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The Sacred Uproar is coming to you live from your repressed

memory of paradise . . . reminding you that life is crazily in love

with you -- wildly and innocently in love with you.


Even now, thousands of secret helpers are conspiring to turn you

into the gorgeous curiosity you were born to be.


Even now, every one of your heartbeats originate in a gift of love

directly from the Goddess Herself.


I am not exaggerating or indulging in poetic metaphor when I say

these things. It is the raw truth. Visualize it if you dare.



Ahhh -- but then here's the loaded question: Are you willing to

start loving life back with an equal intensity? The passion that

life eternally shows you has not exactly been unrequited, but

there is room for you to be more demonstrative.




The Sacred Uproar is brought to you by the ecstatic trance that

the Persian mystic poet Hafiz enjoyed when he said,

One regret, dear world, that I am determined not to have

When I am lying on my death bed is that

I did not kiss you enough!


The Sacred Uproar is also brought to you by the euphoric state of

clarity that the French philosopher Pascal celebrated when he

said, "If you do not love too much, you do not love enough."




Breathe in the love

Breathe out the jive




I know that the daily crucifixions you endure sometimes make

you forget who you really are. So let me remind you who you

really are: You are a spiritual freedom fighter devoted with all

your heart and all your soul to the liberation of every sentient

creature. You are a fierce and tender avatar fresh from eternity

who has temporarily taken on the form of a human being so as to

pull off the miracle of creating heaven on earth.


I am not exaggerating, my beloveds. I am not dispensing

gratuitous flattery or flowery poetic metaphors. You are in fact

a daring hero in subversive service to the Holy One. You have

volunteered to be cast down into dense matter and suffer amnesia

about your true origins so that you might master the magic of



I won't lie to you about your mission. Ignorance and inertia

surround you. Cynicism is treated as a supreme sign of

intelligence. Evil is regarded as more interesting than good.

Beautiful truths are suspect and ugly truths are readily



I won't lie to you about your mission. You have to be a cheerful

rebel fighting against all odds. You have to joyfully and

exuberantly resist the temptation to swallow thousands of

delusions that have been carefully crafted and beautifully

packaged by Very Self-Important People who act like they know

what they're doing.


You have to buck every system and go against every grain --

even as you stay true to your vow to have a lot of fun. You have to

be relentlessly skeptical and sweetly innocent as you overthrow

the sour, puckered hallucination that is mistakenly referred to

as reality.




Breathe in the synchronicity

Breathe out the animosity




What can we do to help ourselves in this only slightly impossible

work, my fellow rebel avatars? How can we support each other?


First, we can create sanctuaries for spiritual freedom fighters,

safehouses to shelter and nurture all of us who are devoted to the

divine revolution. These might take the form of temporary

events like parties or workshops, or they might be places like

homes and treehouses and yurts under highway overpasses. The

only requirement is that they be power spots in the network that

supports our growing rebel paradise: insurrectionary

homebases where we can be our unpredictably miraculous selves and

perfect our skills as crafty, open-hearted, kick-ass lovers of life.


In these power spots, we can perform real magic that will

unleash lasting changes in our personal lives. And so here's

another answer to the question of how we can support each other:

and that is to exorcise everything in ourselves that resonates in

harmony with the old world and the dying civilization; and to

feed the blooming life forces within us that resonate in harmony

with the New World.




Breathe in the curiosity

Breathe in the generosity


Breathe in the elasticity

Breathe out the grandiosity




Here's my third answer to the question of what we can do to help

each other: Explore the mysteries of healing mischief, holy

pranks, horny compassion, blasphemous reverence, crazy

wisdom, and outrageous love.


My fellow freedom fighters, it's high time to expand our

repertoire as sacred agents of the divine revolution. We can no

longer afford to take things too seriously and too personally and

too literally.


So let's dream up bigger, better, more original sins and wilder,

wetter, more interesting problems.


Exaggerate your faults until they become virtues.


Pretend to be crazy so you can get away with doing what's right.


Change your name every day for a thousand days.


Commit crimes that don't break any laws.


Use your nightmares to become rich and famous.


Eat money. Trick gravity. Drink the sun. Dream like a stone.


Kick your own butt and wash your own brain.


Achieve global warming in your pants and sing in the acid rain.


While standing on top of a mobile home wearing all red clothes,

hurl a hot dog in a bun as far as you can as you shout out the

name of your beloved.




Wait a minute. Hold on. Just what do tricks and mischief and

jokes have to do with the sublime quest you are on? And anyway,

isn't our nation at war? Haven't we been attacked by mass-

murdering terrorists on our own soil? Isn't it our sacred duty to

grow more serious and weighty and no-nonsense than we have

ever had to before?


My fellow messengers of the Goddess's dissident love, I say that

this is the perfect moment to take everything less seriously and

less personally and less literally.




Both terrorism and the decimation of our civil liberties are

immediate dangers that we are legitimately concerned with. But there

is an even bigger long-term threat to the fate of the Earth, of

which terrorism and the loss of civil liberties are but

symptoms. That threat is fundamentalism -- not just the

religious fundamentalism of fanatical Muslims and Hindus and

Jews and Christians. But also patriotic fundamentalism, the

fundamentalism of materialism, the fundamentalism of science.


Every fundamentalist divides the world into two camps, Us

versus Them, those who agree with him and like him and help

him, and those who don't. There is only a right way and a wrong

way to interpret the world: according to the ideas the

fundamentalist believes to be true, and everyone else's ideas.


The fundamental attitude of all fundamentalists is that they take

everything way too seriously and way too personally and way too



And here's some bad news: Like just about everyone in the world,

each of us has our own share of the fundamentalist virus. It's not

as dangerous to the collective welfare as, say, Osama bin Laden's

fundamentalism or the sentimental fundamentalism of American

politicians or the CEOs who fervently believe that making a

financial profit is the supreme good or the scientists who deny

the existence of the 99 percent of reality imperceptible to the

five senses. Our fundamentalism is not as virulent as theirs.


But still: We are infected, you and I, with fundamentalism.


What are we going to do about it?


How about some healing mischief . . . some holy pranks . . . horny

compassion . . . blasphemous reverence . . . crazy wisdom . . . and

outrageous love?


How about if we practice taking everything less seriously and

less personally and less literally?




You taste delicious.

Animals understand you.

Your importance is unusual.

The funny faces you make are interesting to look at.

You fight for power in all the right ways.

A lost tribe salutes you from the other side of the veil.

You have very strong feet.

No one can overflow as well as you can.

You are famous with the Goddess.

You have a secret life in your dreams.

You belong to yourself.




Breathe in the love

Breathe out the jive




This part of the Sacred Uproar has been brought to you by the

ten thousand-year-old lupine seed that was found in frozen silt

by Yukon miners. They handed it over to scientists who grew a

perfectly healthy bush.


~Rob Brezsny




Mazie, b & Diana

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