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the Dreaming River

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i asked You once, "Who are You?"

i know now, who You are. You are the Self.

The Heart is the Home and You abide there.


Depthlessness and Incomprehensibility,

You are That. The experience and all concepts expounded,

they all disappear into 'never were' in You.

A mere appearance and nothing but That, grandstanding.


In You, this Moment has not come and it will never go.

This Moment is OneHeart, Turiya, Nothingness.


It is Radiance to ItSelf,

Effulgence by ItSelf,

Luminosity Eternal as ItSelf.


You, being Self alone, are the Breath of Life.

There is nowhere to look for It,

It is Here Now, as It Is.


You are That path and gate You search in,

You, the Pathless and the Gateless One.

What You seek and long for is What You are.

The One You Love, You call the Self.


And That is All it is.

And That is the Perfection of Love,

Love, As It Is Now.


There is only the Self.

It Is What Is.


Reality is its own yardstick and That is You.

You are the Changeless One,

the Achyuta's Vibhuti,

a perpetually Glowing Ember, already perpetually Ash.


Everthing happens in You and You are Aware of It.

To say, "No" to this is to suffer.

To Understand and say, "Yes," to this is Liberation.

The ease in realizing this comes because

It Is Your Natural Truth, It Is You, the Self Alone.


Inquire plainly, "Who?" and watch, Awake and Aware.

Make no attempts to use effort

and do not play the old tapes of recoil and contraction.


Lay Your Glance within,

and in Bhakta, Ecstatic Bliss,

remain in the Heart.


Be steady and calm

and You will see nothing rise at all.

It's an old Magician's trick --

quieting the chattering mind,

becoming the Great Freeing ItSelf.


It happens in a snap,

because It has always been Here,

always was.

Watching silently, saying -


"O Mind, what did you rise up from?

Where do these thoughts originate from?

What is the real Source of these thoughts?"


Suddenly, You Know You are Free

and always have been,

and this has all been

just a Mystery in a dream.




)))) The dreams we dream

can seem so real, so

very captivating:


You placed Your right

hand on my heart.


My soul leapt up!


Looking down,

my body was gone.


Your eyes were filled with

Limitless, Forever -

the overpowering Awareness of

Only This

emerging from the depthless Ocean of

Forgotten, yet

Ever Present.


I tried to speak

but could not.


Your Shining shatters nascent thought.


Objects all around us shook and

shimmered in Heart's heat mirage.

>From out of somewhere

I don't know

an anciently familiar aching

sound, a humming heartbreak





any pretense of distinction -

vanished in the echo of

Your rippling wild wooing.


Now where is anything at all?


You --

all Radiance ecstatic dancing

flashing beams of sparks from

mesmerizing movements of

Your rainbow-jeweled fingers.


The skulls of all my ancestors

bang gaily from Your golden belt and

as they dashed together

that enormous sound swept over me and

in the ringing rapture

I lost any semblance of control.


In a fever I am clapping and

I hear my friends all screaming now as

waves of bliss delirium roll through us

thick as thunder and the tears just

flow like fountains from these eyes

too long accustomed to the dryness of

the stories we have all taken for granted till

Your peal of gorgeous Laughter runs a riot through

such fictions and the white clear light of dawning

breaks upon this sea of longing and above this raucous party

in Your hair trail stars of glory and I know again

Who You Are, and I am

so drunk and staggered as

You twirl and spin right through me,

pausing for a timeless moment still to

kiss away my tears as

You swoon by.


Jai! Jai! Jai! Jai!

Jai to the Queen of the

Godbearing Sky!


Utterly Free,

Utterly Gone --

Gone Gone Gone



Gone Beyond Beyond Beyond --

unraveling all time and space --

Jai to the One Who

leaves no trace!


Jai to the One Who

leaves no trace!




When I awoke the dawn began to

billow bright with birdsong bursting

right outside my window they were

stitching through fresh airstreams

like the harbingers of gladness

fervent singing life all soaring

sweeping low and then ascending in

a playful simple joyousness we

too knew long ago.


Suddenly I realized that,

until my dying breath in You,

the wonder of these little birds to

just leap off the ground in flight will

always still amaze me more than

any kind of dream!






Mazie & b

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This is my favorite part, perhaps it will be your poetry that will awaken me

from this dream? Love, Shawn



> Lay Your Glance within,

> and in Bhakta, Ecstatic Bliss,

> remain in the Heart.


> Be steady and calm

> and You will see nothing rise at all.

> It's an old Magician's trick --

> quieting the chattering mind,

> becoming the Great Freeing ItSelf.


> It happens in a snap,

> because It has always been Here,

> always was.

> Watching silently, saying -


> "O Mind, what did you rise up from?

> Where do these thoughts originate from?

> What is the real Source of these thoughts?"


> Suddenly, You Know You are Free

> and always have been,

> and this has all been

> just a Mystery in a dream.

> <snip>


on 7/30/02 4:55 AM, mazie_l at sraddha54 wrote:


> i asked You once, "Who are You?"

> i know now, who You are. You are the Self.

> The Heart is the Home and You abide there.


> Depthlessness and Incomprehensibility,

> You are That. The experience and all concepts expounded,

> they all disappear into 'never were' in You.

> A mere appearance and nothing but That, grandstanding.


> In You, this Moment has not come and it will never go.

> This Moment is OneHeart, Turiya, Nothingness.


> It is Radiance to ItSelf,

> Effulgence by ItSelf,

> Luminosity Eternal as ItSelf.


> You, being Self alone, are the Breath of Life.

> There is nowhere to look for It,

> It is Here Now, as It Is.


> You are That path and gate You search in,

> You, the Pathless and the Gateless One.

> What You seek and long for is What You are.

> The One You Love, You call the Self.


> And That is All it is.

> And That is the Perfection of Love,

> Love, As It Is Now.


> There is only the Self.

> It Is What Is.


> Reality is its own yardstick and That is You.

> You are the Changeless One,

> the Achyuta's Vibhuti,

> a perpetually Glowing Ember, already perpetually Ash.


> Everthing happens in You and You are Aware of It.

> To say, "No" to this is to suffer.

> To Understand and say, "Yes," to this is Liberation.

> The ease in realizing this comes because

> It Is Your Natural Truth, It Is You, the Self Alone.


> Inquire plainly, "Who?" and watch, Awake and Aware.

> Make no attempts to use effort

> and do not play the old tapes of recoil and contraction.


> Lay Your Glance within,

> and in Bhakta, Ecstatic Bliss,

> remain in the Heart.


> Be steady and calm

> and You will see nothing rise at all.

> It's an old Magician's trick --

> quieting the chattering mind,

> becoming the Great Freeing ItSelf.


> It happens in a snap,

> because It has always been Here,

> always was.

> Watching silently, saying -


> "O Mind, what did you rise up from?

> Where do these thoughts originate from?

> What is the real Source of these thoughts?"


> Suddenly, You Know You are Free

> and always have been,

> and this has all been

> just a Mystery in a dream.




> )))) The dreams we dream

> can seem so real, so

> very captivating:


> You placed Your right

> hand on my heart.


> My soul leapt up!


> Looking down,

> my body was gone.


> Your eyes were filled with

> Limitless, Forever -

> the overpowering Awareness of

> Only This

> emerging from the depthless Ocean of

> Forgotten, yet

> Ever Present.


> I tried to speak

> but could not.


> Your Shining shatters nascent thought.


> Objects all around us shook and

> shimmered in Heart's heat mirage.


>> From out of somewhere

> I don't know

> an anciently familiar aching

> sound, a humming heartbreak




> collapses

> any pretense of distinction -

> vanished in the echo of

> Your rippling wild wooing.


> Now where is anything at all?


> You --

> all Radiance ecstatic dancing

> flashing beams of sparks from

> mesmerizing movements of

> Your rainbow-jeweled fingers.


> The skulls of all my ancestors

> bang gaily from Your golden belt and

> as they dashed together

> that enormous sound swept over me and

> in the ringing rapture

> I lost any semblance of control.


> In a fever I am clapping and

> I hear my friends all screaming now as

> waves of bliss delirium roll through us

> thick as thunder and the tears just

> flow like fountains from these eyes

> too long accustomed to the dryness of

> the stories we have all taken for granted till

> Your peal of gorgeous Laughter runs a riot through

> such fictions and the white clear light of dawning

> breaks upon this sea of longing and above this raucous party

> in Your hair trail stars of glory and I know again

> Who You Are, and I am

> so drunk and staggered as

> You twirl and spin right through me,

> pausing for a timeless moment still to

> kiss away my tears as

> You swoon by.


> Jai! Jai! Jai! Jai!

> Jai to the Queen of the

> Godbearing Sky!


> Utterly Free,

> Utterly Gone --

> Gone Gone Gone

> Beyond!


> Gone Beyond Beyond Beyond --

> unraveling all time and space --

> Jai to the One Who

> leaves no trace!


> Jai to the One Who

> leaves no trace!




> When I awoke the dawn began to

> billow bright with birdsong bursting

> right outside my window they were

> stitching through fresh airstreams

> like the harbingers of gladness

> fervent singing life all soaring

> sweeping low and then ascending in

> a playful simple joyousness we

> too knew long ago.


> Suddenly I realized that,

> until my dying breath in You,

> the wonder of these little birds to

> just leap off the ground in flight will

> always still amaze me more than

> any kind of dream!




> LoveAlways,


> Mazie & b



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> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

> back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the

> ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

> Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

> where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being.

> A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising

> from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




> Terms of Service

> <> .

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Hi Shawn,


No doubt there are plenty of quotes to find,

stating that the dream only consists of beliefs, like

that sentient life is a dream. Without such thought patterns,

sentient life is most enjoyable while it lasts, irrespective the

vicissitudes which are like images on a soap bubble, appearing

simultaneously with the bubble and simultaneously subsiding with it,

not having affected empty space ("you") one bit.





On 7/30/02 at 11:04 AM shawn wrote:


ºThis is my favorite part, perhaps it will be your poetry that will awaken


ºfrom this dream? Love, Shawn



º> Lay Your Glance within,

º> and in Bhakta, Ecstatic Bliss,

º> remain in the Heart.


º> Be steady and calm

º> and You will see nothing rise at all.

º> It's an old Magician's trick --

º> quieting the chattering mind,

º> becoming the Great Freeing ItSelf.


º> It happens in a snap,

º> because It has always been Here,

º> always was.

º> Watching silently, saying -


º> "O Mind, what did you rise up from?

º> Where do these thoughts originate from?

º> What is the real Source of these thoughts?"


º> Suddenly, You Know You are Free

º> and always have been,

º> and this has all been

º> just a Mystery in a dream.

º> <snip>


ºon 7/30/02 4:55 AM, mazie_l at sraddha54 wrote:



º> i asked You once, "Who are You?"

º> i know now, who You are. You are the Self.

º> The Heart is the Home and You abide there.


º> Depthlessness and Incomprehensibility,

º> You are That. The experience and all concepts expounded,

º> they all disappear into 'never were' in You.

º> A mere appearance and nothing but That, grandstanding.


º> In You, this Moment has not come and it will never go.

º> This Moment is OneHeart, Turiya, Nothingness.


º> It is Radiance to ItSelf,

º> Effulgence by ItSelf,

º> Luminosity Eternal as ItSelf.


º> You, being Self alone, are the Breath of Life.

º> There is nowhere to look for It,

º> It is Here Now, as It Is.


º> You are That path and gate You search in,

º> You, the Pathless and the Gateless One.

º> What You seek and long for is What You are.

º> The One You Love, You call the Self.


º> And That is All it is.

º> And That is the Perfection of Love,

º> Love, As It Is Now.


º> There is only the Self.

º> It Is What Is.


º> Reality is its own yardstick and That is You.

º> You are the Changeless One,

º> the Achyuta's Vibhuti,

º> a perpetually Glowing Ember, already perpetually Ash.


º> Everthing happens in You and You are Aware of It.

º> To say, "No" to this is to suffer.

º> To Understand and say, "Yes," to this is Liberation.

º> The ease in realizing this comes because

º> It Is Your Natural Truth, It Is You, the Self Alone.


º> Inquire plainly, "Who?" and watch, Awake and Aware.

º> Make no attempts to use effort

º> and do not play the old tapes of recoil and contraction.


º> Lay Your Glance within,

º> and in Bhakta, Ecstatic Bliss,

º> remain in the Heart.


º> Be steady and calm

º> and You will see nothing rise at all.

º> It's an old Magician's trick --

º> quieting the chattering mind,

º> becoming the Great Freeing ItSelf.


º> It happens in a snap,

º> because It has always been Here,

º> always was.

º> Watching silently, saying -


º> "O Mind, what did you rise up from?

º> Where do these thoughts originate from?

º> What is the real Source of these thoughts?"


º> Suddenly, You Know You are Free

º> and always have been,

º> and this has all been

º> just a Mystery in a dream.




º> )))) The dreams we dream

º> can seem so real, so

º> very captivating:


º> You placed Your right

º> hand on my heart.


º> My soul leapt up!


º> Looking down,

º> my body was gone.


º> Your eyes were filled with

º> Limitless, Forever -

º> the overpowering Awareness of

º> Only This

º> emerging from the depthless Ocean of

º> Forgotten, yet

º> Ever Present.


º> I tried to speak

º> but could not.


º> Your Shining shatters nascent thought.


º> Objects all around us shook and

º> shimmered in Heart's heat mirage.


º>> From out of somewhere

º> I don't know

º> an anciently familiar aching

º> sound, a humming heartbreak




º> collapses

º> any pretense of distinction -

º> vanished in the echo of

º> Your rippling wild wooing.


º> Now where is anything at all?


º> You --

º> all Radiance ecstatic dancing

º> flashing beams of sparks from

º> mesmerizing movements of

º> Your rainbow-jeweled fingers.


º> The skulls of all my ancestors

º> bang gaily from Your golden belt and

º> as they dashed together

º> that enormous sound swept over me and

º> in the ringing rapture

º> I lost any semblance of control.


º> In a fever I am clapping and

º> I hear my friends all screaming now as

º> waves of bliss delirium roll through us

º> thick as thunder and the tears just

º> flow like fountains from these eyes

º> too long accustomed to the dryness of

º> the stories we have all taken for granted till

º> Your peal of gorgeous Laughter runs a riot through

º> such fictions and the white clear light of dawning

º> breaks upon this sea of longing and above this raucous party

º> in Your hair trail stars of glory and I know again

º> Who You Are, and I am

º> so drunk and staggered as

º> You twirl and spin right through me,

º> pausing for a timeless moment still to

º> kiss away my tears as

º> You swoon by.


º> Jai! Jai! Jai! Jai!

º> Jai to the Queen of the

º> Godbearing Sky!


º> Utterly Free,

º> Utterly Gone --

º> Gone Gone Gone

º> Beyond!


º> Gone Beyond Beyond Beyond --

º> unraveling all time and space --

º> Jai to the One Who

º> leaves no trace!


º> Jai to the One Who

º> leaves no trace!




º> When I awoke the dawn began to

º> billow bright with birdsong bursting

º> right outside my window they were

º> stitching through fresh airstreams

º> like the harbingers of gladness

º> fervent singing life all soaring

º> sweeping low and then ascending in

º> a playful simple joyousness we

º> too knew long ago.


º> Suddenly I realized that,

º> until my dying breath in You,

º> the wonder of these little birds to

º> just leap off the ground in flight will

º> always still amaze me more than

º> any kind of dream!




º> LoveAlways,


º> Mazie & b



º> Sponsor

º> Click here to find your contact lenses!



º> :HM/A=1153174/R=7/*http://www.lensexpress.com>


º> /join






º> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

º> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and


º> back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different

ºthan the

º> ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

º> Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

º> where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal


º> A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously


º> from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




º> Terms of Service

º> <> .










ºAll paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

ºperceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

ºsubside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

ºdifferent than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

ºnature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present.

ºIt is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

ºFinality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

ºSelf-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome

ºall to a.




ºYour use of is subject to

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, "ecirada" <janb@m...> wrote:

>No doubt there are plenty of quotes to find,

stating that the dream only consists of beliefs, like

that sentient life is a dream. Without such thought patterns,

sentient life is most enjoyable while it lasts, irrespective the

vicissitudes which are like images on a soap bubble, appearing

simultaneously with the bubble and simultaneously subsiding with it,

not having affected empty space ("you") one bit.



))))) Perhaps it can be recognized (especially on an island named

after song birds) that one characteristic of discursive mind -- the

curious play of judgement and comparison -- is the habitual tendency

to impose imaginary limitations on that which is limitless and always

freely available -- the infinite Grace of Love.

Hui Neng, the kitchen boy, upon hearing a recitation of a sutra,

instantly awoke to his own True Nature.

Shortly thereafter, he was to become the Sixth Patriarch.





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On 7/31/02 at 1:26 AM mazie_l wrote:


º, "ecirada" <janb@m...> wrote:


º>No doubt there are plenty of quotes to find,

ºstating that the dream only consists of beliefs, like

ºthat sentient life is a dream. Without such thought patterns,

ºsentient life is most enjoyable while it lasts, irrespective the

ºvicissitudes which are like images on a soap bubble, appearing

ºsimultaneously with the bubble and simultaneously subsiding with it,

ºnot having affected empty space ("you") one bit.



º))))) Perhaps it can be recognized (especially on an island named

ºafter song birds) that one characteristic of discursive mind -- the

ºcurious play of judgement and comparison -- is the habitual tendency

ºto impose imaginary limitations on that which is limitless and always

ºfreely available -- the infinite Grace of Love.

ºHui Neng, the kitchen boy, upon hearing a recitation of a sutra,

ºinstantly awoke to his own True Nature.

ºShortly thereafter, he was to become the Sixth Patriarch.






Thanks for the laugh: perhaps it can be recognized that

one indication for a mind running hot under the influence

of endorphines is shown by terms like "the infinite Grace of

Love": just show it. (unless blind, even a frog can know what

a soap bubble is).


Hey, can you show finite grace instead of the infinite version perhaps?

And what about grace without adjectives?

So what do terms like "infinite Grace", "freely available" etc. show?


"that one characteristic of discursive mind -- the

ºcurious play of judgement and comparison"


Happy dreaming :-)




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, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:

> On 7/31/02 at 1:26 AM mazie_l wrote:


> º, "ecirada" <janb@m...> wrote:

> º

> º>No doubt there are plenty of quotes to find,

> ºstating that the dream only consists of beliefs, like

> ºthat sentient life is a dream. Without such thought patterns,

> ºsentient life is most enjoyable while it lasts, irrespective the

> ºvicissitudes which are like images on a soap bubble, appearing

> ºsimultaneously with the bubble and simultaneously subsiding with


> ºnot having affected empty space ("you") one bit.

> º

> º

> º))))) Perhaps it can be recognized (especially on an island named

> ºafter song birds) that one characteristic of discursive mind --


> ºcurious play of judgement and comparison -- is the habitual


> ºto impose imaginary limitations on that which is limitless and


> ºfreely available -- the infinite Grace of Love.

> ºHui Neng, the kitchen boy, upon hearing a recitation of a sutra,

> ºinstantly awoke to his own True Nature.

> ºShortly thereafter, he was to become the Sixth Patriarch.

> º

> ºLoveAlways,

> º

> ºb


> Thanks for the laugh: perhaps it can be recognized that

> one indication for a mind running hot under the influence

> of endorphines is shown by terms like "the infinite Grace of

> Love": just show it. (unless blind, even a frog can know what

> a soap bubble is).


> Hey, can you show finite grace instead of the infinite version


> And what about grace without adjectives?

> So what do terms like "infinite Grace", "freely available" etc.



> "that one characteristic of discursive mind -- the

> ºcurious play of judgement and comparison"


> Happy dreaming :-)


> Laughingly,

> Jan



Ah, Jan...



"The Self proclaims itself at all times as "I", "I". It is self-

luminous. It is here. All this is that. We are in that only, being in

it, why search for it? The ancients say: Making the vision absorbed

in knowledge of the Self he sees the world as the absolute."


~Sri Ramana Maharshi - "Absolute Consciousness"






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On 7/31/02 at 12:16 PM mazie_l wrote:


º, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:

º> On 7/31/02 at 1:26 AM mazie_l wrote:


º> º, "ecirada" <janb@m...> wrote:

º> º

º> º>No doubt there are plenty of quotes to find,

º> ºstating that the dream only consists of beliefs, like

º> ºthat sentient life is a dream. Without such thought patterns,

º> ºsentient life is most enjoyable while it lasts, irrespective the

º> ºvicissitudes which are like images on a soap bubble, appearing

º> ºsimultaneously with the bubble and simultaneously subsiding with


º> ºnot having affected empty space ("you") one bit.

º> º

º> º

º> º))))) Perhaps it can be recognized (especially on an island named

º> ºafter song birds) that one characteristic of discursive mind --


º> ºcurious play of judgement and comparison -- is the habitual


º> ºto impose imaginary limitations on that which is limitless and


º> ºfreely available -- the infinite Grace of Love.

º> ºHui Neng, the kitchen boy, upon hearing a recitation of a sutra,

º> ºinstantly awoke to his own True Nature.

º> ºShortly thereafter, he was to become the Sixth Patriarch.

º> º

º> ºLoveAlways,

º> º

º> ºb


º> Thanks for the laugh: perhaps it can be recognized that

º> one indication for a mind running hot under the influence

º> of endorphines is shown by terms like "the infinite Grace of

º> Love": just show it. (unless blind, even a frog can know what

º> a soap bubble is).


º> Hey, can you show finite grace instead of the infinite version


º> And what about grace without adjectives?

º> So what do terms like "infinite Grace", "freely available" etc.



º> "that one characteristic of discursive mind -- the

º> ºcurious play of judgement and comparison"


º> Happy dreaming :-)


º> Laughingly,

º> Jan



ºAh, Jan...



º"The Self proclaims itself at all times as "I", "I". It is self-

ºluminous. It is here. All this is that. We are in that only, being in

ºit, why search for it? The ancients say: Making the vision absorbed

ºin knowledge of the Self he sees the world as the absolute."


º~Sri Ramana Maharshi - "Absolute Consciousness"







Who suggests proclaiming and searching?

Who suggests labeling like "Self"?

Who needs to express via quotes when silence is eloquence?

Noise maybe? ;-)





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excuse me for butting in, just wanted to say that I find it

a perfect wisdom saying.

I am busy interpreting some poems of Rumi of late,

and just today wrote these lines spoken by the Beloved

within a broader context of a poem, but I

think you will see a synchronisation of thought here.

"Pretend that I am a slow wit

and hard of hearing

keep telling me you love Me.

That way you will turn into My love for you.â€




>From whom is this, Mazie?

"The way you make love

is the way

God will be with you."


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All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.

Your use of is subject to

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, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:


Thanks for the laugh: perhaps it can be recognized that

one indication for a mind running hot under the influence

of endorphines is shown by terms like "the infinite Grace of

Love": just show it. (unless blind, even a frog can know what

a soap bubble is).


Hey, can you show finite grace instead of the infinite version


And what about grace without adjectives?

So what do terms like "infinite Grace", "freely available" etc. show?


"that one characteristic of discursive mind -- the

ºcurious play of judgement and comparison"


Happy dreaming :-)



)))) Dear Brother,


much appreciation for an excellent example of the mind of judgement

referred to in my post!





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On 7/31/02 at 12:51 PM hrtbeat7 wrote:


º, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:


ºThanks for the laugh: perhaps it can be recognized that

ºone indication for a mind running hot under the influence

ºof endorphines is shown by terms like "the infinite Grace of

ºLove": just show it. (unless blind, even a frog can know what

ºa soap bubble is).


ºHey, can you show finite grace instead of the infinite version


ºAnd what about grace without adjectives?

ºSo what do terms like "infinite Grace", "freely available" etc. show?


º"that one characteristic of discursive mind -- the

ººcurious play of judgement and comparison"


ºHappy dreaming :-)



º)))) Dear Brother,


ºmuch appreciation for an excellent example of the mind of judgement

ºreferred to in my post!






The mirror, huh?


Infinite beauty of ever present radiant overpowering

overflowing overwhelming exuberant love is

your style of non judgmental stuff isn't it?






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, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:

>Infinite beauty of ever present radiant overpowering

overflowing overwhelming exuberant love is

your style of non judgmental stuff isn't it?




Dear Brother,


Poignant, is it not, how even expressions of love can provoke the

separative tendency in the recoiling mind?





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, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:


On 7/31/02 at 12:55 PM hrtbeat7 quoted:


º, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:


> ºNoise maybe? ;-)







Dearest Jan,



Ah, Dearest Beloved Friend, there is only this Love that longs to

speak to you. We could go on in this discourse with Laughter not

truly laughing, but appearing to separate and divide. Do we really

want to do this thing with one another DearHeart? Let us embrace in

this Love we Are and Sing from Heart to Heart. If one were to ask me

what this Love is, i can only say, "i do not know." But i do know

that you are Dear to me and i only want to speak to you from that

Love which is born in the Heart. i love you Janji. And i know that

you love me. Might we always remain in the Embrace of Grace of the

Mighty Kindness?


"I have given each being a separate and unique way of seeing and

saying and knowing that knowledge."








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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:

>Let us embrace in this Love we Are and Sing from Heart to Heart. If

one were to ask me what this Love is, i can only say, "i do not





))))) "The way you make love

is the way

God will be with you."






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Ah!! May I just join in...

Endorphins and all...






>From whom is this, Mazie?

"The way you make love

is the way

God will be with you."


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No problem Wim,

after all we all different identities of the one Self

Or should that be different flames of the one Fire:-)



Hi Eric,

I wrote:

> Appreciated Jan.

That was supposed to be "Appreciated Eric..."

In the flames of love, identities consume each other...


----Original Message-----

Wim Borsboom [wim (AT) aurasphere (DOT) org]

Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:10 AM

RE: Re: the Dreaming River

Appreciated Jan.

"Pretend that I am a slow wit

and hard of hearing

keep telling me you love Me.

That way you will turn into My love for you.â€

And let me laughingly paraphrase that and offer it to You, Mazie and Robert:

Pretend that I am cold

and hard to warm up

keep sending me your flames of love.

That way all of us will turn into one burning love.

Love you guys burningly... laughingly



All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.


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Appreciated Jan.


"Pretend that I am a slow witand hard of hearingkeep telling me you

love Me.That way you will turn into My love for you.â€

And let me laughingly paraphrase that and offer it to You, Mazie and Robert:


Pretend that I am cold

and hard to warm up

keep sending me your flames of love.

That way all of us will turn into one burning love.


Love you guys burningly... laughingly


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Hi Eric,

I wrote:

> Appreciated Jan.

That was supposed to be "Appreciated Eric..."

In the flames of love, identities consume each other...


----Original Message-----Wim Borsboom

[wim (AT) aurasphere (DOT) org]Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:10 AMTo:

Subject: RE: Re: the

Dreaming River

Appreciated Jan.

"Pretend that I am a slow witand hard of hearingkeep telling me you

love Me.That way you will turn into My love for you.â€

And let me laughingly paraphrase that and offer it to You, Mazie and Robert:

Pretend that I am cold

and hard to warm up

keep sending me your flames of love.

That way all of us will turn into one burning love.

Love you guys burningly... laughingly


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All for One and One for All! :-).





, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:

> , "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:


> On 7/31/02 at 12:55 PM hrtbeat7 quoted:


> º, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:

> º

> > ºNoise maybe? ;-)

> º

> ºLaughingly,

> º

> ºJan



> Dearest Jan,



> Ah, Dearest Beloved Friend, there is only this Love that longs to

> speak to you. We could go on in this discourse with Laughter not

> truly laughing, but appearing to separate and divide. Do we really

> want to do this thing with one another DearHeart? Let us embrace in

> this Love we Are and Sing from Heart to Heart. If one were to ask


> what this Love is, i can only say, "i do not know." But i do know

> that you are Dear to me and i only want to speak to you from that

> Love which is born in the Heart. i love you Janji. And i know that

> you love me. Might we always remain in the Embrace of Grace of the

> Mighty Kindness?


> "I have given each being a separate and unique way of seeing and

> saying and knowing that knowledge."


> ~Rumi~



> LoveAlways,


> Mazie

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On 7/31/02 at 1:13 PM mazie_l wrote:


º, "ecirada" <janb@a...> wrote:


º>Infinite beauty of ever present radiant overpowering

ºoverflowing overwhelming exuberant love is

ºyour style of non judgmental stuff isn't it?




ºDear Brother,


ºPoignant, is it not, how even expressions of love can provoke the

ºseparative tendency in the recoiling mind?






Hi Bob,


The use of adjectives for what doesn't need them is a source of humor.

The expression of what doesn't need it is counted by the amount of

objects reminding of that :-)



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> The use of adjectives for what doesn't need them is a source of


> The expression of what doesn't need it is counted by the amount of

> objects reminding of that :-)


> Jan


Hi Jan --


It is so.


No expression of what has no need

to demonstrate, and no adjectives

that can attach, so what fine

attributes will be provided?


The river unfolds of itself; where

will a fish find time for admiration

or a place in which to find a reflection?


-- Dan

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Satsang is company, therefore let us put this advaita not-two talk away.It

seems sometimes like some One is trying to one upmanship another...why

should this be if there's only one? Who would it be that complains of

adjectives, ...me thinks me smells an ego.....


Perhaps One with no other is only a "phase."






on 7/31/02 12:45 PM, dan330033 at dan330033 wrote:

>> The use of adjectives for what doesn't need them is a source of

> humor.

>> The expression of what doesn't need it is counted by the amount of

>> objects reminding of that :-)


>> Jan


> Hi Jan --


> It is so.


> No expression of what has no need

> to demonstrate, and no adjectives

> that can attach, so what fine

> attributes will be provided?


> The river unfolds of itself; where

> will a fish find time for admiration

> or a place in which to find a reflection?


> -- Dan



> Sponsor


> /join






> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

> back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the

> ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

> Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

> where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being.

> A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising

> from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.




> Terms of Service

> <> .

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Oh my dears, stop it already and...


Throw yourselves into love's "Dreaming River"

and notice that love's hot streams

are not riven from dreams;

love's flames lick,

love's waves lap,

splatters and sparks

glistening our lips




ah love's kisses.


And oh yeah, separation...! So what about it?



So what!

Sure and why not?

Coquettish courting in love's plays!

Show your back... all right!

Be followed and overtaken...

The play of separation and conjunction

"It is all pretend."

"Maar nie' heus."


That's Dutch




ecirada [janb]

Wednesday, July 31, 2002 3:24 PM

Re: Re: the Dreaming River

> Doesn't that presuppose separation?




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There you go Shawn, we are swimming..... I love your splash...




You wrote:

>>> Satsang is company, therefore let us put this advaita not-two talk away.



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