within me before which is no longer.

I will not be speaking here again.

I wish you all well.

Tomorrow, I will deliver a eulogy at her catholic funeral.

I share it with you all here, as a parting word:

Usually, whatever we say about another person is based upon our

interpretations of them -- an image we form about who they are.

Who and what that person truly is, however, is ultimately an infinite

Mystery, about which nothing can really, finally be said.

The only thing we are ever trying to protect, or resolve, or defend,

or preserve, is an image we have of ourselves, or an image we have of

one another.

Based largely upon our particular conditioning (which is merely the

stories we have been told by others, trying to describe a Reality

that resists description), we come to develop beliefs.

We develop beliefs about the world and how it works, beliefs about

life and death, beliefs about God, and often, beliefs about all that

ridiculous nonsense we have bought into regarding sin, and guilt, and

judgement, and our own unworthiness, and humanity's separation from


These beliefs begin to constitute an identity, or sense of self, and

seem to imply a destiny of independence and separation in a world of

other, apparently separate and independent beings.

In fact, as Rosemary realizes now, we have never been separate or

independent – we are totally inter-woven with everyone and everything.

Everything we do or even think affects the whole fabric of life, and

Rosemary is a beautiful example of how one person's loving heart can

touch thousands.

All of us here today can attest to that touch.

We have mistakenly come to believe that "we" are living this life,

and consequently that we must manipulate circumstances in order to

survive and be happy.

If we pause for a moment in true honesty, however, we can see that it

is Life that is living us, and the measure of our resistance to life

is also the measure of our suffering.

Happiness has always been our birthright. However, we tend to

superimpose our beliefs on life -- our image of the way we think it

should go -- and so we struggle.

Sometimes, at the moment of death for example, we can stop, and just

wonder in awe at the very appearance of anyone and anything – at the

beauty, the poignancy, the mystery, and, at last, the complete unknow-

ability of any of this thing we call life, and this thing we call


The mind wants to wrap itself around this Mystery -- to somehow grasp

it -- but it can't, because the mind itself is appearing within this


My beloved Family and Friends:

I can assure you – without the slightest hesitation -- that Rosemary

is resting in the most unimaginably Loving Light, the same Loving

Light that is the Destiny of all of us.

In fact, This Loving Light is our present and intimate Condition, if

only we were to let go and surrender all that we believe is

separating us from that Light of Love.

The truth is always shining radiantly – we only need to let go of

what is not true.

This Love, This Light, is appearing perpetually as everything,

everywhere, and yet It is, in essence, only the most beautiful Light

of Love, and Rosemary is completely joyous and at peace in this Light.

We can all rest in this same Light, this Mystery.

There is only Love, and what is still waiting to recognize itself as


There is only Love, and what is still waiting to recognize itself as


Now, Rosemary recognizes who and what she is, and so shall we all.

And so shall we all.

In truth, we can let this same recognition in right now, we can

welcome it, or

we can postpone it by clinging to the point of view of limitation and


In any case, it's all OK.

It's all perfectly ... OK.

The Truth does not depend on our acceptance.

Even though things may seem to argue against this acceptance, it's

all still .... perfectly ... OK.

Even though there may appear to be separation, unhappiness, fear,

despair, confusion, bitterness, frustration and anxiety –

It's All OK.

Every river pours into this same ocean – the luminous ocean of the

Love that we Are.

Sometimes the river, which flows as one, spills over a waterfall and

bursts into millions of individual drops of watery life. These

glistening drops fall through the air for a brief moment, only to

inevitably splash down and resume their unity with the river's flow.

The river itself flows on to the sea, from which it is never


It can also be said that we are like the sky -- the endless

immaculate sky.

Clouds come, clouds go. The sky does not change.

We are not the clouds – we are the sky.

The sky is our home. We came from the sky, and to the sky we return --

this sky of pure Consciousness! this indescribable Light of Love!

Every thought that arises, every emotion, every belief or notion

about how things are -- even our very sense of self -- arises like

clouds in the clear blue sky. But

we are not the clouds. We are the sky.

At night, when we go outside and look up, we can see what we really


There are billions upon billions of stars – pinpoints of reflected

light – enormous galaxies that appear in time, and in time disappear.

The vastness -- the limitless space in which they all appear -- is

not changed by their appearing and vanishing. It is timeless.

In Truth: That Eternal Vastness, That Grand Immensity, is who and

what we Are!

It is what remains, when all that we appear to be gives way at last

to what we actually are: Infinite Peace! Infinite Silence! Pregnant

with every possibility, but never confined to any possibility.

For a brief moment, this Vastness seems to appear as Rosemary, as

Emmet, as me, as you.

For a moment, it appears and expresses itself in each and every form,

both visible and invisible.

Some call it God, some call it Spirit, some call it the Self of all,

some call it Love. It is un-nameable, but closer than your own

heartbeat. It is That which Is, and It is That which is living

everything, everywhere.

Every form vanishes eventually.

What remains is this Mystery, this Vastness.

It is the incomprehensible Bliss of Being Itself.

We each and every one of us know, in our hearts, that this Bliss is

Only Love.

It is the very Light in which Dear Rosemary now swims, utterly Free

and Serene.

In our heart of hearts, we know who we are.

In our hearts, we know where we come from.

And in our hearts, we know where we go.

Don't fear death –

Welcome it.

God Bless you all!




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My thoughts are with you...

And I do understand the deep complexities that you are going

through...no preparation or philosophy can erase the pain of losing a

close loved one. My parents passed on within two years of each other,

my father first in 1982.

Sometimes I miss the most mundane things, like being able to take them

to lunch or to visit on a weekend afternoon. There are times I wish I

could just stop to call my mom up by phone to let her know how things

are going. Then I realize that in a sense, she is closer than in

life. This does not ever remove the sense of loss.

We should not fear death; not should we welcome it. We should learn

not to fear life; life is what we should welcome...

And death, well, let Death have his own place...but let him respect us for a while...

And keep that scythe in the scabbard for now.




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