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ShivAllahSita sutra 46

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As flowing waters disappear into the mistWe lose all track of their

passage. Every heart is its own Buddha.Ease off ... become

immortal.Wake up! The world's a mote of dust.Behold heaven's round

mirror. Turn loose! Slip past shape and shadow, Sit side by side with

nothing, save Tao.- Shih-shu, 1703 Stones and Trees; The Poetry of

Shih-ShuTranslation by James H. Sanford

Icicle winter stillness settles aroundthe small fire before me,turning

to ash even now.Once out, only a mysterious inner flameremains

aglowthis dark sky night –how soon it toorelinquishes itself to

vastness. What remains, remainswhat has always been,crystalline

stillness settling in a night of seasonless light.To get a sense of

this, consider how a single mote of dust became Cold Mountain, and

how the space that makes such possible is the same that occupies the

distance between your lonely thoughts.Standing still, you fill the

same space asCold Mountain, empty of form or distraction,abiding as

stillness, knowing nothing –just settling.



letter to Li Po


tonight my heart is an island full of small noises

my eyes are opened on a quiet window

and in my thoughts a restless swallow

is pecking at the bosom of my shadows.

i often long to be a vine clinging to a tree,

when i feel that i am set adrift among a crowd of strangers.

when loneliness edges close and walks straight into my chest

tearing and pulling at my heart, i sometimes hideinside a storm that gathers in the western hills.

i too, write an exiled letter to Li Po sincetonight i share a glass of

wine with the branches and the stars,

and my tears fall with his, beneath the winecup moon,

for everything we've lost, knowing that loss will never end.

"endless as silk, these poems for loves and for us

and "for the peach tree blooming in the ditch".

so here am i, a peach, in solitary fruiting.

my destined heart waits patiently under the shadow

of the circling wings of love,

like the surrendered hill waits spread beneath the hawk;

or a closed page is waiting to be read inside the book of changes.

when lovers dance the ancient dance,

each takes a turn at being heart, at being hawk,

at being unread page, and you my hawk, my heart,

my opened page, perilous as the wind,

and as my own heart is --i tremble under you

as the crocus trembles under snow, praying that i too,

can warm and grow.



Within the space of each moment

I step away from You to see Your Beauty.

Staggered by the sight of such Suchness,

towards You I rush back in.

Arms and Heart open wide,

I enter You and disappear

In Your Love.

One glinting glare of one hair on Your body, Beloved

And I am blinded by the Light of the Unlimited.

Night-blind and struck dumb by day,

I follow the Fragrance of Love

That trails after You like sweet memories

Of tuberose, lily and jasmine.

I once adorned Your head and feet with these.

Shiva offered Shakti His sceptor.

She took it and enclosed it in a Red Lotus.

Inside the Jasmine Garden they lie in,

Inside this sacred alter of Bliss,

We are awaked as OneHeart

With the sound of the Universal Aum

Dissolving in their Union,


Creation and dissolution.



:-)Tell me what to do.though i've no reason to,if i listen to youi'll

be doing it in ignorancelike preachingthe tenets of a bookas

trutheven though anyonewith eyes and a mindcould pick it upand

read.but if i listenthrough you,as you,the wordsof the unspoken

bookspring truefrom everythingwe doand don't,till the time comesthat

our doingsare done.and whateverthe currentexperiencethe best

teacherlike awarenessneeding no knowledgeto be its proof.~Tykal


This Rock Medicine is not a cure forthe imaginary ailment that

keepsthe preachers in business.It supports neither hope nor despair,

indulgesno notions of mistakenidentity, seeks no success and avoids

no failure.It's Rock Medicine, withnothing to recommend it.It is

neither a methodnor remedy.Because it is freely availableto all, it

is most common.Since its value is unknown,it is priceless.A treatment

of Rock Medicineaccomplishes nothing, incitesno transformation, stirs

nosecret power, confers noexultation. Thus, it istruly of no use -the

ultimate medicine of last resort.It has no grand master, nor

initiatedpractitioners, nor evangelizingproponents, and thus

remainsobscure to the meaning-makingmind of attraction and

aversion,affirmation and denial,need and satisfaction.With no image

to preserve,it will never becomefamous, admired, ordespised.It

belongs to nobody, norcan anything be added to itor subtracted from

it.It neither expands with timenor contracts with space.Preceding

history, ithas no precedent, and thus is ever new.Since it can

neither be learnednor forgotten, it is withoutany quality worthy

ofpraise or complaint.Beyond compare, it cannotbe described by simile

ormetaphor.Unnoticed in the commotion ofworldly affairs, it

willquietly do its job.Impartial to both thewise and the ignorant,it

leaves no trace behind.When it comes right down to it,what more could

one ask?~b


Like ribbons fluttering in the wind,Like prayer flags baffling in the

breeze,Like this infinite thread of bewildered AweStreaming through

consciousnessAs myriad forms and imbuancesKeeping balance by

being,Unconcerned with any outcome,Unperturbed by any

experience,Neither elated nor deflated,Neither pulling towards,

clinging or pushing away,Steady seeing, calmly breathing, being

stillIn the midst of everything appearing eternally,In total

abandonment to Silence, Heart Sighs.~Mazie


Today I was asked this beautiful question and wished share the walk we took together

The question was:

"This silence.... this moment....so precious...so beautiful. To keep

avoiding it and missing it seems so absurd.

Sandeep why?

What is so difficult about dropping this whole game and just being?"

If the whole game is dropped and you remain just being, soon you will

be tired of it, bored with it. The game has also it's

significance.It's whole significance is that it makes your being just


Without this game, this crowd, this noise, this marketplace your

temple will not have the beauty that it has. Life is a dialectic


In the night you see the whole sky full of stars.Do you think that in the day they hide anywhere?

They are still there but one needs the darkness of the night to see them.

The beauty of the stars is as much dependent on the beauty of the night as is vice-versa.

When I say Life is a dilaectic process I mean it exists between two

polarities and both polarities need each other.

The silence that you have experienced is beautiful but a greater truth

is reached when you also experience the beauty of the noise of the

market place.

Day and night, summer and winter, childhood and old age the beauty of each depends on the other.

The moment when you have seen the beauty of both, one has transcended both.

This transcendence is....... call it enlightenment, Truth, Nirvan

whatever, names do not matter much.

But we constantly wish to grasp one and avoid the other. In this

divison your "world" is created which you then assume to be real.

The very moment division is made, that very moment is the birth of a "world".

Existence is as it is, playful, dramatic.

It is not for questioning, it is for living intensely, joyfully

without bothering at all about what the meaning is or why we are


All these questions appear significant but really are stupid.

For there is nobody you can enquire to, no complaint office, no enquiry office.

We simply are.


Why do you Sandeep speak since you go on and on about silence?

I speak so that you can be silent

I do your chattering (can't you see my name)

you do my silence.

A simple bargain!

The whole day

I am sitting in silence

I also get tired

So sometimes I take revenge

You are chattering the whole day

Some time take revenge

be silent.



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