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Fw: Hunting the 'I', 2: pure awareness in the waking state

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- Gabriele Ebert

SriArunachala ; RamanaMaharshi

Monday, September 30, 2002 7:58 PM

Hunting the 'I', 2: pure awareness in the waking state

To reach turiya we have first to scrutinize the three states.

In the waking state there is perceiving, thinking,

discriminating, and choosing, liking and disliking, desire

and fear, memory and anticipating, all of them moving

round a perceiving centre 'I' and caused seemingly by

outside objects.

In dream we experience almost the same without outer

promptings, the whole picture, causes and effects,

created by our imagination.

In deep sleep there is nothing; at least we do not remember

anything. But Idendity is not wiped out, otherwise a

Johnson who went to sleep might awake as a Benson.

How can we bring this Idendity from deep sleep up into

the waking state? How can deep Silence survive in

turbulent noise?

We have to use our control of that biologically acting

mechanism, the brain. We do it more or less automatically

during the waking state.

Think of your own room or office. While moving around you

'see' the furniture, because you have to avoid stumbling over

it, but you do not see it consciously; the act of perceiving

is cut short after the initial stage.

There is music coming out of the radio or transistor.

Usually it is similar to the aforesaid while you have to do

some work; you hear it, but not consciously; you cut short

the act of listening after the first stage.

Somebody might tell you something. You not only hear it

but you are listening attentively to grasp the meaning.

If you are not interested, you register the news to your

memory ... or not... and go on with your task.

You have perceived the event, but it has not made an

impression on you, has not altered your quiet state of

consciousness. You cut it short after the second stage.

This attitude of aloofness, of detachment, has to be

kept and practised as often as possible throughout the


Because the moment you are perceiving something and

re-acting on it, being interested or emotionally involved,

positively or negatively, you have covered up the silent,

neutral, pure, witnissing 'I' by the reactive aggressive,

personal 'I'.

According the sadhana of hunting the 'I' includes the

practice of attention to our own perceiving, with the

purpose of cutting it short just before the stage of

reacting sets in. In practising this kind of detachment

the seeker will soon get a state of pure awareness,

which is no longer 'perceiving'.

To 'perceiving' in the customary meaning of the term

belongs 'grasping', i.e., reacting; it has an object and

is an act within time and space.

Pure awareness has no object and is beyond time and

space. It is the highest wakefulness without all the other

characteristics of the waking state.

This is one means to carry over the absolute Silence

of deep sleep into the absolute, the pure awareness

of the waking state. Sri Ramana Maharshi named it the

sleepless sleep, the wakeful sleep or sleepwaking.


Lucy Cornelssen: Hunting the 'I', p. 30-32


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Very good material from Lucy Cornelsson, Gabriele.

You quote:

>>> To reach turiya we have first to scrutinize the three states. In

the waking state there is perceiving, thinking, discriminating, and

choosing, liking and disliking, desire and fear, memory and

anticipating, all of them moving round a *perceiving centre 'I'* and

caused *seemingly* by outside objects. <<<

"Seemingly" indeed.

>>> In dream we experience almost the same *without outer promptings*,

the whole picture, causes and effects, created by our imagination. <<<

I'm have developed a new and fresh theory about dreaming, very un-Jung

like, also way prior to arche-types and such heavy notions. I have

tested it on myself and am now testing it with my clients. I will

over time write more about it. Here I am looking at some of Lucy's

remarks rather discerningly (not meaning any criticism by it) while I

am making a kind of "opening statement".

I have found the *outer promptings* for dreams..., but they are only

seemingly "outer" as the promptings are laid down within the body as

inner physical promptings, initially away from mind and imagination;

held there, so to say, in abeyance for later work. These "promptings"

were at some point caused by outer (expansive or constrictive)

physical influences, human actions and activities on social and moral

levels of physical acceptance. Actions and activities that either

successfully support our innate and natural human divinity or actions

and activities that attempt to interfere with that reality (luckily,

never successfully though in the long run) de-naturing so to say our

human nature of its divinity.

>>> In deep sleep there is nothing; at least *we* do not remember

anything. <<<

In deep sleep, the *body* does remember though.

Notice the word "remember". Remembering does not just mean mental

memory... a "member" is also body part.

I will focus here a bit on constrictive dynamics, although expansive

motions play an enormously important part in the promptings of our


We could say that when we are socially dis-membered from or denied our

divine franchise and when we are at the moment of this infringement

disabled to reclaim it, the body still and always will remember, that

we are divinely free. The body then stores the action, actually the

motivation for that action to regain its freedom within its physical

structure by means of its own chemistry. On molecular, cellular,

muscular and nerve levels, the body still and always will remember

our innate freedom...it is the nature of nature.

The illusion of dismemberment plays only on volitional, emotional and

mental levels. On the spiritual level we still know, but the mind

(who's mind is it anyway at that point) has an uncanny ability to

ignore or deny our spiritual reality.

Who's mind is it anyway?

At the moment of disenfranchisement the mind of the victim is "made

up" by the perpetrator of "ex-communication from the divine milieu".

I will have to leave it at this, but just a few hints.

Have you ever fallen asleep and you get those shocking, kicking or falling sensations?

Those are body memories that eventually trigger disturbing dreams,

nightmares, the dreams that you are mucking around in...

Have you ever had the restful moments of sweetness and lightness in

the body just before you fell asleep? You may dream of flying or

walking on water...

There is more of course, and that has to do with the electromagnetic

field within and around the body that gets influenced by the chemical

build-up in our body stores...This electromagnetic field is an

attractive medium that...

Back to my building project, doing the finishing plumbing...

So, by the way, Gabriele, I hope you see that my intent was to only

use your fine quote as a springboard for some of my ruminations.

Sometimes I may just give it a twist here or there, to get a new

vantage point to regain "awareness"


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, Wim Borsboom <wim@a...> wrote:

~On molecular, cellular, muscular and nerve levels, the body still and

always will remember our innate freedom...



Body is mysterious.Body is obvious.

Body is paradox.

Body is life.

Hard to get one,

actually.Hard to let one


Body can be a ladder -we can go up,we can go down.

Sometimes body is

like a mountain.

Mountain doesn't care -bottom, middle, top.

Hey -all mountain!

Just so.

Body is

a real good friend.

It contains all

bodies, beings, and birds.

These birds are

born to break hearts.

All hearts are singing birds.

They love to sing about

this body,

this lovely body of

bird song.

Love this body –

Let it go!

This body is the mind,

filled with merry thoughts

arising in the body,

as the body.

What fun!


Hey –

This whole damn thing


going up










New DSL Internet Access from SBC &;

Attachment: (image/pjpeg) Joan Goes Up.jpg [not stored]

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A Big Smile

Body is Happy

My Dear Robert

I mean this gentler and softer and a bit slower, but it was all I could find.

Wim wrote:

On molecular, cellular, muscular and nerve levels, the body still and

always will remember our innate freedom...

Robert wrote:

Body is mysterious.Body is obvious.

Body is paradox.

Body is life.

Hard to get one,

actually.Hard to let one


Body can be a ladder -we can go up,we can go down.

Sometimes body is

like a mountain.

Mountain doesn't care -bottom, middle, top.

Hey -all mountain!

Just so.

Body is

a real good friend.

It contains all

bodies, beings, and birds.

These birds are

born to break hearts.

All hearts are singing birds.

They love to sing about

this body,

this lovely body of

bird song.

Love this body –

Let it go!

This body is the mind,

filled with merry thoughts

arising in the body,

as the body.

What fun!


Hey –

This whole damn thing


going up





New DSL Internet Access from SBC &


All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.Your use of is subject

to the

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