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ShivAllahSita sutra 40

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True happiness cannot arise

until the identificationwith the body-mind apparatus

is demolished.~Ramesh S. Balsekar

This dawn poetry,opens the mouth of daylight as a chorus of blind

earthwormssinging sky hymns into sight and sound.We awaken stretching

out as one eternal resurrection.As the living remembrance of this

ageless body of love.

~Eric Ashford

Blessed are they who delight in the way things are,and keep their

hearts open day and night.~Psalm 1 (8th century BC)

So the True Teacher's non-teaching

is that there is no teacher, no student,

no teaching. It must be without words

and must land in your heart.If you try to understand it,

it will only land in your head.~Papaji

Suddenly, a flock of morning sailors removed

the frosty silence with communal quacking,

my lips turned up to share with them

in fitting celebration of red's rising ball of sun.

Not one of them seemed concerned

about some old drippy weather rhyme,

when I looked again their heads were gone

all bottoms pointed up.

~Hilary Collins

Things are actually without substance.Both things and the individual experiencing them

are the same process, and not perceiving this fact

is also part of the same process.

There is nothing to be done about it,

and there is nothing not to be done about it.

What IS is all there is.~Ramesh S. Balsekar

How could the love between Thee and me sever?

As the leaf of the water abides on the water:

so thou art my Lord, and I am thy servant.

As the night-bird Chakor gazes all night at the moon:

so Thou art my Lord and I am Thy servant.

>From the beginning until the ending of time,

there is love between Thee and me;

and how shall such love be extinguished?

Kabir says: 'As the river enters into the ocean,

so my heart touches Thee.'


If you love each separate fragment,

you will understand the mystery of the Totality.~Fyodor Dostoevsky

You are the One

which is aware

of the Awareness

of objects and ideas.You are the One

which is even more silentthan Awareness.

You are the life

Which precedes

the concept of life.

Your natureis Silence

and it is not attainable,

It always Is.~Papaji

Pain and pleasure, good and bad,right and wrong; these are relative terms

and must not be taken absolutely.They are limited and temporary.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj

First of all

Stop worrying.

It’s pointless –

You must have already noticed this.

Nobody is implicated,

Nobody is your actual state.

Whatever seen, felt, or thought is

Not so.

Don’t even worry about that!

Something is just about to

Break your heart right now that has

Nothing to do with


Just let it.

You won’t survive,

It will.

It’s desire birthed you to

Taste itself as you.

Why not return the favor by

Tasting just like yourself?


Sitting silently, doing nothing, spring comes,

and the grass grows by itself.~Zenrin

How wonderful to swim back and forth between shores, where the green

grasses equally dance in the sea-side breezes!


Keep walking, though there's no place to get to.Don't try to see

through the distances.That's not for human beings.

Move within,but don't move the way fear makes you move.~Rumi

Nothing can make you happier than you are.

All search for happiness is misery and leads to more misery.

The only happiness

worth the name

is the natural happiness

of conscious being. ~Nisargadatta Maharaj

Know that the outward form passes away,but the world of reality

remains forever.How long will you play at loving the shape of the

jug?Leave the jug; go, seek the water!~Rumi

Enlightenment for a wave is the moment the wave realizes it is water.~Thich Nhat Hanh

In the desire of the Oneto know its own beauty, we exist.~Ghalib (1797-1869)

Walk naturally, sit naturally, live naturally. To be natural is the Way.~Zen master Hu-Shih

Out of the ditchwater,tall, wild irisemerge from grey mud.Inside a

sleep for eaons,i drifted to the edge of all this.A voice trailed

off.Beautiful, wild irisgrow tall in still water.


The infinite mystery is nearer to you than the thongs of your sandals.~The Quran

Cloud shadows stream over immaculate white snow onCold Mountain,images

of water reflected on frozen water, the sum total of memoriescontained

in a drop. ~b

When you really look for Me, you will see Me instantly;

you will find Me in the smallest moment.~Kabir

i am the oneyou keep meeting, as if for the very first time,

forgettingwe were inseparable before the world began.whether this has

any significance for younow is certainly none of my business.a lot of

things have changed;as they dowe do.i barely recognize you anymore,so

much have you come to resemble me.if you pour me a good glass of

wine,i might just ramble on & on.i wait in the meadow wherethings and

no-things have becomevery playful with each other,listening for your

silent footsteps.when Maitreya comeshe will only hear an echo ofa

distant kind of humming,purring on the breezenow toying with your

memories,slipping inside your certainty likethe smile of Baby

Gautama, andbetween your tears you mayrememberi am you


Peace be with you, oh Night, through whose darkness the lights of heaven sparkle.~Kahlil Gibran

Snow-bound, shivering,hunched with head in hands,pondering how it came

to this –this head, these hands.A young boy lay on his back in a

flowering field, drifting, drifting with moon-lit clouds.In the

silent distance, a strangely beckoning mountain glowed.The fragrance

of that meadowlingers still, perfumingmy melancholy.The glow, my own

awaiting funeral pyre.


You are that which you are seeking.~St. Francis of Assissi

After the rain,a phosphorescent trail left by a snail in the damp

moonlight –a map on the moisture,our journey revealed.


In the desire of the One to know its own beauty, we exist.~Ghalib

In tulle beds with cattails spearing skyward the wild little blackbird

lives in holy madness, drunk on Pyracantha berry wine, while rushing

wind through rushes whispers mysteries of life in death.Red-Wing,

black-robed, chirruping sutras beyond translation, swaying on

laughing green fingers, thin hands lifting some glossy full-moon in

blood-red feathered heartbeats, breaks the sky with divine

lovesongsinging sounds all around me, so profound this breast-beating

gladness, beats inside me nowas little feathered monkslift off

together --gone into Nirvana.


My heart burstas a bubble of joywhen I became lost lookingat egg sacsof tadpoles.


These bodies are perishable, but the Dweller in them is eternal.~The Bhagavad Gita

the sky-grey drizzleagainst the sky expanding --this raining light

pouring skyout of the snowfielddiamond sutra takes formnarcissus

openwisteria twinesdreaming of the Red Chamberan etched stone wakes


The listener, who listens in the snow,nothing himself...beholds the

nothing that is.~Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)

You, Lord God, are my whole love and desire.

You are all mine, and I All Yours.~Thomas a Kempis

Abide as the Self.~Ramana Maharshi

everyone passes through me like the summer breezei hear their muted

whoosh whipping them in all directionsi am a swinging door,these

hinges oiled withHeart's juicesi swing both waysno longer remembering

in from outenjoying this breezethis afternoon intimelessness


"This is how you slip into your infinite home:

Close your eyes and surrender.~Rumi

ghosts of starsreverberating in my bonessinging in my bloodcoursing

through my nervesreminding:surrender that can be doneis not

surrender.the one who would surrender isthe one who keeps

surrenderout of reach.leaves funneling raindropsseasons blending

unnoticedand nowemptyalonewaiting, with warm tearsfor whatever else

emptiness can produce.remembering:Shakya ate poison mushroomstasting

only Dharma.


LoveEternal.Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

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