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ShivAllahSita sutra 2

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Give ear; withdraw your souls from all that appears but is not truly

real; close these eyes if yours, close your ears, withdraw from

actions that are outwardly seen; and you shall know the reality of

Christ and the whole secret of your salvation.


~Peter, The Acts of Peter, The Other Bible




Guided by the counsel of Masked Sentience

presenting as Paramahansa Yoganandaji,

Sun of Love,

Moon of Joy,

the Star of Bliss,

i was kissed by Christ as Kriya Yoga Union

called every vasanic child i had birthed

away from dreary work

and in to Play.

The Lila announced -

Let the Spirit-Games begin today!

The worker-bees of senses

suckled at the Queen Bee Herself -

Sushumna is surrendered to the Fire.

Ida and Pingala get hooked together in the Heart.

Warm and cool zephers of breath


in breathlessness,

in deathlessness.

Suspended in 'That With No Name,'

the game of Mayic-Mystery takes on a new twist.

Helix-slither up the spine to Mind.

Snake of Bliss swallows Itself.

The jar of No-Mind

holds Itself up in Wonder...

i wonder, "Why and how

did i ever believe my own myth?"

Master makes light mudras in silent answer.

The Universal Harmony of OneHeart -









Be without sensations, without ears,

without thought, in order to hear God's

call: "Come back".






Behold, my heart was amazed that thus the Word was revealed to one

with ears unattuned, and that a wayward heart was able to grasp these



~The Master of Qumran, The Dead Sea Scriptures, translated by T.H.





Yet, lo, on such a creature of clay has Thou shed Thy Grace....

Over mere dust hast Thou wafted Thy Holy Spirit, and hast so molded

that clay that it can converse with angels and be in communion

with beings celestial.


~The Master of Qumran, The Dead Sea Scriptures, Anchor Books




In the beginning was the Logos (Word), the Logos was with God and the

Logos was God. (John 1:1)


The divine Logos....is the helmsman and governor of the universe...


The whole creation, this entire world perceived by our senses (seeing

that it is greater than any human image) is a copy of the Divine



The incorporeal world then was already completed, having its seat in

the Logos; and the world, perceptible by the external senses, was

made on the model of it....


The everlasting Logos of the eternal God is the very sure and staunch

prop of the Whole. He it is, who extending himself from the midst to

its utmost bounds and from its extremities to the midst again, keeps

up though all its length Nature's unvanquished course, combining and

compacting all its parts. For the Father Who begat Him constituted

His Logos such a Bond of the Universe as none can break.


But the shadow of God is his Word [Logos], which he used like an

instrument when he was making the world. And this shadow, and, as it

were, model, is the archetype of other things....


~Philo of Alexandria




What else is Christ but the Sound of God.


~(Acts of John, Gnostic book)




Christ is the Word of Truth:

he that hears it shall live.


~Mani, The Gospel of the Prophet Mani




Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from My mouth will become like Me; I

myself shall become that person, and the Hidden Things will be

revealed to him."


~(Saying 108, Gospel of Thomas)




I am a Voice speaking softly.

I exist from the first.

I dwell within the silence...


~Trimorphic Protennoia, Nag Hammadi Library




The chariots of Light are at the gate

to the realm of God,

glad is the Song that sounds from them.






I am the silence that is incomprehensible.


I am the Voice whose Sound is manifold

and the Word whose appearance is multiple....


I am the hearing which can be attained by everyone.


~Thunder: Perfect Mind




He is the First Father of the All (universe).

He is the First Being.

He is the First Source.


He it is whose Voice has penetrated everywhere.

He is the First Sound

whereby the All perceived and understood.


~Hymn in the Untitled Text of the Bruce Codex




It is I who am hidden within Radiant Waters.

I am the one who gradually put forth (manifested,

emanated) the All....

It is I who am laden with the Voice.

It is through me that Gnosis comes forth.

I am perception (enlightenment) and knowledge,

uttering a Voice...


I am the real Voice.

I cry out in everyone,

and they recognize it (the Voice),

since a seed (of me) dwells in (each of) them.


I revealed myself ... among those who recognize me.

For it is I who am joined (who am within) everyone...


~Trimorphic Protennoia, Nag Hammadi Library




It is He to whom the universe has come; they were silent before Him

and have not told of Him, for He is beyond speech, beyond thought.

So This is the First Fountain; it is He whose Voice has penetrated in

every place -- this is the First Sound vibrating until the universe

feels and understands.


~(The Gospel of the Gnostics, Duncan Greenlees)




Tat. Father, God has made me a new being, and I perceive things now,

not with bodily eyesight, but by working of mind. Hermes. Even so it

is, my son, when a man is born again; it is no longer body of three

dimensions that he perceives, but the Incorporeal....


~(Hermetica, Sir Walter Scott)




Tat [speaking to Hermes]: I would, O father, hear the Praise-giving

with hymn which thou didst say thou heardest then when thou wert at

the Eight [Heaven, the Ogdoad] of Powers.... Hermes: Be still, my

son; hear the Praise-giving now that keeps [the soul] in tune....


~(Hermetica, GRS Mead)




Tat. Father, I would fain be taught that hymn of praise which, as you

have told us, Poimandres predicted that you would hear the Powers

sing when you had ascended to the Eighth Sphere of Heaven......And so

the Powers which are in all things sing within me also. Tat. Father,

I would fain hear that song; I wish to make it mine in thought.

Hermes. Be still then, my son.....It is Thy Word that through me that

sings Thy praise......


~(The Secret Sermon on the Mountain, Hermetica,

Sir Walter Scott)




When Christ wishes it he receives within himself the Song sent into

him from the Heavens, and his meditation is changed into Melody, and

his spirit lingers in marvelous harmony.


~Richard Rolle, The Fire of Love




As the wind moves over the harp,

and the strings speak,

So does the Spirit of the Lord

speak in my members,

and I speak by his love.


~Odes of Solomon




And I heard a Sound from Heaven that sounded like the roar of rushing

waters, then like a loud peal of thunder. Then the Sound I heard was

like that of harpists playing their harps. (Revelation 14: 2)


Peter and I knelt down, gave thanks, and sent our hearts up to

heaven. We heard with our ears and saw with our eyes the sound of

battles and a trumpet's blast and utter turmoil. And when we passed

beyond that place, we sent our minds up further. We saw with our eyes

and heard with our ears hymns and angelic praises and angelic

rejoicing. Heavenly majesties were singing hymns, and we ourselves

were rejoicing.


~(Secret Book of James, Nag Hammadi Library -- Gnostic gospel)




I think that no soul may truly feel the angel's song or heavenly

Sound, unless it is in perfect love, though not all that are in

perfect love have felt it, but only the soul that is so purified in

the fire of love that all earthly savor is burned out of it, and all

obstacles between the soul and the cleanness of angels are broken and

put away from it. Then truly may he sing a new song, and truly may he

hear a blessed heavenly Sound, and angel's song, without deceit or

feigning. Our Lord knows the soul that, for abundance of burning

love, is worthy to hear angel's song.


~Walter Hilton, The Song of Angels




To the Trinity be praise! God is Music.


The marvels of God are not brought forth from one's self.

Rather, it is more like a Chord, a Sound that is played.

The tone does not come out of the chord itself, but rather,

through the touch of the Musician.

I am, of course, the lyre and harp of God's kindness!


~Hildegard of Bingen




In reality, He is the Creator of all effects, but

the People of Skin see nothing but secondary causes.


A kernel that has not left its shell behind has

no escape from doctors and diseases.


When man is born for the second time, he plants

his foot upon the head of all secondary causes.






O Son Of Dust!

Blind thine eyes, that thou mayest behold My beauty; stop thine ears,

that thou mayest hearken unto the sweet Melody of My Voice; empty

thyself of all learning, that thou mayest partake of My knowledge;

and sanctify thyself from riches, that thou mayest obtain a lasting

share from the ocean of My eternal wealth. Blind thine eyes, that is,

to all save My beauty; stop thine ears to all save My Word; empty

thyself of all learning save the knowledge of Me; that with a clear

vision, a pure heart and an attentive Ear thou mayest enter the court

of My holiness.


~Bahá'u'lláh, Bahai Faith, no doubt influenced by Sufism




In the Light of God which is called the Kingdom of Heaven the Sound is

wholly soft, pleasant, lovely, pure and thin, yea as a stillness in

reference to our outward gross shrillness in our pronouncing,

speaking, sounding, singing and chanting as if the mind did play and

melodize in a Kingdom of Joy within itself, and did hear in a most

entire inward manner such a sweet pleasing melody and tune and yet

outwardly did neither hear or understand it.


God, who is a Spirit, has by and through his manifestation introduced

himself into distinct spirits, which are the voices of his eternal

pregnant harmony in the manifested Word of his great kingdom of joy:

they are God's instrument, in which his Spirit melodizes in his

kingdom of joy; they are angels, the flames of fire and light, in a

living, understanding dominion.


If you should in this world bring many thousand sorts of musical

instruments together, and all should be tuned in the best manner most

artificially, and the most skillful masters of music should play on

them in concert together, all would be no more than the howlings and

barkings of dogs in comparison of the Divine Music, which rises

through the Divine Sound and tunes from Eternity to Eternity.


O! Thou blind mind full of darkness, the Heaven where God dwells is

also in thee.


~Jacob Boehme, The Works of Jacob Boehme




Above, It is not bright:

below, It is not dim.

It is Ineffable.

Unceasing in Its action,

It appears to do all things:

returning to Itself,

It appears to do nothing.

It may be called the Form of the Formless,

the Image of the Imageless,

the Fleeting, the Indeterminate.

Advancing towards It,

we cannot see Its beginning:

following after it,

we cannot see its end.


~Lao Tzu




Dive deep; one does not get to the precious

gems by merely floating on the surface. God

is without form, no doubt; but He also has a

form. By meditating on God with form one

speedily acquires devotion; then one can

meditate on the formless God. It is like throwing

a letter away after learning its contents, then

setting out to follow its instructions.


~Ramakrishna Paramahamsa




To approach God requires neither art nor science, but only a heart

resolutely determined to apply itself to nothing but Him, or for His

sake, and to love Him only.


When I apply myself to prayer, I feel all my spirit and all my soul

lift itself up without any care or effort of mine, and it continues

as it were suspended and firmly fixed in God, as in its center and

place of rest.


I make it my business only to persevere in His holy presence, wherein

I keep myself by a simple attention, and a general fond regard to

God, which I may call an actual presence of God; or, to speak better,

an habitual, silent, and secret conversation of the soul with God,

which often causes me joys and raptures inwardly, and sometimes also

outwardly, so great that I am forced to use means to moderate them

and prevent their appearance to others.


~Brother Lawrence




I have Maya for mother-in-law,

the world for father-in-law;

three brothers-in-law, like tigers;

and the husband's thoughts

are full of laughing women;

no god, this man,

And I cannot cross the sister-in-law.

But I will

give this wench the slip

and go cuckold my husband with

Hara, my Lord.

My mind is my maid:

by her kindness, I join

my Lord,

my utterly beautiful Lord

from the mountain peaks,

my lord white as jasmine,

and I will make Him

my good husband.

For hunger,

there is the town's rice in the

begging bowl.

For thirst,

there are tanks, streams, wells.

For sleep,

there are the ruins of temples.

For soul's company

I have you, O lord

white as jasmine.

Other men are thorn

under the smooth leaf.

I cannot touch them,

go near them, nor trust them,

nor speak to them confidences.


because they all have thorns

in their chests,

I cannot take

any man in my arms but my lord

white as jasmine.


male and female,

blush when a cloth covering their


comes loose.

When the lord of lives

lives drowned without a face

in the world, how can you be


When all the world is the eye of the


onlooking everywhere, what can you

cover and conceal?






Heaven is ever making Music, producing in accordance with its

celestial motions the Perfect Harmony....To such strains, it is said,

Moses was listening, when, having become disembodied, for forty days

and as many nights he touched neither bread nor water at all.


~Philo of Alexandria, on, The Music of the Spheres





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