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Just Keep It in Mind

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Just Keep It in Mind

It is futile to seek human reason, purpose or meaning in the events of

life,which are in fact impersonal and not human at all.

~ Ramesh

"The Revealing of Teh."

The wise people of old approached the Mysteries with profound spiritual penetration.

How deep the fathomless!

How inscrutable and beyond understanding!

With no ordinary words can I describe them.They were cautious, as if

fording a stream in the winter.

They were reluctant, as if fearing to give offense.

They were deferential, as if dealing with strangers.

They were self-effacing, like snow beneath the sun.

They were unpretentious, like unpolished wood.

They were lowly, like an expansive valley.

They were opaque, like water mixed with soil.

It is only by leaving the soil to settle, that the water becomes clear of itself.

It is only from unimpeded activity, that the condition of rest can ensue.

Those who follow the way of Tao, have no need to be replenished.

And because they are ever renewed, they can never be exhausted."

~Lao Tzu


"My life is a succession of events, just like yours. Only I had

detached and see the passing show as a passing show, while you stick

to things andmove along with them."

~ Nisargadatta

"The Discriminating Teh."

One who knows others is discerning.

One who knows their own self is enlightened.

One who conquers others has strength.

One who conquers their own self are potent.

One who knows contentment is rich.

One who knows persistency has a real object.

One who does not depart from their inner essence shall always endure;

though the body dies, they do not perish, but enter Immortality."

~Lao Tzu


"Beingness has the quality to become whatever you think of.

Whateverconcept you feed to the consciousness, the consciousness will

provide youwith that."

~ Nisargadatta


"The Cultivation of Insight."

Those who are planted in kindness shall not be uprooted.That which is

preserved in kindness shall not be taken away.Their children of all

generations shall be blessed forever.

Cultivate the Tao of your being, and your Teh shall become real.

Cultivate the Tao of your brethren, and your Teh shall overflow.

Cultivate the Tao of your abode, and your Teh shall ever endure.

Cultivate the Tao of your nation, and your Teh shall be all-prolific.

Cultivate the Tao of the world, and your Teh shall become universal.

Therefore, by one's person there is insight of real being:

by one's brethren there is insight of real brotherhood;

by one's abode there is insight of the real home;

by one's country there is insight of the real nation;

and by the world there is insight of the Universe.

How do I know that the Universe is real?

Because it is self-evident!"

~Lao Tzu


"Anything you do for the sake of enlightenment takes you nearer.

Anything you do without remembering enlightenment puts you off. But

why complicate?Just know that you are above and beyond all things and

thoughts.What you want to be, you are it already. Just keep it in


~ Nisargadatta



"The Origin of Form."

The spirit in the Void never dies. It is called the Mother-Deep.The

openings of the Mother-Deep are called the Root of The Universe and

Our World.Ceaselessly, ceaselessly, It nourishes and preserves:

Inexhaustible, without effort."

"The Mystery of Tao"

The TAO that can be expressed in words is not the all-embracing and immutable TAO:

the Name that can be spoken is not the eternal Name.

Without a name, It is the Beginning of The Universe and Our World:

conceived as having a name, It is the Progenitrix of all things.

Those alone who are free from earthly passions can perceive the deep

mystery of the Unmanifested One:

those who are possessed by desires can only behold the Manifest's outward form.

These two, the Manifest and the Unmanifest, although differing in name,

in essence are identical.

This sameness is the mystery,

the deep within the deep,

the door of many mysteries.

"The Unfathomable."

How unfathomable is TAO!

An infinite depth, the Source of all that is, the Ancient Progenitor,

before all things.Yet, how pure and still is TAO!

It smoothes the rough,

unravels the entangled,

tempers excessive lights,

clarifies the obscure.

It is everlasting.

I do not know what gave it birth;

TAO is before the Manifested.

"The Showing Forth of the Mystery."

Looking at It, It eludes the eyes; therefore It is called Invisible.

Listening to It, It eludes the ears; therefore It is called Inaudible.

Touching It, It eludes the grasp;

therefore it is called Intangible.

These three cannot be described, but they blend in unity, the TAO!

Above, It is not bright: below, It is not dim.

It is Ineffable.

Unceasing in Its action, It appears to do all things: returning to

Itself, It appears to do nothing.

It may be called the Form of the Formless, the Image of the Imageless,

the Fleeting, the Indeterminate.

Advancing towards It, we cannot see Its beginning: following after it, we cannot see its end.

To find the Ancient TAO is to control the affairs of the present day;

to know the Ancient Beginning is to have found the Path of TAO.

"The Eluding Source."

The mightiest manifestations of Providence flow solely from TAO, the Inscrutable, the Impalpable.

Eluding sight, eluding touch, yet within it there is Form.

Eluding sight, eluding touch, yet within it there is Substance.

How profound, and how obscure!

Within it is the Vital Essence whereby all things forever endure.

These essences of the truth enfold, immutably the same as of old.From

the Old until Now, its name remains unchanged.

Through its portals emerges the stream of manifested things.

How do I know the origin of things that pass to consummation?

Through TAO!

The "Forms" of TAO are Eternal and Archetypal Ideas.

The Substance of TAO is the Divine Ground or Root of all Creation."

~Lao Tzu




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