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RE: Wim's Fine Post

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> Wim said:

>> One is either AWARE, a direct or immediate knowing ("scious") or in

>> some state of CONSCIOUSNESS, some illusive state of time lapse

>> or "retardation", a state that we usually call "con"-"scious".

>> The "con" part of the word consciousness, which in Latin means "with"

>> or "by means of" indicates that within consciousness there is a

>> medium, something through which something else gets transmitted...

>> I'm tempted to call that medium the "mind". The mind here seen as a

>> separator (a con man), a mediator maybe, but still seen as holding us

>> away from direct and immediate intimacy, causing us to experience

>> life indirectly.


> **********I like this, Wim. This is very interesting. We have all become our

> own con man . Also...how about, " con cept and pre-cept?


>> Consciousness is something that we usually do not associate with

>> forms of existence such as rocks or water. Nor do we normally

>> associate consciousness with life forms such as flowers or trees or

>> even insects or vertebrates other than the human species. If, at this

>> point, you are saying that you consider plants or animals (such as

>> dolphins) conscious, hold it for a sec, as l propose to use the

>> word "awareness" for that. The words aware, veracity, verify, very,

>> the German "wahr" (true) and the French "vrai" (true) and "voir"


>> see) all derive from the same Sanskrit root WAR, to cover, surround,

>> guard, observe, to see. Awareness denotes very-ness, suchness... as

>> in "Verily, verily..."


>> Any *state* of con-sciousness can actually not be characterised as

>> "immediate or direct" like pure awareness of suchness.

>> I posit that any state of consciousness was introduced early into a

>> child's life or as a result of a momentary *stasis* caused by some

>> mishap, usually brought about by an external and abrupt interruption

>> of a child's play. After such a momentary stasis, a recoil sets in,

>> then some mental processing takes place to undo the stasis in order

>> to get back to one's original immediacy of being.


> ******* The false identification will take place even if there is no

> "interuption" in the child's play, simply becuse of the *embodyment*...no?

> ( This is my key point BTW)


>> This repair work normally does not work out, as it is usually

>> interrupted again.


> *******Something can be said here and I find my self to be in just the right

> place to comment...Any amount of "fixing" one *does* is bound to the laws of

> karma and that is why the "witnessing" that is actually of great use is a

> grace-full thing and *not something *you* can do. Thus if you watch with

> this kind of graceful vision as anger rises and you don't resist or indulge,

> the power that one usually gives to the anger is absent and a burning

> sensation (no, not that kind, stay with me) attributed to Kundalini is felt

> and like a thin layer of clothing burning off the soul, a true winessing has

> occured accumulating no moss, rolling slowly like some kind of divine strip

> tease. Wow! I thought that was so intense and though I seemed to be in the

> throws of my own conditioning once again, I *know* it was different that

> time and now i feel lighter. And more naked!


>> That is the retardation or time lapse I am pointing at... It is

>> supposed to be a healing event... but it became a way of life... we

>> became con-scious..., we even value con-sciousness.


> ******Rather than a wound which it surely feels like, I prefer the anology

> of the sheaths as in the Hindu. The subtle bodies or sheaths are described

> in a hiarchical manner although in meditation, the journey is within and

> thus the bodies are percieved to be as onion layers or clothes (robes, since

> we all too often worship the expirience as Ultimate Truth). These clothes

> are "put on" in an effort of identification/survival that is completely

> appropriate (as I'm sure you well know) and although you may feel that it

> "stunts" the "growth"...well, can a shirt stunt your growth? :)



>> That most humans are it, is just too bad... :-)))


> *********The fact that the misidentification is so mighty is what makes for

> the dangerousness to the world at large....but I would argue that the

> "natural state" although it is closer to at least being a benign

> disposition, it is never the less not the same as Realized.

> UH- OH....donnnnn ,da don don daaaaa ......did I just say that?


>> Demian from the ZenPearl list wrote:

>> "...like seeing as I did when I was child. Not attached to any of it,

>> because I knew not what it was, but rather everything fresh and new,

>> without an attachment to any of it, and without any thought of "this

>> is this", or "that is that." Almost like experiencing some experience

>> that I have had all my life, but was never aware of, except when I

>> was a child. A kind of feeling of "Hey I remember this" yet without

>> the thought of "Hey I remember this." Just a blissful experience."


> *******As with Adam and Eve, the childish innocence I feel is being overly

> rated as the true nature of childish innocence is also a brutal thing having

> nothing to do with compassion as there is no seperation on even a mental

> level. It is one thing not to have discriminating intelligence, and another

> thing to have it, and still another thing to have it and realise it is only

> relatively significant....and so, I think what I am saying is obvious, that

> we have at least three things here. bwahahah!


>> All of nature, including undisturbed children and "immediate" humans

>> are in bliss. Bliss is actually not an experience..., it is the

>> undercurrent of being, the current of being really, that what flows

>> through the amrita nadi and all other nadis. Of course, once one is

>> in the process of reclaiming one's originality (the repair process)

>> we talk about the *experience* of bliss.


> ********Yes, and like "awareness" is covered by the mind and thus, though we

> are never for one moment *not* the Self, few "re-cognize it. To be aware of

> your own bliss is infinitely different than to be only aware of the great

> pain one may have one's attention on.


>> It was Lee also from ZenPearl who said:

>> "...Dainin Katagiri Roshi, used to give this example: "It is

>> the 'AH!' when you see a Moose in the Woods, before you say to

>> yourself, "A moose in the woods!"


> ********Ah, yes, the moment you piss yourself!


>> That is close to the directness and immediacy that Demian and myself

>> are referring to.


>> With this time-lapse or retardation I do not mean "imbecility" of

>> course; I mean that one has lost synchronicity and syntopicity

>> (chronos =time, topos=a place in space). One has been mentally slowed

>> down and gotten behind on the space / time continuum along which our

>> bliss's current runs.


> ********Dam thing is just going too fast to keep up, like counting on your

> fingers, eh? Don't worry though technology is going to even out the playing

> field! ...So to free up your attention is the first order of business for

> one so enmeshed in his own number/role/game. And "attention is really the

> name of the game isn't it? The very act of attention has a motive, a reason

> to move...it is natural to get caught up in the game. No?


>> This retardation is a kind of smeared-outness through the time

>> dimension. Try to visualize that. Differing from temporal reality of

>> the human, spatial reality is not right away affected by the

>> interruption in play, let me call it "hurt". (Hurt, the

>> interruption of Lila, the human / divine play that we so often and

>> luckily still find in the child.) That retardation (whatever the

>> hurting cause maybe) sets and keeps humans on the road to losing

>> their original integrity or wholeness due to that smearing out over

>> time, the varying experience of the passing of time in different

>> states of consciousness.


>> It is quite daring to posit that states of consciousness (any) may be

>> signs of pathology.


> *******You may as well call sentient life a pathology!



> I should say that none of this is hypothetical to

>> me, any of the states of consciousness, from the satorial through the

>> samadhic to the most ecstatic and glorious, I have experienced over

>> all these years, but I am not afraid to secularise possible sacred

>> cows... not in order to question or to doubt, but to get to the root

>> of what ails us, humankind, so... and to help applying the solution

>> to human / divine reintegration. The solution is the very essence of

>> the any yogic, even religious approach.


> Perhaps it lies in the refusal to love when in the presence of apparent

> non-love.


>> There may be nothing too novel in what I say, it is just that we so

>> quickly start pulling in concepts and elevated ideas about states of

>> consciousness that may not deserve that elevated status. They may

>> even, and I have seen that happen, draw us away again form that

>> original clarity when realization hits us into "immediacy" away

>> from "intermediacy".


> *******Love that con man middleman thing, brilliant, Wim!



>> What I purposely try to say (and I am de-boning this topic with a

>> very sharp knife) is that AWARE is what we are in origin, essence and

>> unadulterated physical existence, or to say it differently, "We are

>> in the KNOW."


>> Any other state of consciousness, which is not this non-mediated

>> awareness, not this direct knowing, I consider part of a pathological

>> dynamic.


> ******yes the demon ego. But you've got to love it, right?

> all for now, this a bit long, but really enjoyed it.

> Thanks Wim

> )))))))))))))shawn


>> I can admit easily that I can see traits of this in myself! So what?

>> We've all been hurt, we are all a bit ill. We trust though that

>> having found out that one has lost sight of one's integrity that such

>> is the most important step to regaining it...


>> "We are in the know."


>> I have written quite a bit over the years about the original and very

>> concrete, non-abstract meaning of the word "know".

>> "To know", derives via the Latin cognoscere and Greek gignoskein from

>> the Sanskrit / Aryan roots GAN, GNA KNA. It has probably also very

>> much to do with "gn" in the word "agni" from the pre- Ashokan Brahmi

>> language as found on 5000 year old Indus Valley seals.

>> Words like ken, kin, kinship, the German Kind as in "kindergarten"

>> and even the word "kid" may via GNA and KNA derive from that word.

>> The pictogram for "agni" is very interesting and telling. I am sure I

>> will share that sooner or later. It has to do with sacrificial fire

>> offerings of sheep, lamb, fish, and... children... see the story of

>> Abraham and Isaac. For a kind of unintended but rather a propos

>> illustration see also:

>> http://www.christiananswers.net/kids/clrpg005.html


>> "Know"

>> A very concrete meaning then.


>> To know someone, at some point in time also meant `to have

>> intercourse', which later came to be known as carnal knowledge. Thus

>> again, a very concrete meaning...


>> "AWARE" is what we are in origin, essence and unadulterated existence.

>> "We are in the KNOW."


>> I consider that climactic being-together during intercourse, tantric

>> or otherwise, the moment when we are fully "in the know of each

>> other" the culmination and celebration of divine / human awareness,

>> an awareness on the communion level that fully transforms singleness

>> into oneness.


>> This is the celebration and the play of who and what we are from the

>> beginning, in the end and anything in between, from Alpha through

>> Omega. The absolute being, integral human divine.


>> I see the play of the child as the first evidence of this

>> celebration, a play that, when it is not interfered with, will flower

>> into the fecundity of human/divine love.


>> ....


>> Any other way or expression of human existence in terms of "states of

>> consciousness" I see as the human being in a state of hurt, or in a

>> state of repairing that hurt.


>> ...


>> It starts early, the hurt of the child, as I said, through abrupt

>> interferences in the play of life, causing this temporal retardation,

>> this sense of being slowed down, being made to be "out of time", too

>> late to be direct and immediate, to be caused to be "caught off

>> guard", to have lost touch, to be disabled to quickly recuperate from

>> abrupt and unexpected interruptions.


>> So to state this again, any state of consciousness, higher, lower,

>> sub-, super-, un-, self- or collective, I see each as a resultant of

>> an initial, repeated and prolonged hurt. However elevated we have

>> made those states of consciousness to sound, I still see them as

>> signs of a pathology, not hopeless though. They are not the sickness

>> or the hurt per se, they are stages in approaches to becoming un-

>> hurt... And those stages on consciousness have a whole range of

>> fantastic experiences.... I'm not poopooing them. No way, so many, so

>> far out... but also... they are so easy to get lost in.

>> The endpoint of all those stages or states of consciousness is an

>> ordinariness that is so glaringly clear... no fantasmas there... just

>> the celebratory ordinariness of the miracle of life, an epiphany

>> without a bang... the bliss current is just noted as forever having

>> been there... sweetness of life


>> ...


>> The witness state, so often recommended, is helpful, but only as a

>> temporary state of consciousness to eventually return us to immediacy.

>> "Immediacy" has (1) a temporal connotation as "immediately connecting"

>> without any time lapse (retardation), and (2) a spatial connotation as

>> immediately connecting without any secondary medium but our sense

>> faculties. (By the way, the Heart Sutra is very strong on the right

>> appreciation of the senses, however we need a new translation to make

>> that come through more clearly.) I actually consider the watcher or

>> witness state as almost the epitome of being in a retarded state, but

>> let me use the not so charged words of "being in the experience of a

>> time lapse."


>> Wim

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