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Sat Chit Ananda

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Here we will elaborate on how Truth (SAT)

delivers us from falsehood,

from the veils of confusion/delusion. Truth leads us from unreality

into reality -- a profound and sacred PRESENCE. Truth is realized

through practicing true awareness (surrendering preferences, desires,

bias, prejudice, self deceit. conceit, pride, fear, and doubt).


Surrendering to truth -- to thusness leads us into acceptance of

unbiased and unconditioned/unconditional universal truth/reality. To

desire only THAT is a major aspect of mature spiritual practice. It

provides all the focus, direction, and energy that is required for

success, but in most of us this divine passion for SAT has become

diffused, dissipated, distracted, and hence impeded.


This practice (cultivating SAT) thus leads to true ultimate

liberation from these and other obsessive/possessive

burdens/distractions which from this perspective are "seen" as poor

compensations for the "real" thing (but the "normal" person is

generally confused). Having freed our "self" from these skewed and

distorted afflictions we increasingly abide in our natural

uncontrived state -- (SAT a profound transpersonal

Suchness/Thusness) in natural gratefulness and ease. This feeling of

grateful celebration having surrendered the dross and burdensomeness

of conflict and stress brings about a feeling of natural wellness and

wholesomeness -- a state of abiding in natural bliss (ANANDA).


SAT thus is the first step, clearing the path of obstructions. A

basic truth is that awareness can not come about without truth.

Consciousness of consciousness also cannot exist in slumber, thus

self realization, enlightenment, and gnosis will not dawn without

SAT. In SATCHITANANDA, SAT and CHIT (consciousness) form integral

parts of a greater and profound sacred wholeness.


SATCHITANANDA is the living spirit-filled (spiritual) result of

merging unlimited and subjective absolute beingness with objective

absolute consciousness. Here, in the instant of integration, there

manifests a complete and spontaneous expression of non-dual

integration of subjective and objective -- of beingness and

consciousness. Instantaneously in the sacred moment an ever present

holotropic morphology or Great Perfection arises as our natural and

authentic state (sahaj).


SAT is truth. As such it is the destroyer of falsehood, delusion,

deceit and illusion. It leads us from the unreal to the real, out of

the veil and into clarity and consciousness of our true state. SAT

restores us from a limited, constricted, and separate states of

stasis, to our authentic boundless and natural state of unobstructed

beingness. This leads to the merger of pure beingness and absolute

subjective experience with pure consciousness and absolute



Chit is consciousness. It is thus one of the integral ingredients

toward waking up out of slumber and forgetfulness and into our true

nature, our uncontrived/unconditioned true and natural self.

Ananda is absolute bliss. Here all tension, stress, obstruction,

bias, distortion perturbation, conflict, and disturbances have been

let go of, surrendered, removed, and purified. Here in SATCHITANANDA

the nadis are completely open and the imbalances are balanced --

harmony and synergistic synchronicity allow the shakti prana

(kundalini) to maintain and uphold the body/mind and breath and this

permeates one's entire being and irrigates the consciousness. Shakti

and Shiva are reunited in one's own countenance. One reflects and

acts as a the natural transpersonal spontaneous extension, conduit,

and expression of divine presence -- of divine love and wisdom

reflecting the "reality" of "ALL OUR RELATIONS". Ananda (bliss),

contentment (santosha), peace (shanti), or nirvana are the goals, but

rather a spontaneous result and expression -- a natural aspect of

this transpersonal relationship without a separate subject/object. It

thus symbolizes the Great spiritual objectless

relationship/integration -- the realization of the Great Integrity

where the Great Beingness and Infinite Mind are experienced as a

living unity in the present as Great and Sacred Presence.


Having aligned ourselves devoid of resistance we arrive into the

sacred Integrity of Pure Beingness and Consciousness -- a

synchronistic holotropic state of inner and outer ecologies --

balance, communion, and harmonization of all the energies co-emerge,

fill our all interstices, veins, and channels -- the essential energy

flows unobstructed through natural expression.


In yoga, SATCHITANANDA is said to happen for short or longer moments

associated with moments of spiritual insights, glimpses into the

unknown, satori, revelations, realization, sabija samadhi, great

beauty, transcendental experiences, moments of inspiration, and the

raising of the kundalini. Thus SATCHITANANDA shines through as a

result of an authentic practice into every corner of our life --

the "object" (existing only when one is not abiding in the eternal

now) is to return to this reality when we find ourselves separate --

to make this realization more continuously, accessible, and

available -- in perpetual continuity (nirbija samadhi) -- to merge

its eternal aspect into the weave of ALL OUR RELATIONS.


OM TAT SAT - We Are that Truth in Reality. That Is Our Authentic

Originaless State


from God-realizationSatsangandSanga

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