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ShivAllahSita sutra 18

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Early in the day it was whispered that we should sail in a boat,

only thou and I, and never a soul in the world would know

of this our pilgrimage to no country and to no end. In that shoreless

ocean, at thy silently listening smile

my songs would swell in melodies,

free as waves,

free from all bondage of words. Is the time not come yet?

Are there works still to do?

Lo, the evening has come down upon the shore

and in the fading light the seabirds come flying to their nests. Who

knows when the chains will be off,

and the boat, like the last glimmer of sunset,

vanish into the night?




Night into night burn Thou and i


into Shiva.


Fountains surrounded by sixteen Buddhas,

Patriarchs of the parish of St. Catherine,

all call - "Mystery......." into night into night


as Thou and i burn


into Shiva.


Comes the cool dawn in,


Breathing Devi's draught


riding Shiva


as Thou and i drift in Fragrant Light


into Shakti.




There is a region that is pure darknesswhere the star field is unlit

by transitional lights.There the Mother offers Her wombfor your

inward journey to shift into new internal birthing.That dark Sheopens

into light that is not touchedby any outer forms of differentiated

consciousness.This field of unknowingmust be entered into in a state

of simple nakedness.Before eternal starlight can be seen by itself

alone.When you are caught in that radianceyou will know that there is

nothing in the worldbut that great Ray of Lovethat creates its images

through you.That indeed you are only the eyesightand expression of

God.Then you will be the vision of Self alone.The witness will be one

with the witnessingand the eye of God opened in you.

~Eric Ashford


When the mind is at peace,the world too is at peace.Nothing real,

nothing absent.Not holding on to reality,not getting stuck in the

void,you are neither holy nor wise, justan ordinary fellow who has

completed his work.- Layman P'ang (c. 740-808)


One who handles a sword wellgets power. Someone generousand

disciplined wins whatthe public religions offer.But knowledge of the

deep self comesonly from a teacher who is That.Everything we do

mixesin the ground of the self.- Lalla


The seeker said to himself, "If I'd knownthe real meaning of this

being with God,how should I have gone searching for Him?But that

knowledge depended on this journeying:that knowing can't be gained by

thinking, nomatter how precise."- Rumi


You need both clarity and earnestness forself-knowledge. You need

maturity of heartand mind, which comes through earnestapplication in

daily life of whatever littleyou have understood. There is no such

thingas compromise in Yoga.If you wan to sin, sin wholeheartedly

andopenly. Sins too have their lessons to teachthe earnest sinner, as

virtues - the earnestsaint. It is the mixing up of the two that isso

disastrous. Nothing can block you soeffectively as compromise, for it

showslack of earnestness, without which nothingcan be done.-

Nisargadatta Maharaj


The instant in which you forget all youroutside attachments will be

the taste oftremendous Love and Happiness. Then slowlyyou will stop

looking outside until the outsideand the inside are the same causing

both tocease to exist.- Papaji


And I saw no difference between God and our Substance: but as it were

all God; and yet mine understanding took that our Substance is in

God: that is to say, that God is God, and our Substance is a creature

in God... We are enclosed in the Father, and we are enclosed in the

Son, and we are enclosed in the Holy Ghost. And the Father is

enclosed in us, and the Son is enclosed in us, and the Holy Ghost is

enclosed in us...

For a man beholdeth some deeds well done and some deeds evil, but our

Lord beholdeth them not so: for as all that hath being in nature is

of Godly making, so is all that is done, in property of God's doing.

For it is easy to understand that the best deed is well done: and so

well as the best deed is done... is the least deed done; and all

thing in its property and in the order that our Lord hath ordained it

to from without beginning. For there is no doer but He...

~Julian of Norwich


Dawn sky again, each roundbrings silence to lips kissing this song,

illuminates ascolors, sounds, fragrance, touch,intuition clear --O!

Beautiful Wisdom streaming lifeI AmThis Kiss, sun-shot rippleeternal

momentsinks into Mind -none gonenone remainednot here, there.I Am.

And there,here where sky bolds, blue breathlessnessbreathes again,

everything returns -Love - golden, motionless.Dreamily, dreamless

bathed in two poolsdripping nakedsuddenly seeing, knowingI am born.







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