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This Ship Sails at Dawn

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On these mornings

when i sit here alone,

i do not sit alone.

i am never left alone,

not for one moment.

You have entered in

and i shut the door.

There's no escaping this time, my Beloved.

Like Mirabai with Krishna,

i have set this action right this time.

These sandelwood doors of this incense Heart,

they are in perpetual flame.

The smoldering embers never go out.

You draw in closer,

and burning higher is my firelight,

ignited more brightly

by the thought of You.

i will lash Your face and body with mine.

We will never set sail unless we two,

unless Thou and i are the same masthead.

This ship of Awakening as OneHeart,

it sets off for uncharted waters every day.

It goes from Nowhere and it sinks into Nothing.

This is the bounty of the Abundance of One.

Lifting up again by the sheer will of our Love,

the Oceanic Heart gives back from His Sea of Being,

gives back to us the chance

to keep sailing deeper,


into the Heart of Mystery.

What we have seen at the edge of Life,

what we have tasted

from the forbidden gardens of Self,

what we have explored

in the Grand Immensity Canyons,

no one could ever endure to hear about.

It would turn there minds to cinders.

It would clear the ground of "i"

and leave nothing to the imagination,

nothing but scorched earthland

and razed fields

where thinking and knowing

thought they knew a single thing

about Love,

about Beloved,

about You or i.

The very Sky declares our epitath is Aglow!

The Sun Stumbles into ItSelf,


at the Ground of Luminosity

of Who we Know we are,

and Who we Know all are and have been,

and ever will be

until time and space crumbles

and disappears into the Elsewhere again.

There's no turning back,

and there's no place to return to

or run into

to try and slip the Slippery One up.

There's no looking away

from This Face of Delight Who never blinks.

Beloved of the formlessness

and the form,

i formed a kind of Nectared Trap

to find You.

i spilled all along my wanderings,

Sweet Amrita.

Amrita of Ananda from this mouth,

Amrita of Namaste from these limbs,

Amrita of Om and Shanti and Ahhhh

from the Cave of Honey,

the ChristLight in the gold and blue Guha.

This is not just a metaphor my Darling.

Of course, You already know this.

Sitting here with You inside me,

as the Dawn is speaking in hushed tones,

intonating that a miracle of sorts

is about to unfold

another Marvel of Marvelosity,

of that Luminous Lumiere that is my Heart,

that is Your Heart,

that is just the OneHeart beating,

i know that when that Sun of Shams,

rising from the Eastern horizon appears,

i will have become lost again

inside the Friend.

There is no night or day,

either here nor there.

There is no right,

no wrong,

no ethics,

no morals.

There is nothing that is ever less

than God Alone.

And Darling,

my Holy Heartbeat humming mantras,

i slip this knot of the conundrum,

so cunning-clever,

whenever i look into the Appearance.

You appear,

i appear,

everything makes an appearance.

Or so It Appears!

But we know,

You know and i know,

that we Live

as OneHeart,



Breathing Only Love into all of this.

The Beautiful Beloved One

is the Breath of Awe

and It is the Appearance.

It Is the Appearance of everything,

everyone, everywhere,

as this endlessly undulating Light

Loving ItSelf.

God how i Love to Appear here with You!

And, apparently,

the Appearance of That One,

the Only One,

It Loves to give this Love for You as Moi!

Ah me.

How i Love a good Laugh.

The ship sails at Dawn.

The turning tide waits for no one.

Be Thou the One Who Sails with me into God.

Hear it?

Do You hear It Now?

The Breeze is calling us Home.

i feel the billowing

and the swelling of Love.

This, this Heart

is setting sail for the Unknowable One.

i cannot turn away from That,

and i cannot leave without You.

Come my Mashuq,

the Ship of Dancing Fools is boarding.

Oh God, oh God my Love!

Will we ever be able to Sing,

to Chant again into the Endless Night,

This Sloka of Surrender to Love?

Let us try.

We can only try, my Darling,

my Beautiful, Beloved Robert.



))))))Oh Darling Beautiful my Heart --

shall we once more disembark

far from the daze of hazy dreams,

emissaries of the Mystery Queen,

between our words on this flat screen

and mind imagined, sight unseen,

and tumble through the black hole cracks

where streetlamp buddhas leave no tracks

astride the waves of passion's motion

overwhelming any notion

drifting deeper in our ocean

on the sails of Heart devotion?


Who can fathom our emotion --


this love that loves to love the love

that loves the love that loves to love --


who will feel us

kissing their eyes

with flames of rapture

lips of astonisnment

sighs of acknowledgement

to be born again, and then

again, and again, and then

again in this wilderness of

fetal wonder where the grapevines

sign & twine?


Ah, there you are --

standing with that look of

loving bewilderment,

curling your laughter around me,

this piece of moonlight

this spoonful






Could it be


we're free of any




just more words

just some facade

just idiot play

of an idiot god,

and is there a train and

this is the train, and this

is the train, and





the train,


and all the fear

and doubt

and pain

is washed away in

love's sweet rain

while verging now on

turning sane

we swim in some great being's

veins, within whose hands

there lie the reins of

tears that spring from laughter?



is this our disaster, that

the train we prayed

would finally come

has already left the station?

Another lame creation?

Another variation on the

myth of elevation?



try some of these black and

primal blue berries --

i've been eating them for 6 or 7 weeks now --

haven't got sick once.


(probably keep us both alive....






Mazie & b

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