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Snake in the Grass

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Snake in the Grass

:-)Snake in the Grasstruth a mystery colorthat flees at the notion of

discovery,like how do you take the clothes offa naked lover inside


(( some adventures delightedly involve

being naked in various ways.

although yesterday,

while walking along a sidewalk,

(clothed, i must add...but naked nonetheless)

the apex of "I" appeared as my body

disappeared into thin air!

Awake, aware of the air invisibility

alive with light, with energy,

i and that met, looked as what is looking

and saw nothing while seeing everything

as so much prana wandering in

the Heart of God.

armless, headless and faceless,

i strolled in the door of our abode,

a true "Sanatan-kitan"

and looked up at the precise moment

of the Mystery deciding

to make me Its Lover.

On the screen of the tv was the image

of Nikita Kruschev waving to the crowds

like the Emperor without clothes.

"I will bury you."

We all come into this word naked.

We get trussed-up, dressed-up,

manifestedly fucked-up by the method of delivery

to the Spirit Who commends Thee.

But hey, remember what Linda and Rumi said!

"These two, the Manifest and the Unmanifest, although differing in

name, in essence are identical. This sameness is the mystery, the

deep within the deep, the door of many mysteries."

The Unfathomable.

>lived in the mysterynever ceases to spin the heart dizzyin wonderand

let the mind jump or restor weave a bird's nest blindfoldedin

complete surprise.

(( For every bird's nest there is a birsong.

For every blindfold there is an unveiling.

"Birdsong brings relief

to my longing.

I am just as ecstatic as they are,

but with nothing to say!

Please, universal soul, practice

some song, or something, through me!"


i sat in the sky of longing -


i sat in the heart of mystery -


i sat in the lap of God -


>the sky'll spit in your eyeand then laugh so loudits echo might scare

you,make you curse it and feel likeyou're drudging the pit of hell.

(( "All that we behold

Is full of blessings."


"Everything is falling down; everything is rising up. to prop what

must fall is foolish; rather, give it a push. When some famous work

of art or monument of culture is destroyed, when a moth is burnt in a

flame, when five-million Jews are slaughtered, let us do what Yakusan

did - yell, and die."

~Frederick Franck

"Perfect like great space,

The way has nothing lacking,

nothing in excess."


>and the very next day it'll pick you upto its height and show you

yourselfalready there in heaven,cloudheart giggling and all.

(( One moment day and night appeared

so obviously different.

In that same moment day and night became

one flowing continuum of manifestation -

Light shone in my Heart as heaven

and hell and everything in-between.

i giggle with Hotei

as the cloud of unknowing.

Knowing there is only this moment,

i am rendered helpless,


to know


- Tykal


MazieUnlimited Internet access -- and 2 months free!  Try MSN. Click Here

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"Perfect like great space,

The way has nothing lacking,

nothing in excess."



Always inspiring to read your messages. Thank you for that. Like Seng

Tsan very much, too. Do you know the hole Canto? It's marvelous :)




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, Skogen <skoggman> wrote:

> hi Mazie,


"Perfect like great space,


The way has nothing lacking,


nothing in excess."





> Always inspiring to read your messages. Thank you for that. Like

Seng Tsan very much, too. Do you know the hole Canto? It's

marvelous :)









Dearest Skogen,


i don't know the entire canto but i have several saved items from him.

He's very clear and what a wonderful way to say the Unsayable, eh?

Here's a bit more from Seng-Tsan, Skogen.



FAITH MIND by Seng-Tsan the 3rd Zen Patriarch


The Great Way is not difficult

for those who have no preferences


When love and hate are both absent

everything becomes clear and undisguised


Make the smallest distinction however

and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart


If you wish to see the truth

then hold no opinions for or against anything


To set-up what you like against what

you dislike is the disease of the mind


When the deep meaning of things is not understood

the mind's essential peace is disturbed to no avail


The Way is perfect like vast space

where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess


Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject

that we do not see the true nature of things


Live neither in the entanglements of outer things

nor in the inner feelings of emptiness


Be serene in the Oneness of things

and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves


When you try to stop activity to acheive passivity

your very effort fills you with activity


As long as you remain in one extreme or the other

you will never know Oneness


Those who do not live in the single Way

fail in both activity and passivity, assertion and denial


To deny the reality of things is to miss their reality;

to assert the emptiness of things is to miss their reality


The more you talk and think about it

the further astray you wander from the truth


Stop talking and thinking

and there is nothing you will not be able to know


To return to the root is to find the meaning

but to pursue appearance is to miss the source


At the moment of inner enlightenment

there is a going beyond appearance and emptiness


The changes that appear to occur in the empty world

we call real only because of our ignorance


Do not search for the truth

only cease to cherish opinions


Do not remain in a dualistic state

avoid such pursuits carefully


If there is even a trace of this and that, of right and wrong,

the Mind-essence will be lost in confusion


Although all dualities come from the One

do not be attached even to the One


When the mind exists undisturbed in the Way

nothing in the world can offend


And when things can no longer offend

it ceases to exist in the old way


When no discriminating thoughts arise

the old mind ceases to exist


When thought objects vanish, the thinking subject vanishes

as when the mind vanishes, objects vanish


Things are objects because of the subject (mind)

the mind (subject) is such because of things (object)


Understand the relativity of these two

and the basic reality: the unity of emptiness


In this Emptiness the two are indistinguishable

and each contains in itself the whole world


If you do not discriminate between coarse and fine

you will not be tempted to prejudice and opinion


To live in the Great Way

is neither easy nor difficult


But those with limited views

are fearful and irresolute


The faster they hurry, the slower they go

and clinging (attachment) cannot be limited


Even to be attached to the idea of enlightenment

is to go astray


Just let things be in their own way

and there will be neither coming nor going


Obey the nature of things (your own nature)

and you will walk freely and undisturbed


When thought is in bondage the truth is hidden

for everything is murky and unclear


And the burdensome practise of judging

brings annoyance and weariness


What benefit can be derived

from distinctions and separations?


If you wish to move in the One Way,

do not dislike even the world of senses and ideas


Indeed, to accept them fully

is identical with true Enlightenment


The wise man strives to no goals

but the foolish man fetters himself


There is one Dharma, not many;

distinctions arise from the clinging needs of the ignorant


To seek Mind with the (discriminating) mind

is the greatest of all mistakes


Rest and unrest derive from passion,

with enlightenment there is no liking or disliking


All dualities come from ignorant inference

they are like dreams or flowers in the air


Foolish to try to grasp them


Gain and loss, right and wrong,

such thoughts must finally be abolished at once


If the eye never sleeps

all dreams will naturally cease


If the mind makes no discriminations

the ten thousand things are as they are - of single essence


To understand the mystery of this One essence

is to be released from all entanglements


When all things are seen equally

the timeless Self-essence is reached


No comparisons or analogies are possible

in this causeless, relationless state


Consider movement stationary,

and the stationary in motion


Both movement and rest disappear

when such dualities cease to exist


Oneness itself cannot exist,

to this ultimate finality no law or description applies


For the unified mind in accord with the Way

all self-centered striving ceases


Doubts and irresolutions vanish

and life in true faith is possible


With a single stroke we are free from bondage

nothing clings to us and we hold to nothing


All is empty, clear, self-illumination

with no exertion of the mind's power


Here thought, feeling, knowledge and imagination are of no value

in this world of Suchness there is neither self nor other than self


To come directly into harmony with this reality

just simply say when doubt arises: "Not two"


In this "not two" nothing is separate, nothing is excluded

no matter when or where, enlightenment means entering this truth


And this truth is beyond extension or diminution in time or space

in it a single thought is ten thousand years


Emptiness here, Emptiness there...

but the infinite universe stands always before your eyes


Infinitely large and infinitely small, no difference

for definitions have vanished and no boundaries are seen


So too with Being and non-Being

Don't waste time in doubts and arguements that have nothing to do

with this


One thing, all things:

move along and intermingle without distinction


To live in this realization

is to be without anxiety about non-perfection


To live in this faith is the road to non-duality

Because the non-dual is one with the trusting mind


Words !

The Way is beyond language


For in it there is


no yesterday

no tommorrow

no today





third Zen Patriarch. Translated by Ricahard B. Clarke).





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How precious to be borned, to live and to die! What for a great

opportunity to look around for a moment with open eyes. Take the long

way home, Mazie!



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How precious to be borned, to live and to die! What for a great

opportunity to look around for a moment with open eyes. Take the long

way home, Mazie!

gassho skogen

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Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site

Y! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your web site

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, Skogen <skoggman> wrote:

> How precious to be borned, to live and to die! What for a great

opportunity to look around for a moment with open eyes. Take the long

way home, Mazie!





For everyone

there is an obvious way --

no need to imitate

anyone else.


It is the easy path which

appears most attractive,

no serious work at all!


Effort can obscure the way, but

so can lack of effort.


Our own way is always shining

bright before us.


Each of us walks at a certain speed,

neither hurrying nor tarrying.


All ways are excellent --

without the slightest deviation

each one takes each one








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