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One ,Om and the Prim-Ordial

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ONE, OM and the Prime-Ordial.



Hi everyone,


Again, I hope that Mazie and Robert do not mind, that I forward this

advaitic play on the ONE OM to 's with my comments: In

AdyashantiSatsang Mazie quoted Lalla:

"One in whom the syllable OM

rises steadily upward

from the sex through the navel,

and only OM, forms a bridge to God.


That one has no interest

in different kinds of magic.

That one is a spell."


- Lalla


Dearest Wimji,


We do not mind in the least as we find it very beautiful this

exchange with You and this discussion of Om and 1. Whenever i write

about Aum (OM) i always have you in mind Dearest Wim. i was blessed

with hearing the Om spontaneously after years of Kriya Yoga and Om

meditations. For example in the grocery store while shopping i would

suddenly be consumed and taken in the Mighty Om and all stops and

there is only Om and nothing else, no time, no space, nothing but

that Bliss filling the Being, the Heart with the most exquisite roar

as an oceanic waterfall. i used to hear this as a child and had no

name for it.


Then Mazie wrote: >>> Just finished a conversation on the telephone

with Robert who's on the road today, and as soon as i hung up i

turned and looked at the clock. It read - 1111. This is a recurring

number always coming before us in myriad presentations. It came up a

day or so ago after a connection with Wimji and i was made aware of

it. Always these numbers present - 1111. For Robert it has long been

happening, and now of course, it happens in my everyday

experiences. "Thou and i are 1." <<< ---------------

Hi Mazie and Robert,

It is all so seriously playful...

Here is to the 1:



(( Again DearHeart, this 1111 combination comes up all the time for

us. 1, 11, 111, 1111 and it is always a fine experience of (1)ness

with Robert and i and everything everywhere. i so love what you say

here about numbers and being so seriously playful concerning them.

This piece is so fine and so original in context Dearest Wimji. i

imbibe this what you say here below and it enthralls the Heart with

wonderfulness and happiness for no reason i can discern.


11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1


This is really the sieve of Eratosthenos.

(Don't worry it will all fall in line...)

The Digital Prime-Ordial

(P is prime, Wim's version.)

Some 18 years ago I made a simple computer program in Basic to

produce prime numbers for one of the first and smallest hand held

computers, a small Tandy Radio Shack, the one that even came with a

hand sized thermal printer and ran on batteries. I took it along on

my travels (I taught the Montessori method in the Pacific North-West)

and plugged into any socket I could find, in my hosts' school, home

or hotel room, to recharge the batteries as it had to keep running to

print out prime numbers. While doing that I remembered an old inkling

of mine from about 33 years ago, about primes, prime-ordial sound, a

weather forecasting system, number theory and astrology and... a

hunch that it was all related.

On one of my teaching trips I decided, that it would be wonderful if

I could get children to find out about prime numbers, prime-ordial

sound and factoring (yes, the math stuff) without getting into number

theory or any theory at all.

This inveterate Montessori school teacher that I was (and still


So when back in Victoria, some 20 years ago, I made the following

composition which I ended up naming "AUM" and I had my class of

children (5-7 years old) perform it.

It was actually very simple, a round really, but the most simple

round you can think of...

But the implications!!!

On this one particular day, which was to be very special (I primed

the children ahead of time a wee bit) and in an atmosphere of

mysterious silence (very early on Montessori children get to

introduced to and experience such silence) every child was invited to

choose an implement that could produce a sound (not necessarily a

musical instrument). For now though, they were not to make any sound

yet on their instruments but only to imagine the sound inside their

head. They would convene quietly on the carpet in the middle of the

room. (My Montessori classrooms were always laid out with a carpet in

the center that way, with the children's individual tables organized

in an hexagonal shape around it.)

After a few minutes of quiet and mysterious shuffling, they were all

sitting in a circle on the carpet. I had positioned a large round

electric clock on its back in the center of the carpet, one of those

typical school clocks with a large "seconds hand".

I whispered the following set of instructions...

After I would give a very special sign we would do something that no

one had ever done before. Also, I told them that I myself did not

even know the sign yet. It would also be a sign, I assured them, they

had never seen or heard before, but they would surely recognize it.

After that mysterious sign to come, the first child to my left - she

had selected two wooden blocks - was to clap her two blocks together

ever single second, and I pointed to the clock, moving my hand with

the rhythm of the seconds hand.

The second child, with a triangle, was to ring his triangle every

second second.

The third child, with with a small gong, was to strike it every third


The fourth child, with a whistle, was to blow it "diminuendo" every

fourth second.

(All according to the diagram above, which when it was all over, I

showed to them.)

I did not have to explain more... they got the idea, I could see it

in their eyes.

We would first practice in silence though, altogether, but inside our

heads, two, maybe three times...

I promised them, that when I felt that they all "got it" that we

would start for real... they would know exactly when... "Just wait

and watch and listen..."

With the sound of "no hands clapping" I started them off with the

silent practice...

After three turns of silent practice - ah... just to see the

movements of their heads, their eyes, their inner seeing, their inner

listening - when the right moment came, I hummed "AUM" and then I

closed my eyes and bowed my head to the first child, indicating her

to begin.

It started all so quietly, and as more instruments joined in, there

was this interesting staccatoed crescendo but at some very special

moments one would only hear the two wooden blocks but... accompanied

with an inner vibrato inside of us...

AUM maybe?

At some points in time, all the instruments were sounding at once, at

some points there was only the sound of the blocks, just the one


Ah such constancy in this...

Was there rhythm to it?

Was there structure?

Was this random or not random at all?

The result was for sure a total surprise...

I indicated to go louder, then softer.

We even sped up the pace after I put a silk cloth on the clock, and

later we slowed down until we all knew that it was time to stop,

knowing that it would actually never....

In Montessori, children play with numbers a lot, not knowing that

they do. They get an uncanny sense of structure, relationships,

factors, gradations, common factors, the lowest common denominator,

the highest... etc.

They get to discover that it is in their system, and as you see, it

is just based on the play of the one...

Six billion people all a variation on the theme of one...


Darling Wimji, friend in the Heart, thank you for all this fine walk

into the numbers play and wisdom of 1. "Sic billion people on the

theme of one..." Marvelous DearHeart. Simply wonderful.





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, "mazie_l" <sraddha54@h...> wrote:

>i used to hear this as a child and had no

name for it.




I am beginning to appreciate

what the knife edge feels as it slices

through the air in the hand of God.

This exhilaration is not some ecstasy

the body can know, not some Toshiro

Mifune matinee mystery, except in the

Heartmind of God, slicing through

Itself, piercing into the heart of Itself,

making that sound it makes when it

finds its mark, the finality of that sound

stopping mind, the way we played once,

boys with pocket knives, new shiny

toys we fondled, flipped, and threw to

bullseye in trees, that twang-

sound when they did, somehow

the surest thing we would ever hear, until

this moment, as I look into your eyes,

then down at the hilt of knife you've

buried in my chest, this

unconditional wound,

this Love

born of a wordless piercing

angels envy, even as they

make that sound

themselves, these

angel sounds that

slice the air --


Knives with destinations.








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