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ShivAllahSita sutra 35

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ShivAllahSita sutra 35



Go within.


Hear the story of sunrise from the Sun itself.

If there were no sunrise within I would have set long ago!




This life force is the acting principle;

and that which gives sentience to the person is the consciousness.

Shiva is the speck of consciousness;

and the working principle is the life force, the shakti.


~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj



This time was cradled from eternity,

hand-picked by the Friend just for us.

Somewhere on some distant slip of moonlight,

we stood and saw God in one another's eyes.

We sipped transience through each other's souls.

We became the Mighty Kindness being Kind!

We are the Love we seek.

Rejoicing angels, clapping cherubs!

God dancing all around like a child!

The whole Cosmos is alive in us!





The Japanese have a nice way of putting it:

"The day you cease to travel, you will have arrived."

Your attitude should be: "I want to be aware,

I want to be in touch with whatever is and let whatever happens

happen; if I'm awake, fine, and if I'm asleep, fine."

The moment you make a goal out of it and attempt to get it,

you're seeking ego glorification, ego promotion.

You want the good feeling that you've made it.

When you do "make it," you won't know.

Your left hand won't know what your right hand

is doing. "Lord, when did we do this? We had no awareness."

Charity is never so lovely as when one has lost consciousness

that one is practicing charity. "You mean I helped you?

I was enjoying myself I was just doing my dance. It helped you,

that's wonderful. Congratulations to you. No credit to me."


When you attain, when you are aware, increasingly

you will not be bothered about labels like "awake" or "asleep."

One of my difficulties here is to arouse your curiosity

but not your spiritual greed. Let's come awake, it's going to be

wonderful. After a while, it doesn't matter; one is aware,

because one lives. The unaware life is not worth living.

And you will leave pain to take care of itself.


~Anthony de Mello



Awakening begins when a man realizes that he is going nowhere

and does not know where to go.


~ Georges Gurdjieff



You can know yourself only when you are unaware,

when you are not calculating, not protecting,

not constantly watching to guide, to transform,

to subdue, to control; when you see yourself unexpectedly,

that is, when the mind has no preconceptions with regard

to itself, when the mind is open, unprepared to meet

the unknown.


If your mind is prepared, surely you cannot know the unknown,

for you are the unknown. If you say to yourself,

"I am God", or "I am nothing but a mass of social influences

or a bundle of qualities" — if you have any preconception of

yourself, you cannot comprehend the unknown, that which is



So spontaneity can come only when the intellect is unguarded,

when it is not protecting itself, when it is no longer afraid

for itself; and this can happen only from within. That is, the

spontaneous must be the new, the unknown, the incalculable, the

creative, that which must be expressed, loved, in which the will

as the process of intellect, controlling, directing, has no part.

Observe your own emotional states and you will see that the

moments of great joy, great ecstasy, are unpremeditated;

they happen, mysteriously, darkly, unknowingly.






Bliss consists in not forgetting your being.

It is also said to be

the seat of Love.


Love is bliss.


Bliss is a state of unbroken happiness.


Happiness is our real nature.


That happiness does not depend on

our possessions or achievements.


Existence is the same as happiness and

happiness is the same as being.


That which is called happiness alone exists.


Knowing that fact and

abiding in that state of Self


enjoy bliss eternally.


Perfect bliss is the absolute.


Perfect peace is the Self.


That alone exists and is consciousness.


Self is not other than perfect happiness.


That which is called happiness

is only the nature of Self.


One's own reality,

which shines within everyone as the heart

is itself the ocean of unalloyed bliss."



~ Sri Ramana Maharshi,




Dying and giving birth go on

inside the one consciousness,

but most people misunderstand


the pure play of creative energy,

how inside that, those

are one event.





Name and form hide Reality: This is the Teaching.

Giving name and form is an obstacle to Freedom because

then the Substratum, Consciousness, cannot be seen.

Call it a statue of a horse and the granite is hidden,

see a ring and you won't see the gold.

Name and form can never leave Consciousness,

as the ring can never leave the gold.

Even space is in this because only Self is.






The soul is always invested by the Light of

God; the Light dwells in it by nature.


~Saint John of the Cross



His Light

illuminates and His radiance

irradiates all the worlds, and

the divine beings who stand

before Him and shine in their

radiance and in the radiance of

the Great Light which rests upon



~Iraq Mandean Hymn



The Saints and

Mystics come to share the Light,

the peace, and happiness

they found with all humanity. They

come to show us the Light so we can

experience more happiness,

tranquility, and peace than we can

ever dream of. We do not have to wait

until death to experience the worlds

beyond. We do not even need a near-death

experience and all the physical trauma that

it brings to find the inner Light. It is

waiting within each of us this very moment.


~Sant Rajinder Singh




We fell asleep to the sounds of the sea,

although we live far from the ocean.

It was Autumn, and the hills were

blossoming with the most spectacular

colors, and the Queen of the Harvest

was wandering through the towns and

valleys, pouring the sweetest honey down

children's chins, and in the crisp cool evenings,

lovers moved closer together before the hearth,

and the starlight we drifted through originated

millions and millions of years earlier, yet

we had no sense of time, and maple syrup

sap seeped from the most outrageously purple






…The sculptors rebelled against the canons of pain,

and these colossal Buddhas,

with the feet of giant gods,

have a smile on their stone faces that is beautifully human,

without all that pain...

And they give off an odor,

not of a dead room, not of sacristies and cobwebs,

but an odor of vegetable space,

of sudden gusts of wind swooping down in wild swirls of feathers,

leaves, pollen from the infinite forest..."


~Pablo Neruda




Two years into infinity

and the Heart-skipping Bliss

repeats in code-blue tones.

Someone shouts from somewhere -

"We're losin' `em!"

This dying is raisins, wine, grape and vine,

sun and water and time time time

spinning on a dime tossed by no one.

I never left and never returned.

Hushed little baby singing

simply as the sound of ground-light

breaking the code of dna,

of gold and clay,

carbon-dated corpse, eating dates…

and we are never late for anything -






I make the motion that we disband this camp.

All in favor say "Aye, who am I?"

Let Silence surrender the answer.





When I know I am everything I am Love.

When I know I am nothing I am Wisdom.


In between those two, my life swings.


~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj




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