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ShivAllahSita sutra 31

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Jagrat-Sushupti -

It is Bliss.

It is Eternal.

This state is called wakeful-sleep and it is synonymous

with our true nature of total bliss.

In ordinary sleep there are not only no thoughts

but also no awareness.

In waking-sleep (jagrat-sushupti) there is pure awareness alone.

That is why it is called awake while sleeping.

In this transcendental state (jagrat-sushupti)

identity with the ultimate truth places man in harmony with everything;

and in it there is no thing apart from the Self.

For the jnani all the three states are equally unreal,

for the jnani the standard of reality is reality itself.

This reality is pure consciousness,

is eternal by its nature and therefore subsists equally

during what we call waking, dreaming and sleep.

Jagrat sushupti is the jnani's state...

Fully awake in the Self, his state is wakeful sleep.

This wakeful-sleep, sleepless sleep, or whatever it may be called,

is the turiya state of the Self, on which as the screen all the three states,

the waking, dream and sleep, pass,

leaving the screen unaffected.

~Sri Ramana


When this river of Joy flows into ItSelf diving into Its Sea of

Being,when this Sea of Being disappearsinto Its Ocean-Heart

Rising,Sinking into just this moment,Jagrat-Sushupti, total Blissas

an ordinary human being,Being.Being in Harmony,this Harmony

everywhere,with everything.



The jnani is established in turiya, the supreme reality.

The effulgent light of pure awareness within,

taking hold of a centre, lights up the entire body,

as the sun illumines the world.

Owing to the diffusion of that light in the body

one has experiences in the body.

The centre of radiation is the heart.

That pure awareness,

the jagrat-sushupti state,

shines ever as the light within,

as the heart.

~Sri Ramana


Being This Harmonyin everything -Turiya, the supreme reality......

awakening from the dream of me,from every story implying a me,a

world, a being, a harmony orlack thereof --Turiya,a paper

airplanesoaring out an office windowsomewhere downtown in

Manhattan,sails across the river, over New Jersey,curves around the

beltway of D.C.,along the Mississippi, the Colorado,circles Shasta,

breezes through a doorway inMartinez, while we were out gazing at

lamp posts,and returning home we find and open it to read:"All that

can be seen is nothing but a dream;and even when we think ourselves

awake,we have only wakened in a dream."~b


The stars poured into the skyOut of a Magician's hat last night,And

all of them have fallen into my hair.Some have even tangled my

eyelashesInto luminous, playful knots.Wayfarer,You are welcome to cut

a radiant tressThat lays upon my shoulders.Wrap it around your

trembling heart and bodyThat craves divine comfort and warmth.I am

like a pitcher of milkIn the hands of a mother who loves you.All of

my contents nowHave been churned into dancing suns and moons.Lean

your sweet neck and mouthOut of that dark nest where you hide,I will

pour effulgence into your mind.Come springYou can find me rolling in

the fieldsThey are exploding inHoly battlesOf scents, of sounds -

everything isA brilliant colored nova on a stem.Forest animals hear

me laughingAnd surrender their deepest instincts and fears,They come

charging into meadowsTo lick my hands and face,This makes me so

happy,I become so happyThat my rising wink turns into a magic

baton.When my soft-eyed creatures see that wonderful signalWe all

burst into singingAnd make strange and primal beautiful sounds!My

only regret in this world then becomes:That your shyness keeps you

from placingYour starving body against GodAnd seeing the Beloved

become so pleasedWith your courageThat his belly begins to rock and

rock,Then more planets get to leapOnto the welcome mat of

existenceAll becauseOf your previous love.The friend has turned my

verse into sacred pollen.When a breeze comes byFalcons and

butterfliesAnd playful gangs of young angelsMounted on emerald

spearsTake flight from me like a great sandstormThat can blind you to

all but the Truth!Dear oneEven if you have no net to catch VenusMy

music will circle this earth for hundreds of yearsAnd fall like

resplendent debris,Holy seed, onto a fertile woman.For HafizWants to

help you laugh at your everyDesire.HafizWants you to knowYour life

within God's arms,Your dance within God'sArmsIs alreadyPerfect!~

Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky


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