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"Looking for Your Own Face"


Your face is neither infinite nor ephemeral.

You can never see your own face,

only a reflection, not the face itself.


So you sigh in front of mirrors

and cloud the surface


It's better to keep your breath cold.

Hold it, like a diver does in the ocean.

One slight movement, the mirror image goes.


Don't be dead or asleep or awake.

Don't be anything.


What you most want,

what you travel around wishing to find,

lose yourself as lovers lose themselves,

and you'll be that.





i touched the lizard's tail

while the lizard ate the prasad,

(it's an apple not a walnut!)

this prasad proceedeth to glow

out of the mouth

of God flowing

everywhere spiraling

upward manifesting as a man

blessing me with his holy hands

spilling Light




the Heart



of Buddha.




Zizzling sizzle surge sends clarity of Cause.

Zowie being zapped so profoundly

the Cosmic cap collapsed

by b and i breaking through the idea

of time and space and any thought

of distance.

You were saying Allah, Allah, Allah.

i was saying Shiva, Shiva, Shiva.

Wandered we along crystal bright

stony waterways

in Awe and Bewilderment.

Watery beings in Bliss,

and yes we're

playing catch with Light.


Seeing between two worlds reflecting

in their clear OneMind -


Love saw itSelf.









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>and yes we're

playing catch with Light.



>two laughing children,

boy and girl,

hold tiny hands together

standing still before the fire

as the mounting flames

leap higher, there's a

dove perched on the wire, mad eyes

twinkling in the blaze of light,

watching all they thought

they were sweep to the sky

in sparks of bright and

flickering ash,

they laugh and laugh, they

squeeze and squeal, the night

spins off the Dharma Wheel and

rolls into a walnut ball they

use to crown the pyre of

their vasanas on fire

in a lot plowed clear by

Great Ones who now hover

all around them in glad

gesture of heart blessing,

in the mudra of such innocence,

of waves of love ecstatic

from the basement to the attic

this house burns.


It just burns.








***Baby, Baby Beautiful One!

You are breaking my Heart You know.


What ever could i say to Heartbeat7

that isn't already spilling

from the Heartbreak of Love

calling for itSelf

through the likes of Rumi

and Dear Attar?


And You DearHeart.

And You.


Beloved, Beloved,

we are the conference of the birds

making music from the Elsewhere!


All creatures, all things

are imbued

with this Innocence and Awe

on every level of consciousness,

and Darling,

they're infinite!



We walked through Eden yesterday

Lit with the Love

of bright bird beings breathing

out the sacred sound of Om

from everywhere and nowhere.

The Word, the Sacred Syllable stopped

our Heartbeats and breath

and we were lifted into Grace Unfathomable

as OneHeart breaking in every Heart.

i cannot bear to look at You sometimes.

i cannot bear to touch You sometimes.

Sometimes Beloved,

i cannot bear Your Beauty.



"There's a blind man on the road saying,

Allah, Allah. Sheikh Nuri runs to him,

'What do you know of Allah? And if you know,

why do you stay alive?' The sheikh keeps on,

beside himself with ecstatic questions.

Then he runs into a low place, where

a reedbed has recently been cut down.


He falls and gets up, falls again,

floundering on the sharp reed-ends.

People come and find him dead, the ground

wet with blood and written on every reed-tip,

the word Allah. this is the way one must

listen to the reed flute. Be killed

in it and lie down in the blood."








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>We walked through Eden yesterday

Lit with the Love

of bright bird beings breathing

out the sacred sound of Om

from everywhere and nowhere.

The Word, the Sacred Syllable stopped

our Heartbeats and breath

and we were lifted into Grace Unfathomable

as OneHeart breaking in every Heart.

i cannot bear to look at You sometimes.

i cannot bear to touch You sometimes.

Sometimes Beloved,

i cannot bear Your Beauty.




)))) "In this practice, we learn to

bear the unbearable."


~ Sasaki Roshi



Standing on the rainbow bridge,

arcing over emptiness,

we knew we had always been

standing there, here,

gazing out at that

unbearable beauty of

our own reflection,

life after dreamy life,

awake within the

incandescent shimmering of

sudden and perpetual intimation,

a knowing filled with being,

being the knowing,

awake as the shimmering,

the irresistible

heartbreak of

a wounded bird, stumbling

as it climbed out of the water

to investigate two lovers holding hands.


It was Sunset Sunday Afternoon,

but for that bird, those lovers,

Eden never ends.







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, "hrtbeat7" <hrtbeat7> wrote:

>i cannot bear to look at You sometimes.

i cannot bear to touch You sometimes.

Sometimes Beloved,

i cannot bear Your Beauty.




)))) "In this practice, we learn to

bear the unbearable."


~ Sasaki Roshi



*** "When you become you, Zen becomes Zen. When you are you, you see

things as they are, and you become one with your surroundings."


~ Shunryu Suzuki


"Dogen-zenji said, "To study Buddhism is to study ourselves. To study

ourselves is to forget ourselves. "When you become attached to a

temporal expression of your true nature, it is necessary to talk

about Buddhism, or else you will think the temporal expression is it.

But this particular expression of it is not it. And at the same time

it is it! For awhile this is it; for the smallest particle of time,

this is it. But it is not always so: the very next instant it is not

so, thus this is not it. So that you will realize this fact, it is

necessary to study Buddhism. But the purpose of studying Buddhism is

to study ourselves and to forget ourselves. When we forget ourselves,

we actually are the true activity of the big existence, or reality

itself. When we realize this fact, there is no problem whatsoever in

this world, and we can enjoy our life without feeling any

difficulties. the purpose of our practice is to be aware of this





Standing on the rainbow bridge,

arcing over emptiness,



***Bridging the no-place

between fullness and emptiness

abundance flows

from the primal blue void -


The Iridescent Idea-form

of the Abundance of Nothing!



we knew we had always been

standing there, here,

gazing out at that

unbearable beauty of

our own reflection,



***Being the Gaze of the Beautiful One

Being the Beautiful One Gazing

at Its Own Beauty

we reflect the Lotus of Ananahata

Aflame with Fire Burning

as Radiance ItSelf.



life after dreamy life,

awake within the

incandescent shimmering of

sudden and perpetual intimation,

a knowing filled with being,

being the knowing,

awake as the shimmering,

the irresistible

heartbreak of

a wounded bird, stumbling

as it climbed out of the water

to investigate two lovers holding hands.



*** I know nothing about miracles,

and I wonder whether nature admits

exceptions to her laws,

unless we agree that everything is a miracle.

As to my mind, there is no such thing.

There is a consciousness in which everything happens.

It is quite obvious and enough.

Look well, and see what I see.



"The greatest miracle is the news "I Am."


~Nisargadatta Maharaj~


M: How did that original creation take place of the body as infant?

And even prior to its birth: How did the conception happen? How did

the infant come into being, without it asking for it? Understand

that. Understand thoroughly that drop of stuff which eventually has

developed into a body, and then you will understand the whole mystery

that you are not that. This body that is now occupying a certain

space, how much space did it occupy upon its conception? And what was

it then? If you understand that, you will understand the mystery of

the Self.


You base yourself on the body that you are now, and don't understand

its root. That is why we think we are this body. And for that, you

must do meditation. What is meditation? Meditation is not this body-

mind meditating as an individual, but it is this knowledge "I am,"

this consciousness, meditating on itself. Then the consciousness will

unfold its own beginning.



So long as I remain identified with the body, I want to be occupied

with actions, because I am not able to sustain that pure "I" without

them. I cannot endure it, because I identify with the body-mind, with

all kinds of activities. I call it jiva-atman, which

means "conditioned by the body-mind," and is the self that is

occupied with all the activities. And the "I" which is unconditioned

by, and not identified with, the body-mind - that therefore has no

form, design, or name - is Paramatman. The jiva-atman is being

witnessed by Paramatman, which is your real Self only.


Paramatman need not participate in the activities of the world, but

without that principle no activities could take place at all. Just as

is the case with akash (space): without it no activities are possible.


Activities are going on naturally, spontaneously, in the same way

that there is no author or doer of your dream world. Nevertheless,

you fully put to use your dream world. You will not be able to

comprehend this so long as you try to understand things as an

individual. But once you are the universal manifest consciousness and

abide in that Paramatman spirit - "I am" without form and

distinction - then you will realize how things are.





It was Sunset Sunday Afternoon,

but for that bird, those lovers,

Eden never ends.




***i bright flight into the Heart

of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,

Sri Ramana Maharshi,

Sri Paramahnasa Yoganandaji,

Robert O'Hearn,

Linda Stewart

black-beaked goose


and green, moss-covered stones -


i am Bright Flight gone

into Itself

leaving two splendid

feathers to sing

"I am."


Sunsetting Sunyata

i surrender

to the Bird

with Broken Wings stumbling

into the Bliss of not caring

about being anything,



other than right here

right now

as It Is.



i bring You that Love.











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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:


i bring You that Love.



)))) These seasoned logs

you've brought to burn,

what wild and colorful







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