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ShivAllahSita sutra 43

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We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;the real

tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the Light.


This Song -- This Song Is Bliss. It is the Song the stars became stars

for, that they might one day stare back at themselves in Bliss,

havingattained the destiny of separation justlong enough to recognize

their prior Union,and in such Ecstasy burst forth in Bliss at

This,this starry Kiss we bestow upon Each Other's Heart,surrounded by

the starlight of our own luxuriationin This Sea of Luminous Loving,

forming and transformingin tidal flow of Essence pouring, rushing

back & forth in Light.


The simple heart finds no hard way, good thought finds no wounds. Deep

in the illuminated mind is no storm. Surrounded on every side by the

beauty of the open country, one is free of doubt. Below is like

above. Everything is above. Below is nothing, but the ignorant think

they see. Now you know grace.

It is for your salvation. Believe and live and be saved. ~Ode 34, "Odes of Solomon

Translated by Willis Barnstone,

"The Other Bible"

Some might get preoccupied in conversations

with their images of who they think we are.

Perhaps they would instruct us,

but our Teacher is the space between their words,

the space between their dreaming and desire,

the fantasies of what they'd be when they become

the one they wish they were.All will pass in time through these imaginary gates

erected to keep oneself locked in,

and then perhaps will join us in that chataqua without end.Until then,

we shall not cease our laughing

though we kid not one small bit!


There is no difficult way where there is a simple heart, Nor a barrier

in upright thoughts, Nor a storm in the depth of an enlightened

thought. Where the man who is virtuous is surrounded on every side,

There is in him nothing discordant, The likeness of what is beneath.

He is what is above; For everything is above, And beneath is nothing,

But there is believed to be something by those who have no knowledge.

Grace was revealed for your deliverance: Believe, and live, and be


~Ode 34, Translated in "The Apocryphal Old Testament," H.F.D. Sparks

i have seen starfields collide.i have seen planetary movementsmoving

through Mind's eye,and not just that, no, not only that,i saw these

things wide-eyed and awake.Awake.Myriad celestial bodies

exploding,imploding and bursting, conversing into me, compelling me

into the Yawning Awe,and i am that Awe, that Ahhhh of . . .

O God!


Some persons, relying on the promise of 'tomorrow,’ have wandered for

years around that door, but 'tomorrow' never comes.

Today' is the day.

'Now' is the time.


Running these hands, THESE HANDS,through the water in the stream,every

stone appearing opaque before,now is translucent by the Watery

Kiss.Somehow, some WAY, i feel, i intuit myself like those stones

lying in the water.Each edge rounded out or sharp in jaggedness,it

becomes clear and smooth and flowingwith the Touch of the Beloved

Fluidity One.Round becomes nearly perfect in the circularity.Sharp

becomes a smooth, kind of like a sweet halvah.Jaggedness becomes the

softest silkiness there is.What is this that can do these things?What

kind of Wonderful Mystery-Maker can do this?Every experience into Life

and Death -All One Movement, not moving, yet always Movement.The clear

pool of Mind ceases to ripple as much.The only thing that seems to do

anything at all,is this Heart, this Heart, THIS Heart,

Brightening,Breaking open into some Unfathomable Joyousness.How can

this be? To BE so Blissful for no reason,for no reason at all that i

can even imagine.Just this Clear-Falling over the Falls of Awe.Wonder

and Awe and Bewilderment, to Be, to BE.i just cannot fathom this thing

i am.And when i ever do, ever will, ever even can,i will never, ever

be able to tell another.So right now, this moment,THIS Moment,i just

want to spill into each Heart, each listening Heart who hears

this,who hears THIS -This Water falling from Light fallingfrom Light

falling...i Am Light Falling everywhere,Everywhere as

Everyone,Lighting everything as This,This That We Are Now.~Mazie

He said to them, 'You examine the face of the heaven and earth,

but you have not come to know the One who is in your presence,

and you do not know how to examine the present moment.'

~Gospel of Thomas, saying 91

God, we are such drunkards!You told me"There is either Love or

Fear."So simple --expansion and contraction.Everything at its

extremeturns into its opposite.Great Fear inevitably reveals itself

as Love, butwe share a fondness for theWitness Position, thuswe can

feel differently about sushi, for example.You are my Love.My greatest

fear would be thatI could ever lose You.Because I know You,I am not

afraid –I am You.The fact that neither of ushas a clue is no

coincidence.You have revealed Yourself as Love Itself.For this reason

alone,I am not afraid.Without reason, I'mreally not afraid.I can never

fear again.To imagine I did is frightening!Beyond the extremes ofLove

and Fear,we have developed the uncommon andcurious "Open-Bowled Head"

syndrome.That Lamp Post is not there by accident!As this progresses, I

find myselfwondering occasionallymyself

wonderingoccasionallywondering:This Bliss –how do you maintain the

minimalfundamental center of gravity, evenwhile swept away

indescribably ecstatic,a whale song flung across time/space

matrixpiercing hearts never known -- never to know -- butspun your

own self appearing simultaneously in everywhale planet realm both

material, subtle, causal, so on, and on,(It never ends. It never

ends...................................)and at the threshold of a

5-poimted Star drawing you inexorably toimmersion in the Bliss of

What You Are without any limitation,boundary, season, reason, and

yetyou can still say, with the utmost compassionate

heart-brokensigh:"Isn't it so?Isn't it?"~b

I AM is our Own Country, where the only foreigners are thosewho may

imagine there is any place but Home.Beloved, Beloved! i am breaking

up!Scattered Light is becoming coalesced.The brunt of this Storm,

this Lightening Strike,It's striking Home. And Home,that's where we

live in the Heart.It's crunching lifetrons of atoms out of Time,

immaculately small particles of Lightare crushing inward.Imploding as

Bliss.Bliss is my Breathingfrom Your mouth each night.Bliss is my

Kissingfully present, Your mouth each night.Bliss is this moment when

i say this to You.Bliss is This,This that You feel when i say,when i

say -i have always Loved You.Only You.There is no other.And i mean

this as deeplyas the teachings of Sri Ramanaclarify who we are.The

Self.The Self that Loves ItSelfForever. Loves as OneHeart.Beloved, i

Know only This -Thou and i are One.We are every Deity.We are every

Moment as Now.We AreOm Namah Shivaya.Om Namah Shivaya.


His disciples said to him,

'When will the resurrection of the dead take place,

and when will the new world come?'

He said to them,

'What you are looking forward to has come, but you don't know it.'"

One not bound by time/space perceptions

sought to liberate humanity,

bringing us to the Timeless state of being.

~Thomas, saying 51

With every blade of 'seems like happy' grassweaving along the

wonderful earth,in that 'greenery-glad of being the essence,'of grass

blades who think like grass blades,stones and pebbles pebbling

alongsidethe stone-tumbling stones,rolling along, really revolving

along,and see, Ultramarine Seawaves,See the Sea of Serenity, first

sightof the Shore to Freedom,the shoreline with no landmass,and the

land that lines up alongside,lulling Sea and shoreless shores,and see

the the Sun of Serenity,Sunbursts of Souls who learnedto soar as One

so long ago,so long ago we sailed the seven seasand sought out

Something,Something like the Tropicsand the Love of life and

animals,Cannibals perhaps orsome just sultry, simple actiondone by a

simple warrior,or hunter, or servant to the kill and that,Who will

say the way of whatBeloved wants of you and i, for i,i held you in my

arms and watched you die,watched you bleed,saw you slip into the

sunrise,bleeding such Grandeur, all Grace!Oh Grace You Faceless

Face,You Nameless Trace,You Kalified killer,i still take you in my

armsand soak into your dying moment,vowed forever to find you,to

flood the world with tears to find you,and flipped the wrist againand

found ourselves in some Germanic garb,such a silly, lovley willow

woman,wooed you, won you, wed you,and what bright arts of Lovewith

Only Love as the Beloved was born!The vow renewed, the promise

carvedinside the Heart of one another,such a calligraphic cresting,a

curvature of soul bending surrender,and the Suchness of saying,"Say I

Am You," saying it and KNOWING IT!So here we are and all around we

arethe harlot and the Christed One,one moment i, Thou, the

Christed,so annointed with Light it devastates,and turning just a

blink the faceof Grace's taking turns to i-shine,Madonna-Jesus is the

Mary is theJudas is the Caiaphas is the Barabbas,and so around the

lots of allotted plotswe unfold, but thou and i,the Rightness of this

Moment intensifiesinto a point-bright pinnacle,an apex of energy of

Shakti-Lalla-malasbeing fingered for God's Mouth,Mouthing and reeling

into Oblivion'sgated caveways and byways, i fall,falling deeper into

Union and recommunionand we are forever OneHeart,beatbeatbeat,

beatbeatbeat, beat beatbeat,beat beatbeat, beatbe, beatbeBaby we got

the World whirlingaround Our Mystery and flinging miracles,tossing

out visions like rabbits in a hat,a Cosmic TopHat of JoyGlow,and we

the sticks waving for everyoneto come on in and see the

Beloved,neverneverland is that loss of any caringabout anything but

Beloved,and wonderment at really caring allat once with "eh, so what,

and eh,Eh eh my God, my God, my Glorious Godifiedcodified becoming You

and Me,bullish brunderment is not wonderment,not being sundered yet

and THAT,That is the Way to somebody's Garden Party,a Good Affair to

Remember,an all-out shin-digging digging up the deadand sitting them

at tables,talking them out of thinking like a stiff,like an uptight

bore, and so,we bid adieu to You and Youfor this is the final lift

into Beloved,The Beautfiul Beloved One is liftingthe glass to toast

this Love,the Sea returns again, the green grass beginsto grassify

again, gratifyand this is the Hour of Attunementand Attainment,

attainment of Nothingand contained in That is that whatcannot be

contained, explained,not on this or that sweet bippydid ya ever hear

such a storyboard!


His disciples said to him,

'Twenty-four prophets have spoken in Israel,

and they all spoke of you.' He said to them,

'You have disregarded the Living One who is in your presence,

and have spoken of the dead.'"

On the surface, the disciples are paying Jesus a very nice complement,

saying that prophets of the past prophesied about his coming,

AND YET his reply is close to a saying in the gospels:

"Let the dead bury the dead!"

He students were being distracted by their nostalgia

over past dead prophets and theories or speculations

about prophecies being 'fulfilled,

' instead of focusing upon the Living One

who was in their presence at that very moment. Why be given to

speculations when the Master is in the house?

~Thomas, saying 52

When this river of Joy flows into ItSelf diving into Its Sea of

Being,when this Sea of Being disappearsinto Its Ocean-Heart

Rising,Sinking into just this moment,Jagrat-Sushupti, total Blissas

an ordinary human being,Being.Being in Harmony,this Harmony

everywhere,with everything.Being This Harmonyin everything -Turiya,

the supreme reality...... awakening from the dream of me,from every

story implying a me,a world, a being, a harmony orlack thereof

--Turiya,a paper airplanesoaring out an office windowsomewhere

downtown in Manhattan,sails across the river, over New Jersey,curves

around the beltway of D.C.,along the Mississippi, the

Colorado,circles Shasta, breezes through a doorway inMartinez, while

we were out gazing at lamp posts,and returning home we find and open

it to read:"All that can be seen is nothing but a dream;and even when

we think ourselves awake,we have only wakened in a dream."

Mazie & b

Peace be with you. Receive my peace to yourselves. Beware that no one

lead you astray, saying, 'Lo here!' or 'Lo there!' For the Son of Man

is within you. Follow after him. Those who seek him will find

him.~Jesus, Coptic Gospel of Mary, "The Nag Hammadi Library In

English," James M. Robinson

I awakened one morning and walked out into the Starield of my Self.and

saw nothing but You, You in every Floral Fountain,

every seedy face. We breathed Your Colors,

we sang Your Mysteries in all our own petaldom. So much Joy surrounding, abounding,

we become a sky of birdflowers flying across the reflection

held in Your Pupiled-Void of All-Seeing. This love, this life, this longing,

You inscribed in me when I was cut from Your Cosmic Form

and You emptied me out for You, for Your Breath to begin the music

struck into my being

at Your slightest Sigh.


If those who teach you say to you,

'Look, the Kingdom of the Father is in the sky,'

then the birds of the sky will get there before you do.

If they say to you, 'It is under the sea,' then the fish will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is inside you and outside you.

You who know yourselves will realize this.

And when you know yourselves,

you will comprehend that you are children of the Living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves,

you live in poverty, and you are poverty.'

~Greek Thomas, saying 3

nothing sacred or profane,nothing greater or smaller,nothing known or

anonymous,nothing happy or sad,nothing good or bad,nothing moving or

at rest,nothing light or dark,nothing before or after,nothing wanted

or resisted,nothing saved or loosed,nothing blessed or cursed,nothing

far or near,nothing hard or soft,nothing hot or cold,nothing given or

taken,nothing lost or found,nothing wet or dry,nothing speaking or

silent,nothing real or unreal,nothing profound or shallow,nothing

caused or uncaused,nothing formed or formless,nothing right or

wrong,nothing at peace or war,nothing to cling to,nothing to

abhor,nothing united,nothing divided,nothing ended,nothing

begun,nowhere to run to,no one to run.As surely as this sighmakes

mystery, betweenthe out-breath and the in,we are that mingled moaning

every starfield whirls within.~Mazie

If we think heaven is a physical time/space place "up" in the sky,

then the birds are, after all, closer to it! If we know ourselves,

we'll make new discoveries -- realize our soul and God. We will come

to know our true identity as soul or spirit. We will discover that

God is our Father, and that, therefore, we are His children. We

aren't going to "become" that in "the future" -- we ARE

that.Contemplate the Living One as long as you live,

otherwise you might die and then seek to see Him

and be unable to do so.

~Saying 59, Gospel of ThomasBe still and know that I AM God.

~Psalm 46:10

When the mind is perfectly silenced... the final truth can be realised.~Ramana Maharshi

Give ear; withdraw your souls from all that appears but is not truly real;

close these eyes if yours, close your ears,

withdraw from actions that are outwardly seen;

and you shall know the reality of Christ

and the whole secret of your salvation. ~Peter, The Acts of Peter, The Other Bible, Willis Barnstone

you hear me open and close the door.from out of nowhere we seem to

appearbefore each other, always ready, remembering the steps we could

never forget -- the steps about forgetting andremembering.it is so

easy, this music moving me towards you,you towards me.later, you hear

me open and close the door.for a long time after you gaze out a

window, listeningto the music that never ends.~b

If the soul is to see God, then it must see no temporal thing,

for as long as the soul is conscious

of time or space or of an idea,

it cannot know God.

~Meister Eckhart

sea and the seer unseen

someone is not upstream -

slipstream of consciousness

like a Zen Garden


Buddha raking the Heart

Koi leap from Nowhere

landing fully happy

the plum tree is home

~MazieI am a Voice speaking softly.I exist from the first.I dwell

within the silence...I am the real Voice. I cry out in everyone....I

revealed myself ... among those who recognize me. ~Trimorphic

Protennoia, Nag Hammadi Library

this appearance of beingbuffeted about like a breeze,like some crazy

unkempt,uncontrolled, windy freshness flowing,it's all just that,an

appearance of even moving at all,of speaking at all,of being heard by

anyone at all,the ever never at allthat never can be Alluntil it

ceases seeking this Alland thinking it is NOTalready the ALL in

All.Thinking! Cannot THINK this Allinto the All of Its All!Wow! What

a word-haul that was!Words humping each other,words bumping each

other,words fronting the building,that's all. A mere facade of

God,that's all this is. Really.A freak-show of something that says,

boldlysays it knows God! God! what,Oh! God! What beautiful

Love-freaks are lined up in here!The appearance of presenting a

circus act of One for You,oh gosh! it is so clevernever getting the

weather right!We rain such clowns aroundyour tented-up, your

pented-up,your panted-up, got a get a leg upand piss it all away,

that want of UP.Yeah, yeah, yeah, there it goes again,that

blasphemous MOUTH!Sweet Blasphemy, that's ME!Go get a fix now of this

Now,of this Only Now.Sweeten up your Kisses,and Kiss,Soul-Kiss this

Moment,Momentize, Now-alize, Realize, no, Romanticize,just Kiss the

Face off God and Smile from THAT!heee oh hee hee, ha aha AHA! Ah HA!

How 'bout IT?How 'bout THAT?!..... Gone to Gonnerhoodback again,

wherever mind stops Love begins.~Mazie

There is a speaking of God in the core of the soul

where no creature can enter or speak,

for only God lives there and only He speaks.

God speaks there when the soul puts aside all that is created,

when she silences her powers and gains a vision

into the foundation of her pure essence.

In this pure and silent soul God the Father speaks

and she hears His Voice.

~The Book of the Poor in Spirit, by an anonymous Friend of God, German

MysticO my heart! the Supreme Spirit,the great Master, is near

you:wake, oh wake!Run to the feet of your Beloved: foryour Lord

stands near to yourhead.....Within this earthen vessel arebowers and

groves, and withinit is the Creator:Within this vessel are the seven

oceansand the unnumbered stars.The touch-stone and the

jewel-appraiser are within;And within this vessel the

Eternalsoundeth, and the spring wells up.Kabir says: 'Listen to me my

friend!My Beloved Lord is within.'


One morning

I went to a place beyond dawn,

a source of sweetness that always flows

and is never less.


I am resting;

A floating fluff seed

floating on dandelion breath

on the wet surface

of my Beloved's Wineglass.

Make me the mouth upon that glass,

the mouth upon that mouth

with wine drops falling in the kiss

into the Beloved's Mouth of Light.

I am a sacred, glowing vineyard

of singing grape clusters -

passionflower purpled

with Rumi's love murmerings,

the crisp, white,

sparkling with mirth

nectar of Hafiz.

Green earth cloaked, sky clad Lalla,

holding the new harvest within her Heart;

the streaming sunlight

within her glowing mouthings,

flutters out as moth

circling into the Flame of Fire;

the tender furl

of spring fingers clasped in prayer,

and the thousand singing vineyards of Bliss,

she suckles them

from her Spirit breast

of Compassion's moonlight.

I am floating;

A piece of driftwood

on the Sea of All Eternity,

etched with the movings

and motions of all planets,

and beings,

and angels,

and causes within the Cause.

A deathless saint stands

in every atom of me,

spilling the wine of the Mystery

across my Mouth of Longing,

longing to Kiss You.

Drown me in the Cask

of Your Oceanic Presence.

Press me into new wine,

a new wine from a new mystic.


The Lover, out of boundless love,

Takes the form of the Beloved.

What beauty!

Both are made of the same nectar

And share the same food.

Out of supreme love

They swallow up each other

But separate again

For the joy of being two.

They are not completely the same

But neither are they different.

No one can tell exactly what they are.

How intense is their longing

To be with each other.

This is their greatest bliss.

Never, not even in jest,

Do they allow their unity

To be disturbed.

They are so averse to separation

That even though they have become

This entire world,

Never for a moment do they let

A difference come between them

Even though they see

All that is animate & inanimate,

Arising from within themselves,

They never recognize a third.

They sit together in the same place,

Both wearing a garment of light.

>From the beginning of time

They have been together,

Reveling in their own Supreme Love.

They created a difference

To enjoy this world.

When that "difference"

Had one glimpse of their intimacy

It could not help but merge

Back into the bliss

Of their eternal union.

Without the God,

There is no Goddess,

And without the Goddess

There is no God.

How sweet is their love!

The entire universe is too small

To contain them,

Yet they live happily

In the tiniest particle.

The life of one

Is the life of the other,

And not even a blade of grass

Can grow without both of them.

Only these two live

In this house

Called the universe.

When either one is asleep

The other stays awake

And plays the part of both.

Should both of them awake,

The whole universe

Would vanish without a trace.

They become two

For the sake of divine play,

But in every moment

They seek to become one again.

Both of them see together,

Both of them are seen together.

They are happy only when together.

Shiva has become all forms:

Both dark & light,

Both male & female.

By the union of these two halves

The whole universe comes to be.

Two lutes make one note.

Two roses make one fragrance.

Two lamps make one light.

Two lips - one word.

Two eyes - one sight.

Shiva & Shakti - one universe.

Though appearing separate

They are forever joined,

Always eating from the same plate.

She is a chaste & devoted partner;

She cannot live without Her Lord.

And without Her,

The one who can do everything

Cannot even appear.

How can we distinguish

These two from each other?

He appears because of Her,

And she exists because of Him.

We cannot tell sugar

>From its sweetness

Nor camphor

>From its fragrance.

To capture light

We take hold of fire.

To capture the Supreme Shiva

We must take hold of Shakti.

Light illumines the Sun,

But the Sun itself

Creates that light.

The glorious Sun & its light

Are one & the same.

An object has a reflection:

When looking we see two images,

Yet there is only one thing.

Likewise, this world is a reflection

Of the Supreme Lord.

We may see two,

Yet only One exists.

Out of pure emptiness

She gives rise to the entire world.

Everything depends on Her.

Yet She exists only because

Of Her Lord.

Her form is the whole world,

It is the glory of God made manifest.

God Himself created Her form,

God Himself became that form.

Seeing Herself beautifully adorned,

She could not bear that Her Lord

Might have less then Herself.

And so she adorned Him

With every name & form in the universe.

Merged in unity

There was nothing to do.

So Shakti, the bringer of good fortune,

Created this world for the sake of divine play.

She reveals Her Lord's splendor

By melting Herself & becoming everything;

And He glorifies Her,

By hiding Himself completely.

Out of His great love to see Her

He becomes the Seer of the universe.

If he could not watch Her play,

He would have no reason to exist.

To meet her call

He takes on the form

Of the whole universe;

Without Her He remains naked.

He is so mysterious & subtle,

That while apparent

He cannot be seen.

It is by Her grace alone

That He comes into being.

She awakens Her Lord,

And serves Him a feast

The size of the universe.

With great delight

He swallows up every dish

And also the one who serves Him.

While He is sleeping,

She gives birth to all that exists

And all that does not exist.

While She is sleeping

He has no form at all.


He is hidden,

And cannot be found without Her.

For they are mirrors,

Each revealing the other.

Embracing Her,

Shiva enjoys His own bliss.

Though all the joy

Of the world belongs to Him,

There is no joy without Her.

She is His very form,

But Her radiance comes from Him.

Blending into one,

They enjoy the nectar of their own union.

Shiva & Shakti are one,

Like air & the wind,

Like gold & its luster.

Shiva & Shakti cannot be separated.

They are like musk & its fragrance,

Like fire & its heat.

In the light of the Sun

There is no difference between day & night

In the Light of the Supreme Truth

There is no difference between Shiva & Shakti.

Shiva and Shakti envy the Primordial Sound "Om"

because they are seen as two

while the sound Om is always regarded as one.

Jnanadeva says,

"I honor the union of Shiva and Shakti,

who devour this world of name and form

like a sweet dish.

All that remains is the One."

Embracing each other

they merge into One,

As darkness merges with the light

At the breaking of dawn.

When we discover their Unity,

All words and all thoughts

dissolve into silence,

Just as when the Universal Deluge comes,

the waters of the ocean, and those of the Ganges,

will merge into one.

The air and the wind

will merge into the endless sky;

The sun and its light

will merge into the Universal Fire.

With a true vision of them,

the seer and the seen

merge into one.

Again I honor

the two who are one.

They are like an ocean of knowledge.

And only those who throw themselves in can drink

of their waters.

I appear separate from them

just so I can honor them.

But that separation is not real,

it is only in name.

My praise is like that of a gold ornament

honoring the gold from which it is made.

When the tongue is used to pronounce the word "tongue,"

Is there any difference between the word

and the object meant by it?

One is called "ocean,"

the other is called "Ganges,"

and though these are different names,

Their waters are still the same.

The Sun can be seen,

but so can the objects it illumines.

Does this mean there are two Suns?

If moonlight shines on the surface of the Moon,

Or if the light of a lamp reveals the lamp,

can we claim that there is another?

The syllable "Om" is made up of the sounds A, U, and M,

does that mean it is divided?

The letter "N" is made up of three lines,

does that mean it is more than one?

When the luster of a pearl

shines upon its surface,

The pearl's beauty is only enhanced.

If one's bounty is not lessened,

and only profit is obtained,

Why should the ocean not enjoy its waves,

or a flower its own fragrance?

So I enjoy the worship of Shiva and Shakti,

though I am never separate from them.

A reflected image disappears

when the mirror is removed,

Ripples merge back into the water

when the wind becomes still.

When sleep comes to an end,

a man returns to his senses.

Now my individuality has come to an end,

and I have returned to Shiva and Shakti.

Salt gives up its salty taste

to become one with the ocean;

I give up my individual self

to become Shiva and Shakti.

When the covering is removed,

the air inside a plantain tree

merges with the air outside.

And this is how I honor Shiva and Shakti-

by removing all separation and

becoming one with them."

~ Jnaneshwar

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