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Sometimes when i turned

a corner,

all the time now,

there You are.

Arms of Light breaking free

unfurling, swirling into

galactic attraction

in the Heart.


Radiating Love,

Light of Love

strikes as

pain and suffering

in the body-mind

of father Dearest.


The Beautiful One

Whispers something

Silently in his ear.






Flutters so




and i don't know how or why,


but like

a Moth across the Moon,

quietly lifting

and flying away,

the Beloved One

releases father,

Dancing shadow against the Mooned

Heart of the Soul.

Self Alight as Life-Death,

Looking at You,

Love of Love



and then,

a last sigh -


Something like

a dying Lover looking

into the eyes

of their Beloved,

the Beloved,

and saying -


"Good-by my Darling,

bye for now,

be seeing You.

i Love You.

It's all just This Love


Sweet One,

just This One Love,



Sometimes we speak like


coming down

off the gallows -


intact and whole,

he jokes around,

clowning with the crowd

who put him up there.


Laughing with the executioner,


and we,

that is You and i,

and the entire cast of performers

put our palms together

each palm pressed hand

to Heart,

Heart to sky,


Sky merging into




No delineation.



Together we chant this Rumi chant.

Had to say it.

i had to say it.



"On the day I die, when I'm being carried

toward the grave, don't weep. Don't say


he's gone! He's gone. Death has nothing

to do with going away. The sun sets and


the moon sets, byt they're not gone.

Death is a coming together. The tomb


looks like a prison, but its really

release into union. The human seed goes


down in the ground like a bucket into

the well where Joseph is. It grows and


comes up full of some unimagined beauty.

Your mouth closes here and immediately


opens with a shout of joy there."





Sooner sometimes,

than You can ever believe



Sri Ramana might touch You,

reach into You for this,

He gives us this:


"Jagrat-Sushupti -


It is Bliss.

It is Eternal.


This state is called wakeful-sleep and it is synonymous with our

true nature of total bliss.


In ordinary sleep there are not only no thoughts but also no

awareness. In waking-sleep (jagrat-sushupti) there is pure

awareness alone. That is why it is called awake while sleeping. In

this transcendental state (jagrat-sushupti) identity with the

ultimate truth places man in harmony with everything; and in it

there is no thing apart from the Self.


For the jnani all the three states are equally unreal, for the jnani

the standard of reality is reality itself. This reality is pure

consciousness, is eternal by its nature and therefore subsists

equally during what we call waking, dreaming and sleep.


Jagrat sushupti is the jnani's state...


Fully awake in the Self, his state is wakeful sleep. This wakeful-

sleep, sleepless sleep, or whatever it may be called, is the turiya

state of the Self, on which as the screen all the three states, the

waking, dream and sleep, pass, leaving the screen unaffected.


The jnani is established in turiya, the supreme reality.


The effulgent light of pure awareness within, taking hold of a

centre, lights up the entire body, as the sun illumines the world.

Owing to the diffusion of that light in the body one has experiences

in the body.


The centre of radiation is the heart. That pure awareness, the

jagrat-sushupti state, shines ever as the light within, as the heart."


~Sri Ramana Maharshi

(Absolute Consciousness)






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