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A Walk Into Sobhet Waking Always

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Dear friends,


Having need to acquire quarters for laundry i ventured to the bank

in town. Still in the constant sobhet with my Beloved all night long,

the Conversation carried on in Silence and Song both. One Knowing.

Along the way, the light seemed to become ever brighter, ever-

enticing my Heart-Eyes to open to everything around me more fully,

yet less, and less were the images being "seen" in the usual way.

Aware of a washing-waving-weaving Wonder of Love presenting to this

Heart in every form of Joy as these flowers, dogs, people, houses,

the road, the sky, the sun, the Beloved Darling, you, everything, i

began being pulled into some inner santum of everywhere and

everything at once speaking to Love as Love alone.


"Hello my little yellow blossoming brother," the tender-faced Four

O'Clock flower gazing happily at me and i at it.


"Hello Dear dog, Good Morning my brother," the Beautiful shepherd

dog lying behind the fence looking at me looking at him looking at

me. And we're not just looking! More! Who can put to words the

exchange that took place between we two seeing One?


And the two women on the sidewalk speaking of being hurt and being

made to cry and then saying, "i don't give a damn about the f***ing

SOB," and i could only feel and see the utter harmonious embrace of

Love everywhere and in every word they uttered in this Dance of

Mystery. Gee whiz, oh my Heart, must we spill out upon this sidewalk

and pool into the Everywhere/Everything right now, perhaps to stumble

and tumble in this Bliss? But no, i managed to carry on and keep



There appeared a fence with purple and blue morning glories clinging

to it, grasping at it like a lover grasps the body of the Beloved in

the Love embrace of God. i know that embrace very well. This floral

Sweetheart waved its greenery-glad fingers of vines and buds and

leaves, and it was the enlightenment of Chiyo-ni and every wispy,

tendrilling glory blossom was breaking across the moment and

saying "There is only Love, Love right here, right now." The well was

well-guarded and then the Darlings parted their Heart and i entered

into the well of Incredible Being, the Moon flowing out as Chiyo-ni's

poem made manifest in the Heart. Opening flowers, opening Heart,

opening to Grace Unfathomable.


The California Pepper tree gave way to Master's "Temple of Leaves" at

Mount Washinton in LA, and Beloved Guruji was with me so fully, so

clearly did he stand beneath that tree and look into the Sky of my

Love and we became that OneLove together, breaking open into a Joy i

cannot say, a Bliss so Blissful i did not know where to go, what to

do or what of anything, only that i was broken-open as Rumi's own

Heart is for Shams-i-Tabriz. Even now the Love of Rumi for Shams is

flowing everywhere forever unrestrained, ever-growing-glowing-giving

of that Love. We can open our mouths, our eyes, our hands, our Hearts

and minds and take in this Beauty, this Beauty with No-Name or Face,

only these small reflections of Who and What they really are. Who and

What we really Are - That. Beloved, and more than That, it can be

said, but never said as What It IS.


i found myself drunkenly moving along, in some tremendously

overwhelming, yet so Peace-filled of an Awareness it defies any

description i can ever give to describe it or give any known

attribute to it, for It was not anything that is, yet It Is the Is of

That. i walked up the steps of the church, the Catholic church

called "St. Catherine of Siena." The name of a saint i have always

been drawn to and Loved. In my "weakened" condition and utter

mindless bumbling, i thought to just sit and lean my head against the

locked doors, so i did just that. As i did this, the thoughts and

actions of every being who crossed that thresh-hold poured into me,

and i became the All-Seeing, the All-Knowing, and what was next was

not of this world yet it IS of this world, for as Sri Ramana has

said, the world, Maya, and reality are one when one sees it as the

Self Alone. Each idea and thought and thing and all were one Kindness

reverberating forever into everywhere and i became that. Yet i was

not that. Oh! the Paradox! To be all and everyone, their thoughts and

thoughts they have not yet seemed to think, the world of pain and

love and longing and satisfation and prayer and pleading and giving

and taking - ALL! All One Being, OneHeart, OneLove, OneMind recalling

to itself It Self. And the mind was no more, just the Unutterableness

of the Moment of Joyous BlissLove. Self Seeing Self as all forever

and then...then, i cannot say what occurred as it is not speakable or

knowable. Time did its thing and i did recover my "senses" and found

my way home, here where i sit now typing out these little sounds and

movements. The Beloved Is Love and Compassion and i know we Are That.


The Beloved is beyond all of these things i am trying to express.

Truly, the night and day are one flowing Moment. OneBeing being the

movements of everything from galactic whirlings to a dandelion fluff

carried along the breeze - all One Movement-Non-Movement. All the

Same Being. Like a Song, a Scented Song of Life and Death and oh so

much more, we are carried along and In the One and are but Fragrance

on That Breeze of Eternity.





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