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Notes from Adya Satsang Intensive 9/21/02

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Notes from Adya Intensive



Fire Goes Where There's Fuel


Truth – Tip of the flame,

Coming and going coincide,

Birthing and dying are simultaneous,

Never static,



We say we want Truth, but resist

enduring the burning away of what is not Truth.

Fire of Truth eats what's not true –

The fuel.


Am I willing to experience Love now?

In each encounter, relationship, moment?

To allow What Is to be the case?


Karma only applies to who you're not –

The one identified with "me" (I Am).


Only that which appears to be other than

our Essential Nature gets


Essential Nature is

the fireplace, the fire, the fuel.

What Is.


The caterpillar cannot understand the butterfly –

Fear of unknown,

Fear of the burning transformation.


Truth is not a hobby.


Awareness & Heart Unified –


Without HeartLove there is the sterility of

the "talking school" of realization.


What is Awake is Awake in

Dark as well as Light.

It is the light within both, the Light

in which both arise.


There is either the willingness or unwillingness

to simply let be What Is.


Like a child straining to hear a far-off sound, and

in that listening, the sudden silence,

hearing the very open-ness

for which they strain

Revealing Itself.


Nobody surrenders.

We get surrendered.

It comes with Grace.

All that keeps us confused is

our identification, our

assuming ownership of that confusion.


True Freedom (Liberation) is the Awakeness in the midst of all life.

It is not something that is defined in opposition to bondage.

It is as free in bondage as it is in liberation.


It is enlightenment even from enlightenment.


Without Love there is no Truth.

Without Truth there is no Love.


Love transcends any sense of its own absence.

When we sever the conscious connection from

the Heart of Love (the Unspoken),

we begin to lie. (Mind of Duality)


Refuse to disconnect from That!


This Love is Indiscriminate –

It loves saints and sinners equally.

It doesn't fall in & out.


A deep and simple recognition,

Meeting itself in all arising, in

every pair of eyes.


A Love in awe that

Anything happens at all!


The Abundance of Nothing.

This Love is synchronized with Truth.


To get into opposition with life,

mind needs to sever the conscious connection

to this Love.


This Love is pre-existing.

We have to disconnect in order to maintain

the image of being a separate self.


Still – It Is.


Fear of this Love is the only fear greater than fear of death.


This is the Love of seeing God wearing all the masks.


Without being anchored in this Love,

Truth becomes an abstraction –

cool, analytical –

(the faux-advaitins).

Such a stance is not standing in the Real.


This intimate connection with all beings, with life itself,

transcends and yet lives within the opposites (paradoxes) of

experience and perception.

It has no opposite itself.


It is non-exclusive –

even of other flavors of Love.

It is within all, but not limited to them.

Unspoken –

Deeper than thought or feeling.

It is the only thing that can really be transformative

in relationship to life & the world.



It's important to make friends with the mind.

Otherwise, one sets oneself up for the slaughter.


This love was never meant to be contained –

It is uncontainable.

When we say we cannot contain it, what

says so is that which will be consumed by it.


All positions are position in mind –

Love/Truth has no position.


There is no need to make sense of it all.

You are surrender –

the verb (surrender) is the description of

What you Are.



The energy of Attention can go into thought or

into Silence. When thought appears, energy can be

escorted into Silence –


This Love.


(Love is God's Escort Service. b)






Mazie & b

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