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Shankara: Crest jewel of Wisdom Part 1

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Crest Jewel of Wisdom







I prostrate myself before Govinda, the true Guru and ultimate Bliss,

who is the unattainable resort of all scriptures and Vedanta. 1


Human nature is the hardest of creaturely states to obtain, even more

so that of manhood. Brahminhood is rarer still, and beyond that

dedication to the path of Vedic religion. Beyond even that there is

discrimination between self and non-self, but liberation by

persistence in the state of the unity of God and self is not to be

achieved except by the meritorious deeds of hundreds of thousands of

lives. 2


These three things are hard to achieve, and are attained only by the

grace of God - human nature, the desire for liberation, and finding

refuge with a great sage. 3


He is a suicide who has somehow achieved human birth and even manhood

and full knowledge of the scriptures but does not strive for self-

liberation, for he destroys himself by clinging to the unreal. 4


Who could be more foolish than the man who has achieved the difficult

attainment of a human body and even manhood but still neglects his

true good? 5


People may quote the scriptures, make sacrifices to the gods, perform

actions and pay homage to the deities, but there is no liberation

without recognising the oneness of one's own true being - not even in

the lifetime of a hundred Brahmas (countless millions of years). 6


Scripture declares that there is no hope of immortality by means of

wealth, so it is evident that liberation cannot be brought about by

actions. 7


So let the man of understanding strive for liberation, abandoning

desire for the enjoyment of external aims and pleasures, and after

becoming the pupil of a good and great teacher, let him fix his mind

on the goal he indicates. 8


Sunk in the sea of samsara, one should oneself rouse oneself by

holding onto right understanding until one reaches the state of the

attainment of union. 9


Abandoning all actions and breaking free from the bonds of

achievements, the wise and intelligent should apply themselves to

self-knowledge. 10


Action is for the purification of the mind, not for the understanding

of reality. The recognition of reality is through discrimination, and

not by even tens of millions of actions. 11


Proper analysis leads to the realisation of the reality of the rope,

and this is the end of the pain of the fear of the great snake caused

by delusion. 12


The realisation of the truth is seen to depend on meditation on

statements about what is good, not on bathing or donations or by

hundreds of yogic breathing exercises. 13


Achievement of the goal depends primarily on a fit seeker. Things

like locality and time are merely secondary in this matter. 14


So he who would know his own nature should practise meditation on the

subject after taking refuge with a guru who is a true knower of God

and an ocean of compassion. 15


It is the wise and learned man, skilled in sorting out the pros and

cons of an argument who is really endowed with the qualities

necessary for self-realisation. 16


Discriminating and dispassionate, endowed with peace and similar

qualities, and longing for liberation - such is the man who is

considered fit to practise seeking for God. 17


The wise talk here of four qualities, possessed of which one will

succeed, but without which one will fail. 18


First is listed discrimination between unchanging and changing

realities, and after that dispassion for the enjoyment of the fruits

of action both here and hereafter, and then the group of six

qualities including peace and of course the desire for liberation. 19


"God is the Truth and the world is unreal." It is this realisation

that is considered discrimination between the permanent and the

impermanent. 20


Dispassion is the turning away from what can be seen and heard and so

on in everything which is impermanent, from the body up to the

highest heavenly states. 21


The settling of the mind in its goal, by turning away from the mass

of objects through observing their defects again and again, is known

as peace. 22


The establishment of the senses each in its own source by means of

turning away from their objects is known as control. The supreme

restraint is in the mind function not being involved in anything

external. 23


Bearing all afflictions without retaliation and without mental

disturbance is what is known as patience. 24


The holding on to the knowledge of the truth of the Scriptures and

the guru's teaching is called faith. It is by means of this that

reality is grasped. 25


The continual holding onto the awareness of God alone - continually,

is known as concentration - not just mental self- gratification. 26


The wish to be freed by the knowledge of one's true nature from such

bonds as seeing oneself as the agent, which are contingent on the

body and created by ignorance - this is desire for liberation. 27


This desire for liberation can bear fruit through dispassion,

peacefulness etc. by the grace of the guru, even when only weak or

mediocre. 28


It is in a man who has strong dispassion and desire for liberation

though that peacefulness and so on are really fruitful. 29


But where there is a weakness in these qualities of renunciation and

desire for liberation, apparent peacefulness and such like have as

much substance as water in the desert. 30


Among the contributory factors of liberation, devotion stands

supreme, and it is the search for one's own true nature that is meant

by devotion. 31


Others say that devotion is inquiry into the reality of one's own

nature. He who possesses the above qualities and would know the truth

about his own nature should take refuge with a wise guru who can free

him from his bonds. 32


The guru should be one who knows the scriptures, is blameless and a

supreme knower of God. He should be at peace in God, tranquil as a

fire that has run out of fuel. He should be a boundless ocean of

compassion and the friend of those who seek his protection. 33


After prostrating oneself with devotion before the guru and

satisfying him with prostrations, humble devotion and service, one

should ask him what one needs to know. 34


Hail, lord, friend of those who bow before you, and ocean of

compassion. I have fallen into this sea of samsara. Save me with a

direct glance from your eye which bestows grace like nectar. 35


I am stricken by the unquenchable forest fire of samsara and blown

about by unforseeable winds of circumstances. Save me from death, for

I am afraid and take refuge in you, for I know of no one else to help

me. 36


Good and peaceful, great men living for the good of all, and having

themselves crossed the fearful torrent of becoming, with no ulterior

motive help others to cross too . 37


It is the nature of great souls to act spontaneously for the relief

of the distress of others, just as the moon here of itself protects

the earth parched by the heat of the fierce rays of the sun. 38


Pour upon me your sweet words, imbued with the taste of God's bliss.

They spring from your lips as if poured out of a jug, and are

pleasing to the ear. For I am tormented by samsara's afflictions,

like the flames of a forest fire, Lord. Blessed are those who receive

even a passing glance from your eyes. 39


How can I cross this sea of changing circumstances? What should I do,

what means employ? In your mercy, Lord, show me how to end the pain

of samsara, for I understand nothing. 40


As he said this, tormented by the forest fire of samsara, the great

Sage looked at him with a gaze full of compassion, urging him to

abandon fear, now that he had taken refuge in him. 41


Out of compassion the Sage undertakes his instruction since he has

come to him for help in his search for liberation, is willing to do

as he is told, is pacified of mind and calm. 42


Don't be afraid, master. Destruction is not for you. There is indeed

a means of crossing the sea of samsara, the way taken by which those

who have crossed over before, and I will now instruct you in it. 43


There is a certain great means which puts an end to the fear of

samsara. Crossing the sea of change by means of it, you will achieve

the ultimate joy. 44


Supreme understanding springs from meditating on the meaning of

Vedanta, and that is followed immediately by the elimination of the

pain of samsara. 45


The practice of faith, devotion and meditation are declared by

scripture to be the means to liberation for a seeker after

liberation. He who perseveres in these will achieve freedom from the

bondage to the body, created by ignorance. 46


Linked with ignorance, your supreme self has become involved in the

bonds of non self, and from that in samsara. The fire of the

knowledge born from discriminating between these two will burn out

the consequences of ignorance along with its very root. 47


The disciple

Out of compassion hear this question I put to you, so that when I

have heard the reply from your lips I will be able to put it into

practice. 48


What exactly is bondage? How does it come about and remain? How is

one freed from it? What exactly is non self? What is the Supreme

Self? And how does one discriminate between them? Explain this to me.



The guru replied

You are indeed blessed, for you have achieved the true purpose of

life and sanctified your family, in that you seek deification by

liberation from the bonds of ignorance. 50


Sons and suchlike are able free their father from debts, but no-one

can free some-one else from bondage. 51


The pain of something like a weight on the head can be removed by

others, but the pain of things like hunger can be put an end to by no-

one but oneself. 52


A sick man is seen to get better by taking the appropriate medicine -

not through treatment undertaken by others. 53


Reality can be experienced only with the eye of understanding, not

just by a scholar. What the moon is like must be seen with one's own

eyes. How can others do it for you? 54


Who but yourself can free you from the bonds of the fetters of things

like ignorance, lust and the consequences of your actions - even in

hundreds of thousands of years? 55


Liberation is achieved not by observances or by analysis, nor by

deeds or learning, but only by the realisation of one's oneness with

God, and by no other means. 56


The beauty of a lute and skill in playing its cords can bring some

pleasure to people but can hardly make you a king. 57


In the same way, speech alone, even a deluge of words, with

scholarship and skill in commenting on the scriptures, may achieve

some personal satisfaction but not liberation. 58


When the supreme reality is not understood, the study of the

scriptures is useless, and study of the scriptures is useless when

the supreme reality has been understood. 59


The tangle of words is a great forest which leads the mind off

wandering about, so wise men should strive to get to know the truth

about their own nature. 60


Except for the medicine of the knowledge of God, what use are Vedas,

scriptures, mantras and such medicines when you have been bitten by

the snake of ignorance? 61


An illness is not cured just by pronouncing the name of the medicine

without drinking it, and you will not be liberated by just

pronouncing the word God without direct experience. 62


How can one reach liberation by just pronouncing the word God without

achieving the elimination of the visible universe and realising the

truth about one's own nature? It will just be a waste of speech. 63


One cannot become a king just by saying, "I am the king," without

defeating one's enemies and taking possession of the country. 64


A buried treasure will not come out just by calling it, but needs a

good map, digging, removal of obstructing stones and so on to get at

it. In the same way the pure reality, hidden by the effects of Maya,

cannot be achieved by just abusing it, but by instruction from a

knower of God, reflection, meditation and so on. 65


So the wise should strive with all their ability for liberation from

the bonds of change, as they would in the case of sickness and things

like that. 66


The question you have asked today is a good one in the opinion of

those learned in the scriptures, to the point and full of meaning. It

needs to be understood by those seeking liberation. 67


Listen careful to what I say, master. By hearing this you will be

freed from the bonds of change. 68


The primary basis of liberation is held to be total dispassion for

everything impermanent, and after that peacefulness, restraint,

patience, and the complete renunciation of scriptural observances. 69


After that the practicant finds there comes listening, reflection on

what one has heard, and long meditation on the truth. Then the wise

man will experience the supreme non-dual state and come here and now

to the bliss of Nirvana. 70


When you have heard me fully explain what you need to know about the

discrimination between self and non-self, then bear it in mind. 71

The body, constituted of marrow, bone, fat, flesh, ligament and skin,

and composed of feet, legs, chest, arms, back and head, is the seat

of the "I" and "mine" delusion, and is known as the physical body by

the wise, while space, air, fire, water and earth are the subtle

elements. 72 - 73


When these various elements are combined, they form the physical

body, while in themselves they constitute the objects of the senses,

the five types of sound and so on, for the enjoyment of the

individual. 74


The ignorant who are bound to the senses by the strong, hardly

breakable bonds of desire, are borne here and there, up and down, in

the control of their own karmic impulses. 75


Deer, elephant, moth, fish and wasp, these five have all died from

attachment by their own volition to one of the five senses, sound

etc., so what about the man who is attached to all five! 76


The effect of the senses is more deadly than even that of a cobra.

Their poison kills a man who only just looks at them with his eyes. 77


Only he who is free from the terrible hankering after the senses

which is so hard to overcome is fit for liberation, and no-one else,

not even if he is an expert in the six branches of scripture. 78


The shark of longing grasps those whose desire for liberation is only

superficial by the throat as they try to cross the sea of samsara and

drowns them halfway. 79


He who has killed the shark of the senses with the sword of firm

dispassion can cross the sea of samsara without impediment. 80


Realise that death quickly waylays the senseless man who follows the

uneven way of the senses, but that man achieves his purpose who

follows the guidance of a true, compassionate guru. Know this as the

truth. 81


If you really have a desire for liberation, avoid the senses from a

great distance, as you would poison, and continually practice the

nectar-like qualities of contentment, compassion, forbearance,

honesty, calm and restraint. 82


He who neglects that which should be undertaken at all times, the

liberation from the bonds created by beginningless ignorance, and

gets stuck in pandering to the alien good of this body, is committing

suicide by doing so. 83


He who seeks to know himself while pampering of the body is crossing

a river holding onto a crocodile in mistake for a log. 84


This infatuation with the body and such things is a great death for

the seeker after liberation. He who has overcome this infatuation is

worthy of liberation. 85


Overcome this great death of infatuation with such things as the

body, wives and children. Sages who have overcome it go to the

supreme realm of God. 86


This body is material and offensive, consisting of skin, flesh,

blood, sinews, veins, fat, marrow and bones, and full of urine and

excrement. 87


This material body, which arises from past action out of material

elements formed by the combination of subtle elements, is the vehicle

of sensation for the individual. This is the state of a waking person

perceiving material objects. 88


The life force creates for itself, out of itself, material object of

enjoyment by means of the external senses - such colourful things as

flowers, perfumes, women, etc. That is why this has its fullest

enjoyment in the waking state. 89


See this material body, all that the external existence of a man

depends on, as just like the house of a house-dweller. 90


Birth, old age and death are inherent in the physical body, as are

such conditions as a heavy build and childhood, while there are

different circumstances like caste and occupation, all sorts of

diseases, and various different types of treatment, like respect and

contempt to bear with. 91


Ears, skin, eyes, nose and tongue are organs of sense, since they

enable the experience of objects, while voice, hands, feet and bowels

are organs of action through their inclination to activity. 92


The inner sense is known variously as mind, understanding, the sense

of agency, or volition, depending on its particular function - mind

as imagining and analysing, understanding as establishing the truth

of a matter, the sense of responsibility from relating everything to

oneself, and volition as seeking its own good. 93, 94


The one vital breath (prana) takes the form of all the various

breathings, exhalations and psychic currents and fields according to

the various functions and characteristics, as do gold and water and

such things. 95


The eight citadels of groups of five categories, starting

respectively with speech, hearing, vital breath, ether, intelligence,

ignorance desire and action, constitute what is known as the subtle

body. 96


Hear that this higher body, also known as the subtle body, with its

desires and its tendency to follow the course of causal conditioning,

is derived from the undifferentiated elements, and is a beginningless

superimposition, due to its ignorance, on the true self. 97


Sleep is a distinct state of the self in which it shines by itself

alone, whereas in dreaming the mind itself assumes the sense of

agency due to the various desires of the waking state, while the

supreme self shines on, on its own, as pure consciousness, the

witness of everything from anger and such things on, without being

itself affected by any of the actions performed by the mind. Since it

is unattached to action, it is not affected by anything done by its

superimpositions. 98, 99


The subtle body is the vehicle of all operations for the self, like

an axe and so on for the carpenter. The self itself is pure

consciousness, and, as such, remains unattached. 100

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