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ShivAllahSita sutra 32

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I love my wife more than I love anything in the world.

She's my mentor, my very breath. She's the force behind

the dark one. People can call me the prince of darkness,

but I'm a very sensitive person. When you think you're

losing your partner, you freak out, whether you're the

dark one or not.


~Ozzy Osbourne



He's gone, friend, and I suffer.

Whatever I cling to dissolves.

This drifting world's a turbulent cauldren,

it leaves nomads of truth without shelter.

Seekers get mocked,

people act rashly,

they fling themselves into infernos

and no one gets free –

just the churning of eight million wombs.

groping, at every turn twisting,

missing the passage towards freedom.

Mira says: Dark One –

we call refuge in you "the beyond."





The body, the mind, the ego together constitute

the human entity.Man has to realize that the body

and mind are expressions of the divine Self.


The only purpose of the present birth is to turn

within and realize it. There is nothing else to do.

Find out who you are. You are bliss but your suffering

is due to your identifying with your body.


The functions of the body involving the need for an operator are

borne in mind; since the body is insentient, a sentient operator is

necessary. Because people think that they are individuals, Krishna

said God resides in the heart as the Operator of the individuals. In

fact, there are no individuals and no Operator, as it were, outside

them; the Self comprises all.


~Sri Ramana Maharshi



So I was formed

and wandered in the desert,

and through the mountains haunted

by wild animals around me and inside me.


Then a clarity woke in me, and I saw my soul's face,

and felt drawn upward, but pulled down still too,

by the other, contended for,

bewildered, and without

guidance, I ran, as from a burning house,

onto a narrow, upward spiraling path.

Dangerous cliffs, the summit far off,

my only hope was to die.


…"I am beyond substance and space.

I am creation's cause, here to lead you

back to your home. Hold close,

and let my fire consume you. Don't be afraid

of losing your strength here. This fire

is one which has a spring of eternal water

inside it. As your animal-soul dies,

your new soul will be born.

Live humbly with me, and I will

raise you into majesty."


He talked more to me in silence,

without using syllables. He gave me

love and light and eyes to see,

and together we set out.


…"This is the end of time.

Death cannot touch you now."





Near midnight, in disarray, you come asking,

"Is it still like this, my love,

when you're old?"


Who would refuse to answer?

The same was heard

before the creation of the universe,

"Am I not your Lord?"


Whatever's poured then must be drunk.

It may be pure soul, merely grape-wine,

or some combination, but say Yes,


as I have many times,

as we all once did in unison

outside time and space.


Never regret that answer!





Sometimes you enter the heart.

Sometimes you're born from the soul.

Sometimes you weep a song of separation:

all the same glory.


You live in beautiful forms

and you're the energy that breaks images.

All light, neither this nor that.

Human beings go places on foot; angels, with wings.

Even if they find nothing but ruins and failure,

you're the bright core of that.

When angels and humans are free of feet and wings,

they'll understand that you are the lack,

pure absence.


You're in my eyes

like a taste of wine that blocks my understanding.

That ignorance glorifies.

You talk and feel in the talking kingdom,

finances, fire, smoke, the senses, incense:

all are your favorites!

A ship, Noah, blessings, luck,

troubles that pull us unknowingly toward treasure:

look, he's being dragged away from his friends!

Nobody will see him anymore.


This is your story. I ask you,

"Should I talk to this one?

Is he being drawn to me?"

Silence. That too.

What is desire? What is it!

Don't laugh, my soul.

Show me the way through this desiring.

All the world loves you,

but you are nowhere to be found.

Hidden and completely obvious.


You are the soul!

You boil me down in a saucepan,

then ask why I'm spilling out.

Is it time for patience?

Your bright being.

My heart is a saucepan.

This writing,

the record of being torn apart in your fire,

as aloe wood most becomes itself when burning up.


Enough TALK ABOUT burning!

Everything, even the end of this poem,

is a taste of your glory.





I had always heard your entire life flashes

in front of your eyes when you die.

First off that one second isn't one second at all,

it stretches on forever like an ocean of time.

For me, it was lying on my back at boy scout camp

watching falling stars, and yellow leaves

from the maple trees that lined our street,

or my grandmother's hands and the way her skin

seemed like paper, and the first time I saw my

cousin Tony's brand new firebird.

And Janie. And Janie. And Carolyn.

I guess I could be pretty pissed-off about what

happened to me, but it's hard to stay mad w

hen there's so much Beauty in the world.

Somtimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once

and it's too much, and my heart fills up like

a balloon that's about to burst,

and then I remember to relax and stop trying

to hold onto it, and then it flows through me

like rain, and I can't feel anthing but gratitude

for every single moment of my stupid little life.

You have no idea what I'm talking about,

but don't worry, you will someday."


~Lester Burnam from "American Beauty"



tonight i dance for a

moonshine daisy

naked weeping

smiling crazy

adrift on a silent

river of now

serene as the heart of

Ramana's cow


no center

no place to leave

nowhere to enter

mirror of soul

revealed in a glance

across the sky floor

of this liquid dance

all are welcome

to share with me

this simple mindless


Her softest kiss

between my eyes

a well-timed Gift

from timeless skies

this world, unveiled


a moondance in


clouds dissolved now

only this

immaculate light

in still sure bliss

and i am dancing

dancing dancing

never moving

only dancing"

To which Ixnay rejoined:

"We have no

identity truly

no past no future

I called to you


like the Heart pulls inward to

the completeness of Home

I stand beside you now

my cheek resting in yours

we smile:



in that smile is

perched a bird

within whose wings

a trillion galaxies revolve

in joyous perfection

the mere appearance of

anything at all

is our perpetual delight

these words I use

only point to the

exquisitely unique

beauty of each of us

just as we are

just as we

always are

Great Space

within which all blooms


and returns

we are



we sleep

we have only


left of hiding

our time does not exist here

we are falling away

falling into something else

something we have always been

perhaps this is

the miracle:

that even now

I simply








Let's take an imaginary situation in which we start expanding,

quickly becoming larger than the earth. As we expand in

relationship to the earth, our matter particles are

becoming farther and farther apart. Growing large enough

to encompass many galaxies, proportionately our particles

are so far distant from each other that they can no longer

be seen in relationship to each other as a single 'thing'

(bodySuppose now we reach the hypothetical end

of the known universe and our immensely few particles

are simply a part of the whole, but our consciousness remains.

Now let's take a quantum leap of expansion to the point where

ALL the particles that composes everything are so completely

spread that we are, for all intent and purposes, beyond matter.

Here, we are pure consciousness with no point of reference

and yet we exist. Here totality is all there is.

If we try to then think of a God who 'knows' us,

we have just denied the Oneness that is everything.

In order to have a "God" and a "me",

we have set ourselves outside

of the Oneness that is God. That's what we do,

here on our condenced particles of matter that we call earth,

but seeing the separation between, not only us and others,

but us and God. In the allness, there is no need for God

to be aware of a something outside of Godness,

for to do that would be to imply there is something

outside of God. Proufound NDEs and spontaneous

spiritual experiences try to use language to describe

an unimaginable (and unimaginal, for that matter) ONENESS.

It is a perfection that is unknowable,

but something that can be experienced.

It is simply indescribable.


~Linda Stewart





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