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On Tuesday we spent the day with Robert’s father, Emmet O’Hearn, at

St. Mary's hospital. This frail and beautiful being reminds me of

Stanley Kunitz, physically. The spruff of white hair, like a baby

bird in the nest might have, brought forth the most poignant

motherliness, a desire to spread my arms like wings and protect him

from the world which is even now quickly disappearing from his

outward gaze. He is turning inward and the senses are giving way to a

more powerful call from some inner Harmony entreating him to follow it

inside, into the Heart. Dear, Beloved Emmet is at the precipice to

Death, a voyage one must go into alone...

....the same voyage that brought him into this world to live and Love

and experience This, all of it as it is…and to know the profound

Mercy, the Utterly Inconceivable Grace offered in the human form, in

his human form as Emmet O’Hearn, father, friend, Beloved, husband and

more, the Absolute playing as Maya.

Holding hands at the Lovers Leap into the Vastness, the Abundance of

Nothing, That Which Cannot Be Said, Love, the Self, is embraced in

the Bliss of tasting the understanding of, "There is only One."

Luminious Darkness, Self-Induced Intoxication, this wandering

minstrel of the Mystery manifested as coalesced Light, creation’s own

particular Beloved called Emmet, now begins the disentanglement of the

knots of identification to the body, to the mind and all that arose

from it…Like a phoenix we rise from our own funeral ashes, being

already burst into flaming spirit essence and are reborn, re-adored

as what Adoration Itself planned in pre-existence – to be Sabu,

played with, by and as God. Absolute and Maya are not different.

Allah and Emmet are not different. Beautiful, Beautiful

Heart-breaking Love! OneHeart in cosmic exploration of itSelf…Tuesday

in San Francisco the Beloved One touched His Own Heart when the last

thing I saw before I walked out of the hospital room was Robert’s

Darling father smiling, smiling like God, like Christ-Light breaking

through and saying, "Beloved children, I Love You always. I am with

You always."


Sometimes I forget completely what companionship is.

Unconscious and insane, I spill sad energy everywhere.

My story gets told in various ways:

A romance, a dirty joke, a war, a vacancy.

Divide up my forgetfulness to any number, it will go around.

These dark suggestions that I follow, are they part of some plan?

Friends, be careful. Don't come near me out of curiosity, or sympathy.

~Coleman Barks - Rumi



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, "Mazie Lane" <sraddha54@h...>



Re: Tuesday






This curiosity,

although distracted by belief,

has never been about belief but


This is why I wave

Good-bye to believing –

simple curiosity about

what remains when

past beliefs give way to

what's beyond them.


It's the only thing I am at all

curious about --

perhaps in the same way

the butterfly,

emerging from its cocoon, is

curious in its new

Winged-ness --

the lure of the sudden swelling

breeze, the pulsing urge of

life for life

that will not,

cannot be denied.


Being lifts off from a branch,

discards the dry cocoon of

past, and in a flight of

breathless sighs,

heartbreaks through

the startled skies!








We are born and then we die –

how few wake up in time to

taste what's in-between!


I have crossed the thin

red line of my own blood

to be here,

to break upon this sky of

shocking, flashing light, now

fleshed out as this moment I am,

pouring light, streaming down to

lift the forms of light I am into a

lightlessness so vast, and yet so

particular in the precision of

its forming and informing one

singular beauty, a beauty

moment by moment

relinquished in the good death,

this dying into life, drawn by the magnet

of my own light, loving, lifted out of

lost or found, words and what they

don't say, can't say,

still saying,

over and over and over –

Yes! Yes! Yes!


This light is that kind of poison,

elegantly trickled into a dead man's

mouth, and as this dusty corpse

rises, yawns and exhales billowing

yellow marigold light, eyes become

rivers, drowning visions upon visions

within one fixed pupil, the other

shimmering bright with glory ray,

spiraling, swirling into dancing

desire, drunk deep of desire,

desire poised for imminent

immolation on the pyre of itself,

suddenly bursting into the hungry

flames of what it came here for,

a something somehow sliding into

itself, vastness impregnating

itself with its own light,

nothing more, not even










The eels in these Cold

Mountain streams are slippery.

Even if I imagine

I've finally got my hands around one,

it will always slip away.

Like me,

they like to play.

Light likes to play

Hide & Seek with


Don't ask me why.

I don't know.

Believing so is

another eel.

Let the eels play.

Relax and rest back

against a tree.

Any tree here on Cold Mountain

will do just fine.

Light has its own way

with each.

Each grows its own way

towards the light,

never for an instant

divided from its source.









Before the approaching blizzard,

snow white clouds are ranging excitedly over

immaculate blue sky along the ridge

above my mountain hut, and

my heart is running right

along with them.


Surrounded by snow, with

more snow coming, yet

not a flake refused --

this heart is running

through the sky,

side by side

white clouds.









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