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"this simple truth"

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Posted by Viorica on Million Paths

Maharshi: Yoga - [13] Q: I do not always concentrate on the

same centre in the body. Sometimes I find it easier to

concentrate on one centre and sometimes on another. And

sometimes when I concentrate on one centre the thought of its

own accord goes and fixes itself in another. Why is

that?Maharshi: It may be because of past practices of yours.

But in any case it is immaterial on which centre you

concentrate since the real Heart is in every centre and even

outside the body. On whatever part of the body you may

concentrate or on whatever external object, the Heart is

there.Q: Can one concentrate at one time on one centre and at

another time on another or should one concentrate always

consistently on the same centres?


Maharshi: As I have just said, there can be no harm wherever you

concentrate, because concentration is only a means of giving up

thoughts. Whatever the centre or object on which you

concentrate, he who concentrates is always the same.Q: Some say

that one should practise meditation on gross objects only. It may

be disastrous if one constantly seeks to kill the mind.Maharshi:

For who is it disastrous? Can there be disaster apart from the Self?

Unbroken 'I, I' is the infinite ocean. The ego, the 'I'-thought,

remains only a bubble on it and is called Jiva or individual

soul. The bubble too is water for when it bursts it only mixes

in the ocean. When it remains a bubble it is still a part of the

ocean. Ignorant of this simple truth, innumerable methods under

different denominations, such as Yoga, Bhakti, Karma, each again

with many modifications, are being taught with great skill and in

intricate detail only to entice the seekers and confuse their

minds. So also there are religions and sects and dogmas. What

are they all for? Only for knowing the Self. They are aids and

practices required for knowing the Self. Objects perceived by the

senses are spoken of as immediate knowledge (pratyaksha). Can

anything be as direct as the Self- always experienced without the

aid of the senses? Sense-perceptions can only be indirect

knowledge, and not direct knowledge. Only one's own awareness is

direct knowledge, and that is the common experience of one and all.

No aids are needed to know one's own Self. ---- this chapter from Be

As You Are, by David Godman completed here -----

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, "Gloria Lee" <glee@c...> wrote:


"No aids are needed to know one's own Self."





Even in this dark and windy night

everything is translucent.


Light is dancing between

the visible and invisible.


Can you here the soft laughter

echoing in the air?


There is no source for this mirth,

and so it must be my imagination.


But if there is no source for this

imagination, then it must just be

soft laughter, echoing in the air.


I say

i am here,

you say you are there.

I wonder how this can be.


What pours through you

swoons in me. My blood

runs through the veins that

connect the galaxies -


connect the galaxies with

soft laughter, pouring through

these imaginary veins with no source,

like wine.


I wonder how this can be -

invisible pouring into visibility.


So translucent in this soft laughter!


I've lost the way back to sobriety.

The little drops of wine I left to

mark my way have apparently evaporated -

laughing softly in the air on this

dark and windy night.


Having things be

any different than they are

has gone the way of wine drops

that now connect the galaxies -

the galaxies that laugh softly

in the air, even on this

dark and windy night.


I wonder how this can be:


I set out to find the God who

laughs softly in the air,

forgetting it was I

dancing between visible and invisible,

softly laughing.







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