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Shawn, Evolution of Consciousness Re-post

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A good way to understand the world of humans is to understand

yourself, not in an intellectual way, or even in an emotional or so-

called spiritual way, but just drilling down into the heart of the

prime motivation, the core "story" that returns us again and again to

the fixated expression of consciousness we call "our life".

It may be discovered there that there is, at the root, something like

an innocent misunderstanding.

What is being pointed at here is the actual evolution of

consciousness itself. This human drama is not a mistake. Most of the

cherished Eastern teachings infer that this human life is some kind

of error or unfortunate occurrence - something to transcend. But if

we really inquire into this, we can see that consciousness has taken

form for a reason. It has come into form so that it can be conscious

as form. That's the beauty of this amazing human birth. Consciousness

can become self-aware through this human form. It can not only become

self-aware, but can finally manifest that liberation through form,

through human-ness, in the way that we act in the field of space and


To be "liberated" from being a human being is not enough. The

consciousness itself has an impulse to manifest itself in the world

of space and time. This where some confusion enters in. To be able to

have this realization function in the world seems to be the true call

of evolution. Ultimately, the manifestation is a creation. It's a

birthing from an act of indescribable Love. It's certainly not some

terrible mistake that we need to escape from into some transcendental

realm. That's the goof of dualism. So many teachers confuse people

here, but if it's all One, it is truly ALL ONE! There is no reason

why that Oneness can't express Itself in the world of space and time

just as much as in the Infinite. Such distinctions can be seen as

mere notional indulgence, when all this messiness of our humanity is

allowed to be liberated from such judgements of belief and comceptual

filtration by the Power of Awakeness.

Nevertheless, there is some real confusion when consciousness takes

form and tries to become self-aware. It seems to be a risk that

consciousness takes in its maturation process, or its evolving into

becoming truly self-aware through form. It is simply a matter of

getting confused about its ultimate identity. It comes into form, and

then it thinks that it is that form. The purpose is to discover its

True Nature, and then to manifest it in the world. Full incarnation

is the moment to moment demand that all excuses be abandoned for

acting anything less than from the complete awakening in this daily


If this inquiry takes one into the head it will feel very dry, very

intellectual. If it stays grounded in one's actual

heart "experience", it won't feel in the least bit abstract. In fact,

it is actually quite marvellously joyously drenched in the juicy

Happiness of Being and Life!

In the place where consciousness is really unified, where it sees the

true nature of both formlessness and form, such phrases as "I am

That" are actually true. It becomes perceivable. One's sense of self

expands to include everything. Here nothing is really outside of

oneself. This view of unity consciousness is much vaster than the

view of formless consciousness. One needs to go beyond mind into

one's own direct experience to really hear this.

It would initially appear that this experience of unity consciousness

is complete, once there is the realization that "I am That", "I am

everything". It may seem that there is nothing more to see. And yet

if inquire proceeds further, there is something very simple to


Even in this unity consciousness there is an awareness of this unity

consciousness. There is a very simple wakefulness of it, in which

this unity consciousness is arising. This awakeness has no qualities

whatsoever. No bliss, no peace, no presence - not even consciousness.

Any effort to define or even experience it is fruitless, any more

than one can experience that which one is - one can only BE that

which one IS.

Sometimes this "Original Face" is called Emptiness. Yet it is even

empty of any qualities of emptiness. Here there is no self or Self.

It is not a state of consciousness, and yet it does not cancel what

it transcends. Separate self-consciousness, Formless consciousness,

Unity consciousness are all arising within this, are all birthed

within It. They are actually illuminated, or seen through, and thus

become Liberated from any identification within this, with any

fixation at any level of consciousness.

Since everything arises from this wakefulness, there is nothing that

needs to be eliminated. The only "problem" that ever arose was the

fixation on any level. From this wakefulness, all states are gathered

in one vast embrace of Love, and are seen to exist simultaneously,

non-exclusively. When this is truly and deeply Seen, and all fixation

has been undermined by the Embrace, then one comes to realize that

this wakefulness, which one IS, is in Love with all states of

consciousness. It does not need to hide in egoic consciousness, in

formless consciousness, in unity consciousness, in peace or bliss -

it loves them all. It functions through them all. Then they all begin

to dance!

This dancing of all states of consciousness together is really the

end, and the beginning, of incarnation, or conscious embodiment. To

take in the whole of experience in one embrace - to swallow the Ocean

in one gulp -- This is the Mystery! This Is what Love wants to do as


swims in this sea of form and wonder of Itself! This is the Yearning

and the Satisfaction of all Yearning! This IS Beloved, and Beloved Is

Infinite Revelation.

What becomes realized is this simple awakeness that every human being

has, at every moment of their lives. One may have many mystical,

transcendental experiences, and perhaps, through Grace, come

eventually to the Mystical experience of being human. Stabilizing in

such "experience", one may eventually become ordinary.

Could this actually be the "ultimate ground", the full flowering of

the transcendent Mystery - that the most liberating turns out to be

the most ordinary? And yet, how could it be otherwise?






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