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ShivAllahSita sutra 17

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My teacher put a lotion on my eyesthat dissolved the cataracts,and now

wherever I look I seethe self, God, inner lifeeverywhere. Lalla,this

is true!~Lalla

You are always in loveand you can only love yourself,the Changeless

One in which even space is.There is no beginning, no middle, and no

end to it.Only love is worth loving and this is your own Self.~Papaji

The state of craving for anything blocks alldeeper experience. Nothing

of value can happento a mind which knows exactly what it wants.For

nothing the mind can visualize and want isof much value.~Nisargadatta


Realisation is nothing to be gained afresh; it is alreadythere. All

that is necessary is to get rid of the thought 'Ihave not

realised'.Stillness or peace is realisation. There is no momentwhen

the Self is not. So long as there is doubt or the feelingof

non-realisation, the attempt should be made to rid oneselfof these

thoughts. They are due to the identification of theSelf with the

not-Self. When the not-Self disappears, theSelf alone remains. To

make room, it is enough that objectsbe removed. Room is not brought

in from elsewhere.~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Even to plumb the full depths of all your knowledge it would be no

more than a piece of hair lost in the vastness of the great void; and

however important your experience in things worldly it is even less

than a single drop of water cast into a vast valley.

To know is not to know,Not to know is to know.

~Te Shan


Searching for enlightenment is kinda like pushing a burnt rope up a

long hill...............using only your head....................and

you have attention deficit disorder.....................and you got

no money.........and you are running out of time........but don't

worry...........anything's possible.



Once God made love to a great saint

Who had a hairy belly.

Of course things like that can happen!

And it was a surprise

Only to the novice on the path

When the saint's stomach began to swell

Just like a woman's.

Weeks went by, then months.

The saint's cheeks

Turned into beautiful roses.

He became like a young bride

Who was carrying a holy child,

And his gratitude was speechless.

But his eyes shone

Like two planets making love.

Of course things like that can happen.

Life went on

Amidst the other ten thousand wonders:

Whiskers and weeds and trees and charming babies

Kept emerging.

People and cattle and bees worked side by side,

All sweetly humming,

And, come lunch,

All dined on the same Mysterious

Divine manna of nourishing Love -

Disguised in a thousand shapes, colors and forms.

Galaxies gave away their ingenious ideas

And told us of their private body functions.

So man, too,

Eats, burps and excretes more worlds.

How is it that invisible thoughts can lift heavy matter

And build cities and armies and altars?

All contain a Hidden Strategy

To be transformed again

Into Divine Music and Love and Light!

The sun rolls through

The sky meadows every day,

And a billion cells run

To the top of a leaf to scream and applaud

And smash things in their joy.

Of course things like that can happen.

Rivers stay up all night and chant;

Luminous fish jump out of the water

Spitting emeralds at all talk of Heaven

Being anywhere else but -- Right Here!

Clouds pull each other's pants down

And point and laugh.

O my dear,

Of course things like that can happen.

For all is written within the Mind

Only an insane being or compound

Is not going mad with excitement

At this Wonderful Performance by God!

And still,

Light stretches its arms

Open ever more

And shouts to you, because you are His lover,

To forget your harsh actions of the past

And just Dance!

Look! Angels and flowers

Are playing hooky in graveyards,

Laughing and rolling naked on cool stones.

Why go to sleep tonight

Exhausted from the folly of ignorance,

When even the Beloved is Drunk

And is doing wonderful, ecstatic somersaults

And is giving wild lessons between the sheets

And between His handstands

All up and down the Tavern floor and ceiling!


Indeed, things like that can happen.

"Allah, Allah! Where are you?

Where are You, Beautiful One?"

"I am Here!

I am Here -- dear world!"

Look at the Splendor of God's Grace:

The Sun has been planted in a thousand furrows

Across every soul's brow.

Of course, my dear,

Everything God and I say

Can Happen!



Trees blossom and fruit at the Holy One’s whim

To mate miracle with mundanity in the middle of Winter.

Birds burst into flame and circle the Nest of God’s Light,

Disappearing into the center of OneHeart –

You, I, everything in this universe…

God’s Idea of a Good Time!

Holy rollers get holier,

Shaivites get Shiva-bit and hit by the gain of cowicide.

All puns aside, I ride the river of Bliss,

I Kiss the palm print of Love embossed on everyone I see.

O Beautiful One!

O Love! Blossoming forth in Light into Light!

I see Thee in Thy energy rippling forth…

Rippling forever into the Dark Sky of Mind.

O Illumined Obscurity of Primeveilism!

I am Your Sight Seeing,

And yet,

And yet I see that I know nothing tangible

Is takeable from this table of conceptual reality

You’ve placed before me as Dazzle and Shimmer.

But yes, Beloved, I do spy a kind of Hope -

I hope for nothing and pray for less.



You know and are not known;

You see and are not seen.Your Spirit mixed with my Spirit little by little,

by turns, through reunions and abandons.And now I am Yourself, Your existence is my own,

and it is also my will. I have seen my Lord with the eye of my heart, and I said:

"Who are You?"

He said:

"You."I do not cease swimming in the seas of love,

rising with the wave, then descending;

now the wave sustains me, and then I sink beneath it;

love bears me away where there is no longer any shore.

Ana'l -Haqq - I am the Truth. ~Al-Hallaj MansurInternet access plans

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